View Full Version : Splitter Waiting for Satisfactory Offer from Spurs

Pistons < Spurs
07-07-2010, 08:06 AM
I have no idea what it says, but I found this on today's Hoopshype's News section with the tag line of: "Tiago Splitter's representatives are putting pressure on the Spurs so they make an offer for their client as soon as possible."

Splitter apremia a los Spurs para que le trasladen una oferta

La franquicia texana dispone de margen de maniobra tras liberar la ficha de Jefferson

La cuenta atrás para la prácticamente segura marcha de Tiago Splitter a la NBA ya se ha iniciado. A poco más de una semana de plazo para que expire la fecha límite (15 de julio) que le permite acogerse a una cláusula de salida y rescindir su contrato con el Baskonia para las dos próximas temporadas, los agentes del pívot brasileño ya han apremiado a los Spurs para que trasladen en el menor tiempo posible una oferta satisfactoria que haga realidad el sueño del todavía integrante azulgrana de cruzar este verano el charco.

La franquicia texana, a través de sus altas instancias, ha reiterado en infinidad de ocasiones su deseo de contar con Splitter en su nuevo proyecto. La orfandad de interiores de buen nivel convierte en poco menos que una obligación la tarea de incorporar a una de las pocas estrellas que todavía pulula en el baloncesto europeo, pero sus directivos no han activado hasta ahora todos los resortes a su alcance para materializar ese interés en una oferta convincente que empuje al de Joinville a abandonar la capital alavesa. De momento, intentan cuadrar números para ver todas las posibilidades a su alcance y, sobre todo, no superar el límite salarial fijado por la NBA, que quedará establecido en alrededor de 56 millones de dólares en la campaña 2010-11.

En contra de los intereses vitorianos juega el hecho de que San Antonio dispone de un mayor margen de maniobrar para contratar a agentes libres después de que Richard Jefferson, uno de los contratos más onerosos de su plantel durante el pasado ejercicio, abandonase el equipo a finales de junio. El técnico Gregg Popovich se ha encontrado con un dinero extra con el que, a priori, no contaba para invertir en refuerzos que cambien el maltrecho rumbo del conjunto.

Salvo que adopten la improbable opción de traspasar los derechos del brasileño en el habitual intercambio de jugadores -Toronto estaría interesado según medios americanos-, los Spurs podrán acogerse a la excepción de nivel medio -recurso que concede la NBA para superar el límite salarial- para lograr su propósito de reclutar a Splitter. http://www.noticiasdealava.com/2010/07/07/baskonia/splitter-apremia-a-los-spurs-para-que-le-trasladen-una-oferta

07-07-2010, 08:49 AM
Working on translating the original article

07-07-2010, 09:07 AM
Splitter urges Spurs to make an offer (http://www.noticiasdealava.com/2010/07/07/baskonia/splitter-apremia-a-los-spurs-para-que-le-trasladen-una-oferta)
The texas franchise has a better maneuverability margin after freeing Jefferson's contract

VITORIA. The countdown to the practically assured arrival of Splitter in the NBA has started. With a little over a week left (Jul 15) until the limit date that allows him to opt out of the last two seasons of his Boskonia contract, the agents of the Brazilian player have already urged the Spurs to provide a satisfactory offer as soon as possible that would make his dream of playing across the sea this summer a reality.

The texas franchise, through their officials, has repeated numerous times their wishes to have Splitter as part of their new project. Their lack of interior talent make it pretty much obligatory to add one of the few remaining stars that still play in European basketball, but their front office has not yet punched all the buttons that would translate that interest in having him into a convincing offer that would push the player from Joinville to abandon his current team. Right now, they're trying to fit in numbers to examine all the possibilities available to them and, above all, not to go over the salary cap specified by the NBA, that will be set to about $56 million for the 2010-2011 season.

In play against the Vitoria interests is the fact that San Antonio now has a bigger margin to maneuver in order to hire free agents after Richard Jefferson, one of the most expensive salaries on the team the past season, decided to opt out of his contract. Coach Popovich now has found himself with some extra money, something he didn't think he would have originally, in order to invest in players that can turn around the bad outlook of the team.

