View Full Version : Parker won't be traded (according to Pop)

06-29-2010, 03:11 AM
Parker's article on Lequipe.fr (http://www.lequipe.fr/Basket/20100629_090011_la-mise-au-point-de-tony-parker.html)

here's Parker's quotes from the article.

"I spoke to pop, he told me i won't go anywhere. Portland and New York were 2 serious options but San Antonio said no. And i love the spurs, i want to stay 1 year and become a free agent. "

"It's clear, it was an average season. Everytime i came back from injury, something else happened. It's good if i don't play a whole summer, i'll have a real preparation. Starting July 10th, i'll have a personal physical trainer. I've never done that before. After an average season, i want to show the world it was an accident."

"After next year i will have spent 10 years in SA. It's a great loop and a good challenge for me to go elsewhere. If I leave i can have another career, 8 or 9 years in another franchise."

06-29-2010, 03:12 AM
Tp said to a french newspaper he won't leave the spurs this year and plan to sign as a free agent .....


translation needed

06-29-2010, 03:14 AM
last part is weird

06-29-2010, 03:15 AM
Soooo...he's saying he's happy to stay one more year, then all but guaranteeing he's leaving after this next season?


06-29-2010, 03:16 AM
Hope this is translated wrongly, because if he already wants to leave and made his intentions clear, the Spurs should consider trading him.

06-29-2010, 03:18 AM
In short:
- Pop told Parker he is going nowhere next year.
- Parker will work a lot this summer to come back as strong as ever and prove everybody last year was an accident
- Parker is looking forward to being a FA next season cause after 10 years in SA, he would like to have a new challenge in a new place

Link: http://www.lequipe.fr/Basket/breves2010/20100629_090011_la-mise-au-point-de-tony-parker.html

Vic Petro
06-29-2010, 03:21 AM
If that translation is accurate, they should've traded him yesterday. I wonder if Oden was part of the Portland deal...

06-29-2010, 03:26 AM
In short:
- Pop told Parker he is going nowhere next year.
- Parker will work a lot this summer to come back as strong as ever and prove everybody last year was an accident
- Parker is looking forward to being a FA next season cause after 10 years in SA, he would like to have a new challenge in a new place

Link: http://www.lequipe.fr/Basket/breves2010/20100629_090011_la-mise-au-point-de-tony-parker.html

WTF? :wow
If its true, why would he say that now.

Anyway, thanks Romain :toast

06-29-2010, 03:26 AM
Soooo he's bailing next year... nice

06-29-2010, 03:28 AM
It does say "If I leave I can have another career" but yea it seems like an awkward translation.

06-29-2010, 03:29 AM
Bastard better just be making ambiguous statements.

06-29-2010, 03:30 AM
I hope it's a bad translation. But if its true, im wondering why would he say that now. Im not questioning his loyalty to this team, but it's pretty stupid to say.

06-29-2010, 03:34 AM
If he actually said this fuck him and get him outta here. If its a poor translation than so be it.

06-29-2010, 03:42 AM
:lol..you guys are mad, uh?..

This one is going 5 pages with a lot of hate..

06-29-2010, 03:49 AM
wow what a bombshell, i'm flummoxed. If true i hope we find a point guard for Timmy's sake.

does the CBA allow for a sign & trade b/w the end of 2011 season and beginning of 2012 Free Agency (july 1st?)

06-29-2010, 03:53 AM
Nice. Former Final MVP want to leave the Spurs next year.

06-29-2010, 04:00 AM
I like him on the team, but I fail to see how he didn't just make himself trade bait.

06-29-2010, 04:02 AM
I like him on the team, but I fail to see how he didn't just make himself trade bait.He already was.

06-29-2010, 04:02 AM
:lol..you guys are mad, uh?..

This one is going 5 pages with a lot of hate..

haha yeah I think so too. Now he and Spurs fans are glad and should be happy he stays and he does something like this and still will get hate because he said this. :lol

But I do think he shouldnt have said that and I dont get why he would do that. It's creating shit for something that he also could just shut his mouth. Unnecessary

venitian navigator
06-29-2010, 04:03 AM
I love Parker for what he's been for our team, but if his perspective is effectively to leave our team next season, I see no sense in retaining him...the point is that his best market value, all things considered, is not now but will be at the middle of this season, near the trade deadline...when, after a summer of rest and a good training, being in such a good shape just for making other teams see he deserve a "maximum" contract, he will have had enough time an games to show them his value.

At that point, Spurs better trade him to team that offers the best value they can get back (possibly, multiple draft picks and young players).

06-29-2010, 04:04 AM
He already was.

I understand that, but one of the points of the article was to say Pop had stopped shopping him.

06-29-2010, 04:11 AM
"loyalty to this team"

it's job, a business, and next year as free agent (if he doesn't get injured more than his weak ankles are now), he can probably get $M/year more employed elsewhere than from the capped-out Spurs company (as he looks at what Spurs pay RJ).

06-29-2010, 04:16 AM
Nice. Former Final MVP want to leave the Spurs next year.

The guy has givin us 10 fuckin yrs! Come on people! Look at the pictures on facbook/twiter tou guys be postin! If you can't see he's a spotlight person(I don't blame him) then your jus stupid! So many people on here wanted him gone anyway. 10yrs people. 10yrs(but trade his ass now to get some)

06-29-2010, 04:24 AM
"loyalty to this team"

it's job, a business, and next year as free agent (if he doesn't get injured more than his weak ankles are now), he can probably get $M/year more employed elsewhere than from the capped-out Spurs company (as he looks at what Spurs pay RJ).

I know it is a business of course. And next year he can do what ever he wants to, that's normal. But, its stupid to say it a year before. That's what its about. That's pretty stupid. Because of that, people will question his loyalty to this team. Not loyalty in the past or in the future, but just his loyalty to this team in this upcoming season.

People will wonder if he is really going for it, people will question if he really cares. People will question if he really is motivated and working his ass off for this team if he is looking of going away anyway. (Im sure he will, he is loyal and do whatever it takes, but still. People will start thinking.)

And why? He could have just prevented people from thinking that and hating and questioning him by just shutting his mouth and not telling it. Why putting yourself in that position? Instead he should have waited until next year and then do whatever and say whatever he wants to do.

Of course, if he really said it like this. Media is not really to be trusted.

06-29-2010, 04:29 AM
Wow, now I'm surprised.

It seems pretty clear that he won't be a spur next year...
Two possibilities here, either that despite his big ego he knows that he ain't no franchise player and that TD's career is coming to an end or that it had been said to him that he won't get a max deal from the spurs.
Anyway if he made up his mind, you sure as hell look to move him RIGHT NOW to get some value in return. We can't afford to loose him to free agency without getting something back.

06-29-2010, 04:37 AM
I fail to understand the logic of making such a statement at this time of the year.

Is he trying to force a trade by doing so? I mean, now everybody knows that he's willing to be a free agent and that the spurs would be loosing some team value if it happens.

"L'équipe" has been trying to make big headlines lately but in France such a statement is not a big seller so I doubt he hasn't said that literally.

06-29-2010, 04:54 AM
Trade him and try to get a good SG! Why let him go for free?

06-29-2010, 05:00 AM
I've been thinking he's going to leave for a while. And I do think there's a big chance of him being traded at some point this year IF this translation is correct.

Google translation: "Ten years ago at the end of next year I played in San Antonio. It's a nice loop and a great challenge for me to go elsewhere. If I go I can make another career, eight or nine years in another club."

I would guess the correct translation goes something like this:
"At the end of next year, it would be be ten years that I have played in San Antonio. It's a nice loop and it's a great challenge for me to go elsewhere. If i go, I could start a new career with another club for eight or nine years. (Meaning he sees himself playing till his late 30's)

06-29-2010, 05:03 AM
it's an accurate translation guys.

06-29-2010, 05:03 AM
I don't think Pop is going to be excited to hear that. Parker has always said he would like to resign and this is home, if the Spurs feel he won't than he should really be traded with RJ in a huge deal lol.

Somebody find the quotes where he said he thinks the teams last chance at a title is in the next 1/2 years only (not sure if it was 1 or 2 years)..

06-29-2010, 05:04 AM
About this NY and Portland trade talk, seems like all the rumors have been kinda true about NY. Not sure where Portland came in though!

