View Full Version : Starcraft 2 Propaganda contest

07-06-2010, 01:36 PM
Blizzard has a pretty sweet contest going on to promote the game with some baddass prizes.

I know there's a few designers here, here's my entry hopefully I get in the top 10


07-06-2010, 01:45 PM
Nice! though I think I've seen more than 10 better ones in there. No offense, you're is still awesome. I know I can't draw anything remotely as good as that, but there's a lot of incredible stuff in there.

07-06-2010, 01:58 PM
Nice! though I think I've seen more than 10 better ones in there. No offense, you're is still awesome. I know I can't draw anything remotely as good as that, but there's a lot of incredible stuff in there.

I'm working on another right now no offense taken, the best ones are actually done by the same 2 guys. So between them I think they posted like 8? Luckily for me it's one prize per household

07-06-2010, 05:02 PM
I'm working on another right now no offense taken, the best ones are actually done by the same 2 guys. So between them I think they posted like 8? Luckily for me it's one prize per household

ah, ok. Then yeah, I'd say you have a chance. Is that actually your drawing? or is it like a photoshop of different drawings you found? 'cause if that's your drawing, damn, you've got skill

07-06-2010, 05:30 PM
ah, ok. Then yeah, I'd say you have a chance. Is that actually your drawing? or is it like a photoshop of different drawings you found? 'cause if that's your drawing, damn, you've got skill

No it's not completely, Blizzard wants you to use some of their stuff from the game, it was a pencil sketch and I took it into Photoshop, painted it myself and things like that to make it look a little better. I have drawings like that though they're not too hard. I mostly work in graphic design (corporate identity, logos, business cards, etc.) and am starting my web design stuff so things like this are a new frontier for me but I've been playing SC since 99

07-06-2010, 06:01 PM
wow that is damn good. nice job

i suck at drawing, really bad, so i wont even try

good luck thoguh

07-07-2010, 12:09 AM
good luck with it man..

i do gfx too but im no where near that level

Fuzzy Modem
07-16-2010, 12:07 PM
Blizzard wants you to use some of their stuff from the game

You are wrong.

Original Work of Authorship.

You hereby warrant and represent that (a) you own all rights to all Entry Materials submitted by you; and (b) all such Entry Materials are original works of authorship on your part and have not been copied, in whole or in part, from any other work and do not violate, misappropriate or infringe any copyright, trademark or other proprietary right of any other person or entity.


You agreed to this^ when you submitted your entry.

Here is Blizzard’s original concept art, which you plagiarized:



You can see that it was created (completely, not a pencil sketch) by “Samwise” in 2006, but naturally you removed his signature, or hastily smeared over it with gray, from the looks of things. Did you honestly think no one would notice?

This is infuriating for someone like myself, who has spent nearly 100 hours creating a completely original entry for my submission:


-while you spent, what, an hour? Two? That artist, “Samwise”, how much time and effort do you think he put into it before you “took over” for him?

I know you aren't alone. Perhaps as many as ˝ of the submissions on the site right now are concept art or pre-existing fan art that someone spent ten minutes adding text to. Apparently whoever is qualifying submissions is either ignorant or asleep at the wheel.

Perhaps Blizzard simply doesn't care. They own the rights to the material you've stolen, and it all amounts to site traffic for them, which is the point. If they wanted a fair contest, it wouldn't be judged by Facebook users, as those with more friends have an obvious advantage, but this is nothing compared to the problem of plagiarism, as the average Facebook user will not know that my submission is 100% my work, while yours is 99% his.

I have drawings like that though they're not too hard.

Then you should have been able to make something from scratch rather than plagiarizing a real artist's work in an attempt to impress a bunch of strangers to potentially win nearly two thousand dollars in prizes out from under competitors who actually followed the rules that you agreed to!

What you are doing is theft. It's not just theft of intellectual property, it's theft of reputation. To be perceived as a competent artist is a very valuable commodity. Careers are built on it.

In short, you, sir, are a talentless hack.

I'll be furious if you win so much as a mouse pad.

I'm working on another right now

And what have you stolen this time? Care to show us your WiPs?

Full Disclosure: I joined this forum specifically for the purpose of calling you out and making an example of you. I will, however, stick around for your response. I'm curious to hear what you have to say for yourself.

