View Full Version : Andrew Bynum is good

06-09-2010, 08:44 AM
Dude played 29 minutes last night after playing 39 minutes in game 2 and flying cross-country. In my opinion he is the main reason the Lakers have a 2-1 lead in the series. The guy is just soo long that he causes all kinds of problems for the Celtics. He has good fundamentals as well as you can see when he receives passes high and keeps the ball high before shooting. He's blocking and altering shots and rebounding too. I realize he has injury issues and he may be hurt yet again, but this guy is very valuable to the Lakers.

06-09-2010, 08:45 AM
Dude played 29 minutes last night after playing 39 minutes in game 2 and flying cross-country. In my opinion he is the main reason the Lakers have a 2-1 lead in the series. The guy is just soo long that he causes all kinds of problems for the Celtics. He has good fundamentals as well as you can see when he receives passes high and keeps the ball high before shooting. He's blocking and altering shots and rebounding too. I realize he has injury issues and he may be hurt yet again, but this guy is very valuable to the Lakers.

whoa...what have you done with the real tlongII?

06-09-2010, 08:47 AM
Dude played 29 minutes last night after playing 39 minutes in game 2 and flying cross-country. In my opinion he is the main reason the Lakers have a 2-1 lead in the series. The guy is just soo long that he causes all kinds of problems for the Celtics. He has good fundamentals as well as you can see when he receives passes high and keeps the ball high before shooting. He's blocking and altering shots and rebounding too. I realize he has injury issues and he may be hurt yet again, but this guy is very valuable to the Lakers.

Nice observation and a problem Amare has. I lost count of how many times he catches, spins, brings the ball low, and gets stripped.

06-09-2010, 08:50 AM
Well he's no Greg Oden.

Lucky for him.

06-09-2010, 09:09 AM

Bynum didn't play. Sorry Celts.

06-09-2010, 09:16 AM
Well he's no Greg Oden.

Lucky for him.

If Oden and Bynum can get/stay healthy they will be as good as Dwight Howard. Maybe better.

06-09-2010, 09:19 AM

Bynum didn't play. Sorry Celts.
Bynum wasnt as good as he is today

He wouldnt have been a factor anyway

06-09-2010, 09:20 AM
Bynum was a beast before his injury that year lefty. 1st seed without Pau. The Spurs should have been ashamed.

06-09-2010, 09:22 AM
If Oden and Bynum can get/stay healthy they will be as good as Dwight Howard. Maybe better.

Oden shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as Bynum. Sorry.

Sam Bowie is more Greg's speed

06-09-2010, 09:37 AM
Oden shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as Bynum. Sorry.

Sam Bowie is more Greg's speed


Actually Oden is better than Bynum. Sorry.

06-09-2010, 10:34 AM
Dude played 29 minutes last night after playing 39 minutes in game 2 and flying cross-country. In my opinion he is the main reason the Lakers have a 2-1 lead in the series. The guy is just soo long that he causes all kinds of problems for the Celtics. He has good fundamentals as well as you can see when he receives passes high and keeps the ball high before shooting. He's blocking and altering shots and rebounding too. >>>>>>>>>I realize he has injury issues and he may be hurt yet again<<<<<<<<<, but this guy is very valuable to the Lakers.

Yer adorable, t. You almost made it all the way thru a complimentary Lakers post.

06-09-2010, 11:18 AM

Actually Oden is better than Bynum. Sorry.


"Is" is present-tense. With a shattered knee, something tells me he'd have a hard time matching Bynum's production. Just a hunch.

Now, if at some brief point in time you want to say Oden "was" better than Bynum, sure... I agree.

But you can't win NBA games and titles with potential.

06-09-2010, 11:21 AM
lol what do you bet that Bynum does not finish out this series. :lol

06-09-2010, 11:31 AM
Jackson is playing Bynum's knee problems like a virtuoso. It hurts like Hell, but, it's manageable.

It was also pure genius on somebody's part with that Kobe/Fish two man game with 5 minutes left last night. Probably Shaw, or, maybe from Fisher himself. But, at 5 minute Boston had no time for adjustment.