06-29-2010, 05:16 AM
this thread has potential. i haven't really thought about parker's decision. i always thought if the spurs extended ginobili, then they will try to keep parker. however, if he does want more than the spurs are willing to offer or wants to jump ship, which i can't really blame him, then the spurs will have no choice but to trade him.

venitian navigator
06-29-2010, 05:41 AM
Trade chance :

Parker - Jefferson for Paul - Okafor - Posey

why for us : 1) Paul
2) with Parker gone, probably is the end also for Mahinmi chances to stay with the team...so we need another big and Okafor, also if clearly overpaid (prime reason 'cause New Orleans want to get rid of him), could be a good one to play along with Timmy (he rebounds, blocks shots, runs the floor well, is not a main option on offense, he's still in his age prime and under contract for only three more years)

3) Posey has played a bad season 'cause of injuries, but has the skills (outside shot and defense) for being a more than nice option in our system as a sf and is under contract for only two more seasons

why for New Orleans

1) considering next year, they get rid of all the bad contracts and can start re loading the team;
2) they get a point guard of very good value for Paul, they can extend him already for more seasons, and don't have to fear anymore that Paul is disgruntled or choose to play for another team at the end of hiss current contract;
3) Jefferson is totally healty (not like Posey or Stojakovic) and can be re-signed at a lower price next year a be a good piece for next three - four years

why for Paul : he wants to win, and New Orleaìns, currently, doesn't have a real window at the title...with us he will have a more than decent chance for at least next two years.

why for Parker : New Orleans is a very nice city to live in and is a lot "french speaking"; so he could look something more than a good player for them...he could became in little time the real "face" of the franchise. That's why, there are all the chances that N.O. could be already willing to give him a "maximum" extension.

06-29-2010, 05:45 AM
If it's true that the Spurs actively tried to trade Tony , then i dont blame him for thinking this way. It's a damn shame , that it has got to this. He sure is under-appreciated by fans but is a massive part of this team and it's history. He and Manu are the cornerstones of the team.The two the spurs need to revolve around going into the future.

From what was reported , both parties seemed on the same page leading up to the draft. Going by speculation it seemed otherwise. Spurs need to do
their best to let tony know he's appreciated.

Tony in another uniform but the spurs, that is just hard to digest.

06-29-2010, 06:25 AM
Trade chance :

Parker - Jefferson for Paul - Okafor - Posey

why for New Orleans

1) considering next year, they get rid of all the bad contracts and can start re loading the team;
2) they get a point guard of very good value for Paul, they can extend him already for more seasons, and don't have to fear anymore that Paul is disgruntled or choose to play for another team at the end of hiss current contract;
3) Jefferson is totally healty (not like Posey or Stojakovic) and can be re-signed at a lower price next year a be a good piece for next three - four years

Pretty sure you couldn't find even one NO fan who would be happy with these and besides NO could easily find much better deals than Parker + Jefferson.

This trade would make a lot of sense for the Spurs, but absolutely zero for NO - if they want cap relief, instant at that, they can trade for, say, Dampier and a package around him - this would save them much more money or they could make a trade with a team under the Salary Cap, as there are quite a few this summer. But taking on Jefferson and Parker, whom they'd most likely lose next summer, does sweet fuck all for NO, both financially and talent-wise.

06-29-2010, 06:26 AM
Trade chance :

Parker - Jefferson for Paul - Okafor - Posey

That would be a great trade for the Spurs but I don't see NO going for it unless they have given up completely and are planning to hit the reset button.

06-29-2010, 06:32 AM
All this talk are some pressure moves by Spurs and Parker around his extension:
- Spurs put pressure on Parker by saying him they will trade him.
- Parker put pressure on Spurs by saying he could go elsewhere next summer.

For the moment, both sides are just showing their muscles. Talks about an extension will start in July, let's hope both sides will be reasonable and reach an agreement.

06-29-2010, 06:38 AM
All this talk are some pressure moves by Spurs and Parker around his extension:
- Spurs put pressure on Parker by saying him they will trade him.
- Parker put pressure on Spurs by saying he could go elsewhere next summer.

For the moment, both sides are just showing their muscles. Talks about an extension will start in July, let's hope both sides will be reasonable and reach an agreement.

I can agree to your assumption to a certain degree but I sense some dissatisfaction toward the spurs in his take to l'équipe. To be honest, TP is title hungry but realistically I don't see our spurs being in the title hunt after Duncan's era and I doubt about any financial commitment from the organization towards TP (read max extension) unless it means being in contention.

06-29-2010, 06:44 AM
If you recognize the big financial forces at play, the struggles that have been evident between Parker and the Spurs are much easier to understand.

1. The uncertainties associated with the upcoming 2011 CBA.

2. The two year commitment to greatly increased spending that was signaled by the RJ trade and the Dice signing.

Those two forces will make it difficult for the two sides to come to agreement on an extension unless it is for substantially less than the maximum possible (5yrs/90M). I've always been pessimistic that the two sides, even while negotiating in good faith, will be able to arrive at a yrs/dollars agreement satisfactory to both Tony and the Spurs.

06-29-2010, 07:05 AM
It's bad timing for him to say that, but I don't know why anyone is surprised that he would leave. The Spurs will be in full rebuild mode and it's probably in the best interest of both parties if he does go.

Parker is 28 years old...but is closer to 32 as far as mileage goes. He says he wants to play 8 more seasons but anyone with any sort of objective point of view knows that's a pretty serious stretch. Parker probably has 4 good seasons(maybe less, depending on how many summers he takes off) left in him before he loses his quickness and/or gets too banged up to be relied upon for a whole season. Why would he want to stay in SA and finish out his career trying to carry a rebuilding team?

From the Spurs prespective, they need to think about the potential repercussions of staying loyal to Parker to the point where they sign him to a 5 year deal. With Manu's contract already on the books, investing a lot of cash in another older player that might wind up only giving them a couple of good years probably isn't the best direction to go...especially since the Spurs won't be in title contention again in the near future.

All of that said, the timing of Parker's comments are really the only bad thing about them. Him saying this tells me that he going to play hard this season to work for his new contract(no matter where it is) and getting the best from Parker translates into the Spurs having one last shot at putting another trophy in the case. That's all that really matters to me.

06-29-2010, 07:13 AM
trade him to Indiana for Murphy and Paul George

06-29-2010, 07:18 AM
BTW, anyone who want's to trade Parker now because of his comments is basically saying they are ready to rebuild. The Spurs best chance at winning this year is to keep him.

06-29-2010, 07:27 AM
Realistic translation of this article:

1- i'll become a beast next year because i want my "value" to be up for the FA market!!!

2- Pop told me "stay here please one more year", then GTFO

3- for season 2011-2012 i want a change in my life, be the superstar of another team and have children.

06-29-2010, 07:36 AM
BTW, anyone who want's to trade Parker now because of his comments is basically saying they are ready to rebuild. The Spurs best chance at winning this year is to keep him.

If Splitter signs, I'd say the chance of a Parker trade this summer approaches zero. They'll take their best shot at fielding a contender and a contract-year Parker would be part of that.

They would then re-examine their options at the trade deadline based upon the realities that present themselves over the course of the first half of the season. If the season's prospects still look promising, then they stand fast and go for the best possible result. In that scenario, they simply let Parker play out his contract and wait for the new CBA to be signed.

silverblk mystix
06-29-2010, 07:42 AM
I think that it could have been taken out of context-unless someone has a full, correct translation.
No sense in jumping to conclusions.
Parker has always been a true spur and I have always respected him and his professionalism-for being so young.

I can look around the league and see so many idiots that get FAR more support from their fans-and it kinda irks me a bit to see so many here bashing him repeatedly.
I still don't understand the reason why.
I, for one, would think that he deserves better and I feel if the spurs deal with him fairly-he will retire as a spur.
I will also give him the benefit of the doubt-because I feel he has earned it.

06-29-2010, 07:51 AM
Guys he said:

"Si je pars je peux faire une autre carrière, huit ou neuf ans dans un autre club».

"IF I leave I can have a new other long career in another team"

He doesn't say he will leave but IF !

I understand the whole thing as if I'm obliged to leave I want to finish my career for one unique other team, he doesn't want to move every two years ! Traduction he will look for a long contract, nothing wrong with that IMO.

06-29-2010, 07:57 AM
Simple if you ask me... there are 2 scenarios:

1. If you get Splitter you try to keep Parker and contend.

2. If Splitter doesn't come over you trade him.

06-29-2010, 08:05 AM
All this talk are some pressure moves by Spurs and Parker around his extension:
- Spurs put pressure on Parker by saying him they will trade him.
- Parker put pressure on Spurs by saying he could go elsewhere next summer.

For the moment, both sides are just showing their muscles. Talks about an extension will start in July, let's hope both sides will be reasonable and reach an agreement.


What TP is saying: pop I want a long deal for the money I feel I deserve, if spurs don't want to give me what I want I'll go see elsewhere.

I'm sure TP preference is to sign an extension of 4 - 5 years with the Spurs for something around 70 MUSD.

Negotiation with Manu began the same way with Manu saying he is ready to play for another team, it's part of the negotiation process.

Fans are overreacting for nothing.

06-29-2010, 08:10 AM
It's ok with me. He has to consider his options. He would be a fool not to. Supposing he does leave at the end of the season (or is traded), who would be the point guard in 2011-12?

06-29-2010, 08:13 AM

What TP is saying: pop I want a long deal for the money I feel I deserve, if spurs don't want to give me what I want I'll go see elsewhere.

I'm sure TP preference is to sign an extension of 4 - 5 years with the Spurs for something around 70 MUSD.