Unless they choose the unlikely avenue of trading his rights -Toronto would be interested according to the american media-, the Spurs can use the MLE -a recourse the NBA provides to go over the salary cap- to finally recruit Splitter.

07-07-2010, 09:12 AM
The new found money doesn't make sense.

07-07-2010, 09:13 AM
Yeah, I don't think the writer understands how the whole thing works... :lol

But hey, I merely translated the original article

07-07-2010, 09:13 AM
Wait, what the hell!?! The Spurs FO havnt even made an offer yet? Thats just insane. What the hell is the FO doing goofing around with him like this? My god, get on the ball RC! The Splitter deal is nothing to toy around with.

07-07-2010, 09:15 AM
Wait, what the hell!?! The Spurs FO havnt even made an offer yet? Thats just insane. What the hell is the FO doing goofing around with him like this? My god, get on the ball RC! The Splitter deal is nothing to toy around with.

Makes sense, actually. They can't sign him until tomorrow anyways, and the MLE available won't be available until tonight. Also with the cap space number in place, it's easy to sit down and tweak the numbers.

07-07-2010, 09:26 AM
Makes sense, actually. They can't sign him until tomorrow anyways, and the MLE available won't be available until tonight. Also with the cap space number in place, it's easy to sit down and tweak the numbers.

Perhaps your right there, it's just that this was the last thing I was expecting. Regardless, thank you for translating the article for us.

07-07-2010, 09:32 AM
Makes sense, actually. They can't sign him until tomorrow anyways, and the MLE available won't be available until tonight. Also with the cap space number in place, it's easy to sit down and tweak the numbers.

Well technically speaking, the MLE available is not going to vary millions!!! So wtf does that change? If he's going to make 5.4 or 5.7 or 5.2, it doesn't fucking matter. It's the full MLE and that's what he have to offer.
I don't see what "tweaks" could be made?

07-07-2010, 10:04 AM
I'd rather hear Splitter's agent urging the Spurs to offer a deal than the other way round. It probably indicates his desire to jump to the NBA.

07-07-2010, 10:14 AM
Well technically speaking, the MLE available is not going to vary millions!!! So wtf does that change? If he's going to make 5.4 or 5.7 or 5.2, it doesn't fucking matter. It's the full MLE and that's what he have to offer.
I don't see what "tweaks" could be made?

It matters from an assessment standpoint. Now that RJ opting out puts them under the luxury tax, I'm sure the ideal situation the FO is seeking is to remain there. So they need to know exactly how much are they under/over the salary cap, what the luxury tax is going to look like, and then determine how they want to spend the money they have available. If they're indeed intent in keeping RJ to a lower but extended contract, all those values need to be taken into account when extending him an offer sheet. And small tweaks on that offer and Tiago's may be needed to remain under the luxury tax threshold.

07-07-2010, 10:17 AM
Perhaps your right there, it's just that this was the last thing I was expecting. Regardless, thank you for translating the article for us.

Nah, he's right. The Spurs are probably the most shrewd franchise going and maybe the most creative in terms of structuring contracts and creating some room and flexibility when otherwise there'd be none.

It's similar to how they structured the McDyess deal so that they could pay Blair and invest a little money elsewhere at the bottom of their roster with the remainder of the MLE.

When the numbers are released today -- and Coon will have everything updated shortly after -- the Spurs will be ready to negotiate with Splitter and put the cards on the table to show him why it is that it'd help him and the Spurs to leave some of that MLE on the table.

Whether he does or not is another story, but it's just the smart and prudent due-diligence the Spurs have always been a practitioner of.

07-07-2010, 10:24 AM
I'm sure the Spurs and Splitters agent are playing a little poker here. It would certainly be to the Spurs benefit if they could get Splitter to agree to a deal that left them something from the MLE that they could then go use on another player. So maybe this is a sign that Splitter's camp just blinked.

