View Full Version : Amare to knicks done deal

07-05-2010, 04:52 PM
link coming.

07-05-2010, 04:53 PM

david aldridge's twitter

07-05-2010, 04:57 PM
odd considering amare and dantoni don't really like each other

07-05-2010, 05:00 PM
It remains unofficial though, until the same articles make their appearances on some major sites like espn or NBA official website. TWITTER? C'mon

07-05-2010, 05:02 PM
lol a`m-ar'e see ya bitch, have fun never making a difference in the nba ever again

Let's see how your stats stack up without the best point guard feeding you easy shots all fucking game you suck ass bitch

Gorilla Game
07-05-2010, 05:04 PM
odd considering amare and dantoni don't really like each other

A perfect example of money talks.

He going to love going back to those 45 minute practices. I wonder who else they Knicks are bringing in. Lebron, Wade? Neither?

07-05-2010, 05:04 PM

07-05-2010, 05:08 PM
Hopefully this will speed up the process for the real big name free agents now.

07-05-2010, 05:14 PM

07-05-2010, 05:18 PM
It remains unofficial though, until the same articles make their appearances on some major sites like espn or NBA official website. TWITTER? C'mon

yea what was that dickwad? :wow:wow:nope

07-05-2010, 05:24 PM
History repeating itself....


07-05-2010, 05:30 PM
Amar'e will help, but do Knicks have another big move in store? (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writers/jack_mccallum/07/05/stoudemire.knicks/index.html?eref=sihp)

Amar'e Stoudemire agreed to sign with the Knicks on Monday, SI.com has learned, a move that still leaves unanswered the big question of this wild free-agent summer.
Which is: What is LeBron James going to do?

The fact that the talented Stoudemire will be coming to New York to reunite with coach Mike D'Antoni -- he can sign the new contract, believed to be for five years and close to $100 million, as soon as Thursday -- says one of three things:

• James has told the Knicks that he will not accept their offer, sending the message, in effect, to go out and get who you want.

• James has told the Knicks that he is interested in Gotham and likes the idea of teaming up with Stoudemire.

• James has not told the Knicks anything, but they decided to go ahead with Stoudemire anyway.

As first reported by SI.com's Ian Thomsen, James is not expected to announce his decision until mid-week. But virtually every free-agent offer that has been extended, or not extended, has been done so in the context of James. The Knicks would not have invited Stoudemire to the party without consulting with the No. 1 party guest.

Neither Team James nor the Knicks would comment on what ramifications the Stoudemire deal have on James' status vis-à-vis the Knicks.

The offer to the 6-foot-11 Stoudemire had been in the wind for a few days -- mostly because Amar'e put it there -- and most of the pre-signing speculation centered on whether the 27-year-old center/forward can get along with D'Antoni, with whom he had a sometimes rocky relationship when they were together in Phoenix.

Yes, they can.

But that isn't the right basketball question. Which is: Can Stoudemire flourish without a front-line point guard?

It would diminish Stoudemire's talents to suggest that his glittering numbers over eight years with the Suns -- 21.4 points per game with a 54.4 field-goal percentage -- were all the result of his being on the floor with a premier point guard named Steve Nash (who joined Phoenix before Amare's third season). Stoudemire can run the floor and finish with any big man in the league. He is an astonishing dunker who can flush from anywhere near the basket with either hand. He has worked hard to develop a fine outside touch, particularly from the elbow area.

But it's a fact that he is most deadly when storming down the lane after getting the ball on a high pick-and-roll, a stratagem used by Stoudemire and Nash to develop into a sexier version of Karl Malone and John Stockton. Last season's Knicks points guards -- Chris Duhon, Sergio Rodriguez and combo guard Toney Douglas -- resemble Steve Nash only to the degree that they all breathe oxygen and walk erect. (Only Douglas, a rookie last season, is under contract for 2010-11; Duhon is a free agent and Rodriguez has signed with Spain's Real Madrid.)

There are other questions, too.

• Did the Knicks risk too much by guaranteeing all of Stoudemire's money? He had microfracture surgery on his left knee in November 2005, as well as surgery for a detached retina during the latter stages of the 2008-09 season. Stoudemire probably would've re-signed with the Suns had team officials guaranteed the final two years of a five-year deal. But, fearing a breakdown, they based payment on his playing a certain number of minutes. That's when Stoudemire decided to look elsewhere.

• Also, if the Knicks come away with only Stoudemire -- meaning that team execs watch from New York Harbor as James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh, Carlos Boozer and Joe Johnson (the last already locked up by his old team, the Hawks) sail away to other destinations -- will the business plan that president Donnie Walsh and D'Antoni brought with them two years ago be considered a failure? That plan was: Lose for two years, win later with prizes picked up in the celebrated free-agent class of 2010. Though trades could still be made, that one seems answerable right now. Yes.

