View Full Version : Should All Western Conference Fans Root For The Lakers in the Finals

05-31-2010, 10:21 AM
Absolutely YES... If your favorite Western Conference team loss to us, didn't make the playoffs or face us we are still representing you and your cities and fans in the finals. I think it would be disrespectful and pretty unAmerican if you didn't root for L.A....Like Alvin Gentry said the Lakers are representing the West now and you guys should have out back. We should be a happy family now that all the Western Conference scores are settled. When all other civil things break down normal people tend to go with those on their side and make no mistake the Lakers are now on your side.

If you disagree with me fine but I think you should reconsider...I will stop the insults if you do so.... and agree to jump on our side as we fight the ultimate battle...and yes for the record I always root for the Western teams...so I'm not being hypocritical...:toast I'm looking for a Lakers Sweep...so it would only be 4 games worst case 7 so it shouldn't be long that you root for us and the good part is you don't even have to tell anyone if it bothers you that much...I just want to know that we all have something in common at the end of the day....:toast

05-31-2010, 10:22 AM
I wanted the Lakers to win ever since the Spurs got swept.

05-31-2010, 10:24 AM
Also, Lakers = lesser of two evils

05-31-2010, 10:25 AM
It was free country till Hussein Obama became POTUS, but, I believe one can still root for one's fave regardless of region.

05-31-2010, 10:28 AM
I wanted the Lakers to win ever since the Spurs got swept.

brilliant revenge idea...but still that's what I'm talking about..once upon a time Laker fans respected the Spurs....we are in power now and in the drivers seat so it's time to respect our club even if you don't like the Laker Nation fans...especially cold blooded ones like me...

05-31-2010, 10:29 AM
It was free country till Hussein Obama became POTUS, but, I believe one can still root for one's fave regardless of region.

....and that's one hell of a FLOTUS he's got also cully...:p:

05-31-2010, 10:29 AM






05-31-2010, 10:31 AM
I'll root for every Western Conference team who beats Phoenix except the Lakers.

05-31-2010, 10:34 AM
It was free country till Hussein Obama became POTUS, but, I believe one can still root for one's fave regardless of region.

BINGO...exactly right...and Obama...no more free rides for whitey...he has his whip in hand for all the haters.:lol.no more hiding under whitey...He's the new sheriff in town....I bet McCain is dying over there...in his KKK circles he's going nuts he will forever be known as the first whitey that lost to the Nigga...:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:l mao....

It's immortalized in pictures...gotta love it...

05-31-2010, 10:35 AM
I like the Lakers. I don't like the Celtics.

Has nothing to do with conference solidarity.

05-31-2010, 10:36 AM
BINGO...exactly right...and Obama...no more free rides for whitey...he has his whip in hand for all the haters.:lol.no more hiding under whitey...He's the new sheriff in town....I bet McCain is dying over there...in his KKK circles he's going nuts he will forever be known as the first whitey that lost to the Nigga...:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:l mao....

It's immortalized in pictures...gotta love it...

When you say "I'm paid" that means you're enjoying all the nice welfare Obama is handing out, right?

05-31-2010, 10:37 AM
Ill be rooting for ron ron!!!

05-31-2010, 10:39 AM
I like the Lakers. I don't like the Celtics.

Has nothing to do with conference solidarity.

if you're in a difference conference I can respect that too...I know it is hard rooting for the Celtics...they are the thugs of the NBA...Jamstone even if you despise Koolaid Man and have cursed me out in the past or even today I think you are level headed and alright...

05-31-2010, 10:39 AM
BINGO...exactly right...and Obama...no more free rides for whitey...he has his whip in hand for all the haters.:lol.no more hiding under whitey...He's the new sheriff in town....I bet McCain is dying over there...in his KKK circles he's going nuts he will forever be known as the first whitey that lost to the Nigga...:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:l mao....

It's immortalized in pictures...gotta love it...

