View Full Version : De Colo stepping up... (french article)

06-01-2010, 08:40 AM
Just from today on "L'équipe" website...

De Colo a franchi le cap

Révélation de l'année dans le très fort championnat espagnol, Nando De Colo (1,95 m, 22 ans) devrait être un atout majeur des Bleus lors du Mondial (23 août - 12 septembre, en Turquie). D'autant que le poste de meneur de jeu, qui est le sien avec Valence, est décimé en équipe de France.
Nando De Colo a parfois joué au poste de meneur en équipe de France. (EQ)

Nando De Colo va vite, très vite. Plus jeune joueur signé par Valence depuis six ans, le Français a bouclé une première année exemplaire (13,7 points, 12e marqueur, 2,4 passes) dans la Liga ACB, considérée après la NBA et l'Euroligue comme le championnat le plus compétitif au monde. Même si le Power Electronics Valencia a été sorti par Malaga en quarts de finale malgré l'avantage du terrain, le pari a été gagné dans des circonstances complexes. Alors qu'il jouait le plus souvent arrière-shooteur à Cholet, avec qui il a été élu MVP de Pro A en 2008, De Colo s'est imposé en Espagne en tant que meneur de jeu, un rôle exigeant, dans une Ligue qui compte à ce poste des cadors comme Ricky Rubio ou les Madrilènes Sergio Llull et Pablo Prigioni.
Messina : «S'il continue de progresser à ce rythme, ce sera un très, très bon joueur.»

«Il a réalisé une belle saison, apprécie le sélectionneur Vincent Collet. Le fait qu'il ait été titulaire toute la saison dans une équipe qui a terminé quatrième d'un championnat comme l'Espagne, c'est une référence». «Je connais bien ce joueur pour l'avoir vu souvent dans notre Liga et j'apprécie vraiment ses qualités, affirme le coach du Real Madrid Etorre Messina, quadruple vainqueur de l'Euroligue. S'il continue de progresser à ce rythme, ce sera un très, très bon joueur.» Un bel hommage quand on sait que l'Italien a dirigé des joueurs comme Danilovic, Ginobili, Papaloukas et celui qui est sans doute le plus grand meneur de jeu français - avec Parker - de toute l'histoire, Antoine Rigaudeau. Même formation (Cholet), même club espagnol (Valence), même grand gabarit, les comparaisons entre Nando et "Tonio" sont évidentes. «Il faudra voir l'évolution de De Colo, poursuit Messina. Mais Rigaudeau était tellement spécial... Il est sans doute le joueur le plus intelligent qu'il m'ait été donné de coacher. Il avait tout».

Collet : «Il apprend à maîtriser le job»

Bien sûr, De Colo n'a pas encore la capacité à alterner chaud et froid sur commande qu'avait "Le Roi". Mais il progresse de manière constante. Son style flashy, parfois à hauts risques, a pu surprendre dans un pays où le meneur de jeu a un rôle bien défini (accélération de la balle, défense agressive, sélection drastique des shoots). «Je ne fais pas des gestes spectaculaires par volonté de faire le spectacle mais parce que c'est mon jeu, c'est naturel», expliquait-il à son arrivée en équipe de France en 2008. Ses 3,3 balles perdues sont le seul point faible dans une ligne de stats complète (91% aux lancers-francs !). «Il apprend à maîtriser le job d'autant qu'il n'y a pas d'énorme différence entre les postes de meneurs et d'arrières, qui sont deux postes de créations, tempère Vincent Collet. Il perdait beaucoup de balles en début de saison mais moins à la fin.»
San Antonio, qui l'a drafté en 2009 avec probablement l'idée de la succession de Ginobili, devrait l'attendre encore au moins une année.

