View Full Version : How the League Influences a Series - Tim Donaghy

06-20-2010, 12:10 PM
Tim Donaghy On Game 7: How The League Influences A Series
Tim Donaghy, the former NBA referee who spent 11 months in prison for relaying inside information to gamblers, is reviewing the performance of his former colleagues during the NBA Finals. Here's a quarter-by-quarter breakdown of Game 7, with video.

The big thing that stands out about the series is how dramatically the officiating changed after the first two games. In Games 1 and 2, the referees handed out fouls like candy — 54 were called in the opener, 58 in the next game. Over the remainder of the series, refs called an average of 44 fouls. What happened? Well, I can say from experience that it had nothing to do with the play on the floor and a lot more to do with what happened in a hotel room the morning of every game.

Here's how it works: In the playoffs, three refs and an alternate meet in a hotel room with a group supervisor before a game. The league office e-mails the supervisor a list of things it wants the officials to concentrate on, and the supervisor relays the message to the refs in their meeting. When I was in the league, the memos — hot off the desks of the likes of Stu Jackson, Ed T. Rush, or Ronnie Nunn — would usually detail what kinds of fouls needed to be better addressed. The message would be something like, Team X is getting away with an enormous amount of handchecking, or Shawn Bradley is hanging out under the basket, not really defending anybody. He's committing a defensive three-second violation. The goal was to set the tone for that night's game and, even more broadly, for the series. An extreme example: the 2005 Dallas-Houston matchup. I was the alternate for Game 3 and sat in on the meeting with the group supervisor. We were told explicitly to start calling moving screens and traveling violations on Yao Ming. (Jeff Van Gundy would later complain publicly that referees were targeting Yao; he got fined for it.) Houston was up 2-0 at that point. Dallas wound up winning in seven games.

So what do I think happened after Games 1 and 2 this year? I'm pretty certain that the message from the league office before Game 3 was to swallow the whistle and cut down on the number of fouls called. To let the games play out, in other words. Throughout the Finals, I've tried to give you some insight into the inherent subjectivity of refereeing a professional basketball game. But the takeaway from this series is that the subjectivity isn't just on the part of the referees. The league itself also has a huge influence in how a series plays out — through those memos and their points of emphasis. Maybe you think it's completely innocent. Maybe you don't. But there's no denying that what the rule book says means a lot less than what the NBA wants at any given moment.


06-20-2010, 12:14 PM
Joey Crawford for Lakers MVP!

06-20-2010, 12:15 PM
Shut the fuck up and let it go!

06-20-2010, 12:18 PM
Shut the fuck up and let it go!
preach on DJ preach on!!!!!! hahaha

silverblk mystix
06-20-2010, 12:20 PM
anyone remember that Yao Ming/JVG thing...makes perfect sense...

call it whatever...

go ahead with your: ``anyone who complains about the refs --and still watches is an idiot''


talking about reffing is a bitch move,etc...

the league has a BIG hand in controlling games and they KNOW they can get away with it...

because there will ALWAYS be someone who will say something to appear that ALL is alright---and ANYONE who starts pointing out refs is shot down---or labeled as a whiner, a conspiracist,etc...

and go ahead and state that Donaghy is a LONE ---rogue ref---because Stern says it so...

when will something be done....????

06-20-2010, 12:26 PM
How you get Djohn to stare at orange juice. He reads the label and it says concentrate.

silverblk mystix
06-20-2010, 12:30 PM
Shut the fuck up and let it go!

...this is always the answer...


then everyone forgets about it...

start hoping and praying for NEXT season...the draft...trades...etc...

keep on playing this crooked game and let the dirty league continue to sell a tainted product---because we are all brainwashed into continuing the farce...

no-one is interested in justice or fairness or purity of the game

go ahead sheep---I mean fans

06-20-2010, 12:33 PM
Why the season will never be less than 82 games and why so many NBA playoff games go to 7 games. Why you won't go back to a 5 game playoff series. Its about $$$

NCAA has a better product because you can't predict who's going to be upset. One and done. The refs aren't so influential.

06-20-2010, 12:36 PM
How you get Djohn to stare at orange juice. He reads the label and it says concentrate.

Well that was original, I mean, it's not like you stole it from Jeff Foxworthy or anything :lmao

06-20-2010, 01:18 PM
DJ is like that bad itch you can't reach. The rash that won't go away. The screeching of nails across a chalkboard. The whine of the dentists drill. The cornsilk you can't floss out. The onion that makes your eyes tear up. The guy who bought "Thinking for Dummies", and proclaimed at long last...I can now entertain at dinner parties.

06-20-2010, 01:36 PM
Well Yao Ming's screens were ridiculous. Glad they were able to see the tape and make the adjustments. Anyways Donaghy does have points on how they can change a series without it being blatant. The worst is how they treat a superstar different than everybody else. Kobe, Wade, and Shaq for examples.