A brilliant move.

06-09-2010, 11:32 AM
Tlong- I am waiting for you to say something nice about Fisher...He may be getting old but The guy is a crunch time player...

06-09-2010, 12:07 PM
That and the Celtics are old as fuck. Lucky they got here. Have no chance against the Lakers. Took a career game from Ray Allen and a huge game from Rondo to barely win game 2. This series could be over in 5. I'm thinking 6 though.

06-09-2010, 12:08 PM
That and the Celtics are old as fuck. Lucky they got here. Have no chance against the Lakers. Took a career game from Ray Allen and a huge game from Rondo to barely win game 2. This series could be over in 5. I'm thinking 6 though.

From your lips to God's ears.........sweet music.

Finish it.

06-09-2010, 12:14 PM
Who is Greg Oden?

06-09-2010, 12:20 PM
Bynum comes across as the type of guy that needs his hand held if he's going to succeed. Knee problems aside, he obviously has ridiculous potential...but he's always so nonchalant and care-free. I don't think he has the drive to ever be a consistent all star.

06-09-2010, 01:41 PM
Who is Greg Oden?
Bill Walton's backup in 77

06-09-2010, 01:44 PM
Bill Walton's backup in 77


Bynum has certainly surprised me with his play. The way it was reported, I didn't think he would be playing with as much confidence as he has been.

Ashy Larry
06-09-2010, 01:53 PM
Bill Walton's backup in 77

classic answer because he looks like it ........

and Oden hasn't done jack since being in the league. That's twice Portland. You know they would love to make that pick over again.

Roy and Oden < Roy and Durant

Ashy Larry
06-09-2010, 01:55 PM

Bynum has certainly surprised me with his play. The way it was reported, I didn't think he would be playing with as much confidence as he has been.

Bynum, on a bum knee, is playing his ass off. Gotta love the effort. We need to bring in Chris Bosh and seat him across the Lakers bench for the rest of the series.

06-09-2010, 02:04 PM
It's crazy how small Perkins looks next to Bynum, LA would be moronic to trade Bynum for Bosh this off season, and PJ should be more open to closing games with Bynum on the court.

06-09-2010, 04:33 PM
classic answer because he looks like it ........

and Oden hasn't done jack since being in the league. That's twice Portland. You know they would love to make that pick over again.

Roy and Oden < Roy and Durant

You might want to check out what Oden's PER was before he got hurt last year. Just sayin. The guy is a beast. I still have faith in him.

Ashy Larry
06-09-2010, 04:37 PM
You might want to check out what Oden's PER was before he got hurt last year. Just sayin. The guy is a beast. I still have faith in him.

don't believe in that PER shit. Believe your own eyes. Unless dude is two feet from the basket, he's not gonna score. No post up game. Injury prone. Looks like an old man. And needs to run an iron on the top of his lid.

If he ever gets a post up game, then you'll have something. Until then, the only thing you have in Oden in medical bills.

Ashy Larry
06-09-2010, 04:39 PM
It's crazy how small Perkins looks next to Bynum, LA would be moronic to trade Bynum for Bosh this off season, and PJ should be more open to closing games with Bynum on the court.

It's a tough call. I mean Bynum has been playing like a man and we all know about Bosh's game. Personally, I wouldn't trade him especially since he's so young. But the thought of Big Baby having to guard Bosh or Pau is intriguing.

Damn, what number would he be putting up on two good knees?

06-09-2010, 04:40 PM
You might want to check out what Oden's PER was before he got hurt last year. Just sayin. The guy is a beast. I still have faith in him.

Career 6.4 fouls per 36 minutes :rollin

06-09-2010, 04:52 PM
Oden was completely beasting before his injury this season..he has been Portland's 2nd most valuable player on the court when he's been healthy, which speaks volumes IMO..he was a force and was getting better with more rhythm..unfortunately for him, it doesn't look like he's ever going to be healthy..