Tant mieux car il est sans doute le plus gros potentiel à la mène pour l'équipe de France cet été devant l'une des autres satisfactions françaises de la saison, son ancien coéquipier à Cholet Rodrigue Beaubois (Dallas). Essayé à la mène lors du tournoi de Strasbourg en 2009, il avait manqué de constance. Mais en l'absence de Tony Parker et Antoine Diot, c'est en partie à lui que devrait incomber la tâche de guider les Bleus en Turquie, même si le sélectionneur ne veut pas encore s'engager sur ce terrain.
En tout cas, les commentaires élogieux s'enchaînent déjà sur sa page Facebook. Certains le remercient d'avoir signé à Valence, d'autres le supplient de résister aux sirènes de la NBA. Son rêve américain, De Colo le vivra dans un an, voire deux. Les San Antonio Spurs, qui ont flairé la bonne affaire, le choisissant en 53e choix de la Draft 2009 avec probablement l'idée de la succession de Ginobili, lui ont dressé son plan de carrière en le laissant mûrir sous le soleil valencian. Nando y est si bien pour le moment.
François DAVID, à Barcelone (avec X.C.)

It basicaly says that Nando had a great year at the PG POSITION, starting every game and was a good surprise of this year liga ACB, he really improved his game (ranking 12th at scoring) and due to Parker and Diot forfait, he may have a great oportunity as a starting PG for the french NT at this summer WC.

The article also quotes Real Madrid coach Ettore Messina who says that he was impressed and if De Colo keeps improving at that rhythm, he will become a "very, very good player"...

It finally says that the Spurs may leave him one more year in Spain and see him as a long term replacement for Ginobili...

I don't think he has Manu's genius, but he is definitely very skilled and if he keeps improving that way, he may be another steal for the Spurs...

I can't wait to see his game this summer...

PS/ If any french speaking posters has time/patience to translate the whole article, be my guest and ... Thanks!

06-01-2010, 09:35 AM
I don't have time, but you're synopsis is good.

06-01-2010, 10:23 AM
Newcomer of the Year in the Spanish league strong, Nando De Colo (1.95m, 22 years) should be a major asset of the Blues during the World (August 23 to September 12, Turkey). Particularly as the position of playmaker, who is with his Valencia team was decimated in France.

Nando De Colo sometimes played point guard in the France team. (EQ)

Nando De Colo fast, very fast. Youngest player signed by Valencia for six years, French has completed a first exemplary year (13.7 points, 12th marker, 2.4 assists) in the Liga ACB, considered after the NBA and the Euroleague championship as the most competitive world. Although the Power Electronics Valencia was released by Malaga in the quarterfinals despite the home advantage, the bet was won in complex circumstances. While playing mostly shooting guard back in Cholet, with whom he was named MVP of Pro A in 2008, De Colo won in Spain as a playmaker, a demanding role in a league that account the position of top names such as Ricky Rubio or Madrid Sergio Llull and Pablo Prigioni.
Messina: "If progress continues at this pace, it will be a very, very good player."

"He has done a good season, appreciates the coach Vincent Collet. The fact that he previously held all season in a team that finished fourth in a league like Spain, is a reference. "I know a player from having seen him often in our Liga and I really appreciate his qualities, "says the coach of Real Madrid etorri Messina, four-time winner of the Euroleague. If he continues to grow at this rate, will be a very, very good player. " A great tribute when you consider that the Italian led the likes Danilovic, Ginobili, Papaloukas and he who is without doubt the greatest French playmaker - with Parker - of all the history, Antoine Rigaudeau. Even training (Cholet), even Spanish club (Valencia), even large size, comparisons between Nando and "Tonio" are obvious. "He will see the evolution of De Colo, Messina continues. But Rigaudeau was so special ... It is probably the smartest player that I have ever coached. He had everything ".

Collet: "He learns to master the job"

Of course, De Colo has not the capacity to alternate hot and cold command had "The King". But it rose steadily. His flashy style, sometimes at high risk, has been surprising in a country where the playmaker has a defined role (acceleration of the ball, aggressive defense, drastic selection of shots). "I do not make dramatic gestures by will to the show but because it is my game, it's natural ", he explained to his team arrived in France in 2008. Its 3.3 stray bullets are the only weak point in a complete line stats (91% free throw!). "He learns to master the job especially since there is no significant difference between the positions of leaders and rear, which are two positions creations, tempers Vincent Collet. He lost a lot of balls early in the season but at least the end. "
San Antonio, who was drafted in 2009 with probably the idea of succession of Ginobili should wait at least another year.