I know you're borderline illiterate, but try reading the news once in awhile:

Obama softens stance on Wall Street bonuses

US president says leading bankers are 'very savvy' and says having wealth is 'part of the free-market system'


05-31-2010, 10:44 AM
When you say "I'm paid" that means you're enjoying all the nice welfare Obama is handing out, right?

did I get a rise out you? a little more than the banner you keep plastering all over the forum...maybe foodstamps and welfair checks is the life of Koolaid Man....or maybe it's something else....:blah:blah:blah wouldn't you like to know....:ihit:ihit:ihit:ihit...Geez I hate it when people figure me out...Koolaid Man = Obama's welfair....:ihit:ihit:ihit

05-31-2010, 10:44 AM
if you're in a difference conference I can respect that too...I know it is hard rooting for the Celtics...they are the thugs of the NBA...Jamstone even if you despise Koolaid Man and have cursed me out in the past or even today I think you are level headed and alright...

I can't remember for sure, but I don't think I've ever even responded to any of your posts much less cursed you out. No offense, but I generally don't even pay attention to your posts or threads.

I've liked the Lakers for longer than a lot of Laker fans. I grew up a big Magic Johnson fan. I was torn in the 1988 and 1989 NBA Finals, but of course sided with my hometeam. I lived in Los Angeles for two years during the Shaq-Kobe championship years. It's not a tough decision for me on who to root for in these Finals.

Paul Pierce annoys me. KG annoys me. Tony Allen annoys me. At least they got rid of Eddie House. But it's just not easy to like some of the Celtics players. They're obnoxious d-bags. I respect Ray Allen and I like Rajon Rondo and I think Baby is hilarious, but it's not enough for me to like that team.

05-31-2010, 10:49 AM
Mute point because there's no way they beat the Celtics

05-31-2010, 10:52 AM
.......then they'll get precisely what they deserve. But, if it goes the other way, Kobe appears in the heights with MJ.

And that's just the way it's gonna be.

05-31-2010, 10:53 AM
Agree unless the team to root for is your hated rival. Yankee fans don't root for the Red Sox, Cardinal fans don't root for the Cubs, Cowboy fans don't root for the Skins. To name a few.

05-31-2010, 10:53 AM
did I get a rise out you? a little more than the banner you keep plastering all over the forum...maybe foodstamps and welfair checks is the life of Koolaid Man....or maybe it's something else....:blah:blah:blah wouldn't you like to know....:ihit:ihit:ihit:ihit...Geez I hate it when people figure me out...Koolaid Man = Obama's welfair....:ihit:ihit:ihit

Bet that was a difficult time in your life, going through a divorce at 19, having to raise a kid as a single parent. 10 years just flew by, didn't it? How many freaky jams have you written since?

05-31-2010, 11:00 AM
I know you're borderline illiterate, but try reading the news once in awhile:

Obama softens stance on Wall Street bonuses

US president says leading bankers are 'very savvy' and says having wealth is 'part of the free-market system'


what say it ain't so....:lmao:lmao:lmao....ahhh the bonuses....you guys are too insensitive to moral truth (aka stupid) to realize it was all a shell game...Obama wasn't "really" concerned with the bonuses..those are not what caused the financial markets to meltdown...just go ask Bush what caused it....those bonuses were an issue for 2 reasons....1.) if your company received money from the govn't in the form of a bailout then the govn't should have the right to regulate executive payouts and 2.) if you're company didn't receive money from the govn't but was somehow connected to the financial markets collapse then it looks irresponsible to most American's who don't understand how wealth is created to be handing out that kind of cash to CEO's...it was designed to soften the blow to uneducated and mentally challenged people like yourself...All he was doing was showing that he cares for ordinary "mainstreet" people as he says...What else did you expect him to say...The dude is a constitutional scholar...yes and like myself very bright indeed...I guess I need to tell you like I told BRHornet...maybe you shouldn't be chasing me around this board trying to debate me...it doesn't appear you are bright enough to challenge me let alone on politics referencing an article to disparage Barrack Hussein is in and of itself a mental bailout on your part...When you're ready to be a man and challenge based on your personal intellect then get back at me until then CYANORA....:blah and by the way leading bankers are very savvy how do you think they do what they do...you need to educate yourself or simply learn how to read between the lines...you have a ton of work to do on yourself...now scram and get busy...