07-16-2010, 01:53 PM
lol strong first post ^

07-16-2010, 04:55 PM
LOL 100 Hours.

07-16-2010, 05:02 PM
Full Disclosure: I joined this forum specifically for the purpose of calling you out .
no shit

Fuzzy Modem
07-16-2010, 05:04 PM
LOL 100 Hours.

Ended up being 127 hours in Maya actually. I don't know how much time in Photoshop, but I'd guess another 20 hours.

I pre-composed my first post while waiting for my membership to go through. Since then the contest has been completely derailed by plagiarism. I'd say only 20% of the total submissions are legit.

Contest Fail because of people like "TacoCabanaFajitas"... which sound like they would give you fatal diarrhea.

07-16-2010, 05:10 PM
i'm pretty sure blizzard meant you can't use other people's itellectual property. I.E. no nike swishes's and shit

Fuzzy Modem
07-16-2010, 05:11 PM
i'm pretty sure blizzard meant you can't use other people's itellectual property. I.E. no nike swishes's and shit

Original Work of Authorship.

You hereby warrant and represent that (a) you own all rights to all Entry Materials submitted by you; and (b) all such Entry Materials are original works of authorship on your part and have not been copied, in whole or in part, from any other work and do not violate, misappropriate or infringe any copyright, trademark or other proprietary right of any other person or entity.

This^ leaves no room for interpretation. Work must be 100% original.

Look at these two plagiarized, pieces, in 2nd and 3rd place respectively:

07-16-2010, 11:39 PM
So you think they didn't intended for you to use their work but then gave out awards that virtually ignored the contest rules? I promise you those regulations were only meant to placate lawyers and not to be the spirit of the competition.

However, you do seem rather butt hurt after spending nearly a week of actual time working on your submission.

Just a whole lot of butt hurt.

07-17-2010, 12:24 AM
one of those pics posted says copyright blizzard, is blizzard gonna sue blizzard?

Fuzzy Modem
07-17-2010, 01:15 AM
one of those pics posted says copyright blizzard, is blizzard gonna sue blizzard?

What part of "have not been copied, in whole or in part, from any other work" do you not understand?

Weather the rules were in place to placate lawyers or not, these contestants willfully entered into an agreement, then broke that agreement, with the specific intent of misrepresenting themselves.

At least one of the plagiarized artists is not a Blizzard employee. He's an artist over at deviant art, and I've been in contact with him.

Someone took his fan art, literally added nothing but two lines of text, and called it their own. Should that person win a laptop?

07-17-2010, 01:41 AM
Oh man its a crackdown.

What you are doing is theft.

No, it is not. It is copyright infringement. Butt hurt artists are enablers to the absolute power that Hollywood and the recording industry wields globally.

Copying. Is. Not. Stealing.

07-17-2010, 03:04 AM
What part of "have not been copied, in whole or in part, from any other work" do you not understand?

Weather the rules were in place to placate lawyers or not, these contestants willfully entered into an agreement, then broke that agreement, with the specific intent of misrepresenting themselves.

At least one of the plagiarized artists is not a Blizzard employee. He's an artist over at deviant art, and I've been in contact with him.

Someone took his fan art, literally added nothing but two lines of text, and called it their own. Should that person win a laptop?

since one of those pics CLEARLY says copyright of Blizzard the original gave up his rights to it and its Blizzards IP now, let me ask you something who do you think has rights to the winners pictures. I'm assuming Blizzard has it in their enter agreement that it becomes their ip once submitted

Fuzzy Modem
07-17-2010, 01:20 PM
Lets me try this a different way.

All the teams in the NBA agree not to use steroids.

Imagine if all the members of ONLY THREE teams obeyed this rule, and ALL the members of ALL the other teams DID NOT.

What's more, imagine that so many of the players are openly vocal about their steroid use, and so few people seem to care, that you accept it as the norm, regardless of the rules.

If you think the basketball players you are watching are likely to be on steroids, you are more likely to believe they ARE on steroids IF their performance is notably superior. Therefore you are LESS IMPRESSED.

The players who stayed clean and worked their asses off are now presumed to be on steroids and therefore their passion and perseverance is actually working against them.