Negotiation with Manu began the same way with Manu saying he is ready to play for another team, it's part of the negotiation process.

Fans are overreacting for nothing.


No reason to get mad at Tony. This is just business.

06-29-2010, 08:17 AM
George Hill for starter...... Trade Parker for Oden... Parker isn't the same humble kid anymore. He's causing incidents with fans at airports, he's demanding to either be a starter or be traded, now he's blatantly making it known that he's getting in the best shape of his career now in order to prepare to leave the spurs to start the 2nd half of his career elsewhere after this season..... Wtf?!!
Trade his ass now.... He's become too much like his wife -high maintenance

06-29-2010, 08:26 AM
wow, now i'm surprised.

It seems pretty clear that he won't be a spur next year...
Two possibilities here, either that despite his big ego he knows that he ain't no franchise player and that td's career is coming to an end or that it had been said to him that he won't get a max deal from the spurs.
Anyway if he made up his mind, you sure as hell look to move him right now to get some value in return. We can't afford to loose him to free agency without getting something back.


06-29-2010, 08:28 AM
Trade him and try to get a good SG! Why let him go for free?

We need a another big more than we need a SG. Even with Splitter "supposedly" coming, we still need another big that can protect the basket.

Kori Ellis
06-29-2010, 08:31 AM
Before everyone flips out, it's important to know the question before the statement. For example, the reporter could have said, "If San Antonio doesn't re-sign you when you are a free agent, how do feel about going elsewhere?"

And then Parker said (translated): "After next year i will have spent 10 years in SA. It's a great loop and a good challenge for me to go elsewhere. If I leave i can have another career, 8 or 9 years in another franchise."

I have seen reporters do it all the time in locker room, and then their articles never indicate what question was asked. It's good for sensationalism - but for actual journalism.

I'm not saying that's exactly what happened here, but I wouldn't get wound up about the statement until you know the question.

06-29-2010, 08:39 AM
If it's true that the Spurs actively tried to trade Tony , then i dont blame him for thinking this way. It's a damn shame , that it has got to this. He sure is under-appreciated by fans but is a massive part of this team and it's history. He and Manu are the cornerstones of the team.The two the spurs need to revolve around going into the future.

From what was reported , both parties seemed on the same page leading up to the draft. Going by speculation it seemed otherwise. Spurs need to do
their best to let tony know he's appreciated.

Tony in another uniform but the spurs, that is just hard to digest.

All this talk are some pressure moves by Spurs and Parker around his extension:
- Spurs put pressure on Parker by saying him they will trade him.
- Parker put pressure on Spurs by saying he could go elsewhere next summer.

For the moment, both sides are just showing their muscles. Talks about an extension will start in July, let's hope both sides will be reasonable and reach an agreement.

Yeah that's true. I haven't thought about it like that. I can understand it why he could have said it. Still, If he really said it like that, I think he should not have said it now. One year before. It could give mixed signals. But then again, as you say they are putting pressure

Before everyone flips out, it's important to know the question before the statement. For example, the reporter could have said, "If San Antonio doesn't re-sign you when you are a free agent, how do feel about going elsewhere?"

And then Parker said (translated): "After next year i will have spent 10 years in SA. It's a great loop and a good challenge for me to go elsewhere. If I leave i can have another career, 8 or 9 years in another franchise."

I have seen reporters do it all the time in locker room, and then their articles never indicate what question was asked. It's good for sensationalism - but for actual journalism.

I'm not saying that's exactly what happened here, but I wouldn't get wound up about the statement until you know the question.

That's also possible. We don't know the exact context in which he said it nor is media to be trusted.

06-29-2010, 08:46 AM
Before everyone flips out, it's important to know the question before the statement. For example, the reporter could have said, "If San Antonio doesn't re-sign you when you are a free agent, how do feel about going elsewhere?"

And then Parker said (translated): "After next year i will have spent 10 years in SA. It's a great loop and a good challenge for me to go elsewhere. If I leave i can have another career, 8 or 9 years in another franchise."

I have seen reporters do it all the time in locker room, and then their articles never indicate what question was asked. It's good for sensationalism - but for actual journalism.

I'm not saying that's exactly what happened here, but I wouldn't get wound up about the statement until you know the question.

I understand what you're saying here. But it's not like french readers care about where Tony plays. That doesn't make any headlines and that doesn't make the paper stand out that much.
The only freaked ones are the french spurs (not especially Tony) fans wich means a handful :p:.
I'm french and maybe my countrymen won't agree but I read it this way : Pop and I talked, they tried to shop me but wouldn't get enough and dismissed the offers because they think we have one last chance to win a chip. I won't get a max extension because we ain't contender without TD at full force so I better seek money and title chances elsewhere.

06-29-2010, 08:54 AM
Before everyone flips out, it's important to know the question before the statement. For example, the reporter could have said, "If San Antonio doesn't re-sign you when you are a free agent, how do feel about going elsewhere?"

And then Parker said (translated): "After next year i will have spent 10 years in SA. It's a great loop and a good challenge for me to go elsewhere. If I leave i can have another career, 8 or 9 years in another franchise."

I have seen reporters do it all the time in locker room, and then their articles never indicate what question was asked. It's good for sensationalism - but for actual journalism.

I'm not saying that's exactly what happened here, but I wouldn't get wound up about the statement until you know the question.

The internet article linked in the first post is a summary of an interview made for the newspaper. Since I've had the newspaper, I will tranlate the whole interview.

Kori Ellis
06-29-2010, 08:57 AM
... but I read it this way : Pop and I talked, they tried to shop me but wouldn't get enough and dismissed the offers because they think we have one last chance to win a chip. I won't get a max extension because we ain't contender without TD at full force so I better seek money and title chances elsewhere.

Sure, it could easily be read that way. It could also be that they didn't necessarily try to shop him, but got offers from the teams that he mentioned and turned them down. That his goal is to get a long term deal and that if San Antonio can't do that, he has prepared himself to make the best of going elsewhere.

Either way, I don't think it's that big of deal. Like someone else mentioned earlier, it's the same talk Manu had last year ... that he wanted a multi-year extension, that he loved San Antonio but you never know what could happen - he could end up elsewhere.

But just like with Manu, I think they'll end up trying to work out a good deal (for both sides) with Parker.

06-29-2010, 09:11 AM
I truly believe that if NY strikes out with the big name FAs this year that they will go after Parker next year with a max deal once Curry's contract is off the books.

06-29-2010, 09:14 AM
Much ado about nothing.......

06-29-2010, 09:23 AM
I'm glad TP is at least honest about his feeling 99% of the time. I can't hate the guy for that.

06-29-2010, 09:30 AM
The whole interview:

Your ninth NBA season hasn't been the most successful one of your career. How do you feel about that?
It's sure that it wasn't a good season, it was an average one. Every time I came back from an injury, I had another one! But when I think at it, I put it in perspective. I've been in NBA for 9 years and it's the first time I had a year like that. I have a hard time being disappointed. I've had a lot of luck since I'm in the NBA. However, I draw conclusions of this year for my future.

Is this difficult year the reason of you not playing the WC this summer?
I've played a lot these past years. I've player the last 6 summers with FNT. I've always given the priority to FNT. This time, I've said to myself: "I will give the priority to Spurs". It's important for me too, it's my contract year and I have to play well. I think it's good that I take a full summer off and work on my body. After July 10th, I will have a physical trainer. I've never done that in the NBA! I think it well help me. And after an average season, I want to prove to everyone that it was just an accident.

Your have received some criticism for not playing the WC...
Of course and it's logical. People say: " He is here, he isn't injured but he isn't playing!" but they don't understand that we aren't machines and that we need some rest. If I'm not playing well, if I'm not at 100% and I play the WC, they will also criticize me. I will never be able to win that argument.

Is spending some time with your wife been also a factor?
It's sure that it was a factor. I wanted to spend some time with Eva. Since our wedding, I've played every summer with the FNT! (he smiled) In fact, I wanted more to please Eva than Spurs this summer!

And it's a crucial summer in your career. There is still one year left in your contract. Do you want to negotiate an extension with Spurs very fast?
No, I don't. I rather wait to see where the big FAs will go this summer. I'm not in a hurry. I also really love SA and I want to stay for the last year of my contract to play with Tim and Manu. After that, I will be a FA and re-evaluate the situation.

And then maybe leaving Spurs?
I will have been a Spur for 10 years. It could be the end of a great cycle and it could be a great challenge for me to go elsewhere. If I leave SA, I can have a second career with 8 or 9 years with another team.

However Spurs could trade you this summer. there have been some talks about NY and Portland.
It's logical that there are some rumors. I've the highest trade value of the team. Anyway, I've talked with Pop and he says me that I will go nowhere. It's true that NY and Portland were the two most serious options but Spurs have said no to them.

Speaking about that, there will have rumors the whole summer with high level free agents.
I will be huge. I will change the face of the NBA and for me, it's important. Next summer, I will know where everyone is and it will be easier to choose.