Still, all is not dark in Madison Square Garden. Adding Stoudemire, who averaged 23.1 points and 8.9 rebounds last season and whose play in the final half of the season prompted Suns coach Alvin Gentry to call him "the best player in the league after the All-Star break," has to be considered a roster upgrade. If the Knicks manage to re-sign 6-9 David Lee, they would have (with 6-10 forward Danilo Gallinari) three mobile big men, the kind that the offensive-minded D'Antoni can move around and give defenses a lot of trouble.

As for the past trouble between D'Antoni and Stoudemire, it is mostly that -- past. Stoudemire was on D'Antoni's (and presumably Walsh's list) early, and the coach is said to have preferred Stoudemire's athleticism and offensive explosiveness to the more consistent Boozer and even to the more variegated floor game of Bosh.
But what did happen between D'Antoni and Stoudemire? Not as much as you might think. The 2005-06 season was a strange one in Phoenix. I know because I was there for most of it working on a book about the Suns called Seven Seconds or Less.
Stoudemire's knee injury was discovered in training camp, right after he had signed a big contract. He was just 22 years old, going on 18. He was depressed about his rehab and didn't do it as assiduously as he could have. He missed some team meetings and other engagements. He felt alienated from his teammates, who weren't sure whether he was coming back. In a meeting in March that included then team president Jerry Colangelo and D'Antoni, Stoudemire was told in no uncertain terms to get refocused on rehab and get back in line. Stoudemire said he would. He is not an in-your-face type. Whether he respects authority is one thing, but he generally does not challenge it.

When he did come back in late March, he wasn't ready. That speaks to the uncertainty of microfracture surgery because the Suns' medical staff and training team are respected around the league. He played three games, each one progressively worse than the one before, and the Suns finally shut him down for the season. Stoudemire's return, even at, say, 90 percent, had been perceived as the one ingredient that could've gotten them a championship. (They eventually lost to the Mavericks in the Western Conference finals.) It was enough to try the inner resolve of any team.

But through it all, D'Antoni genuinely liked Stoudemire and appreciated his boyish enthusiasm and self-confidence, both of which, not incidentally, have been on display in recent days. Two days before Stoudemire was even officially extended the contract offer, he was acting like the Prince of the City, pronouncing his intention to lure San Antonio point guard Tony Parker and Denver forward Carmelo Anthony, free-agents-to-be in 2011, to play with him in New York.

But the Knicks also believe that Stoudemire, who once nicknamed himself STAT not because of statistics but as an acronym for "Stand Tall and Talented," has matured and become a more responsible teammate, an opinion backed up by the man who coached him last season.

"Amar'e was incredibly focused, committed and determined last season," Gentry said, "and everyone here was sad to see him go."

Still, Stoudemire needs to be chirped at -- relentlessly -- on defense. Without a daily reminder of his defensive responsibilities, he tends to lose focus. Will D'Antoni demand that Stoudemire give his undivided defensive attention and delegate one of his assistants, either Herb Williams or brother Dan D'Antoni, to stay on Stoudemire? Will Stoudemire listen the way he did during his final year in Phoenix?

But the question to be answered before that is still the big one: Will James be the one working the high pick-and-roll with Stoudemire? If the Knicks bag LeBron, D'Antoni's quarterbacking dilemma is over. He hands the rock to James and says, "Go be Magic Johnson." But if LeBron goes elsewhere, Stoudemire better leave his GM hat on, for the Knicks will still need someone to make him as Tall and Talented as he could be.

07-05-2010, 05:32 PM
I'm going to love to see how Amare and the NY media interact when the Knicks get off to a shitty start

07-05-2010, 05:37 PM
Not a bad signing imo. Amare is still talented and should instantly help the Knicks. If you put him in a system that is good for him, you are maximizing his talents. The Knicks are a good fit in that regard. He is certainly not someone to build a true contender around imo, but this is a step in the right direction to not sucking.

Knicks had to pay this much essentially, so you can't fault them for the contract. He is surely overpaid, but he had to be. Sucks for them, but no big deal for them either.

07-05-2010, 05:40 PM
I'm sad that the fake D'Antoni on Twitter got suspended because his meltdown over getting Amar'e instead of Lebron would have been funny.