07-07-2010, 10:41 AM
Spurs be tweakin' yo... playin that mean poka... Splittah be blinkin' y'all ....don't worry we got dis dawgs

Kindergarten Cop
07-07-2010, 10:56 AM
Thanks for taking the time to translate ElNono. :toast

07-07-2010, 11:04 AM
I split this out into its own thread. It's a notable story because a lot of Spurs fans thought that there was a good chance that negotiations were already complete and the two sides were simply waiting for the 8th to make it official. That, apparently, is not the case.

I'm guessing Splitter is still priority No. 1 right now, however it is a bit odd that there are rumors of the Spurs being interested in MLE type players such as Kyle Korver and Wes Matthews.

07-07-2010, 11:07 AM
I'm sure they will come to an agreement soon.

There is not much of a rush for both sides when you think about it. Spurs were probably caught off guard by the RJ move (like stated in the article) and are now examining what they should do very closely since the dynamics have definitely changed. Something will be done soon.

07-07-2010, 11:17 AM
This article is bullshit.

07-07-2010, 11:20 AM
I'm guessing Splitter is still priority No. 1 right now, however it is a bit odd that there are rumors of the Spurs being interested in MLE type players such as Kyle Korver and Wes Matthews.

To me that's a sign that the Spurs don't think they'll need the full MLE to get Splitter. If that's the case, it would be nice to know just how low a deal someone like Korver or Matthews would be willing to accept because that would play a role in how much hardball you might want to try to play with Splitter. It might be worth it if Korver for example would be open to a 3 or 4 year contract starting at around $2 mil. I don't think there's any doubt that the Spurs would love to find a way to be able to use their MLE to land Splitter plus someone else.

07-07-2010, 11:28 AM
To me that's a sign that the Spurs don't think they'll need the full MLE to get Splitter. If that's the case, it would be nice to know just how low a deal someone like Korver or Matthews would be willing to accept because that would play a role in how much hardball you might want to try to play with Splitter. It might be worth it if Korver for example would be open to a 3 or 4 year contract starting at around $2 mil. I don't think there's any doubt that the Spurs would love to find a way to be able to use their MLE to land Splitter plus someone else.

There's no way the Spurs squeeze Splitter and Korver or Matthews into the MLE. Korver and Matthews will get deals starting around at least $3 million. I can't see Splitter signing for less than $4 million per season.

The Spurs would be lucky to have an amount equal to or greater than the LLE after signing Splitter.

07-07-2010, 11:33 AM
I think this is as simple as:

Splitter, "I have to opt out of my contract by the 15th to come to the NBA... what's the hold up on my contract offer?"

Spurs, "We won't know the actual number to put onto the contract until tonight... don't worry, it's coming"

07-07-2010, 11:34 AM
I was a little irritated about this at first(I was one of the ones that thought this was already a done deal), but upon reading the comments of others it makes sense. I still think they have already has some discussion on ballpark figures...and with this coming out right before the salary numbers are released it leads me to believe that Splitter wants to get an agreement in place as soon as the Spurs know what the numbers will be.

Mark in Austin
07-07-2010, 11:34 AM
This is just Lindsey manuvering to get him to Houston. Nothing new here.

07-07-2010, 11:36 AM
Maybe the Spurs are concocting a trade deal for the Lebron aftermath :stirpot:

Coach Pop did say there was something like ten offers for Tiago...and there were two deals that weren't "serious enough" for Parker from the Blazers and Knicks, RJ opting out, sources throwing around Parker's name in potential Bosh deals, Parker's name coming up in the media, hmmm...they could be really busy on the phones since this is one crazy, power-shifting time in the NBA. :stirpot:

07-07-2010, 11:39 AM
There's no way the Spurs squeeze Splitter and Korver or Matthews into the MLE. Korver and Matthews will get deals starting around at least $3 million. I can't see Splitter signing for less than $4 million per season.

The Spurs would be lucky to have an amount equal to or greater than the LLE after signing Splitter.

Agree that whatever money you might have left over from Splitter wouldn't be much more than the LLE. But even if the money isn't better than the LLE being able to use the MLE would allow the Spurs to tack on extra years over the 2-max that the LLE can offer.

I also agree that the odds of Korver & Matthews getting $3+ mil offers are very good, but if you're the Spurs it's only a phonecall and all Korver & Matthews can say is "no". There's nothing lost by asking, especially during the moratorium period where you can't do anything.