Think how this would effect the competition it's self, regardless of anyone's ego. It would break the game, and you would never know how the teams would have stacked up on a level playing field.

Similarly, when you can't be sure if the art you're looking at is original, then ironically you question the authenticity of the most professional looking work. Broken contest.

On the subject of "butt hurt" were we to pretend the contests wasn't broken, I beat Taco's entry by more than 100 votes:
http://us.starcraft2.com/dominion/propaganda-contest.xml#inum=165&ap=14 Submitted under "TexasWreckShop"

Were I particularly egotistical (and I will admit to a sense of self worth that is closely associated with my own perception of my ability as an artist) I might conclude that my work is superior to both Taco's "art" and the original work he stole it from, at least to the average Facebook user.

But ego isn't the issue because this contest is broken, now we will NEVER KNOW how ANY of the legitimate submissions would have stacked up on a level playing field.

And yes, whoever is running this contest for Blizzard is just as culpable for accepting the illegitimate submissions, as the plagiarizers are for submitting them. Ignorant or apathetic, they aren't doing their job based on the stipulations that THEY SET.

So that's Problem #1, the broken contest. Problem #2 is totally different.
What if you actually WIN with your plagiarized material?

-is the fan art that someone added text to. I ask again, does that text-adder deserve a laptop, and more importantly the prestige of winning an international competition? Or does the artist?

since one of those pics CLEARLY says copyright of Blizzard the original gave up his rights to it and its Blizzards IP now, let me ask you something who do you think has rights to the winners pictures. I'm assuming Blizzard has it in their enter agreement that it becomes their ip once submitted

Of course blizzard won't sue it's self, and yes, they reserve NON EXCLUSIVE rights to the content. These notions are completely inconsequential and designed to steer the conversation away from relevant topics.
In debate they call this a "Red Herring."

You also aren't reading very carefully (or you are ignoring selectively) because I addressed this issue already, speculated on it, and moved past it to the meat of the issue:

Perhaps Blizzard simply doesn't care. They own the rights to the material you've stolen, and it all amounts to site traffic for them, which is the point. If they wanted a fair contest, it wouldn't be judged by Facebook users, as those with more friends have an obvious advantage, but this is nothing compared to the problem of plagiarism, as the average Facebook user will not know that my submission is 100% my work, while yours is 99% his.


Oh man its a crackdown.

No, it is not. It is copyright infringement. Butt hurt artists are enablers to the absolute power that Hollywood and the recording industry wields globally.

Copying. Is. Not. Stealing.

I thought I made it clear that I wasn't referring to traditional monetary wealth. I'm in favor of free distribution. That's how artists like myself build a reputation, and that reputation is what's valuable. Understand?

I offer free content on Turbosquid.com and I love it when people download it and build upon it, because THEY ALWAYS CREDIT ME. They agreed to when they joined the site, and they follow the rules because they respect the GAME and they respect me as an artist, so my reputation grows along with theirs, rather than becoming their reputation.

Taco has no respect for Samwise's ability as an artist. He's a tiny man, standing on the shoulders of giant, claiming to be tall.

Say you are a musician and you record a cover of a song. You give the original artist credit. You don't enter it into a contest as original work, regardless of weather you think you can get away with it, because you respect the artist who created it.

Get it yet?

07-18-2010, 01:19 AM

Oh we get it, but you don't seem to get it.

This thread is amazing. 100 fucking hours!


Fuzzy Modem
07-18-2010, 03:53 PM

Oh we get it, but you don't seem to get it.

This thread is amazing. 100 fucking hours!


No, I don't get it. Are you saying 100 hours is unbelievable? Because for modeling, texturing, lighting and rendering, it isn't that much really. I cut a lot of corners because I had a deadline to meet.

You can see for yourself. My work in progress thread is here:
See? Real artists can demonstrate the legitimacy of their work.

My comic book, which you can read here: http://crossovercomic.com/ represents nearly SIX YEARS of work, so this contest was a drop in the bucket by comparison.

This isn't a mild interest for me. It's a borderline obsession.

07-18-2010, 04:12 PM

07-18-2010, 04:15 PM
This isn't a mild interest for me. It's a borderline obsession.

I don't think that's much of a revelation to anyone who's read the thread so far.

Just sayin'.