So much the better for it is without doubt the greatest potential to lead the team in France this summer to one of the other pleasures of the French season, his former teammate in Cholet Rodrigue Beaubois (Dallas). Tried to lead at a tournament in Strasbourg in 2009, it lacked consistency. But the absence of Tony Parker and Antoine Diot is partly that it should bear the task of guiding the Blues in Turkey, even if the coach does not engage in this field.
In any case, the accolades are linked already on his Facebook page. Some thank him for signing in Valencia, others beg to resist the lure of the NBA. His American Dream, Of the Colo live in a year or two. The San Antonio Spurs, who have sensed a good business choice choosing him 53rd in the 2009 Draft with the idea of the likely succession of Ginobili, he drew up his career plans by leaving mature with the Valencian sun. Nando is so good at the moment.

This is a translation from the google chrome browser. They will prompt you for the translation if you use the browser.

06-01-2010, 10:37 AM
when would this guy be NBA ready and spurs ready....

06-01-2010, 10:49 AM
This is a translation from the google chrome browser. They will prompt you for the translation if you use the browser.


when would this guy be NBA ready and spurs ready....

I think he is smart enough to stay 1 more year in europe improving his BB IQ and working on his weaknesses, but he could already be usefull as a role player.
He couldn't have been worst than Masson this year!!

He has a nice JS, can distribute, penetrate ...

06-01-2010, 10:58 AM
yeah the article said he is fast, very fast......i wonder if he can play defense....but i guess he still has to develop his skills.....

06-01-2010, 11:04 AM
yeah the article said he is fast, very fast......i wonder if he can play defense....but i guess he still has to develop his skills.....

That's the main this I'm looking forward to see this summer during the WC, I don't watch much european BB so I haven't seen him play since last summer.
At that time he showed some promising offensive skills, but was very dispaointing on D!
I hope to see some REAL improvement in that area...

06-01-2010, 11:22 AM
Nice to see Messina giving huge props to Rigaudeau. He was a damn great player.

06-01-2010, 11:31 AM
I hope to see some REAL improvement in that area...

You won't.

There isn't such a thing as an official Révélation de l'année award in the ACB. There's a similar one, but RIchard Hendrix won it. De Colo had a great season though.

Messina is certainly missing Rigaudeaus level of talent this season. He doesn't look so out-of-this-world as a coach when he doesn't have that kind of guys playing for him.

06-01-2010, 11:37 AM
Nice to see Messina giving huge props to Rigaudeau. He was a damn great player.

yep. saying he was the best with the legends he coached...

Whisky Dog
06-01-2010, 11:39 AM
yeah the article said he is fast, very fast......i wonder if he can play defense....but i guess he still has to develop his skills.....

That struck me as odd cpnsidering his main weakness is he was slow footed.

06-01-2010, 11:40 AM
You won't.

He can only be better than last year, can't he?
Have you seen some of his games this year?
Can you tell me more about it?

06-01-2010, 11:44 AM
yeah the article said he is fast, very fast......i wonder if he can play defense....but i guess he still has to develop his skills.....


This was mistranslated...

It meant his "life" is going fast, like so many things happened to him in a year...

speed/quickness isn't part of his skills, far from it!

06-01-2010, 11:57 AM
great. Spurs will be able to sign Decolo around 2022

06-01-2010, 05:02 PM
Can he play in the summer league?

06-01-2010, 05:45 PM
He can only be better than last year, can't he?
Have you seen some of his games this year?
Can you tell me more about it?

Because he's a bad defender.
Defensively? Very, very, very marginally better. If that much.
Check his thread on the other forum.

06-01-2010, 05:55 PM
No Summer League whatsoever.

06-01-2010, 06:06 PM
Because he's a bad defender.
Defensively? Very, very, very marginally better. If that much.
Check his thread on the other forum.

If he was to sign with the Spurs, would his offense make up for his Defense?

Thanks for all the info.

06-01-2010, 08:54 PM
Carlos Delfino v2.0?