07-07-2010, 11:41 AM
I'm sure they will come to an agreement soon.

There is not much of a rush for both sides when you think about it.

Splitter only has until July 15 to buy out of his contract in Europe.

07-07-2010, 11:41 AM
Lots of good comments in here. Thanks to ElNono for the translation.

Just to add my 2 cents.

There is plenty to negotiate beyond what percentage of the MLE this contract will be based upon.

1. Contract length. I'd think that the Spurs would prefer to lock him up for the full five years while Splitter would probably prefer 3yrs (after which he has full Bird Rights and can get a max contract) plus a player option for the 4th year.

2. Trade kicker. CBA allows for a trade kicker of up to 15%.

3. Signing bonus. Players can receive up to 20% of the total value of the contract as a signing bonus. It doesn't affect the total value of the contract and the amount of the bonus is allocated against the team's salary cap over the term of the contract.

4. Pay schedule. I can't find the reference, but I'm fairly certain that players can receive up to 80% of their annual salary in their first paycheck of the season. I believe Kobe gets paid this way.

So, lots for the two parties to discuss. It would absurd for the Spurs to tell Splitter's agent "You can have the full MLE AND you can structure the deal any way you like".

07-07-2010, 11:43 AM
Korver and Matthews will get deals starting around at least $3 million.

With Chicago getting desperate (if no LeBron), Korver will surely be offered even more than that.

07-07-2010, 11:43 AM
Spurs are trying to save part of the MLE for.....

Ryan Richards, so they can give him a 3-4 year contract and lock up the Splitter/Blair/Richards front court through 2012-13.


07-07-2010, 11:43 AM
It matters from an assessment standpoint. Now that RJ opting out puts them under the luxury tax, I'm sure the ideal situation the FO is seeking is to remain there. So they need to know exactly how much are they under/over the salary cap, what the luxury tax is going to look like, and then determine how they want to spend the money they have available. If they're indeed intent in keeping RJ to a lower but extended contract, all those values need to be taken into account when extending him an offer sheet. And small tweaks on that offer and Tiago's may be needed to remain under the luxury tax threshold.

Agree. The spurs are trying to maximise the financial numbers that is why there has been no offer to Splitter yet.

07-07-2010, 11:45 AM
In all seriousness, I do think they would like to lock up Richards for more than 2 years (max they can give him without the MLE), but I doubt that's the driving force behind all this.

Spurs will get the final salary cap and MLE numbers tonight, and will have a solid offer on Tiago's desk by July 9th.

Vic Petro
07-07-2010, 12:02 PM
Either they are trading Splitter (doubtful)


Trading Jefferson for a trade exemption to afford Matthews or Korver or Morrow (hopefully)

07-07-2010, 12:11 PM
Was just looking at the numbers salary-wise. We'll have the official cap/tax numbers tonight, but the last estimate for the luxury tax was approximately $68 million (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=5099980). The Spurs are at about $51 million for 6 guaranteed players (Duncan, McDyess, Blair, Hill, Ginobili, Parker).

That means the Spurs have about $16-17 million to play with if they want to stay under the tax. Here are some likely salaries to go along with those 6 guaranteed players:

2 of Hairston/Gee/Temple/Jerrells: $1.5 million, or $1.6 million if Hairston is one of the two.

James Anderson: $1,134,500 (this is 100% of rookie scale; Spurs have been known to give 80% at times, especially if numbers are tight)

Ryan Richards: minimum salary, approximately $0.5 million

That brings the Spurs up to 10 contracts at approximately $54.2 million, leaving them roughly $13.8 million to fill out 3 more spots. To show you how tight this could get for the Spurs (and why they're likely being extra careful with the financial numbers) here are two more rumored/speculated contracts to go with the above:

Splitter: $5.8 million
Jefferson: $7 million

That brings us up to $67.0 million with 12 players. (Granted, I've done some rough rounding during parts of these calculations; the Spurs will not do such rounding.)

Mathematicians in the Spurs front office, this is where you earn your money.