05-31-2010, 11:20 AM
what say it ain't so....:lmao:lmao:lmao....ahhh the bonuses....you guys are too insensitive to moral truth (aka stupid) to realize it was all a shell game...Obama wasn't "really" concerned with the bonuses..those are not what caused the financial markets to meltdown...just go ask Bush what caused it....those bonuses were an issue for 2 reasons....1.) if your company received money from the govn't in the form of a bailout then the govn't should have the right to regulate executive payouts and 2.) if you're company didn't receive money from the govn't but was somehow connected to the financial markets collapse then it looks irresponsible to most American's who don't understand how wealth is created to be handing out that kind of cash to CEO's...it was designed to soften the blow to uneducated and mentally challenged people like yourself...All he was doing was showing that he cares for ordinary "mainstreet" people as he says...What else did you expect him to say...The dude is a constitutional scholar...yes and like myself very bright indeed...I guess I need to tell you like I told BRHornet...maybe you shouldn't be chasing me around this board trying to debate me...it doesn't appear you are bright enough to challenge me let alone on politics referencing an article to disparage Barrack Hussein is in and of itself a mental bailout on your part...When you're ready to be a man and challenge based on your personal intellect then get back at me until then CYANORA....:blah and by the way leading bankers are very savvy how do you think they do what they do...you need to educate yourself or simply learn how to read between the lines...you have a ton of work to do on yourself...now scram and get busy...

Try using paragraphs next time, it'll make that garbled mess you just stammered out a little bit more readable.

Where did I claim anywhere that bonuses caused the financial crises?

Anyhow, you just proved yourself to be the illiterate fuckwit I knew you were. The rant you "wrote" above just clarifies the point I was alluding to. You claim now that Obama is in office, there's no more "free rides for whitey," which obviously alludes to his campaign "promises" of putting mainstreet before Wall Street and cracking down on corporate corruption. But then you go on to admit that Obama wasn't really concerned about that in the first place, saying it was simply a part of his campaign strategy to "soften the blow."

So thanks for admitting that your hero is not really a "man of the people" like you so proudly proclaim and just another lackey politician in the pockets of big business and the banking industry, not to mention defense contractors.

baseline bum
05-31-2010, 11:22 AM
I don't care a lot who wins it; I just want to see a long and physical series and maybe even another wheelchair sighting.

05-31-2010, 11:28 AM
Try using paragraphs next time, it'll make that garbled mess you just stammered out a little bit more readable.

Where did I claim anywhere that bonuses caused the financial crises?

Anyhow, you just proved yourself to be the illiterate fuckwit I knew you were. The rant you "wrote" above just clarifies the point I was alluding to. You claim now that Obama is in office, there's no more "free rides for whitey," which obviously alludes to his campaign "promises" of putting mainstreet before Wall Street and cracking down on corporate corruption. But then you go on to admit that Obama wasn't really concerned about that in the first place, saying it was simply a part of his campaign strategy to "soften the blow."

So thanks for admitting that your hero is not really a "man of the people" like you so proudly proclaim and just another lackey politician in the pockets of big business and the banking industry, not to mention defense contractors.

OMG...what a thorough idiot...Let me repeat and I'm done with the subject...The Bonuses sir did not cause the Financial Markets to collapse....the bonuses are nothing but a side story...You are dumber than I thought...I'm done with it...:sleep

05-31-2010, 11:32 AM


05-31-2010, 11:37 AM
ive always rooted for the Spurs when they reached the Finals.

05-31-2010, 11:38 AM
OMG...what a thorough idiot...Let me repeat and I'm done with the subject...The Bonuses sir did not cause the Financial Markets to collapse....the bonuses are nothing but a side story...You are dumber than I thought...I'm done with it...:sleep

Smart move. You were getting crushed due to your illiteracy.

Didn't I just clarify that I never claimed the bonuses caused the financial crisis? Yet you go implying that I did. Where did I say that?

Seriously, do you know how to fuckin' read?

Simply put, you stated "no more free rides for whitey." I responded that whitey is indeed still getting free rides in the form of outrageous bonuses that Obama, who was a pre-election critic of, has now "softened his stance on." Even the "whiteys" in Europe are uncomfortable with the amount these executives are getting paid, as would be any sensible stock holder. But in your mind, overpaying executives when it doesn't make sense to from a profit standpoint is "how wealth is created."

Koolaid_Man: if you're company didn't receive money from the govn't but was somehow connected to the financial markets collapse then it looks irresponsible to most American's who don't understand how wealth is created to be handing out that kind of cash to CEO's...it was designed to soften the blow to uneducated and mentally challenged people like yourself...All he was doing was showing that he cares for ordinary "mainstreet" people as he says...What else did you expect him to say. :lmao

Whitey is still getting that free ride even though a "nigga" is in office.