06-29-2010, 09:33 AM
I wonder what Portland offered.

06-29-2010, 09:35 AM
I wonder what Portland offered.

I'm also curious. They definitely have a couple of things worth accepting for TP.

06-29-2010, 09:40 AM
I wonder what Portland offered.

Andre Miller, Webster, Rudy / Batum, picks, cash. Something along these lines, I would imagine.

06-29-2010, 10:03 AM
The whole interview:

Your ninth NBA season hasn't been the most successful one of your career. How do you feel about that?
It's sure that it wasn't a good season, it was an average one. Every time I came back from an injury, I had another one! But when I think at it, I put it in perspective. I've been in NBA for 9 years and it's the first time I had a year like that. I have a hard time being disappointed. I've had a lot of luck since I'm in the NBA. However, I draw conclusions of this year for my future.

Is this difficult year the reason of you not playing the WC this summer?
I've played a lot these past years. I've player the last 6 summers with FNT. I've always given the priority to FNT. This time, I've said to myself: "I will give the priority to Spurs". It's important for me too, it's my contract year and I have to play well. I think it's good that I take a full summer off and work on my body. After July 10th, I will have a physical trainer. I've never done that in the NBA! I think it well help me. And after an average season, I want to prove to everyone that it was just an accident.

Your have received some criticism for not playing the WC...
Of course and it's logical. People say: " He is here, he isn't injured but he isn't playing!" but they don't understand that we aren't machines and that we need some rest. If I'm not playing well, if I'm not at 100% and I play the WC, they will also criticize me. I will never be able to win that argument.

Is spending some time with your wife been also a factor?
It's sure that it was a factor. I wanted to spend some time with Eva. Since our wedding, I've played every summer with the FNT! (he smiled) In fact, I wanted more to please Eva than Spurs this summer!

And it's a crucial summer in your career. There is still one year left in your contract. Do you want to negotiate an extension with Spurs very fast?
No, I don't. I rather wait to see where the big FAs will go this summer. I'm not in a hurry. I also really love SA and I want to stay for the last year of my contract to play with Tim and Manu. After that, I will be a FA and re-evaluate the situation.

And then maybe leaving Spurs?
I will have been a Spur for 10 years. It could be the end of a great cycle and it could be a great challenge for me to go elsewhere. If I leave SA, I can have a second career with 8 or 9 years with another team.

However Spurs could trade you this summer. there have been some talks about NY and Portland.
It's logical that there are some rumors. I've the highest trade value of the team. Anyway, I've talked with Pop and he says me that I will go nowhere. It's true that NY and Portland were the two most serious options but Spurs have said no to them.

Speaking about that, there will have rumors the whole summer with high level free agents.
I will be huge. I will change the face of the NBA and for me, it's important. Next summer, I will know where everyone is and it will be easier to choose.

Thanks for translating Bruno :toast

Now we see more in the context where he said it. I've interpreted it wrong in the beginning. It's nothing. No need for panic.

06-29-2010, 10:13 AM
Sounds like he's as good as gone after next season. He said himself that he's not interested in negotiating an extension.

Trade him and get something for him.

06-29-2010, 10:19 AM
Sounds like he's as good as gone after next season. He said himself that he's not interested in negotiating an extension.

Trade him and get something for him.

No, he said he's not in a hurry. Relax.

06-29-2010, 10:26 AM
Andre Miller, Webster, Rudy / Batum, picks, cash. Something along these lines, I would imagine.

I've heard in interviews from PGs saying that Andre Miller is the most underrated PG in the league, but he's 34 years old and that not enough bait. That, Rudy Fernandez, Nicholas Batum, on top of maybe Bayless and a 1st would have been alright, but I don't think it's worth giving up TP.

06-29-2010, 10:28 AM
Well that's a stupid thing to say.

06-29-2010, 10:37 AM
It sounds to me like they realize that this is the last year the spurs have to win a championship. Spurs probably will not resign parker because they do not think that he will keep him at that level.

Spurs always have a plan. They have invested serious money in this year and last year. After that, they will begin to rebuild. The run has to end and Tony being the youngest will be the player to go while Tim and Manu get to retire in the Spurs uniform. I hope we put up a good fight and make it to the finals.

06-29-2010, 10:40 AM
No, he said he's not in a hurry. Relax.

I am relaxed.

He said he's not in a hurry because he wants to see where all the big name free agents land this summer. Translation: I want to see which teams are gonna be contenders in the future. He already made it clear that he thinks the Spurs only have one more run left in them. Now he's talking about finishing his career with another team. Take off the homer goggles and read between the lines.

Kori Ellis
06-29-2010, 10:40 AM
Thanks for translating Bruno :toast

Now we see more in the context where he said it. I've interpreted it wrong in the beginning. It's nothing. No need for panic.


06-29-2010, 10:45 AM
Ive got no problem with Tony saying that after 10 seasons in San Antonio he might want a change. He has paid his dues, been loyal to the franchise and deserves to see what he can get on the open market. Hopefully he decides to stay in SA after next year, but if not, I think 10 years is plenty enough to earn my respect.

06-29-2010, 10:53 AM
I am relaxed.

He said he's not in a hurry because he wants to see where all the big name free agents land this summer. Translation: I want to see which teams are gonna be contenders in the future. He already made it clear that he thinks the Spurs only have one more run left in them. Now he's talking about finishing his career with another team. Take off the homer goggles and read between the lines.

I don't see anything wrong with that. For as long as he gives his all next season, which I'm pretty sure he will, then all is good. Everything has an end my friend, and we sure made the most of what we had and will make a hell of a run with what we do right now ;-)

06-29-2010, 10:54 AM
"And i love the spurs, i want to stay 1 year and become a free agent. "

I'm tired of being right all the time. :king

06-29-2010, 11:01 AM
Eh, he's trying to prove that he's a max player, which he isn't but I'm sure there's a few teams that are dumb enough to pay him that.
Example? Joe Johnson is NOT worth the Max.

06-29-2010, 11:35 AM
Wow, now I'm surprised.

It seems pretty clear that he won't be a spur next year...
Two possibilities here, either that despite his big ego he knows that he ain't no franchise player and that TD's career is coming to an end or that it had been said to him that he won't get a max deal from the spurs.
Anyway if he made up his mind, you sure as hell look to move him RIGHT NOW to get some value in return. We can't afford to loose him to free agency without getting something back.


In addition if he's going to be free agent he could play only for him next year.He could play only to make numbers.

06-29-2010, 11:43 AM
funny how spurs can try to get kidd
try to trade him
then fans think he should be thrilled with the spurs
he said he learned along ago this is business

he wants a good contract will spurs do that when manu,duncan and maybe pop is not here for all of it?

tp wants a chance to win to

Whisky Dog
06-29-2010, 11:47 AM
Trade him, get value before he walks.

06-29-2010, 11:51 AM
I'm french and maybe my countrymen won't agree but I read it this way : Pop and I talked, they tried to shop me but wouldn't get enough and dismissed the offers because they think we have one last chance to win a chip. I won't get a max extension because we ain't contender without TD at full force so I better seek money and title chances elsewhere.


The only thing that changed for me after reading Bruno's translation is the context in which he said it: brutal honesty, not butthurt.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-29-2010, 12:20 PM
If I leave i can have another career, 8 or 9 years in another franchise

Unless this is bad translation, Spurs better be doing everything they can to shop him.

If it's not, he just hosed the Spurs even more, lessening his trade value.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-29-2010, 12:23 PM
George Hill for starter...... Trade Parker for Oden... Parker isn't the same humble kid anymore. He's causing incidents with fans at airports, he's demanding to either be a starter or be traded, now he's blatantly making it known that he's getting in the best shape of his career now in order to prepare to leave the spurs to start the 2nd half of his career elsewhere after this season..... Wtf?!!
Trade his ass now.... He's become too much like his wife -high maintenance

If you want to trade Parker fine. But you're a frickin' idiot if you're pining for Oden. How many games has he played in the NBA again?

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-29-2010, 12:26 PM
And it's a crucial summer in your career. There is still one year left in your contract. Do you want to negotiate an extension with Spurs very fast?
No, I don't. I rather wait to see where the big FAs will go this summer. I'm not in a hurry. I also really love SA and I want to stay for the last year of my contract to play with Tim and Manu. After that, I will be a FA and re-evaluate the situation.

And then maybe leaving Spurs?
I will have been a Spur for 10 years. It could be the end of a great cycle and it could be a great challenge for me to go elsewhere. If I leave SA, I can have a second career with 8 or 9 years with another team.

Not saying anyone should panic, but if you read between the lines he's gone next year on his own volition.

06-29-2010, 12:33 PM
I wonder if he made these statements as a way of saying "F you."

The guy always played hard, always performed and offensively carried this team through multiple playoff runs...yet he's always at the center of trade talk and fans are never happy with what he brings.

"If im not good enough, then I'll go elsewhere."