07-18-2010, 04:21 PM
Contest Fail because of people like "TacoCabanaFajitas"... which sound like they would give you fatal diarrhea.


You bring glorified fan art and photoshops to our geek zone forum! You insult the sacred food establishment of our homeland. You threaten the OP with plagiarism and contest tampering!

Fuzzy Modem
07-18-2010, 04:24 PM
You bring glorified fan art and photoshops to our geek zone forum! You insult the sacred food establishment of our homeland. You threaten the OP with plagiarism and contest tampering!

I DO! :ihit



"I felt like destroying something beautiful"

07-19-2010, 02:37 AM
Lol I'm not really sure if you're serious or not bro, I even said it wasn't my artwork and was a pencil sketch I took into photoshop and painted...it's right in my first post? Did you design those protoss on your own? lmao where did you get the idea for them to look like that? You spent way too much time "busting me" and not enough time looking at the post I made. Read the rules a little more closely queer, don't you think Blizzard would have disqualified/rejected the entries if they didn't follow the rules? You know the Obama HOPE poster Sheperd Fairey did wasn't an original sketch right? It was a picture he took into photoshop...sorry you wasted your time man

07-19-2010, 02:40 AM
And I didn't take the time to read your post because you were obviously posting and making an argument about something you misinterpreted, but the reason I didn't take time to make an elaborate sketch of my own is that I have real jobs to work on, as well as a family, someday you may have sex, and it's possible it may even be with a woman I suppose, you might have a kid (most likely autistic) and you won't have time to "create" protoss characters from "scratch". Fuckin noob, and btw your poster is pretty dull.

Should get your ip from the board mods and totally fuck your shit up, just to save the world from more of your colorless crap creations

Cry Havoc
07-19-2010, 06:58 AM
Were I particularly egotistical

Well it's a good thing you aren't that. :lol




Shouldn't you, as an experienced artist, know better than to enter a contest that basically amounts to a "vote for me on Facebook" competition? If Blizzard wanted a really authentic setup, don't you think they would have employed a much more standardized system of voting?

It sounds like you put a lot of hopes on this competition, and then you found out that it wasn't anything too serious, and now you're looking to rage on someone.

Fuzzy Modem
07-19-2010, 11:58 AM
It sounds like you put a lot of hopes on this competition, and then you found out that it wasn't anything too serious, and now you're looking to rage on someone.

That is an accurate assessment. There are many things wrong with this contest that aren't Taco's fault (such as the lack of a randomized viewing system) and it's fair to say that it was run unprofessionally.

This doesn't excuse Taco's actions however, and he's an easy target, having made himself very high profile. (I think he's cute, calling me "gay" and still insisting it was a pencil sketch.)

My objective was to make an example of him, which I've done.

A Google search for "Starcraft 2 Propaganda contest" "TacoCabanaFajitas" or "TexasWreckShop" will now return 1st page hits for this thread. Any artwork he's submitted anywhere under these aliases will now be tainted upon investigation. No one will ever believe he is capable of creating on his own again.

His reputation has been restored to it's proper level.

Let this be a lesson to plagiarizers everywhere. We know who you are, we know what you've done, and there are consequences.:nope

07-19-2010, 12:16 PM
Fuzzy Modem - internet crusader and avenger.

Well played sir, well played.

BRB spending a week without sleep working on Facebook contests.

Cry Havoc
07-19-2010, 02:24 PM
That is an accurate assessment. There are many things wrong with this contest that aren't Taco's fault (such as the lack of a randomized viewing system) and it's fair to say that it was run unprofessionally.

Let's be clear here.... you realized this contest was counting Facebook votes, and you thought it was a big, serious deal?

This doesn't excuse Taco's actions however, and he's an easy target, having made himself very high profile. (I think he's cute, calling me "gay" and still insisting it was a pencil sketch.)

Wow, yeah, this high profile artist's design website known as Spurstalk.com. To say nothing of the fact that this is The Geek Zone, and I start about 50% of the threads in this forum, because it's pretty much dead.

My objective was to make an example of him, which I've done.