Ashy Larry
06-09-2010, 04:57 PM
Oden was completely beasting before his injury this season..he has been Portland's 2nd most valuable player on the court when he's been healthy, which speaks volumes IMO..he was a force and was getting better with more rhythm..unfortunately for him, it doesn't look like he's ever going to be healthy..

11 and 8 are decent numbers ... just feel for the kid.

06-09-2010, 05:05 PM

Actually Oden is better than Bynum. Sorry.


You started off with a reasonable thread, then promptly bought a one-way ticket back to homerland with this post.

06-09-2010, 05:12 PM
don't believe in that PER shit. Believe your own eyes. Unless dude is two feet from the basket, he's not gonna score. No post up game. Injury prone. Looks like an old man. And needs to run an iron on the top of his lid.

If he ever gets a post up game, then you'll have something. Until then, the only thing you have in Oden in medical bills.

He dominates the boards and plays great defense. His scoring will be limited mostly to putbacks and hustle plays, but that's okay on our team.

06-09-2010, 05:50 PM
don't believe in that PER shit. Believe your own eyes. Unless dude is two feet from the basket, he's not gonna score. No post up game. Injury prone. Looks like an old man. And needs to run an iron on the top of his lid.

If he ever gets a post up game, then you'll have something. Until then, the only thing you have in Oden in medical bills.

06-09-2010, 07:53 PM
It's a tough call. I mean Bynum has been playing like a man and we all know about Bosh's game. Personally, I wouldn't trade him especially since he's so young. But the thought of Big Baby having to guard Bosh or Pau is intriguing.

Damn, what number would he be putting up on two good knees?

What's been daunting about the Lakers has been and is their length including Bynum the last 2 years. Drew is the "true" clogger" of the Lakers. A position and task Pau and Bosh really can never perform in my opinion. Put Bosh in that lineup minus Drew and we'll have length alright but not a hefty one. Drew is the meat and potatoes of our line-up

Drew has a purpose with this type of offense. I'll pass on Bosh for right now.
Besides, once Drew gets the operation this off season and works on putting some strength on those knees the sky may be the limit.

06-09-2010, 08:56 PM
You might want to check out what Oden's PER was before he got hurt last year. Just sayin. The guy is a beast. I still have faith in him.

Yep. #8 in the league in PER and of course PER doesn't truly account for great defense, which he is capable of bringing.

If he stays healthy, he changes everything.

But that's not looking too good for now. I hope that changes, I really do.

What do Porty fans think of Oden? Are they bailing on him kind of like a lot of LA fans have done with Bynum? There comes a point where the sympathy is exhausted and fans sort of turn on the chronically injured guys.

06-09-2010, 09:15 PM
And needs to run an iron on the top of his lid.


TD 21
06-09-2010, 09:25 PM
It's crazy how small Perkins looks next to Bynum, LA would be moronic to trade Bynum for Bosh this off season, and PJ should be more open to closing games with Bynum on the court.

Perkins is 6-10 (don't be fooled by the public address announcer announcing him in the starting lineup as 6-11; they do that with Varejao now too, as if they both grew an inch in their mid-twenties). He's more of a wide body than a big body, relatively speaking. Because of how wide he is, physical he plays and intimidating he looks, there's a tendency to call him a 7-0er, but he's not.

People have a tendency with basketball players 6-10 and up to refer to them as 7-0ers, but you'd never hear someone call a 5-10 person 6-0. Because so few players are legitimately above 6-10, my theory is every inch above 6-10 is significant. Bynum, despite his outdated listing, is actually 7-1, not 7-0. So really, there's a three inch height differential between Bynum and Perkins. So the reason Perkins looks relatively small next to Bynum is because he is.

If Bynum played on any other team in the league, he'd be All-Star caliber and throwing up 20/10/2. There might not be a true center with better touch around the rim than him. Oden, like Howard, is more of a defensive center. Bynum, like O'Neal, is a presence defensively because of his combination of length/mass, but he's more of an offensive center.

He get's lost in the shuffle, but I don't disagree with what Breen said in game 2, that Bynum could one day become the most dominant big man in the game.