Don't come at me again unless you can keep up.

05-31-2010, 11:40 AM
The western conference is soft. I would rather see a team that's gone through the best the league has to offer win the title. So far the Celtics have taken out two title contenders in the Cavs and the Magic while the Lakers have taken on creampuff pretender teams. It's only fitting the Celtics complete their great run and take out the Lakers and have supreme bragging rights as beating the best of the best to win another NBA championship. And this is coming from a guy that can't stand Paul "neck snap" Pierce and Kevin Garnett.

05-31-2010, 11:45 AM
I just hope for some entertaining basketball. I really can't stand either the Lakers or the Celtics.

05-31-2010, 11:46 AM
We can root for the Lakers but that does not mean Boston is not going to own that ass and vise-versa.

silverblk mystix
05-31-2010, 11:48 AM
I will root for the lakers...

on the day that there is 100% peace on earth---no murders--no violence---no poverty---no evil---no hatred---nothing but love

05-31-2010, 11:51 AM
Try using paragraphs next time, it'll make that garbled mess you just stammered out a little bit more readable.

Where did I claim anywhere that bonuses caused the financial crises?

Anyhow, you just proved yourself to be the illiterate fuckwit I knew you were. The rant you "wrote" above just clarifies the point I was alluding to. You claim now that Obama is in office, there's no more "free rides for whitey," which obviously alludes to his campaign "promises" of putting mainstreet before Wall Street and cracking down on corporate corruption. But then you go on to admit that Obama wasn't really concerned about that in the first place, saying it was simply a part of his campaign strategy to "soften the blow."

So thanks for admitting that your hero is not really a "man of the people" like you so proudly proclaim and just another lackey politician in the pockets of big business and the banking industry, not to mention defense contractors.

21, I feel you, I too am not a Obama guy, HOWEVER,
I am not to sure about the defense contractors being in Obama's pocket. The Dems have historically been a party who don't like to spend much $$$ on military R & D. You ask any top brass military guy and they'll tell you they like it when GOP guys are running the show. More $$ for the military.

FYI....proceed. :tu

On that note; your either with us, or against us....Go Lakers!

05-31-2010, 12:00 PM
21, I feel you, I too am not a Obama guy, HOWEVER,
I am not to sure about the defense contractors being in Obama's pocket. The Dems have historically been a party who don't like to spend much $$$ on military R & D. You ask any top brass military guy and they'll tell you they like it when GOP guys are running the show. More $$ for the military.

FYI....proceed. :tu

On that note; your either with us, or against us....Go Lakers!

To clarify, I'm not a repug or democrap, but since the 50s, the Ds have been responsible for more foreign intervention via military action than any republican. Since Obama's been in office, he's increased the number of troops in Afghanistan and hasn't done much in ending the war in Iraq like he promised during his campaign. More troops means more guns, ammo, armor, etc, etc, manufactured by the likes of DuPont, Colt, KBR, etc.

05-31-2010, 12:03 PM
Pretty much agree w/ everything JS has said (concerning the Celts). Can't stand KG or Pierce, not a big fan of Perkins' constant Rampage-like scowl, and the thought of Fin winning a ring, riding BOS's coattails after all the immaturity he showed this season is nauseating.


05-31-2010, 12:04 PM
That, and I actually like Kobe.

05-31-2010, 12:06 PM
To clarify, I'm not a repug or democrap, but since the 50s, the Ds have been responsible for more foreign intervention via military action than any republican. Since Obama's been in office, he's increased the number of troops in Afghanistan and hasn't done much in ending the war in Iraq like he promised during his campaign. More troops means more guns, ammo, armor, etc, etc, manufactured by the likes of DuPont, Colt, KBR, etc.

Got ya

05-31-2010, 12:06 PM
:tu Good choice Barnaby Jones

05-31-2010, 12:09 PM
Pretty much agree w/ everything JS has said (concerning the Celts). Can't stand KG or Pierce, not a big fan of Perkins' constant Rampage-like scowl, and the thought of Fin winning a ring, riding BOS's coattails after all the immaturity he showed this season is nauseating.



Can I send you a limited edition Lakers "Got Rings" t-shirt? :tu

05-31-2010, 12:15 PM

Can I send you a limited edition Lakers "Got Rings" t-shirt? :tu


My game-watching will consist of maniacal cheers/jeers following each BOS fuck-up, with the occasional golf clap if Kobe does something inevitably spectacular.