06-29-2010, 12:36 PM
That being said, i hope it was just an emotional response. I hope he privately shared his intentions to stay in SA. If not, he's gonna be in the middle of hot trade talks near the deadline...and he should be. If he's set on leaving then the spurs need something in return.

06-29-2010, 12:37 PM
Trade him, get value before he walks.
if we dont trade his ass after he just told them he's leaving them we will see how smart our FO really is!:bang

06-29-2010, 12:40 PM
I wonder if he made these statements as a way of saying "F you."

The guy always played hard, always performed and offensively carried this team through multiple playoff runs...yet he's always at the center of trade talk and fans are never happy with what he brings.

"If im not good enough, then I'll go elsewhere."

If you're not named Tim Duncan then you're expendable and its not like Manu wasn't in a similar position earlier in the season.

And whether you're Manu or Tony, as a selfish Spurs fan it makes me mad that they regularly play for their national teams while on NBA contracts especially since they're both injury prone, sacrifice their bodies on the court, and have a lot of miles. :bang

06-29-2010, 12:40 PM
I'm really interested to know what the Portland deal was?

Im thinking it was Miller, Pryzbilla and Fernandez for Parker?

06-29-2010, 12:41 PM

06-29-2010, 12:46 PM


06-29-2010, 12:56 PM
all tp said is he will look at the options
when he is a fa he does not know up longer pop and duncan will be here and even manu

without them how good will the spurs be with just him

will splitter be a major player in the nba?
if he is splitter,hill and tp would make noise

06-29-2010, 01:01 PM
all tp said is he will look at the options
when he is a fa he does not know up longer pop and duncan will be here and even manu

without them how good will the spurs be with just him

will splitter be a major player in the nba?
if he is splitter,hill and tp would make noise

Who cares? I'm sick of this shit already. Lebron has ruined it for everyone.

06-29-2010, 01:04 PM
Hmm... from the translation it sounds like he's going to bust his ass this year so he can be a highly coveted free agent next year and leave. But again it might be a bad translation.

06-29-2010, 01:05 PM
If you're not named Tim Duncan then you're expendable and its not like Manu wasn't in a similar position earlier in the season.

And whether you're Manu or Tony, as a selfish Spurs fan it makes me mad that they regularly play for their national teams while on NBA contracts especially since they're both injury prone, sacrifice their bodies on the court, and have a lot of miles. :bang

Tony is in the prime of his career.. Manu most certainly is not. The wheeling and dealing talks with Tony Parker started very early in his career, and only stop when the Spurs win a title.

The Spurs are one or two seasons away from needing a complete rebuilding. Im still torn as to whether or not it's in the Spurs best interest to try to include Tony in their future.

PG's can play well in to their 30's, but tony's game is predicated on his speed and quickness. With his past injuries, i don't think he can sustain high level speed/quickness into his 30's. Rebuilding, or not, a team needs leadership and Tony has shown he has that quality. My heart wants to see Tony retire with the Spurs, but any team with salary cap space or big spending ability will most certainly offer him more than the Spurs can...both in dollars and in short term success.

06-29-2010, 01:06 PM
all tp said is he will look at the options
when he is a fa he does not know up longer pop and duncan will be here and even manu

without them how good will the spurs be with just him

will splitter be a major player in the nba?
if he is splitter,hill and tp would make noise

Smartest post in this thread. Parker ain't no fool and knows a majority of his next contract won't include Tim, Manu or Pop. It will suck for us because we'd be rebuilding but TP is a champion and he ain't gonna wanna do any babysitting on the backside of his career.

06-29-2010, 01:14 PM
Tony is looking for a new contract so he will bust his ass anyway, regardless of which franchise this contract may come from (assuming there won't be an extension right away, that is).
He is also going to bust his ass anyway because that's the kind of player and person he is.

And I don't see why people would want to trade him right now when he is coming off an injury-plagued season and his value is definitely not as high as it could (and normally should) be.
Also, if he were traded, there would have to be a starter material PG involved to come to the Spurs. I don't know about you, but I don't want to see George Hill running this team as the starting PG - not for now, at least, if ever.

I don't see this whole thing as a big deal. Spurs are looking to shop the best asset they have, and Tony is looking for a good contract and a good situation to play in. Welcome to the NBA, folks.

06-29-2010, 01:20 PM
I don't think we or anyone is beating the Lakers next year. It was obvious after watching the finals that it was rigged to go 7 and for the home team (Lakers) to win. 20 free points in the 4th quarter says that much.

So with the "NBA is Rigged!" thing in mind I say the Spurs should let him play after a fresh summer of rest and then shop him at his near-peak value before the midseason trade deadline. Tim will be pissed though, and that sucks. Maybe we can get Rudy Fernandez and Aldridge or something like that.

06-29-2010, 01:21 PM
guys, Spurs aren't going to be contenders after next season. Duncan will be too old by that point. Parker knows this and is going elsewhere, and u can't blame him.

in fact, i think it's what is best for both sides. Parker leaves and this team is basically in rebuild mode. they're not hovering around mediocrity, being a marginal playoff because they probably won't make the playoffs that year. 11-12 season we will probably have a lotto pick. 12-13, when Duncan is gone and Manu is a shadow of his former self, we will be in FULL rebuild mode and primed for a top 3 draft pick.

06-29-2010, 01:28 PM
If Splitter signs, I'd say the chance of a Parker trade this summer approaches zero. They'll take their best shot at fielding a contender and a contract-year Parker would be part of that.

They would then re-examine their options at the trade deadline based upon the realities that present themselves over the course of the first half of the season. If the season's prospects still look promising, then they stand fast and go for the best possible result. In that scenario, they simply let Parker play out his contract and wait for the new CBA to be signed.

Missed this earlier - solid post.

The Spurs rarely look like contenders at the deadline, so this will be an interesting season. Hell, the real offseason hasn't even started yet.

06-29-2010, 01:34 PM
Tony is in the prime of his career.. Manu most certainly is not. The wheeling and dealing talks with Tony Parker started very early in his career, and only stop when the Spurs win a title.

The Spurs are one or two seasons away from needing a complete rebuilding. Im still torn as to whether or not it's in the Spurs best interest to try to include Tony in their future.

PG's can play well in to their 30's, but tony's game is predicated on his speed and quickness. With his past injuries, i don't think he can sustain high level speed/quickness into his 30's. Rebuilding, or not, a team needs leadership and Tony has shown he has that quality. My heart wants to see Tony retire with the Spurs, but any team with salary cap space or big spending ability will most certainly offer him more than the Spurs can...both in dollars and in short term success.

True, Tony Parker did have to work his way since the Spurs wanted Jason Kidd. Still, Manu's name was in trade talks ever since his injuries played a role in the playoffs especially 2008/09. And if you're not named Tim Duncan, one can't expect a guarantee to retire in SA.

Tony Parker's age also doesn't pair up that well with Duncan and Manu; which helps create the situation the Spurs will be facing soon of whether or not to extend Parker past the TD era.

Personally I rather see him go than get extended since his patriotism likely won't waiver and it works out best for the Spurs and TP. If the Spurs sign him to a big contract he'll likely still play for France thus risking his NBA potential; something the Spurs probably can't afford to gamble on in a post-TD era. If Parker gets a better offer elsewhere he should take it, and if its for playing in a big city like New York then I'm sure he'll live :hat

06-29-2010, 01:47 PM
Spurs want Parker and Parker wants the Spurs. If he comes back healthy, the Spurs won't even let him get to Free Agency... just like Manu......

Manu said over and over and over again during random times in the season that he would explore his options and leave if there was a better offer... obviously look how that turned out.

06-29-2010, 01:51 PM
Its def not a lock Tony will want to be here past this season. He may simply not want to rebuild and if the Spurs are going to go into a long term rebuilding process and Tim is not going to stick around well then could you really fault him for wanting to go win?

06-29-2010, 02:01 PM
I told yall no matter what he wont be here next year... he already said it, i told yall hill is the future... and yall people started complaining and saying keep him cause he will never leave.... oh well what do yall have to say now?

06-29-2010, 02:05 PM
I told yall no matter what he wont be here next year... he already said it, i told yall hill is the future... and yall people started complaining and saying keep him cause he will never leave.... oh well what do yall have to say now?

ummm..kill this thread

06-29-2010, 02:06 PM
I say "Parker thread!"


06-29-2010, 02:06 PM
oh well what do yall have to say now?

You're a moron.

06-29-2010, 02:07 PM
yall ready, to be shashamated..

on a serious note, stfu.

unless we can get a player the caliber of Parker, do me a favor, when you take a shit stuff it in your mouth to keep you quiet.


06-29-2010, 02:11 PM
man yall need to get off of parkers nuts already, the dude is done on sa it was a good ride but its over, and yall know this.... trade him already so the new people we get can learn the system early instead of halfway through the season...