07-07-2010, 12:25 PM
Was just looking at the numbers salary-wise. We'll have the official cap/tax numbers tonight, but the last estimate for the luxury tax was approximately $68 million (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=5099980). The Spurs are at about $51 million for 6 guaranteed players (Duncan, McDyess, Blair, Hill, Ginobili, Parker).

That means the Spurs have about $16-17 million to play with if they want to stay under the tax. Here are some likely salaries to go along with those 6 guaranteed players:

2 of Hairston/Gee/Temple/Jerrells: $1.5 million, or $1.6 million if Hairston is one of the two.

James Anderson: $1,134,500 (this is 100% of rookie scale; Spurs have been known to give 80% at times, especially if numbers are tight)

Ryan Richards: minimum salary, approximately $0.5 million

That brings the Spurs up to 10 contracts at approximately $54.2 million, leaving them roughly $13.8 million to fill out 3 more spots. To show you how tight this could get for the Spurs (and why they're likely being extra careful with the financial numbers) here are two more rumored/speculated contracts to go with the above:

Splitter: $5.8 million
Jefferson: $7 million

That brings us up to $67.0 million with 12 players. (Granted, I've done some rough rounding during parts of these calculations; the Spurs will not do such rounding.)

Mathematicians in the Spurs front office, this is where you earn your money.

I haven't crunched the numbers to say this is without flaw but I believe this to be a pretty damn good depiction at first glance.

It's all about creating the necessary flexibility when in most cases -- and most teams -- there isn't much to be found. But saving some of their MLE for second-rounders, negotiating pay-scale for their first-rounder, structuring salary to be more cap-friendly on a yearly basis for players with multiple years ... these are all things being considered, maneuvered and massaged as the Spurs try to maximize all the tools at their disposal to get the most for their money and out of their roster.

Nice post, lurker. :tu

07-07-2010, 12:30 PM
Nice post, lurker. :tu
Lurker23 is 1st All ST in my book

07-07-2010, 12:34 PM
Nah, he's right. The Spurs are probably the most shrewd franchise going and maybe the most creative in terms of structuring contracts and creating some room and flexibility when otherwise there'd be none.

Whether he does or not is another story, but it's just the smart and prudent due-diligence the Spurs have always been a practitioner of.
:lol Were you towel boi #2 with Eric_Park in the Bonner-Pop-Fin menage a trois?

07-07-2010, 12:37 PM
I haven't crunched the numbers to say this is without flaw but I believe this to be a pretty damn good depiction at first glance.

It's all about creating the necessary flexibility when in most cases -- and most teams -- there isn't much to be found. But saving some of their MLE for second-rounders, negotiating pay-scale for their first-rounder, structuring salary to be more cap-friendly on a yearly basis for players with multiple years ... these are all things being considered, maneuvered and massaged as the Spurs try to maximize all the tools at their disposal to get the most for their money and out of their roster.

Nice post, lurker. :tu

Thanks, Blackjack. Here are some of the more exact numbers for those interested (all numbers taken from ShamSports (http://www.shamsports.com/content/pages/data/salaries/spurs.jsp)):

Already guaranteed contracts:

18 835 381 (Duncan) + 13 650 000 (Parker) + 11 854 584 (Ginobili) + 4 860 000 (McDyess) + 854 389 (Hill, minimum salary for player w/ two years experience) + 918 000 (Blair) = 50 972 354

Gee/Temple/Jerrels potential salary: $762,195
Hairston potential salary: $854,389

(Side note: No matter what the Spurs do with the above 4 players, they have already guaranteed $50,000 to Hairston, $100,000 to Gee, and $35,000 to Temple.)

Anderson: minimum salary $907,600, maximum $1,361,400.

07-07-2010, 12:42 PM
Splitter sucks.

07-07-2010, 12:47 PM
I'm not completely surprised by this. They haven't even decided on the salary cap or TEs yet, have they? Kind of hard to negotiate if you don't know what money you are working with.

I don't think you land Splitter for less than the MLE either, but maybe this is a good sign that the Spurs didn't just promise to offer as much money as they could throw at him.

Then again, maybe that's the right thing to do if we really want to get him over the pond.