You're attempting to bully someone who's obviously far less experienced working with digital imagery than you are. Strange. I must have missed that part where artists like Raphael and Jacques-Louis David ran down to the local galleries to ridicule their brethren. I mean, I guess it's just me, but it seems to me that if you were truly talented, you wouldn't worry nor care about what this single insignificant (to you) person has done, because you'd be more concerned about furthering yourself as an artist. You know though, that's just me.

A google search for "Starcraft 2 Propaganda contest" "TacoCabanaFajitas" or "TexasWreckShop" will now return 1st page hits for this thread. Any artwork he's submitted anywhere under these aliases will now be tainted upon investigation. No one will ever believe he is capable of creating on his own again.

For those of the super-serious artists in the field who care about Starcraft 2, I commend you for your well thought-out rebuke of TacoCabanaFajitas. I am certain that when he goes onto fame and fortune as an artist, his most torturous lament will be his inability to stamp a cheap Mexican eatery on his work for fear of reprisal at his video game propoganda contest poster.

His reputation has been restored to it's proper level.

Let me ask you, when you drag someone through the metaphorical mud, do you emerge from it any cleaner than they are? You just admitted to being overly sensitive about the subject and just looking to rage on someone... how will that make people who read this thread feel about you, and the comic you've put so many years of your life into?

Let this be a lesson to plagiarizers everywhere. We know who you are, we know what you've done, and there are consequences.:nope

Yes, it sucks for them to have to buy their own copy of Starcraft II.

Cry Havoc
07-19-2010, 02:44 PM
And this is all to say nothing of the fact that maybe you should just take the experience you gain from creating art as it's own reward. You know, maybe find something worthwhile you created or a particular section you excelled at creating the poster, or a technique you can use in future situations to enhance your ability? Nope. Because it's so much easier to RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE.

Fuzzy Modem
07-19-2010, 02:47 PM
Let's be clear here.... you realized this contest was counting Facebook votes, and you thou>snippity<eir own copy of Starcraft II.

This isn't really about me. It's about these guys:


I respect them. I speak for them. I fight for them.

It's all about respect.

I never put my name on anything I'm not proud of, and that includes this thread. Superman doesn't let criminals get away just because they're comparative weak. Neither do I.

Best case scenario Taco learns from this and develops as an artist. Someday maybe he WILL be able to produce great art on his own, and in this case I'll have done him a favor, just like the crook Superman hauls in, that serves his time and goes on to live a productive, crime free life.
-and yes, Facebook voting was a horrible, horrible idea that I hope will never be repeated again.


And this is all to say nothing of the fact that maybe you should just take the experience you gain from creating art as it's own reward. You know, maybe find something worthwhile you created or a particular section you excelled at creating the poster, or a technique you can use in future situations to enhance your ability? Nope. Because it's so much easier to RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE.

Actually I take great solace in having learned a new method of texturing based on Sub-D to NURBS conversion.

Again, this doesn't excuse Taco's actions.

Cry Havoc
07-19-2010, 02:52 PM
Were I particularly egotistical


Superman doesn't...Neither do I.


Wow dude, you know how to really show how humble you are. You're a modern day superhero, the way you came into this dead thread on this dead forum and ROFLpwned his ass. I hope his real name isn't TacoCabanaFajita or he might not be able to go outside without a bunch of mimes making threatening gestures at him for insulting artists around the world.

As far as respect goes, what, exactly, have you done that's respectful in this thread, besides call everyone out for disagreeing with you in the most bombastic way possible?

Don't pretend. This isn't about those guys. This is about salvaging your bruised ego. You already admitted as much, so stop attempting to play the part of the good altruistic soul after you already admitted that the catalyst for your behavior was you were just looking to stomp someone's face in the ground 'cause your feelings as an artist got a little boo-boo.

Cry Havoc
07-19-2010, 03:13 PM
Also, hasn't he already stated that he wasn't willfully using copyrighted material, but thought that the whole point of the competition was to do that? You're not exactly dealing with a renegade artist ripping off other people's art with pathological glee, here. If you can find some other offenses of his, by all means list them here.

Considering that Blizzard actually promoted such work, I'd say he even makes a fair point that they didn't mind. If the company owning said art is willing to look the other way (and even reward said reworks of existing art), what right do you have to be so indignant? Either way, he stated his position, and it seemed to be that at WORST he was guilty of not reading the rules as clearly as he could have, and you continued to flame him and call him out for his "blatant plagarization". Which is damned petty. I'm betting Superman didn't catch many crooks who were accidentally robbing a bank.