06-29-2010, 02:11 PM


06-29-2010, 02:14 PM
Let's at least wait until the trade deadline before dumping him. If the Spurs look like they have any chance of making the Finals they have to keep him, even if he leaves at the end of the year. If the Spurs are struggling with injuries and/or their play then they should trade him. To trade him now would be foolish.

06-29-2010, 02:14 PM

06-29-2010, 02:18 PM
I told yall no matter what he wont be here next year... he already said it, i told yall hill is the future... and yall people started complaining and saying keep him cause he will never leave.... oh well what do yall have to say now?


06-29-2010, 02:19 PM
I told yall no matter what he wont be here next year... he already said it, i told yall hill is the future... and yall people started complaining and saying keep him cause he will never leave.... oh well what do yall have to say now?

Has Parker been traded?

06-29-2010, 02:19 PM
I told yall no matter what he wont be here next year... he already said it, i told yall hill is the future... and yall people started complaining and saying keep him cause he will never leave.... oh well what do yall have to say now?

Ok, now I can say... you're one of the worst posters in this forum.

I hope you're a troll.

06-29-2010, 02:21 PM
As much as I want to not comment in this thread so it may fall to the bottom of the page, I just need to say how much of a retard the OP is.

06-29-2010, 02:21 PM
If Hill is the starting PG then we may aswell trade Duncan and Manu and rebuild.

06-29-2010, 02:25 PM

06-29-2010, 02:25 PM
As much as I want to not comment in this thread so it may fall to the bottom of the page, I just need to say how much of a retard the OP is.

Exact definite reason for my suggestion for him to put his own excreted shit orally so he won't be heard.

06-29-2010, 02:28 PM
it will be many. many years until the Spurs contend for a title again. :depressed

06-29-2010, 02:30 PM
The whole interview:

Your ninth NBA season hasn't been the most successful one of your career. How do you feel about that?
It's sure that it wasn't a good season, it was an average one. Every time I came back from an injury, I had another one! But when I think at it, I put it in perspective. I've been in NBA for 9 years and it's the first time I had a year like that. I have a hard time being disappointed. I've had a lot of luck since I'm in the NBA. However, I draw conclusions of this year for my future.

Is this difficult year the reason of you not playing the WC this summer?
I've played a lot these past years. I've player the last 6 summers with FNT. I've always given the priority to FNT. This time, I've said to myself: "I will give the priority to Spurs". It's important for me too, it's my contract year and I have to play well. I think it's good that I take a full summer off and work on my body. After July 10th, I will have a physical trainer. I've never done that in the NBA! I think it well help me. And after an average season, I want to prove to everyone that it was just an accident.

Your have received some criticism for not playing the WC...
Of course and it's logical. People say: " He is here, he isn't injured but he isn't playing!" but they don't understand that we aren't machines and that we need some rest. If I'm not playing well, if I'm not at 100% and I play the WC, they will also criticize me. I will never be able to win that argument.

Is spending some time with your wife been also a factor?
It's sure that it was a factor. I wanted to spend some time with Eva. Since our wedding, I've played every summer with the FNT! (he smiled) In fact, I wanted more to please Eva than Spurs this summer!

And it's a crucial summer in your career. There is still one year left in your contract. Do you want to negotiate an extension with Spurs very fast?
No, I don't. I rather wait to see where the big FAs will go this summer. I'm not in a hurry. I also really love SA and I want to stay for the last year of my contract to play with Tim and Manu. After that, I will be a FA and re-evaluate the situation.

And then maybe leaving Spurs?
I will have been a Spur for 10 years. It could be the end of a great cycle and it could be a great challenge for me to go elsewhere. If I leave SA, I can have a second career with 8 or 9 years with another team.

However Spurs could trade you this summer. there have been some talks about NY and Portland.
It's logical that there are some rumors. I've the highest trade value of the team. Anyway, I've talked with Pop and he says me that I will go nowhere. It's true that NY and Portland were the two most serious options but Spurs have said no to them.

Speaking about that, there will have rumors the whole summer with high level free agents.
I will be huge. I will change the face of the NBA and for me, it's important. Next summer, I will know where everyone is and it will be easier to choose.

06-29-2010, 02:33 PM
Such a weird article. Stating that he's secure for this season, yet putting so much emphasis on the possibility of leaving the next? I'm pretty sure February is going to revolve around him.

06-29-2010, 02:33 PM
I like Tony's answers, as usual with him, it's honest ...

He is not stupid and understand clearly that the spurs won't be able to give him the salary he thinks he deserves + THIS IS PART OF THE NEGOCIATION PROCESS !!!!!!

If the FO thinks that he is ready to leave IF he has to , they will try harder to keep him than if they think/he says, that he OBSOLUTELY wants to remain a spur...

As much as I want him to finish his carrer in SA, I can't blame him (after 10 years!) to want to discover another city/team... even more if he doesn't feel repected/loved by the fan base and the FO...

I mean the guy has done EVERYTHING he has been asked for, won 3 rings, the final mvp, improved EACH year he has been a spur (exept his lone injured plaged year)...

We can't blame him for anything.

Why should only the FO be allowed to see it as a business pov and not the players (the same goes for Manu until he signed his extention!).

Spurs Brazil
06-29-2010, 02:37 PM
All this talk are some pressure moves by Spurs and Parker around his extension:
- Spurs put pressure on Parker by saying him they will trade him.
- Parker put pressure on Spurs by saying he could go elsewhere next summer.

For the moment, both sides are just showing their muscles. Talks about an extension will start in July, let's hope both sides will be reasonable and reach an agreement.

What is the negotiation window Spurs and Parker have?

I think, if they can, the Spurs will take the same approach they had with Manu. Wait and see if TP is back to the 2009 level, if he is I see them get an extension done by march

06-29-2010, 02:39 PM
I wonder if he made these statements as a way of saying "F you."

The guy always played hard, always performed and offensively carried this team through multiple playoff runs...yet he's always at the center of trade talk and fans are never happy with what he brings.

"If im not good enough, then I'll go elsewhere."

That being said, i hope it was just an emotional response. I hope he privately shared his intentions to stay in SA. If not, he's gonna be in the middle of hot trade talks near the deadline...and he should be. If he's set on leaving then the spurs need something in return.

I agree, but I definitely think that this just part of the NEGOCIATION process, nothing more.

So many things can still happen and remember Manu was in the SAME situation a year ago. He kept saying all year long that he understand it's a business and that he was ready to leave if he had to.

06-29-2010, 02:40 PM

06-29-2010, 02:48 PM
remember manu even went to denver for a visist
and duncan went to florida for a visist
Mr Robinson had to convince Duncan he had to stay in SA

06-29-2010, 02:56 PM
I told yall no matter what he wont be here next year... he already said it, i told yall hill is the future... and yall people started complaining and saying keep him cause he will never leave.... oh well what do yall have to say now?

Your prediction is no more correct than those of people that say he will never leave. He hasn't gone anywhere yet, so maybe starting threads about how fucking smart you are should wait until something actually happens.

06-29-2010, 02:56 PM
I told yall no matter what he wont be here next year... he already said it, i told yall hill is the future... and yall people started complaining and saying keep him cause he will never leave.... oh well what do yall have to say now?

Stfu :toast

06-29-2010, 03:36 PM
Dumb shit

06-29-2010, 03:44 PM
What is the negotiation window Spurs and Parker have?

I think, if they can, the Spurs will take the same approach they had with Manu. Wait and see if TP is back to the 2009 level, if he is I see them get an extension done by march

From now until June 30, 2011. On July 1, 2011 he becomes an unrestricted FA unless he signs an extension before that date.

06-29-2010, 04:29 PM
Thanks Bruno. Everything makes perfect sense in context.

Solid D
06-29-2010, 04:32 PM
This article doesn't bother me. If quoted correctly, TP is just being honest...he usually is quite frank. Since it is a "contract year", Tony is naturally going to do everything he can to prove his worth through his play on the court. Thus, for the first time, he hires a trainer. Unless he gets injured, we should be assured of another top-shelf, if not inspired, season from him.

The Spurs may not be prepared to protect Tony salary-wise, in 2011-12. They may have shared this with TP.

Mr Bones
06-29-2010, 04:39 PM
This could be CIA Tony... or CIA Pop... or CIA French Website... or it might mean nothing at all.

06-29-2010, 05:05 PM
Naw I think he'll be traded later on this summer or before the all star break but its depends if the Spurs are in winning form, the ability of the kid Anderson to keep Manu fresh, and Parkers season, if he's balling the Spurs well probably keep him. If Anderson is good, well Parker will most likely go. Anyways, the thought of Parker being traded is in the air I think he's growing on the idea of playing somewhere else and so am I, where ever he goes ill root for him but I think the Parker era is coming to an end weather he leaves or is traded.

06-29-2010, 05:47 PM
He is pretty clear that he wants to be a FA and not sign an extension with the Spurs. If the Spurs think he will leave, then they might as well try to trade him while they have all the control, especially if they decide by the trade deadline that the team is not set to win it all this season.

Also goes to show that all the NY talk was real- for all those in denial.

