View Full Version : Primaries

Wild Cobra
06-09-2010, 01:11 PM
Anyone follow the "Super Tuesday" and prior primaries?

i have heard snippets, and it appears those supported by the Tea Party have all won, but one.

I will guess that Boxer and Reid will lose in November. How about the rest of you? Other guesses?

06-09-2010, 01:22 PM

Wild Cobra
06-09-2010, 01:24 PM
It would help if you used a title that had any merit.

"GOP Populist?" My God man.

George Gervin's Afro
06-09-2010, 01:32 PM
Anyone follow the "Super Tuesday" and prior primaries?

i have heard snippets, and it appears those supported by the Tea Party have all won, but one.

I will guess that Boxer and Reid will lose in November. How about the rest of you? Other guesses?

Boxer or Reid won't lose.

06-09-2010, 01:33 PM
NV is a whacko as AZ:


Harry Reid’s Opponent: Oathkeeper Who Fought Against Fluoride in Water

Posted By stevebenen On June 9, 2010 @ 9:41 am

This post originally appeared on Washington Monthly.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has long been considered one of this year’s most vulnerable incumbents, so to have any chance at winning another term, Reid had to hope Republicans nominated the single most ridiculous candidate imaginable to run against him.

Mission accomplished.

When the dust settled in Nevada last night, former state Rep. Sharron Angle (R) easily won the multi-candidate primary with 40% support, beating one-time frontrunner Sue Lowden (R) by 14 points. The strategy against Angle was apparent long before the polls closed.

Harry Reid’s political operation in Nevada is quietly assembling a battle plan to take on Tea Partyer Sharron Angle in the general election, presuming she beats Sue Lowden in today’s GOP primary.

The strategy: Use her own words to paint her as, well, a complete whackjob.

That won’t be especially difficult.

On her website — full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors — Angle declares: “Like a soldier going to war, I am fighting for my country, the Constitution and a free society.” And as part of this effort, Angle reportedly wants to go to the Senate to fight to privatize Social Security; store nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain; eliminate the federal income tax; pull the country out of the United Nations; and allow unlimited campaign contributions.

Angle has voiced support for Prohibition, believes the U.S. Department of Education is “unconstitutional,” and wants to ban nearly all abortions.

She’s embraced right-wing extremists who warn of U.S. officials turning American cities “into giant concentration camps,” and has fought against fluoridated water.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal, a conservative paper, conducted a survey that identified Angle as the Nevada Assembly’s “Worst Member.” Twice.

It’s tempting to think, then, that Harry Reid has it made. He doesn’t. Polls show the incumbent to be quite unpopular, and if the campaign is less about Angle’s shocking extremism, and more about voters’ discontent with the status quo in Washington, the next senator from Nevada may very well be an apparent lunatic.

But Reid, the DSCC, and the entire Democratic establishment feel vastly more confident about this race than they did just a couple of months ago.



She slightly out-whacko'd her opponent, who people should barter their farm animals for health care services. :lol

George Gervin's Afro
06-09-2010, 01:35 PM
NV is a whacko as AZ:


Harry Reid’s Opponent: Oathkeeper Who Fought Against Fluoride in Water

Posted By stevebenen On June 9, 2010 @ 9:41 am

This post originally appeared on Washington Monthly.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has long been considered one of this year’s most vulnerable incumbents, so to have any chance at winning another term, Reid had to hope Republicans nominated the single most ridiculous candidate imaginable to run against him.

Mission accomplished.

When the dust settled in Nevada last night, former state Rep. Sharron Angle (R) easily won the multi-candidate primary with 40% support, beating one-time frontrunner Sue Lowden (R) by 14 points. The strategy against Angle was apparent long before the polls closed.

Harry Reid’s political operation in Nevada is quietly assembling a battle plan to take on Tea Partyer Sharron Angle in the general election, presuming she beats Sue Lowden in today’s GOP primary.

The strategy: Use her own words to paint her as, well, a complete whackjob.

That won’t be especially difficult.

On her website — full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors — Angle declares: “Like a soldier going to war, I am fighting for my country, the Constitution and a free society.” And as part of this effort, Angle reportedly wants to go to the Senate to fight to privatize Social Security; store nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain; eliminate the federal income tax; pull the country out of the United Nations; and allow unlimited campaign contributions.