EDIT: Upon viewing the thread where you created your masterpiece, I happened upon this:

"I made this in about 15 minutes as a joke. Me and the guys at work were pontificating on the ideal poster design to appeal to the Facebook voters:"


I had my friend submit the second one as I didn't want to potentially endanger my real entry by breaking the contest rules. I wonder if he'll win anything.


So, to be clear, plagarizing art is acceptable when it's a joke. Your hypocrisy is noted.

Fuzzy Modem
07-19-2010, 04:07 PM
So, to be clear, plagarizing art is acceptable when it's a joke. Your hypocrisy is noted.

LOL! I'm completely busted. I have absolutely no rebuttal for that. Good show! :hat

There is a semantic argument to made for the difference between game screen-shots and concept art, but I won't bother. Your point is sound, and I'd like to take this moment to credit both Blizzard, and Zynga (the creator of Farmville.)

Please note that I also went back and credited them in my WiP thread, which I do appreciate you reading :)

Fuzzy Modem
07-19-2010, 04:34 PM
I'd like to propose that Taco and I settle this with a game of StarCraft 2 (or StarCraft 1 if he prefers.)

Looser creates a custom piece of artwork for the winner, the subject to be of the winner's choosing.

The completed artwork can be in any medium and is to be posted in this thread, along with the StarCraft replay. It can utilize the artwork of others, as long as the original artist is properly credited.

Do you accept Taco?

If so, do you have any conditions (such as the nature of the loser's artwork must be "safe for work")?

07-19-2010, 06:33 PM
I'd like to propose that Taco and I settle this with a game of StarCraft 2 (or StarCraft 1 if he prefers.)

Settle what you fuckin freak? :lol You're arguing with other people on here over something that I obviously could care less about. The first time someone ask if I sketched it I said all I did was take it into photoshop, clean it up, and paint it and you're trying to pretend I said otherwise. Cry Havoc hit it on the head when he pointed out your bruised ego, your "artwork" looks like it was for the first SC game, you have a lot to learn about typography and things like that tbh. And I game with people that aren't butthurt little bitches, you're one of those guys that shuts his pc off mid-game when things aren't going his way I can tell.

My career in design is ruined now thanks to you, I hope you're proud!

Fuzzy Modem
07-19-2010, 06:38 PM
Settle what you fuckin freak? :lol You're arguing with other people on here over something that I obviously could care less about. The first time someone ask if I sketched it I said all I did was take it into photoshop, clean it up, and paint it and you're trying to pretend I said otherwise. Cry Havoc hit it on the head when he pointed out your bruised ego, your "artwork" looks like it was for the first SC game, you have a lot to learn about typography and things like that tbh. And I game with people that aren't butthurt little bitches, you're one of those guys that shuts his pc off mid-game when things aren't going his way I can tell.

My career in design is ruined now thanks to you, I hope you're proud!

Soooo... you're afraid then?

Drop counts as a loss since you're worried about that.

C'mon. A game of StarCraft takes like, half an hour, tops. Teach my punk-ass a lesson, I dare you :P

07-19-2010, 06:43 PM
This isn't really about me. It's about these guys:

I respect them. I speak for them. I fight for them.

It's all about respect.

Are you taking a speech class right now in your high school and testing lines on us? Who the fuck are you talking to bro?

Fuzzy Modem
07-19-2010, 06:46 PM
The first time someone ask if I sketched it I said all I did was take it into photoshop, clean it up, and paint it and you're trying to pretend I said otherwise.

You did say otherwise, when you agreed to this:

Original Work of Authorship.

You hereby warrant and represent that (a) you own all rights to all Entry Materials submitted by you; and (b) all such Entry Materials are original works of authorship on your part and have not been copied, in whole or in part, from any other work and do not violate, misappropriate or infringe any copyright, trademark or other proprietary right of any other person or entity.


Will you accept my challenge, yes or no?

07-19-2010, 06:57 PM
Will you accept my challenge, yes or no?

1. This sounds like something you cooked up just to not look like a complete douche and save face instead of looking like a crazy guy stalking people on the internet on a noble quest to rid the world of...well I'm not really sure.

