View Full Version : George Lucas' Ego Is Out Of Control!

05-13-2005, 09:52 AM
Please note: because of a direct mandate from the man himself, George Lucas, food and drink service will have to stop once the actual film hits the screen. Because of this, we have staggered our shows to allow plenty of time for ordering before the movie starts. Please realize that in order to eat and drink you should get here at least 30-45 minutes before showtime!


You have to be kidding me. I was planing on watching the movie at the Drafthouse on opening night, but now I'm not so sure. Whats the point if I can't drink beer while watching Haden Christian put on some bad acting?

Whats next? Our dvd players not allowing us to play a movie if we have food in our hands?

George Lucas can blow me!

05-13-2005, 09:54 AM
Everytime you utter, "I am your father." George Lucas will send you a bill for $5.00.

05-13-2005, 10:06 AM
pathetic, George is.

ride my ass during filming, he did.

the cocksucker.

N.Y. Johnny
05-13-2005, 10:09 AM
pathetic, George is.

ride my ass during filming, he did.

the cocksucker.

Master Yoda,

I think lucas shafted you in the battle vs the Emperor
say it ain't so Master Yoda!! :(

05-13-2005, 10:41 PM


You have to be kidding me. I was planing on watching the movie at the Drafthouse on opening night, but now I'm not so sure. Whats the point if I can't drink beer while watching Haden Christian put on some bad acting?

Whats next? Our dvd players not allowing us to play a movie if we have food in our hands?

George Lucas can blow me!

Naturally Manny.

What else do you expect from someone who writes a screenplay for a part IV of a future trilogy so that he can come back 20 years later to make parts I-III.

It's like Billy Corgan calling his new selftitled album "TheFutureEmbrace" all one word, instead of with spaces.

Pretentious bastards.

05-14-2005, 07:06 PM
Is this mandate only for the Drafthouse or all theatres showing Episode III?

05-14-2005, 07:29 PM
lucas was on the OC thursday
yeah i watch the OC, or at least try, ive missed almost this whole season
the show is hilarity upon hilarity, which begets more hilarity
its the most commercial thing about me

05-14-2005, 07:33 PM
Is this mandate only for the Drafthouse or all theatres showing Episode III?
I think for all the theaters bur seeing as the Drafthouse is the only one in town with waitstaff, it's moot.

Kori Ellis
05-14-2005, 07:34 PM
I think that mandate might mean that even in regular theatres, you are not allowed to get up and get food and drinks during the movie.

05-14-2005, 07:35 PM
Oh you gotta be kidding me! That's retarded!

05-14-2005, 07:35 PM
I think that mandate might mean that even in regular theatres, you are not allowed to get up and get food and drinks during the movie.

what if you have to drop a duece?

05-14-2005, 07:40 PM
:lmao I was about to post that.

What If I have to go to the restroom and use my quatro to shave?

05-14-2005, 07:44 PM
i have no regard for the rules of a director
if i have to shave
im gonna shave

05-14-2005, 08:09 PM
w/ four blades you could shave an avergae beard in a matter of seconds worth of meaningless dialogue

05-15-2005, 12:12 AM
just catch the 1st battle scene, and you'll have the rest of the first hour to shave...after that be in yo chair.

fucking lucas can't keep me from sneaking beer into the theatre. but drinking during a movie is no good. bladder is big, but so are the pockets in my coat...can hold alot of longnecks...will a coat look suspicious in mid-may?

05-15-2005, 12:37 AM
bigzak whats the best way to get some drank into alamo DH?
i want to get really wasted and i'm on a budget

Kori Ellis
05-15-2005, 12:42 AM
bigzak whats the best way to get some drank into alamo DH?
i want to get really wasted and i'm on a budget

Don't even think about it. Just have someone buy you some drinks.

05-15-2005, 12:45 AM
thats a good idea but thispego is cheap and he'll hold it against me, and i'm tapped out with elpimpo
i'll obey the rules though

Kori Ellis
05-15-2005, 12:49 AM
thats a good idea but thispego is cheap and he'll hold it against me, and i'm tapped out with elpimpo
i'll obey the rules though

I'll buy you one beer. Now if you can get 10 people to do that, you'll be in good (or is that bad) shape.

05-15-2005, 12:51 AM
ill be fine
with that 1 beer plus my 4 dollars to spend, elpimpos 2 i can weasel, and the tallboys chugged on the way

05-15-2005, 12:51 AM
one of you has to bring a purse man...or look awkward with a coat on and load up with longnecks. maybe you got pants with huge pocket and a shirt that can be worn untucked...

anyhow, then you can buy one bucket of domestic beer for 12 bux.

as you drink, replenish the bucket and maybe the servers don't get wise.

put the bottles WAY under the seat or have a staging area against the curtain by the wall so they don't fall and start rolling all the way down to the front of the theatre...

or even better, put the empties in the section directly behind kori's reserved area.

that way we can all point at the people behind us scoff in amazement if the jig is up.

otherwise? can you drink in the car prior to entrance?

or perhaps a bottle is best. cokes are 3 bux though too, so pick your poison.

you cold order ice water, drink the water and have a nice cup of ice ready for a touch of jack.

the lights stay on though, so be advised, and based on the guy that was serving us last time? i really doubt the waitstaff will give a shit...but you never know.

good luck and god speed.

05-15-2005, 12:53 AM
Don't even think about it.

or in that case, nevermind. :lol

05-15-2005, 12:54 AM
bigzak you and i have much in common

its like when youre underage you have to sneak in alcohol to clubs and bars, and when youre an adult you have to because youre broke
its an art and a skill i hope to master

05-15-2005, 01:08 AM
thats a good idea but thispego is cheap and he'll hold it against me, and i'm tapped out with elpimpo
i'll obey the rules though
thats crap dude, i give you shit all the time, do ever get thanks? no
do i ever get reimbursed? no
it'll be a cold day in hell before i EVER buy you another thing, if im boozed enough at DH then i MIGHT buy you a beer.... MIGHT