06-09-2010, 09:33 PM
Perkins is 6-10 (don't be fooled by the public address announcer announcing him in the starting lineup as 6-11; they do that with Varejao now too, as if they both grew an inch in their mid-twenties). He's more of a wide body than a big body, relatively speaking. Because of how wide he is, physical he plays and intimidating he looks, there's a tendency to call him a 7-0er, but he's not.

People have a tendency with basketball players 6-10 and up to refer to them as 7-0ers, but you'd never hear someone call a 5-10 person 6-0. Because so few players are legitimately above 6-10, my theory is every inch above 6-10 is significant. Bynum, despite his outdated listing, is actually 7-1, not 7-0. So really, there's a three inch height differential between Bynum and Perkins. So the reason Perkins looks relatively small next to Bynum is because he is.

If Bynum played on any other team in the league, he'd be All-Star caliber and throwing up 20/10/2. There might not be a true center with better touch around the rim than him. Oden, like Howard, is more of a defensive center. Bynum, like O'Neal, is a presence defensively because of his combination of length/mass, but he's more of an offensive center.

He get's lost in the shuffle, but I don't disagree with what Breen said in game 2, that Bynum could one day become the most dominant big man in the game.

Nice post TD!

06-09-2010, 09:38 PM
Perkins is 6-10 (don't be fooled by the public address announcer announcing him in the starting lineup as 6-11; they do that with Varejao now too, as if they both grew an inch in their mid-twenties). He's more of a wide body than a big body, relatively speaking. Because of how wide he is, physical he plays and intimidating he looks, there's a tendency to call him a 7-0er, but he's not.

People have a tendency with basketball players 6-10 and up to refer to them as 7-0ers, but you'd never hear someone call a 5-10 person 6-0. Because so few players are legitimately above 6-10, my theory is every inch above 6-10 is significant. Bynum, despite his outdated listing, is actually 7-1, not 7-0. So really, there's a three inch height differential between Bynum and Perkins. So the reason Perkins looks relatively small next to Bynum is because he is.

If Bynum played on any other team in the league, he'd be All-Star caliber and throwing up 20/10/2. There might not be a true center with better touch around the rim than him. Oden, like Howard, is more of a defensive center. Bynum, like O'Neal, is a presence defensively because of his combination of length/mass, but he's more of an offensive center.

He get's lost in the shuffle, but I don't disagree with what Breen said in game 2, that Bynum could one day become the most dominant big man in the game.

This is one of your better efforts TD. Excellent post. Great focus.


06-09-2010, 09:45 PM
Yep. #8 in the league in PER and of course PER doesn't truly account for great defense, which he is capable of bringing.

If he stays healthy, he changes everything.

But that's not looking too good for now. I hope that changes, I really do.

What do Porty fans think of Oden? Are they bailing on him kind of like a lot of LA fans have done with Bynum? There comes a point where the sympathy is exhausted and fans sort of turn on the chronically injured guys.

I thnk most Portland fans still believe in Oden. Certainly there've been a few that have dropped off the bandwagon, but for the most part the support for him is still there. The kneecap injury is something he should recover from since it doesn't involve any tendons or ligaments.

06-09-2010, 09:55 PM
I thnk most Portland fans still believe in Oden. Certainly there've been a few that have dropped off the bandwagon, but for the most part the support for him is still there. The kneecap injury is something he should recover from since it doesn't involve any tendons or ligaments.

I hope him and Drew can shake the injury bug b/c they're both young and they should have many epic battles in the future:toast

06-09-2010, 09:57 PM
drew has stepped up big time these last two games or so.. good to see hes able to contribute a good amount even with all the pain he must be feeling.. hopefully this surgery during the summer will be his last.