06-29-2010, 05:50 PM
He is pretty clear that he wants to be a FA and not sign an extension with the Spurs. If the Spurs think he will leave, then they might as well try to trade him while they have all the control, especially if they decide by the trade deadline that the team is not set to win it all this season.

Also goes to show that all the NY talk was real- for all those in denial.

It's really anything but clear.

06-29-2010, 05:50 PM
When the media starts reporting that Pop said Tony will not be traded, it is time to look for him to be traded.

06-29-2010, 05:52 PM
It's really anything but clear.

I want to stay for the last year of my contract to play with Tim and Manu. After that, I will be a FA and re-evaluate the situation.

Pretty clear to me.

06-29-2010, 05:54 PM
He is pretty clear that he wants to be a FA and not sign an extension with the Spurs. If the Spurs think he will leave, then they might as well try to trade him while they have all the control, especially if they decide by the trade deadline that the team is not set to win it all this season.

Also goes to show that all the NY talk was real- for all those in denial.

No one denied the NY talk was not real. What we said was they had no chance in hell to get TP. We were right. The package they had was not even close, whatever it was.

06-29-2010, 05:57 PM
I want to stay for the last year of my contract to play with Tim and Manu. After that, I will be a FA and re-evaluate the situation.

Pretty clear to me.

I read that, too. In previous interviews conducted since the end of the season, Tony spoke of opening negotiations on an extension first in October and then in July. Now he says he will go into into free agency without trying for an extension. So which answer should we go to the bank with?

The situation between Tony and the Spurs is far from resolved.

06-29-2010, 05:58 PM
man yall need to get off of parkers nuts already, the dude is done on sa it was a good ride but its over, and yall know this.... trade him already so the new people we get can learn the system early instead of halfway through the season...

I agree with the part about trading him early so the new people can learn the system instead of starting the learning process in the critical part of the season.
From that interview, I think Tony would rather be a free agent at the end of the season, with all options to join whatever contender he sees fit, than to sign a less-than-max extension and risk being left as the only member of the Big Three in the near future.

06-29-2010, 06:26 PM
It's all part of the negotiation process, spurs want to see what they have with Splitter and the young guns before opening a contract extension for TP, TP on his side is putting pressure on the organization saying he is ready to see what he can get from the FA market.

At the end I hope they will agree by March-April to a 4-5 years extension for 70 - 80 M, it will mean that spurs and TP have good hopes with the future roster.

06-29-2010, 06:27 PM
If he doesn't sign and extension then he will be the number 1 on the free agent hit list. I think that year the Spurs have 3 players under contract for almost 40 million (Timmy, Manu, Dice) thats without Parker/Splitter/Hills/Blairs options.

I just don't see with the new CBA salary rules that we will be able to sign him and stay under the dreaded tax threshold.

One question is wouldn't you want to sign and extension before the new CBA rules take place. It's almost guarnteed the salary cap is comming way down I know Durant is pretty clear he wants and extension done so why not Tony?

06-29-2010, 06:28 PM
He is pretty clear that he wants to be a FA and not sign an extension with the Spurs.

Oh don't worry. Tony saying that he doesn't want to negotiate is just the start of the negotiating process.


06-29-2010, 06:51 PM
Eh...I am not too worried either way. But if those are really his intentions, I would not expect him here for the whole year....If he is not traded than I would expect the Spurs to push to get him resigned.

Spurs Brazil
06-29-2010, 06:53 PM
From now until June 30, 2011. On July 1, 2011 he becomes an unrestricted FA unless he signs an extension before that date.

Thanks Mel. If TP plays well I think the Spurs will offer a fair extension like they did with Manu

06-29-2010, 07:23 PM
I actually dont mind Parker not getting extended. I mean why would you want to extend Parker for 5-6 yrs? He isnt a franchise player and extending/re-signing him would require the Spurs to pay him franchise player-type money. Once TD and Manu retire, will we really be anything more than a fringe playoff team with Tony as our best player? Let's be realistic, PG-led teams normally arent that strong. Look at the Jazz or Hornets, solid teams but never real contenders.

This Parker-Spurs partnership has one more year left max, anything past that would not benefit either the team or Tony. Personally, like Ive been saying for a while now I'd trade Tony before that one year is up. I'd see if the Lakers had any interest in a Bynum/Parker swap.

06-29-2010, 07:32 PM
Thanks Mel. If TP plays well I think the Spurs will offer a fair extension like they did with Manu

It's certainly possible.

FWIW, I think Tony gave the answer he did about extension/free agency for a very simple reason. He is aware that the Spurs will be in no rush to make a deal and he doesn't want to answer the same questions over and over again as Manu did last season. This way he has taken a public position that an extension is off the table and his agent and R.C. can have discussions without it playing out in the media.

It seems silly to regard this as Tony's final word on the subject.

06-29-2010, 07:37 PM
mind games again...

06-29-2010, 07:39 PM
Don't forget we can sign and trade him next summer. This would provide Tony with the best available contract, and if he has any gratitude towards the team, it's a nice way to pay them back - everyone wins. I expect Tony to have a great year and be worth more next summer than he is this summer. Also, trade partners like the Knicks may have more assets then than now.

06-29-2010, 08:01 PM
if this season doesnt work out b4 the trade deadline and we struggling to make playoffs

thats when u trade parker and rj and just rebuild....

06-29-2010, 08:08 PM
Does it really make a difference anyways?..

The Spurs window might already be shut..if it's still open, there's only 1 year left to do anything..Parker shouldn't want to play for a rebuilding team, and the Spurs shouldn't want a 30+ year old Parker on the books for 5 years or whatever he would ask for..it doesn't make much sense for either side IMO..

I realize Manu is signed on for a few more years, but that was also a move to keep fans happy..unfortunately, Parker has never had that type of relationship with the fans here, as you see on SpursTalk every day..

That doesn't mean Parker should be traded..realistically, he's the best option this team will have to win a title now, and that's obviously the main goal..there isn't a deal that would currently bring in a better player(or players), and bringing in future pieces to sacrifice this year wouldn't be beneficial, because nobody is going to trade a potential franchise piece for the future for renting Tony Parker for 1 season..it doesn't make any sense for the Spurs..

06-29-2010, 08:14 PM
I think hes as good as gone, looks almost like he is asking for it.

I wouldn't say he's asking for it. I think he knows he's going to get traded and is now playing the "Oh yeah...well, I was thinking about leaving anyway" card.

06-29-2010, 10:58 PM
I agree with the part about trading him early so the new people can learn the system instead of starting the learning process in the critical part of the season.

Tony Parker in form is a MAGNIFICENT player and might just be the best player on this team. If TP is ready to go this season then you sure as shit do not trade him early so some scrub can start their learning process early.

The only way I'd even think about trading him now is if we're offered a player that is clearly better than him otherwise it makes no sense whatsoever to trade him before February because without TP we most likely have no shot at winning anything so what difference would it make at that point if a scrub player starts learning earlier?

06-29-2010, 11:36 PM
Trade him to Portland for Nic Batum!!!

With Pritchard gone I wonder how willing they would be to give up Batum.

06-29-2010, 11:52 PM
The Spurs may not be prepared to protect Tony salary-wise, in 2011-12. They may have shared this with TP.

Sadly I believe this is correct. We signed an aged Manu, but we won't give the max to a 28 allstar.

06-30-2010, 12:46 AM
Tony Parker in form is a MAGNIFICENT player and might just be the best player on this team. If TP is ready to go this season then you sure as shit do not trade him early so some scrub can start their learning process early.

The only way I'd even think about trading him now is if we're offered a player that is clearly better than him otherwise it makes no sense whatsoever to trade him before February because without TP we most likely have no shot at winning anything so what difference would it make at that point if a scrub player starts learning earlier?

George Hill is far from being a scrub. Temple also showed nothing but good signs last year, and if that fails there are options in FA for a back-up point.

Sadly I believe this is correct. We signed an aged Manu, but we won't give the max to a 28 allstar.

For 3 years which goes hand in hand with how much Duncan has left in the tank. On the other hand Parker's best chance at a big, long-term payday will be after next season..he isnt taking 3 years, he'll want 6 or 7. How much sense does it make for the Spurs to have a 31-32 yr old Parker as their best player making max or near max money after Duncan and Manu retire? How much sense does it make for Parker to spend his last years on a Spurs team that will be rebuilding? Not much sense for either of them.

06-30-2010, 12:53 AM
Holy shit, next year would be ten years? God damn! Where does the fucking time go!?!?

But it seems like he is ready to bail next year. Better trade his ass by the deadline then.

06-30-2010, 01:09 AM
Sadly I believe this is correct. We signed an aged Manu, but we won't give the max to a 28 allstar.

Max extension for Manu was 3yrs/40M, max extension for Tony would be 5yrs/90M. Not really comparable.

06-30-2010, 01:31 AM
Trade him to Portland for Nic Batum!!!