Prolly doesn't warrant changing my colors, though. Thanks anyways...

05-31-2010, 12:17 PM
Also, as somebody mentioned in a separate thread, Kobe winning his fifth should invariably diminish Shaq's accomplishments, which does nothing but tickle my pickle.

05-31-2010, 12:19 PM
The western conference is soft. I would rather see a team that's gone through the best the league has to offer win the title. So far the Celtics have taken out two title contenders in the Cavs and the Magic while the Lakers have taken on creampuff pretender teams. It's only fitting the Celtics complete their great run and take out the Lakers and have supreme bragging rights as beating the best of the best to win another NBA championship. And this is coming from a guy that can't stand Paul "neck snap" Pierce and Kevin Garnett.

surprise surprise a bulls fan rooting for boston and trying to stay relevant...I'm sure Kobe surpassing Jordan in rings is no motivating factor for you...make no mistake dipshit....Kobe's stats may not be better than Jordan because he had to play with a ball dominant center named Shaq (something MJ never had to worry about) but Kobe will surpass that bad Hanes commercial shooting sellout MJ in titles when it's all said and done!!!

Kobe 7> MJ 6...is my final tally...

05-31-2010, 12:20 PM
Kobe 7> MJ 6..

The NBA Forum would shit itself

05-31-2010, 12:28 PM
The NBA Forum would shit itself

it already is...it's like a wet fart coming through...they can feel it but can't stop it....:lol:lol:lol...

05-31-2010, 12:34 PM
surprise surprise a bulls fan rooting for boston and trying to stay relevant...I'm sure Kobe surpassing Jordan in rings is no motivating factor for you...make no mistake dipshit....Kobe's stats may not be better than Jordan because he had to play with a ball dominant center named Shaq (something MJ never had to worry about) but Kobe will surpass that bad Hanes commercial shooting sellout MJ in titles when it's all said and done!!!

Kobe 7> MJ 6...is my final tally...

Stop getting all emotional you sissy :lol I don't give a shit about Kobe's stats or that he had to win titles as Shaq's lackey or any other bitch-made Jordan issues you're hung up on. Boston's competition and road to the Finals has been a hell of a lot more challenging and despite my hate for Pierce and KG I would rather see the team with the tougher road take the title. It's been that way since the 80's when the Lakers used to beat up on cupcake no-defense playing teams in the western conference while the Celtics had the tougher competition in the East. If Boston wins they've taken out the every favored title contender (Cleveland, Orlando, LA) in that run which is impressive. And on top of that they would never have home court in any of those series.

05-31-2010, 12:34 PM
It was free country till Hussein Obama became POTUS, but, I believe one can still root for one's fave regardless of region.


Cully, one of the few Laker fans bringing the rationality.

05-31-2010, 12:35 PM

My game-watching will consist of maniacal cheers/jeers following each BOS fuck-up, with the occasional golf clap if Kobe does something inevitably spectacular.

Prolly doesn't warrant changing my colors, though. Thanks anyways...

Oh, alright then. Just thought I'd ask.

05-31-2010, 12:40 PM
Stop getting all emotional you sissy :lol I don't give a shit about Kobe's stats or that he had to win titles as Shaq's lackey or any other bitch-made Jordan issues you're hung up on. Boston's competition and road to the Finals has been a hell of a lot more challenging and despite my hate for Pierce and KG I would rather see the team with the tougher road take the title. It's been that way since the 80's when the Lakers used to beat up on cupcake no-defense playing teams in the western conference while the Celtics had the tougher competition in the East. If Boston wins they've taken out the every favored title contender (Cleveland, Orlando, LA) in that run which is impressive.

..then explain how the Cup-cake tested Lakers whopped on the seasoned-we-played-hareder-teams Celts in the 80's.

There were some damn good teams in the 80's, including the Spurs, when the Lakers were trying to go through the west.

For playing cup-cake no defense teams in the 80's, getting 5 LOB's in that decade wasn't to shabby I guess.