07-07-2010, 01:01 PM
:lol Were you towel boi #2 with Eric_Park in the Bonner-Pop-Fin menage a trois?

Wait for it ....

Wait for it ....


You're such a repugnant putz. :lol

07-07-2010, 01:06 PM
Splitter sucks.

Say what? A little weight training & SA TexMex…This guy could be 285 lbs in 8 months & terrorizing the NBA…

Johnny RIngo
07-07-2010, 01:10 PM
Spurs better not be fucking around with Splitter. It'd be a disastrous off-season if they lost both RJ AND Tiago.

07-07-2010, 01:14 PM
Losing RJ doesn't matter to me, but if Splitter isn't coming, then start the rebuilding..

07-07-2010, 01:15 PM
Say what? A little weight training & SA TexMex…This guy could be 285 lbs in 8 months & terrorizing the NBA…

lol @ Splitter at 285.

If he got that big he would need this to get up and down the court.


07-07-2010, 01:39 PM
where will the money come from to sign our first round pick?

07-07-2010, 01:43 PM
I'm not exactly shocked. This offseason was shaping up to be a huge string of dominoes with so many bidders clearing out cap space for a run at FA's this summer. With Wade and Bosh committed and Lebron's announcement coming tomorrow it makes sense to wait until the picture grows much clearer before putting exact numbers out there. Maybe some unexpected trade offer comes out of that mess that shifts priorities. Probably not, but there's little likely harm in waiting another day or two.

I'm not nervous yet but I'd welcome hearing that there's been action on this deal sooner rather than later.

07-07-2010, 01:46 PM
Splitter's deadline is a week after everyone else's. It's not like he has a lot of other options, so he's just going to have to wait. I'm sure he'd like to have an offer now. The Spurs would like to have had him in San Antonio two years ago. Them's the breaks.

07-07-2010, 02:04 PM
Spurs are trying to save part of the MLE for.....

Ryan Richards, so they can give him a 3-4 year contract and lock up the Splitter/Blair/Richards front court through 2012-13.


I believe this is what is happening.

Anonymous Cowherd
07-07-2010, 02:05 PM
My Calculations:

Tim Duncan 18.700
Tony Parker 13.500
Manu Ginobili 11.855
Antonio McDyess 4.860
George Hill 1.157
James Anderson 1.135
DeJuan Blair 0.918
Malik Hairston 0.854
Alonzo Gee 0.762
Garrett Temple 0.762
Curtis Jerrels 0.762
Ryan Richards 0.474
Tiago Splitter (MLE) 5.800

TOTAL 61.54

Salary Cap 56.1
Over 5.44

Luxury Tax 68.4
Under 6.86

07-07-2010, 02:11 PM
Yeah, that's not happening . . .

07-07-2010, 02:12 PM
Splitter only has until July 15 to buy out of his contract in Europe.

Thats exactly what im trying to say... There was no rush after talks started on July 1 because the Spurs knew he has until the 15th... It's not like he has other options or offers rolling in from the NBA. There has been no rush at all from the Spurs.

07-07-2010, 02:13 PM
I'm not completely surprised by this. They haven't even decided on the salary cap or TEs yet, have they? Kind of hard to negotiate if you don't know what money you are working with.

I don't think you land Splitter for less than the MLE either, but maybe this is a good sign that the Spurs didn't just promise to offer as much money as they could throw at him.

Then again, maybe that's the right thing to do if we really want to get him over the pond.


If the Salary Cap isn't set, then the MLE cannot be set as it is a percentage of the Salary Cap. Spurs can have all the discussions they want, but it's prudent for them to wait prior to negotiating specific figures.

Once the salary cap figure and associated exceptions (MLE, LLE, etc.) are released, I expect an offer will be made shortly thereafter.

07-07-2010, 02:17 PM
Maybe not an offer but definitely negotiations will begin.

07-07-2010, 03:16 PM
I'm shocked that there wasn't already an agreement in place and it wasn't public knowledge because of CIA tactics meant to, uh, not tip their hand to the rest of the league that the Spurs were signing a guy only they could sign.