2. I don't like to play with people that take themselves or games too seriously, I don't know what happened to you in your life but something has you putting your attention in the wrong direction.

3. I don't have SC installed on my pc and I'm not playing the beta. Get a fucking life and either gtfo the forum or start acting like a normal human being.

Fuzzy Modem
07-19-2010, 07:16 PM
1. This sounds like something you cooked up just to not look like a complete douche and save face instead of looking like a crazy guy stalking people on the internet on a noble quest to rid the world of...well I'm not really sure.

Plagiarism. I'm ridding the world of plagiarism. Do a word search in this thread. I bet you'll find it.

2. I don't like to play with people that take themselves or games too seriously, I don't know what happened to you in your life but something has you putting your attention in the wrong direction.

YOU have, by taking part in the destruction of something I admittedly cared about deeply, and then advertising it, thereby making yourself a target.

3. I don't have SC installed on my pc and I'm not playing the beta. Get a fucking life and either gtfo the forum or start acting like a normal human being.

I'm happy to wait until you have a copy of either SC2 or SC1 installed. I won't have SC1 again myself until the end of the month.

Cry Havoc
07-19-2010, 07:18 PM
I'd like to propose that Taco and I settle this with a game of StarCraft 2 (or StarCraft 1 if he prefers.)

Looser creates a custom piece of artwork for the winner, the subject to be of the winner's choosing.

The completed artwork can be in any medium and is to be posted in this thread, along with the StarCraft replay. It can utilize the artwork of others, as long as the original artist is properly credited.

Do you accept Taco?

If so, do you have any conditions (such as the nature of the loser's artwork must be "safe for work")?

Let's review:

T: Hey! Check out this poster I made! I copied it from X for this contest!

F: You suck. You're a bitch. You broke the rulezz!111one!!!

T: Uh, those aren't the rules as I understood them.

F: Eat a dick. You suck. Your artwork is garbage.

O: Hey, maybe he didn't quite get what the contest is going for.

F: Shut the fuck up. He broke the rules. He's a douchebag. He's an insult to artists everywhere. You're a bitch for agreeing with him.

C: Uh... you mean he did exactly what you did in a separate entry?

F: Awww, you're right! Let's play a game!

T: Nah.

F: Oh come on. what's the matter? Aren't you a man?


That is a somewhat accurate appraisal of how things went down. Fuzzy Modem, for your sake, I hope you're a nicer person in the real world than you are online, because frankly, you're an asshole in the here and now.

Cry Havoc
07-19-2010, 07:19 PM
Plagiarism. I'm ridding the world of plagiarism. Do a word search in this thread. I bet you'll find it.

Found it. Right next to this:


Fuzzy Modem
07-19-2010, 07:20 PM
Fuzzy Modem, for your sake, I hope you're a nicer person in the real world than you are online, because frankly, you're an asshole in the here and now.

I'm trying to be an asshole, and admittedly I'm not great at it, as it's somewhat new to me. Can anyone offer me some pointers?

The Reckoning
07-19-2010, 07:29 PM
hahaha i love nerd rage. keep at it, fellas!

Fuzzy Modem
07-19-2010, 08:56 PM
@Cry Havoc (http://spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=7256) I don't think a piece of satire, that in context is obviously intended to MOCK talentless hacks like Taco (as well as Facebook users and the contest voting system), is exactly the smoking gun you're making it out to be.

However I DO think that it undercuts my credibility irrecoverably, which I commend you for, and as I'm getting dangerously close to adding this thread to my list of quasi-obsessions, I think it's time for me to slink off and lick my wounds.

I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to vent. This was the only place on the internet I could find that would actually put effort into defending plagiarism (and I looked for a while.)

@ Taco: Message me if you ever want to play a game of StarCraft, friendly or otherwise, and next time, read the fucking rules.

...and basketball is dumb.


07-19-2010, 10:14 PM
@ Taco: Message me if you ever want to play a game of StarCraft, friendly or otherwise, and next time, read the fucking rules.

...and basketball is dumb.


The Reckoning
12-05-2010, 10:20 PM
so who won?

The Reckoning
12-05-2010, 10:27 PM
wouldnt be surprised if fuzzy modem is fuzzy lumpkins