View Full Version : LeBron's most important criteria for a new team

Smooth Criminal
06-30-2010, 03:15 PM
LeBron wants to be the GOAT, obviously.

He has seen the treatment Kobe has gotten for playing alongside another superstar. He must realize that if he plays alongside Dwayne Wade and CB4 and wins multiple titles with them...he will never have a chance to be considered GOAT, because people would say his teammates were so spectacular anyone could've won with them.

He could be goat if he played with Bosh and Derrick Rose in Chicago, because Wade+Bosh>>>>>Bosh+Rose, but since Bosh+Rose would likely end up being better than anything MJ had at once, he would still need more accomplishments than MJ.

These are things that definitely should be on LeBron's mind if he wants to be GOAT...thoughts?

06-30-2010, 03:17 PM
Cool story, bro.

Smooth Criminal
06-30-2010, 03:47 PM
James would run a team of Bosh and Wade.
Yes, but the point would be that playing alongside the TWO of them at once would hurt his legacy.

In legacy debates unfortunately: Championships with less help>>>Championships with more help

Smooth Criminal
06-30-2010, 03:49 PM
Cool story, bro.
If there's nothing to add there's nothing to say

06-30-2010, 04:16 PM
LeBron wants to be the GOAT, obviously.

He has seen the treatment Kobe has gotten for playing alongside another superstar. He must realize that if he plays alongside Dwayne Wade and CB4 and wins multiple titles with them...he will never have a chance to be considered GOAT, because people would say his teammates were so spectacular anyone could've won with them.

He could be goat if he played with Bosh and Derrick Rose in Chicago, because Wade+Bosh>>>>>Bosh+Rose, but since Bosh+Rose would likely end up being better than anything MJ had at once, he would still need more accomplishments than MJ.

These are things that definitely should be on LeBron's mind if he wants to be GOAT...thoughts?

To the extent that he thinks about his legacy, I'd guess that he's more concerned about topping the list populated by Barkley, Ewing, Malone, Stockton, and Nash.

Kevin Durant 35
06-30-2010, 04:50 PM
Yeah Kobes legacy is pretty fucked up by playing with Shaq, and the Refs.

Kevin Durant 35
06-30-2010, 04:52 PM
You cant win by yourself you need a team, or Refs.

06-30-2010, 04:53 PM
James would run a team of Bosh and Wade.

lol pretending to be an All-American

06-30-2010, 04:54 PM
Jordans the GOAT and he had a HOF'er playing with him, pretty shit argument.

06-30-2010, 05:13 PM
How many superstars can you count that won a title with a team of scrubs?

Smooth Criminal
06-30-2010, 05:38 PM
Jordans the GOAT and he had a HOF'er playing with him, pretty shit argument.
Not really. Wade+CB4>>>Scottie Pippin

Again, winning with less means more to one's legacy nowadays. When it comes to all-time ranking you don't think LeBron would benefit more by winning with Rose+Bosh as opposed to WADE+Bosh?

Pretty shit opinion to assume that in todays world where players are penalized for playing with a lot of talent around them, people would somehow forget to notice LeBron was winning with WADE+Bosh

Smooth Criminal
06-30-2010, 05:39 PM
How many superstars can you count that won a title with a team of scrubs?
Zero. I'm not saying I think titles don't matter if you don't have talent. I'm saying the media and foolish fans see it that way. And I can count many stars who won with less than Wade+Bosh, and LeBron's titles would be (Unfairly but still) counted as less meaningful than those stars.

06-30-2010, 06:42 PM
I think there's some merit in the argument. There's no guarantee that LeBron is the leading scorer on a team with Wade. And if the team wins, there's no guarantee that LeBron would be the MVP of the Finals with Wade on the team. I actually do think it's something that could play in the back of LeBron's mind. Is it a dealbreaker to go to Miami? I'm not convinced it is, but I would definitely think it's something he'll at least consider, perhaps in his own personal thoughts and keep it to himself, but consider nonetheless.

06-30-2010, 07:22 PM
I think there's some merit in the argument. There's no guarantee that LeBron is the leading scorer on a team with Wade. And if the team wins, there's no guarantee that LeBron would be the MVP of the Finals with Wade on the team. I actually do think it's something that could play in the back of LeBron's mind. Is it a dealbreaker to go to Miami? I'm not convinced it is, but I would definitely think it's something he'll at least consider, perhaps in his own personal thoughts and keep it to himself, but consider nonetheless.

Kevin Durant 35
06-30-2010, 09:01 PM
:lmao Laker fan scared that lakers will lose if they play Heat( Wade, Bron,Bosh) in the Finals :lmao

:rollin :rollin :rollin

Butthurt Lakerfan

:rollin :rollin :rollin

Smooth Criminal
06-30-2010, 09:18 PM
:lmao Laker fan scared that lakers will lose if they play Heat( Wade, Bron,Bosh) in the Finals :lmao

:rollin :rollin :rollin

Butthurt Lakerfan

:rollin :rollin :rollin
Yes, because I made a thread stating my observations, and because those observations relate to LeBron's "Dream Team," I'm insecure. Definitely

06-30-2010, 10:41 PM
Kobe's career has shown us that the media will do whatever they want to inflate a player..in Kobe's case, they look at his rings and ignore the circumstances involving all of them(particularly his role as Shaq's sidekick, and dismissing Gasol's impact)..

So Lebron having a great supporting cast would be irrelevant in the grand scheme of things..

06-30-2010, 10:43 PM
He will never be the GOAT..Not even close to the work ethic and talent of Michael Jordan. I say he should go to Chicago and play then make a run at trying to be the GOAT. He will ultimately fail.

06-30-2010, 11:41 PM
Kobe's career has shown us that the media will do whatever they want to inflate a player..in Kobe's case, they look at his rings and ignore the circumstances involving all of them(particularly his role as Shaq's sidekick, and dismissing Gasol's impact)..

So Lebron having a great supporting cast would be irrelevant in the grand scheme of things..

I don't know what world you live in but I heard nothing but praise from the media about Gasol’s importance to the team, his key contributions in obtaining the title, and his skill set as one if not the best big man in the game, and even MVP talk. Even the root of your obsession himself commented in his first sentence or two to millions of viewers after winning that none of it was possible without the Spaniard. Go figure.

As for Shaq/Kobe... we all know neither wins without the other. Well, anyone with any basketball sense. I certainly haven't seen a loss of haters and/or media bringing up the whole sidekick topic as if it actually diminishes the accomplishments. Heck, guys like you bring it up almost daily.

But you are right about one thing, it won't matter with Lebron. It didn't with Magic or Bird. Nor any of the 60's Celts. Nope, not any of those Piston bad boys either. Bulls players? No. How about those championship Spurs? Never hear it. Only Kobe's rings are tainted because he had good teammate(s).

Smooth Criminal
07-01-2010, 03:54 AM
He will never be the GOAT..Not even close to the work ethic and talent of Michael Jordan. I say he should go to Chicago and play then make a run at trying to be the GOAT. He will ultimately fail.
That's the point though, he has a chance, albeit a small one, and LeBron obviously wants that title of GOAT