View Full Version : Melancholy Mood, warning a bad poem.

05-13-2005, 12:27 PM
Stayed up past 1 AM on East Coast Last Fright Night

Fell asleep with visions of what would have been a glorious last shot, that good Lord came up soft.

Yet, hoped to wake up this AM feeling bright.

Instead felt like I rolled out asleep out of a 12 foot loft.

Why of why does a loss like this hurt so bad?

Haven't we seen all this groundhog day type of loss before, why should I get mad?

For nothing ever comes easy for all Spur's devotees.

What should have been a sweep, will of course not be.

Now have to listen to the inane media try to stir more controversies.

Blah, blah, blah, on and on about last year, Allen/Bowen, and James's smear.

As if these Sonics were really the 2004 Lakers we should all fear. (lightbulb!)

Ah the gloom is lifting as truth, perspective, and reality hits.

These Sonics, James, Allen et. al. really are not Sh*t.

copyrite protected.

"Dead Poet Society Member"

05-13-2005, 12:31 PM
Beautifully written....My day is also brighter. You said it.... This is no 2004 Laker team.Sonics just got a token game so their self esteem won't be in the toilet! The Spurs are so nice to think of that.. Now on Sunday they can beat the ever-livin shit out of them with gusto!


05-13-2005, 12:40 PM
de nada