06-09-2010, 10:00 PM
He dominates the boards and plays great defense. His scoring will be limited mostly to putbacks and hustle plays, but that's okay on our team.


before he went down the last time in the season he was really looking great, and tbh was our m.v.p. he gave it his all each minute he was in and looked to be shaking his fears of getting injured again, but then it happened:depressed its frustrating but you got to keep some faith in him. hes got alot of potential as long as he can stay healthy

06-09-2010, 10:01 PM
drew has stepped up big time these last two games or so.. good to see hes able to contribute a good amount even with all the pain he must be feeling.. hopefully this surgery during the summer will be his last.

:toast And here's hoping Oden recovers and gets past this bad luck spell as well. It's never a good thing to see injuries. If they can stay healthy there will be a great rivalry there between our teams and them.

06-09-2010, 10:08 PM
yea i remember that first game opening night two years ago.. it was all about oden and bynum, man i was so excited for it more then the game itself but then it was over with the blink of a eye as oden fell to the hardwood :/

TD 21
06-09-2010, 10:09 PM
I doubt either ever will. It's clear neither has a body that's built for the grueling NBA season.

Excluding Howard, both because he'd probably win going away and he's not really a true center or at least not a legit 7-0er, which young true center would you take (when I say true center, that leaves out a guy like Noah, who can play power forward as well)...

Kaman, Bynum, M. Gasol, Bogut, B. Lopez, or Oden.

If healthy, I'm going with Bynum, just ahead of Oden and B. Lopez, followed by Bogut, M. Gasol and Kaman.

As for Bynum for Bosh, I wouldn't do it if I were the Lakers. Having a true center is a bigger advantage than having a finesse power forward, particularly when you already have two of the best finesse power forwards in the league.

Mike D
06-09-2010, 10:13 PM
Props to Tlong on the thread.

06-09-2010, 10:19 PM
Perkins is 6-10 (don't be fooled by the public address announcer announcing him in the starting lineup as 6-11; they do that with Varejao now too, as if they both grew an inch in their mid-twenties). He's more of a wide body than a big body, relatively speaking. Because of how wide he is, physical he plays and intimidating he looks, there's a tendency to call him a 7-0er, but he's not.

People have a tendency with basketball players 6-10 and up to refer to them as 7-0ers, but you'd never hear someone call a 5-10 person 6-0. Because so few players are legitimately above 6-10, my theory is every inch above 6-10 is significant. Bynum, despite his outdated listing, is actually 7-1, not 7-0. So really, there's a three inch height differential between Bynum and Perkins. So the reason Perkins looks relatively small next to Bynum is because he is.

If Bynum played on any other team in the league, he'd be All-Star caliber and throwing up 20/10/2. There might not be a true center with better touch around the rim than him. Oden, like Howard, is more of a defensive center. Bynum, like O'Neal, is a presence defensively because of his combination of length/mass, but he's more of an offensive center.

He get's lost in the shuffle, but I don't disagree with what Breen said in game 2, that Bynum could one day become the most dominant big man in the game.

I agree with all of this, but it's not just height. Bynum is HUGE, and I agree with 7'1", IMO he's closer to 7'2".

TD 21
06-09-2010, 10:22 PM
He might be closer to 7-2, but he's at least 7-1 and Gasol might be too. I know it's not just height, that's why I said he has a combination of length/mass. He weighs 272 (listed at 285).

06-09-2010, 11:26 PM
I doubt either ever will. It's clear neither has a body that's built for the grueling NBA season.

Excluding Howard, both because he'd probably win going away and he's not really a true center or at least not a legit 7-0er, which young true center would you take (when I say true center, that leaves out a guy like Noah, who can play power forward as well)...

Kaman, Bynum, M. Gasol, Bogut, B. Lopez, or Oden.

If healthy, I'm going with Bynum, just ahead of Oden and B. Lopez, followed by Bogut, M. Gasol and Kaman.

As for Bynum for Bosh, I wouldn't do it if I were the Lakers. Having a true center is a bigger advantage than having a finesse power forward, particularly when you already have two of the best finesse power forwards in the league.

Great post. All that Bynum nutswinging I did is paying off.

DJ Mbenga
06-10-2010, 12:27 AM
oden is basically marcus camby. oh wait? they have him on the team already