Angle has voiced support for Prohibition, believes the U.S. Department of Education is “unconstitutional,” and wants to ban nearly all abortions.

She’s embraced right-wing extremists who warn of U.S. officials turning American cities “into giant concentration camps,” and has fought against fluoridated water.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal, a conservative paper, conducted a survey that identified Angle as the Nevada Assembly’s “Worst Member.” Twice.

It’s tempting to think, then, that Harry Reid has it made. He doesn’t. Polls show the incumbent to be quite unpopular, and if the campaign is less about Angle’s shocking extremism, and more about voters’ discontent with the status quo in Washington, the next senator from Nevada may very well be an apparent lunatic.

But Reid, the DSCC, and the entire Democratic establishment feel vastly more confident about this race than they did just a couple of months ago.



She slightly out-whacko'd her opponent, who people should barter their farm animals for health care services. :lol

Don't do this. You will now ruin the day for all of those who had hoped reid would lose in November. The Tea Potties all but guaranteed Reid's victory in November! :lmao

Nice job GOP

Wild Cobra
06-09-2010, 01:40 PM
Boxer or Reid won't lose.
What if they do?

Wild Cobra
06-09-2010, 01:41 PM
The Tea Potties all but guaranteed Reid's victory in November! :lmao

Nice job GOP
When will you people realize the Tea party and GOP are different entities?

George Gervin's Afro
06-09-2010, 01:45 PM
When will you people realize the Tea party and GOP are different entities?

When will you realize that the GOP is being taken over by the tea pottys. You think the republican establishment is going to throw their support behind Angle?

06-09-2010, 02:42 PM
there are many GOP hacks in this so-called 'tea party' movement, but there seem to be at least as many people genuinely concerned with the deficit, bailouts, and general direction of the country. the dems' short-sighted denunciation of them is often motivated by the political habit of opposing anything a conservative would favor. the us-versus-them mentality prevents "the people" from forming a potent coalition against the government criminals ripping us off. libertarians, anti-war leftists, and the "tea-partiers" could be working together on several issues, such as opposing the bailouts, corporatism, and ballooning deficits of the regime. but to form a viable coalition,they will have to reach out to one another, which seems unlikely.

06-09-2010, 04:35 PM
"A new Washington Post/ABC News poll suggests that whatever populist hypnosis many Americans were under when the Tea Party folks first came onto the scene may now finally be wearing off.

The poll says that now the percentage of Americans who hold an unfavorable view of the movement has jumped from 39 percent to 50 percent.

The group that has led the drop has been a collapse in support from 18 to 29-year-olds.

In March, they had a positive, 43-38 view of the Tea Party.

But now they’ve shifted in the other way, to a negative view, 27-60."


tea baggers are gonna end up polling as badly as Mama Grizzly.

06-09-2010, 04:55 PM
tea bag mob harasses even Christians:


yes, "what (racist) assholes"

panic giraffe
06-09-2010, 08:00 PM
about that angle chick:

how can she claim to be anti-big govt when it comes to taxes and such, but then want govt intrusion in places like abortion, 2-parent households, religion in prisons etc...i don't get fake libertarians...

06-09-2010, 10:16 PM
about that angle chick:

how can she claim to be anti-big govt when it comes to taxes and such, but then want govt intrusion in places like abortion, 2-parent households, religion in prisons etc...i don't get fake libertarians...

I think you broke the code on tea partiers. They are not libertarians. They just don't want a democrat in the WH. (And they don't want to pay any taxes for any reason whatsoever.)

At the same time, they want to tell everybody else how to live, who to marry, what religion to believe in, etc., etc., etc.

06-10-2010, 04:03 AM
http://spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=156057(Progessive. Tough. Liberal.)

06-10-2010, 04:05 AM
I think you broke the code on tea partiers. They are not libertarians. They just don't want a democrat in the WH. (And they don't want to pay any taxes for any reason whatsoever.)

At the same time, they want to tell everybody else how to live, who to marry, what religion to believe in, etc., etc., etc.Eh, from my vantage, none of the generalizations work, you have to take it case by case.

06-10-2010, 04:06 AM
It's a fucking ragbag. A populist ragbag. You might collect anyone there.