07-05-2010, 05:51 PM
lol a`m-ar'e see ya bitch, have fun never making a difference in the nba ever again

Let's see how your stats stack up without the best point guard feeding you easy shots all fucking game you suck ass bitch

I'm just elated to see that "the best point guard in the nba" 2- time Media's Valuable Player won't be able to make a difference ever again himself. So who is Nash going to feed? Gasol's job just got easier...we've slowly watched this Suns team implode over the years.

I swear every year it's a new team in the west that rises up to challenge the Mighty Lakers. I wonder who it will be this year....perhaps the Grizzles I think it's their turn....:lmao

07-05-2010, 06:20 PM
If Lebron signs with the Kicks now, that should be enough to make New York a second round team next season, and an elite one in the next two-three years. I have the feeling that Lebron and Amare would make a great duo.

07-05-2010, 06:22 PM
Good spot for Amare. He'll fit there nice.

And it's good to see the Knicks not get shut out. Take that!

07-05-2010, 06:30 PM
& the Suns, how gd stupid, they coulda S&T'ed him into NY for 6/130 and everybody woulda been happy.

07-05-2010, 06:32 PM
good news for the knicks. maybe amare can attract other FA's to join him.

07-05-2010, 06:35 PM
I would say this a good signing say what you want about Amare but he's a force offensively in the paint. Atleast the knicks now have a guy who can score consistently which is something they haven't had in a longtime. I think he will still get 20 plus points a game even without Nash spoon feeding him. If the Knicks don't get Lebron but are able to add solid pieces around Amare I can see them winning 50 games this year in the east. I think New Yorkers would be happy with that prospect considering the knicks have been terrible for a decade now. On a side note if Amare does get the knicks a playoff spot he will be worshiped in NYC so I think Amare is going to enjoy all the perks he gets out of this more so then he would be getting if he stayed with the suns.

07-05-2010, 06:36 PM
Just so we all are cognizant of this fact:::I said it first. I said NY was a good match for Amare.

Don't anybody even start.

07-05-2010, 06:42 PM
Not a bad signing imo. Amare is still talented and should instantly help the Knicks. If you put him in a system that is good for him, you are maximizing his talents. The Knicks are a good fit in that regard. He is certainly not someone to build a true contender around imo, but this is a step in the right direction to not sucking.

Knicks had to pay this much essentially, so you can't fault them for the contract. He is surely overpaid, but he had to be. Sucks for them, but no big deal for them either.

Good spot for Amare. He'll fit there nice.

And it's good to see the Knicks not get shut out. Take that!

Just so we all are cognizant of this fact:::I said it first. I said NY was a good match for Amare.

Don't anybody even start.

5:37 - Me

6:22 - You

07-05-2010, 06:50 PM
5:37 - Me

6:22 - You

Me, a week ago.

Solly Cholly.

07-05-2010, 07:32 PM
lol a`m-ar'e see ya bitch, have fun never making a difference in the nba ever again

Let's see how your stats stack up without the best point guard feeding you easy shots all fucking game you suck ass bitch

lol Jose

07-05-2010, 07:45 PM
Amare is a dumbshit but this is a good signing for the knicks. This at least gives them a tiny chance to land Lebron whereas before they had no chance IMHO.

07-05-2010, 07:48 PM
Amare is a dumbshit but this is a good signing for the knicks. This at least gives them a tiny chance to land Lebron whereas before they had no chance IMHO.

He ain't a dumb shit. There were guaranteeing him 56 million in Phoenix versus guaranteeing him 100 million in NYC.

He'd been a dumb shit to stay here.

07-05-2010, 07:58 PM
2 years tanking and sucking

several draft picks blown away

result until now: Lee upgraded to Amare

The Franchise
07-05-2010, 08:15 PM
2 years tanking and sucking

several draft picks blown away

result until now: Lee upgraded to Amare

Is that really much of an upgrade? I don't think so.

07-05-2010, 08:20 PM
Yeah even that is questionable.

And even bigger contract (or wait, maybe Lee get 100 too)

07-05-2010, 09:28 PM
lol Knicks.

07-05-2010, 09:34 PM
2 years tanking and sucking

several draft picks blown away

result until now: Lee upgraded to Amare

That is actually really sad to read it that way.

a'Ma-`r`e rofl

The Batman
07-05-2010, 09:34 PM
lol Knicks.

It's LOL Amare before it's lol Knicks. It's like in high school, where this one ugly chick can't get a date to prom, and has to pay someone to go with her. Kinda like that stinky paki and his stinky paki koolaid loving buttplug

07-05-2010, 09:37 PM
It's LOL Amare before it's lol Knicks. It's like in high school, where this one ugly chick can't get a date to prom, and has to pay someone to go with her. Kinda like that stinky paki and his stinky paki koolaid loving buttplug

well not really LOL amare, he does get 100million dollars.