05-31-2010, 12:44 PM
Stop getting all emotional you sissy :lol I don't give a shit about Kobe's stats or that he had to win titles as Shaq's lackey or any other bitch-made Jordan issues you're hung up on. Boston's competition and road to the Finals has been a hell of a lot more challenging and despite my hate for Pierce and KG I would rather see the team with the tougher road take the title. It's been that way since the 80's when the Lakers used to beat up on cupcake no-defense playing teams in the western conference while the Celtics had the tougher competition in the East. If Boston wins they've taken out the every favored title contender (Cleveland, Orlando, LA) in that run which is impressive. And on top of that they would never have home court in any of those series.

the teams they beat had no chance of beating LA in a 7 game series so again your point is...you are reaching...reaching for some bullshit justification for rooting for the Celtics...just like MJ didn't have any real consistent defenders guarding him like Kobe...Kobe's had way more specialized 1 on 1 and team defenders than Jordan did...Jordan didn't have to worry about stiff competition night in and night out like Kobe does...From Melo to Wade, to Lebron to all the other defensive specialists like Doug Christie, Bruce Bowen, Raja Bell, Shane Battier, Ron Artest, Rueben Patterson, and a host of others that are given the Kobe assignment...fact is your boy MJ had it way easier than Kobe ever did...WAY EASIER...not to add in Shaq's ball dominant ways...

05-31-2010, 12:46 PM
..then explain how the Cup-cake tested Lakers whopped on the seasoned-we-played-hareder-teams celts in the 80's.

Because the Lakers were better than the Celtics. But that doesn't mean they didn't play weaker competition in the West. L.A. had two WCF series against teams that were 41-41 and 39-43 while Boston was going up against the Dr J/Moses 76ers, the Sidney Moncrief Bucks and the Bad Boys.

Hell, those Bucks would've been the 2nd best team in the West behind the Lake Show.

05-31-2010, 12:49 PM
the teams they beat had no chance of beating LA in a 7 game series so again your point is...you are reaching...reaching for some bullshit justification for rooting for the Celtics...just like MJ didn't have any real consistent defenders guarding him like Kobe...Kobe's had way more specialized 1 on 1 and team defenders than Jordan did...Jordan didn't have to worry about stiff competition night in and night out like Kobe does...From Melo to Wade, to Lebron to all the other defensive specialists like Doug Christie, Bruce Bowen, Raja Bell, Shane Battier, Ron Artest, Rueben Patterson, and a host of others that are given the Kobe assignment...fact is your boy MJ had it way easier than Kobe ever did...WAY EASIER...not to add in Shaq's ball dominant ways...

Why are you so hung up on Jordan? What the fuck is the matter with you? :lol :lol Goddamn. Your rants amount to PLEASE LOVE MY KOBE!!

05-31-2010, 12:51 PM
I think I might be rooting for the Lakers.

05-31-2010, 12:53 PM
Why are you so hung up on Jordan? What the fuck is the matter with you? :lol :lol Goddamn. Your rants amount to PLEASE LOVE MY KOBE!!

just love putting you on blast...and the other advantage MJ had over Kobe is that MJ had the opportunity to play with a gay teammate in Scottie Pippen...( I read the article on the white boy Pippen was fucking in college) he dumped the guy after he realized he was going to the Pro's...but my point is that with Pippen being gay no one wanted to play defense on him so they just let him score...So MJ had that as an advantage as well....

05-31-2010, 12:53 PM
Because the Lakers were better than the Celtics. But that doesn't mean they didn't play weaker competition in the West. L.A. had two WCF series against teams that were 41-41 and 39-43 while Boston was going up against the Dr J/Moses 76ers, the Sidney Moncrief Bucks and the Bad Boys.

Hell, those Bucks would've been the 2nd best team in the West behind the Lake Show.

Seriously lol. Any honest NBA fan who was watching basketball in the 80's would tell you that 80's West = 2000-2003 East. The Celtics were in the superior conference. The Lakers were a stacked team in a weak conference. It was no doubt who was coming out of the west year after year.

05-31-2010, 12:58 PM
I'll be going for the Celtics. I've never understood the whole "root for your rival" shit.

05-31-2010, 01:00 PM
Lets see I live on the east coast so if the spurs don't make it to the finals then I always root for the eastern conference champs. I hate KG and Pierce they are both grade A assholes but at the same time I hate Kobe, Dfish "If they called flopping I would be out of the league", Odom- Kardashian, Bynum the great hype, Artest-2004, Gasol- whiner and verbal flopper. The Lakers are way too Hollywood for me to ever root for while I do like the celtics aggresive defense it reminds of what the spurs used to be before Pop's small ball obsession.