With Pritchard gone I wonder how willing they would be to give up Batum.

Oh man, if we could pry away Batum, aka Pippen 2.0, I would be elated.

06-30-2010, 03:20 AM
Oh man, if we could pry away Batum, aka Pippen 2.0, I would be elated.

if the spurs are interested going young, might as well trade for the blazers young players

rudy, batum...maybe patrick mills for backup pg duties?

06-30-2010, 04:13 AM
just get it over with and trade parker and mcdyess for lee and gallinari. parker can get his max extension and play with joe johnson while the spurs dump salary, strengthen the front court, and add gallinari. gallinari can chuck all the 3's he wants on the spurs.

sign splitter, then trade blair for a decent point guard and sign an insurance big. done.

06-30-2010, 06:16 AM
Man, dub tee tony lol. You know he's always telling the truth in interview too, so fuck. A trade is a goddamn must if this is true, no way the spurs get close to equal value in FA 2011

06-30-2010, 11:01 AM
I'm not going to read 5 pages of Spurs fans peeing their pants. Here's my breakdown:

All he has said is that he's staying in San Antonio for the last year of his contract, because the Spurs turned down offers from Portland and New York, and that he will be a free agent when he's done. This is all true and it's not under his control. (BTW he still could get traded, and that's not under his control either.)

The rest of it is him basically saying that he wants to do better this season, that he's preparing himself, and saying that he will have completed 10 seasons in SA and would be OK with the challenge of going somewhere else.

Look, this is standard positioning for players in their final year. What is he supposed to say: "I will be a free agent technically, but actually I want to stay here so much I'll sign any deal they put in front of me." ??

That would not be really good for negotiating. You want to strike a balance between that and the other extreme: "I hate this team and I will definitely be going elsewhere, so don't bother giving me an offer". That is exactly what Tony is doing -- saying the right thing.

06-30-2010, 11:22 AM
I have always said that Parker will not be traded as long as Pop is with the team .

06-30-2010, 11:39 AM
Trade him to Portland for Nic Batum!!!

With Pritchard gone I wonder how willing they would be to give up Batum.

Good proposal. So long as the Blazers would be willing to throw in some more sweeteners (possibly a future #1 pick and a player).

I can't see the Spurs pulling the trigger on TP now, but perhaps this is something to think about as we get closer to either the trade deadline or next offseason, before Parker's contract expires.

06-30-2010, 02:42 PM
It would be sad if Tony stayed, did not agree on an appropriate extension, and then placed the Spurs next year in the awkward situation Cleveland is in, where they might get nothing for Lebron if he walks away.

The Truth #6
06-30-2010, 03:14 PM
Hill isn't ready to take over. I'm not afraid to trade Parker but this season is the final, final window and Hill isn't ready. Hill, if he has a good trade value, makes more sense to trade. However, his salary isn't very high so I'm not sure what player we could get back. I imagine they would try to package him with RJ, and that's when it probably falls apart very quickly. In other words...no one is leaving.

06-30-2010, 03:17 PM
o dang to portland i would of done it

parker for fernandez,batum and bayless hell yah

06-30-2010, 03:20 PM
The focus is clear and unambiguous. Malgré les rumeurs toujours plus nombreuses sur son départ, Tony Parker ne partira pas de San Antonio cet été. Despite the ever-increasing rumors about his departure, Tony Parker will not go to San Antonio this summer. « J'ai parlé avec Pop (Grepp Popovich, l'entraîneur des Spurs), il m'a dit que je n'irai nulle part , précise le Français ce mardi dans L'Equipe . New York et Portland étaient les deux plus sérieuses pistes, c'est vrai, mais San Antonio a dit non. "I talked with Pop (Popovich Greppi, Spurs coach), he told me that I'm not going anywhere, says the French L'Equipe on Tuesday. New York and Portland were the two most serious tracks, it's true, but San Antonio has said no. Et puis j'adore le club. And I love the club. J'ai envie de rester pour faire la dernière année de contrat et ensuite être free agent .» I want to stay for the last year of contract and then be a free agent. "

De passage en France ces jours-ci avant de s'envoler pour Venise et des vacances bien méritées, Parker revient également sur sa saison gâchée par les blessures : « C'est clair c'était une saison moyenne. While in France these days before flying to Venice and well-deserved vacation, Parker also returned to his season marred by injuries: "Clearly it was an average season. A chaque fois que je revenais de blessure, il me tombait quelque chose dessus ». Every time I came back from injury, I fell over something. " Du coup, le meneur des Spurs s'est adjoint les services d'un préparateur physique qui va s'occuper de lui cet été : « C'est bien si je coupe tout un été et que je fais une vraie préparation, que je travaille sur mon corps. Suddenly, the Spurs' point guard has hired a personal trainer who will take care of him this summer: "It is good if I cut a whole summer and I am a real preparation, I work on my body. A partir du 10 juillet, j'aurai un préparateur physique. As of July 10, I have a physical trainer. Je n'avais jamais fait ça en NB A. Après une saison moyenne, je veux montrer à tout le monde que c'était un accident ». I never did that in A. Note After an average season, I want to show everyone that it was an accident. "

Parker is already planning the next season, and here he does not hide his intentions to leave: "It will be ten years from the end of next year I played in San Antonio. It's a nice loop and a great challenge for me to go elsewhere. If I go I can make another career, eight or nine years in another club. "

06-30-2010, 03:21 PM
dude that was already posted in this thread

TD 21
06-30-2010, 07:34 PM
Chris Paul notwithstanding, the wild card in the point-guard market remains Tony Parker. One source said the Spurs are “hellbent on moving him,” but that will take time to play out. The Knicks are the most likely destination for Parker, (http://ken-berger.blogs.cbssports.com/mcc/blogs/entry/11838893/22906732) but they need to address their top priority – LeBron – before they go down that road. CBSSports.com (http://ken-berger.blogs.cbssports.com/mcc/blogs/entry/11838893/22906732)

06-30-2010, 07:39 PM
So after Jefferson opted out, anyone thinks the dynamics of trading Parker have changed?

Kori Ellis
06-30-2010, 07:42 PM
So after Jefferson opted out, anyone thinks the dynamics of trading Parker have changed?

I think more likely to stay, since they aren't in luxury tax territory now.

06-30-2010, 07:43 PM
I think hill might be more opt to be traded for a replacement for rj

Das Texan
06-30-2010, 07:44 PM
spurs are just going to run with a 3 guard lineup with manu at the small forward.

06-30-2010, 07:45 PM
I think more likely to stay, since they aren't in luxury tax territory now.

Or traded for a SF...

06-30-2010, 08:08 PM
Hoopshype (via CBS Sports) says that the Spurs are "hellbent" on trading Parker. Not sure what to make of that.


Marcus Bryant
06-30-2010, 08:12 PM
Holy shit, next year would be ten years? God damn! Where does the fucking time go!?!?

06-30-2010, 09:09 PM
If the last part is true

deal him now

06-30-2010, 09:24 PM
Portland and Indiana are the only teams I see as being fits. Indiana with George as the centerpiece (not a good deal IMO).

Portland with Batum as the centerpiece could make sense.

07-01-2010, 03:29 AM
Come on, he's always said he likes being here in SA. I think he's just considering free agency and making himself available to get the best offer out there. He's a business man, he'll take the best offer. But everybody knows his preference goes to SA.

07-01-2010, 06:13 AM
classic selective memory: TD / Orlando anyone?

07-01-2010, 10:19 AM
Geez people, walk it back. (a) Jefferson is coming back so don't go crazy on that one. (b) Tony has a house here and a wife who is from here. (c) Don't put too much stock in what Tony says in an interview, you have no idea what's really going on. Don't you think that a 9-year vet knows what to say and what not to say to the media?

Clearly the Spurs are always willing to listen to, or make, trade proposals. I'm sure everyone but Tim has been in those discussions at some point.

IMO Tony would not be traded unless it's a really good deal for the Spurs. They are not looking to get rid of him even if it means taking an average or mediocre deal.

10-30-2010, 04:36 PM
He is pretty clear that he wants to be a FA and not sign an extension with the Spurs. If the Spurs think he will leave, then they might as well try to trade him while they have all the control, especially if they decide by the trade deadline that the team is not set to win it all this season.

Also goes to show that all the NY talk was real- for all those in denial.


10-30-2010, 10:07 PM
So now he has signed a multi-year deal and should be here as long as the Spurs want him and he is happy here.

If the team goes to shit down the road (Say both Manu and Tim go down with permanent injuries) and he wants out, the Spurs would probably accommodate him with a trade if they could get something significant in return to rebuild the team.

The Spurs seem to be pretty good about working with players in those types of situations.

Right now, I like where we are with Parker and I'm sure he does too.

10-30-2010, 10:09 PM

lol rasho

10-30-2010, 10:33 PM
I'm sure there are a lot of more chances to trade him.He has a bigger trade value now with his new contract.

I'd like to be optimistic but we aren't one of the better teams of the leagues.