View Full Version : Robin Lopez’s Game 3 Offensive Outburst Is No Aberration

05-24-2010, 06:04 PM
Robin Lopez’s Game 3 Offensive Outburst Is No Aberration (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=tsn-robinlopezsgameoffen)

During last night’s game in Phoenix, the Twitterverse (and the TV commentators, but who cares about old media like that?) exploded with people shocked reactions at the sterling offensive performance of Robin Lopez, who scored 20 points on 8-of-10 shooting with a vast array of offensive moves. Chris Mannix had a representative tweet (http://twitter.com/ChrisMannixSI/status/14597020884):

I’ve seen Brook Lopez play like this a lot in Jersey. Never seen Robin do it until tonight.

This is true, in a way, considering that Brook is a more polished post player than his twin brother and ultimately more consistently produces for New Jersey than Robin does for Phoenix. Yet while Robin has always been considered the more defensive-minded Lopez twin, offensive performances like last night have always been a part of his repertoire.

The Lopezes’ two years at Stanford coincided with my final two years at the school, and I managed to watch every single one of their games for the team. I consider myself intimately familiar with both player’s games. Brook has always been a more effective offensive player, but his post moves and skills are actually remarkably simple, typically involving basic jump hooks. Robin, on the other hand, plays like someone who’s lived his entire life in the shadow of a brother who’s always scored more, relying on a multitude of spin moves and complicated face-up moves, even occasionally shooting and making threes from the top of the key. Those moves aren’t always successful, but they are impressive in their variety and the skill required to pull them off.

Take, for instance, this game-winning shot (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A3tLEr18C8) from Robin’s sophomore year at Stanford. It’s a thoroughly ridiculous play—Lopez gets it on the wing (?), fakes a three (??), spins about 18 feet from the basket (???), and completes a runner from outside his typical shooting range (????). While it might not have been the best idea in the world, he made it all work. It is something that he is capable of doing.

The transition to the NBA was not always easy for Lopez, yet the flashes have been there. Seth Pollack of Bright Side of the Sun has told me about the moment he became a Robin Lopez fan, a spin move he made during his first summer league that only a few post players in the league can consistently make. Robin might have been drafted to supply defensive toughness for the Suns, but his offensive skill is a real and exciting part of his game.

I don’t mean to suggest that Lopez will become a 20-10 player or ever approach the scoring averages of his brother. But you should not be surprised by regular offensive outbursts like the one he produced last night, because that’s just who he is. The Suns have a heck of a developing big man on their roster, and it’s best that people recognize it soon.

05-24-2010, 06:48 PM
"Robin Lopez’s Game 3 Offensive Outburst Is No Aberration"

Neither was the elbow to Fisher's head! :lmao

DJ Mbenga
05-24-2010, 06:53 PM
maybe getting 12 points a game is fine but 20 points on that great of shooting is an anomaly