07-05-2010, 09:39 PM
Five year 100 Million Dollar deal is what ESPN is reporting. I read a report the other day that D'Antoni and Staudomire worked out their differences, and now they're talking about Carmelo, and Tony coming to New York!

07-05-2010, 09:40 PM
It's LOL Amare before it's lol Knicks. It's like in high school, where this one ugly chick can't get a date to prom, and has to pay someone to go with her. Kinda like that stinky paki and his stinky paki koolaid loving buttplug
How is it LOL Amare? He's cashing in!

The Batman
07-05-2010, 09:55 PM
How is it LOL Amare? He's cashing in!

He could have cashed in somewhere else, WHILE winning

07-05-2010, 10:09 PM
He could have cashed in somewhere else, WHILE winning
Maybe. We don't know that. Even in this market, giving Amare $100 million guaranteed is quite a bit.

07-05-2010, 10:28 PM

07-05-2010, 10:32 PM
^Just keeps gettin' better & better.

07-05-2010, 10:52 PM
He could have cashed in somewhere else, WHILE winning

Shut up, Ghazi.

07-05-2010, 10:54 PM
Ghazi is actually in Iran with his dune coon brothers.

07-05-2010, 10:55 PM
Ghazi is actually in Iran with his dune coon brothers.

I doubt it.

Of course, he claims that Iran is great, but I don't see him moving there any time soon.

07-05-2010, 10:56 PM
I doubt it.

Of course, he claims that Iran is great, but I don't see him moving there any time soon.

He's visiting there right now (not moving), I'm being 100% serious.

Greg Oden
07-05-2010, 11:00 PM
lol franchise player

07-05-2010, 11:02 PM
lol franchise player

You aren't a franchise player either you can't even stay healthy :lmao

Greg Oden
07-05-2010, 11:03 PM

07-05-2010, 11:09 PM
I'm just elated to see that "the best point guard in the nba" 2- time Media's Valuable Player won't be able to make a difference ever again himself. So who is Nash going to feed? Gasol's job just got easier...we've slowly watched this Suns team implode over the years.

I swear every year it's a new team in the west that rises up to challenge the Mighty Lakers. I wonder who it will be this year....perhaps the Grizzles I think it's their turn....:lmao

Sorry, but Nash already proved he's a great player without Amare. Did you notice he led them to 54 wins without Amare in 2006/07? I don't want to hear that Amare is responsible for Nash's success when he does slow down. Nash is 36 years old and its unlikely he can play at an allstar level for too much longer.

07-05-2010, 11:25 PM
The Suns’ last-ditch proposal to Stoudemire was a five-year offer that guaranteed him $71 million, sources said. The first three seasons were fully guaranteed. The fourth season contained a 50 percent guarantee that could become fully guaranteed based on the number of minutes Stoudemire played in the first three seasons. The fifth season of the contract also could become guaranteed based on a minutes incentive.

The Suns put in the incentives because of concerns over Stoudemire’s past knee and eye injuries. Insurance won’t cover Stoudemire’s salary if he can’t play because of any additional problems to either of his knees or his right eye.

The Suns knew the Knicks were prepared to give Stoudemire a maximum offer with all five seasons guaranteed and weren’t prepared to go that high. The Heat expressed similar concern about Stoudemire’s previous injuries, and have been more focused on trying to land Chris Bosh(notes). The Houston Rockets tried to deal for Stoudemire in February and also explored possible sign-and-trade scenarios with him in free agency.


07-06-2010, 12:45 AM
& the Suns, how gd stupid, they coulda S&T'ed him into NY for 6/130 and everybody woulda been happy.

Suns are still working on a S&T according to Coro: http://www.azcentral.com/sports/suns/articles/2010/07/05/20100705phoenix-suns-amare-stoudemire-plan.html

07-06-2010, 03:24 AM
They deserve it. No fan base on the planet deserves the continual ass fucking their team gives them.

when luva shows compassion for another team you know that team is fubar.

07-06-2010, 03:31 AM
now all they need is a pg to run the pnr with amare...

07-06-2010, 03:40 AM
I bet you the Knicks throw some short term money at Luke Ridnour. They want Tony Parker but he won't be available until next summer, if ever. So if Ridnour will accept a one year deal (probably won't but maybe the Knicks can overpay the salary to entice him to only sign on for one year), then that keeps the Knicks' options open to add next year as well.

01-20-2014, 11:09 PM
Good spot for Amare. He'll fit there nice.

And it's good to see the Knicks not get shut out. Take that!

Clipper Nation
01-20-2014, 11:10 PM
Amar'e fortifying Melo :lol