05-31-2010, 01:01 PM
just love putting you on blast...and the other advantage MJ had over Kobe is that MJ had the opportunity to play with a gay teammate in Scottie Pippen...( I read the article on the white boy Pippen was fucking in college) he dumped the guy after he realized he was going to the Pro's...but my point is that with Pippen being gay no one wanted to play defense on him so they just let him score...So MJ had that as an advantage as well....

Where do you get this shit from? :lol

05-31-2010, 01:04 PM
I'll be going for the Celtics. I've never understood the whole "root for your rival" shit.

lakers and spurs are Rivals? i guess.

05-31-2010, 01:07 PM
Stern + Kobe in 6

05-31-2010, 01:11 PM
Where do you get this shit from? :lol

you didn't know that Pippen was gay...I will find the article for you to the embarrassment of Bulls fans...

05-31-2010, 01:15 PM
you didn't know that Pippen was gay...I will find the article for you to the embarrassment of Bulls fans...

Yeah sure. And I bet you think the story about Obama doing cocaine and having gay sex in a limo is true as well :lol Dullards like you will believe anything.

05-31-2010, 01:17 PM
Yeah sure. And I bet you think the story about Obama doing cocaine and having gay sex in a limo is true as well :lol Dullards like you will believe anything.

what I'm firmly convinced of his Pippen's gayness...and you should be too...

05-31-2010, 01:19 PM
I will be rooting for the Lakers because I want that crazy streak of having either the Spurs or Lakers represent the West and of course, winning it all. Even though I fucking hate the Lakers, I will be rooting for the crown to stay in the West. Plus, I can't stand seeing KG get another ring. That wasteless talking bastard. ARggggh!
:toast to a good series, and hopefully the rapist will get his 5th ring.

05-31-2010, 01:24 PM
Kobe deserves another ring way more than KG. Duncan's legacy will also be more directly tied to guys like Shaq and KG versus a guard like Kobe, so I'd hate to see KG rise up those ranks (and probably would have rooted for LA had Shaq's Cavs advanced to the finals).

this is kind of a lose-lose finals...I'm rooting for Boston now, but I'm sure KG's first press conference will have me reconsidering quickly.

05-31-2010, 01:28 PM
Kobe deserves another ring way more than KG. Duncan's legacy will also be more directly tied to guys like Shaq and KG versus a guard like Kobe, so I'd hate to see KG rise up those ranks (and probably would have rooted for LA had Shaq's Cavs advanced to the finals).

this is kind of a lose-lose finals...I'm rooting for Boston now, but I'm sure KG's first press conference will have me reconsidering quickly.

Unless KG has some fluke monster series he won't be rising up anywhere. He's a roleplayer now...a good one, but still a roleplayer. The main legacies that are on the line here for the Celtics are Paul Pierce and Ray Allen. I have both guys borderline Hall of Famers at best. This playoff run and Finals can cement both players for the HOF if they pull out a great series and either one take home Finals MVP.

05-31-2010, 01:30 PM
I want them to bring the trophy over here in October.

05-31-2010, 01:37 PM
I aways pull for the west. Doesn't matter who plays. This series is a coin toss. I give up on the "experts". One fan base will be right, and the other will be wrong. I can see it going all 7 easy. Each team will get a blowout win, a buzzer beater and the other three will be close.

05-31-2010, 01:40 PM
lakers and spurs are Rivals? i guess.

Was waiting for this. Well, would you consider the Spurs your friends? Didn't think so

05-31-2010, 01:42 PM
Conference pride/loyalty's dumb enough in college football

In the fucking NBA? :lol :lol

05-31-2010, 02:06 PM
Can't root for the Lakers. I respect them as a team, because they are a very good team, and they are indeed the Western Conference champions, but I can't root for them. I respect Kobe Bryant, because he is ridiculously talented, and probably the best player in the NBA right now, but I can't root for him. I'm a SPURS fan, so there is no way in hell I can root for the Lakers, ever...EVER!!!

The Celtics are gonna wax that Laker ass just like they did in 2008, anyway.

05-31-2010, 03:39 PM
Fuck no.


05-31-2010, 03:42 PM
It was free country till Hussein Obama became POTUS, but, I believe one can still root for one's fave regardless of region.

For how long Culby, for how long?