06-20-2010, 02:51 PM
I don't know how tainted the league is, but I would enjoy it more if I was completely confident that it was all legitimate. But I'm not going to quit watching at this point. It's still an entertaining product. I do think that it used to be better, or maybe 15 years ago I just didn't notice the superstar calls as much.

silverblk mystix
06-20-2010, 03:22 PM
the yao ming incident is an interesting example...

i remember watching that series and when jvg made those statements---i agreed with him---it was obvious and blatant---and i saw it with my own eyes

shouldn't it be that simple---shouldn't we have enough trust in our OWN judgement to believe what we just saw---

of course if you are a laker fan you are like the woman who really loves this guy---and then she catches him cheating----catches him red-fuckin'-handed---in their own bed---fucking another woman---but she loves him....

and after screaming at him for awhile---and he =denying it....she starts to question what she saw....and then the guy (the cheater/stern if you will) says...

``now...who you gonna believe....me or your LYING EYES!'' :lol

getting back to jvg

he was fined something like 100,000 donuts---enough to SHUT HIM THE FUCK UP!

and to tell ANYONE ELSE---that you NEVER question the system...

today jvg is BEGGING to be let back in the NBA by ridin' kobe's nuts and by being up in kobe's ass so much that you don't know where jvg ends and where kobe begins...

this will show anyone what happens when you question the league

and if you were making millions and millions every year---but you SUSPECTED that something might be unfair---or wrong---or rigged---or at least TAINTED a little bit...

would YOU give up your gravy train to try and change things for the FANS???

there is your NBA in a nutshell

06-20-2010, 10:28 PM
DJ is like that bad itch you can't reach. The rash that won't go away. The screeching of nails across a chalkboard. The whine of the dentists drill. The cornsilk you can't floss out. The onion that makes your eyes tear up. The guy who bought "Thinking for Dummies", and proclaimed at long last...I can now entertain at dinner parties.

Maybe if you stopped starting bullshit threads about things that happened years ago, I would go away, faggot!

06-20-2010, 10:45 PM
This guy is probably rich from all the sheep that think the NBA is rigged. It's pathetic that a felon that worked with the mob can make thousands by saying whatever he wants.

06-20-2010, 10:50 PM
Maybe if you stopped starting bullshit threads about things that happened years ago, I would go away, faggot!

Go suck on Aaron Brooks nuts...they are perfect for you. One in each cheek. lol

silverblk mystix
06-20-2010, 11:07 PM
This guy is probably rich from all the sheep that think the NBA is rigged. It's pathetic that a felon that worked with the mob can make thousands by saying whatever he wants.

well why not...there is a rapist that is allowed to play in the nba...and he even gets preferential treatment...

06-20-2010, 11:47 PM
This guy is probably rich from all the sheep that think the NBA is rigged. It's pathetic that a felon that worked with the mob can make thousands by saying whatever he wants.

I agreed that when he said this stuff a few years back it was less credible cause maybe he was trying to buy less jail time as Stern had suggested by calling him a "singing witness." But this is becoming more and more like the "don't snitch" policy in the hood.

You can call people that listen to him sheep, but will you consider the possibility that you're just watching with blinders?

06-21-2010, 01:40 AM
So Donaghy is a terrible person and can't be trusted or believable because he's a felon? Let me guess, Stern is a straight shooter right? He's got integrity and has never been a part of any wrong doings as commish of the NBA? Donaghy was just alone right?

06-21-2010, 06:51 AM
Go suck on Aaron Brooks nuts...they are perfect for you. One in each cheek. lol

Oh the irony of you telling someone else to go suck some nuts with Yao's lodged deep in your throat, hence the term "deep throat", which you seem to be quite good at. I'm sure you guys have plans to make babies, just tell me what you'll name it

06-21-2010, 06:58 AM
lol believing a crook.

06-21-2010, 01:20 PM
so donaghy is a terrible person and can't be trusted or believable because he's a felon? Let me guess, stern is a straight shooter right? He's got integrity and has never been a part of any wrong doings as commish of the nba? Donaghy was just alone right?

06-21-2010, 01:24 PM
What's the big deal? I thought this was common knowledge. So the officials meet before the game and discuss things they missed or haven't been calling in the last game and start calling them? Okay...

silverblk mystix
06-21-2010, 01:30 PM
What's the big deal? I thought this was common knowledge. So the officials meet before the game and discuss things they missed or haven't been calling in the last game and start calling them? Okay...

maybe the big deal is that van gundy was fined 100,000 bux because he dare questioned dictator stern ---and van gundy was in the right!

any system that oppresses any difference of opinion as harshly as this---is a possibly corrupt system...

imagine if you were fined thousands $$$ if you even raised a question as to how the local police dept treated you or your family...would you still trust your local police----if your local cops were this UNtouchable ---would you suspect that MAYBE there were some corrupt cops in the dept?