07-07-2010, 03:18 PM
The blue suits ya well. :tu

07-07-2010, 05:33 PM
Lots of good comments in here. Thanks to ElNono for the translation.

Just to add my 2 cents.

There is plenty to negotiate beyond what percentage of the MLE this contract will be based upon.

1. Contract length. I'd think that the Spurs would prefer to lock him up for the full five years while Splitter would probably prefer 3yrs (after which he has full Bird Rights and can get a max contract) plus a player option for the 4th year.

2. Trade kicker. CBA allows for a trade kicker of up to 15%.

3. Signing bonus. Players can receive up to 20% of the total value of the contract as a signing bonus. It doesn't affect the total value of the contract and the amount of the bonus is allocated against the team's salary cap over the term of the contract.

4. Pay schedule. I can't find the reference, but I'm fairly certain that players can receive up to 80% of their annual salary in their first paycheck of the season. I believe Kobe gets paid this way.

So, lots for the two parties to discuss. It would absurd for the Spurs to tell Splitter's agent "You can have the full MLE AND you can structure the deal any way you like".

Good Stuff Mel, thanks for the insight.

All I know is the Spurs better not drop the ball on this one. Get it done, anyhow, anyway. Now's not the time to be worried about the luxury tax. They just got a gift from RJ and Tony has one foot out the door. Get Splitter's name on the dotted line asap.

The Truth #6
07-07-2010, 06:56 PM
Losing RJ doesn't matter to me, but if Splitter isn't coming, then start the rebuilding..

If they don't get Splitter, then I agree...but that certainly is the nuclear option. In that scenario Parker could traded, RJ would wander off, Wes Mathews might be courted...cats and dogs would sleep together.

07-07-2010, 07:38 PM
If they don't get Splitter, then I agree...but that certainly is the nuclear option. In that scenario Parker could traded, RJ would wander off, Wes Mathews might be courted...cats and dogs would sleep together.







O's . . . :(

07-07-2010, 07:44 PM
...cats and dogs would sleep together.

And not necessarily in the way that you may be thinking...


TD 21
07-07-2010, 08:14 PM
Nah, he's right. The Spurs are probably the most shrewd franchise going and maybe the most creative in terms of structuring contracts and creating some room and flexibility when otherwise there'd be none.

It's similar to how they structured the McDyess deal so that they could pay Blair and invest a little money elsewhere at the bottom of their roster with the remainder of the MLE.

When the numbers are released today -- and Coon will have everything updated shortly after -- the Spurs will be ready to negotiate with Splitter and put the cards on the table to show him why it is that it'd help him and the Spurs to leave some of that MLE on the table.

Whether he does or not is another story, but it's just the smart and prudent due-diligence the Spurs have always been a practitioner of.

You're probably right. But if the Spurs were waiting for the salary cap numbers to be released, then wouldn't Splitter's camp have known about this and if so, why would they be putting pressure on the Spurs to present them with a satisfactory offer?

The optics of this don't look great, but I've got to believe the Spurs front office knows the importance of signing him and will not botch this. The lack of progress is frustrating, but I'd be very surprised if in the next few days they haven't, if not agreed in principal, at least made significant progress in talks.

07-07-2010, 08:15 PM






O's . . . :(

And not necessarily in the way that you may be thinking...


Just stop. This is disgusting...


07-07-2010, 08:17 PM
And not necessarily in the way that you may be thinking...


07-07-2010, 08:18 PM
I fucking knew it

if didn't take the Tau debacle for people on ST to realize Splitter is seriously Scola V2.0 nothing ever will until he's gone and we get the expiring contract of Jason Williams in return.

07-07-2010, 08:20 PM
That's a smoooooth cat. :wow

07-07-2010, 08:22 PM
I fucking knew it

if didn't take the Tau debacle for people on ST to realize Splitter is seriously Scola V2.0 nothing ever will until he's gone and we get the expiring contract of Jason Williams in return.

White Chocolate or White Limo Driver Killer?

07-07-2010, 08:24 PM
You're probably right. But if the Spurs were waiting for the salary cap numbers to be released, then wouldn't Splitter's camp have known about this and if so, why would they be putting pressure on the Spurs to present them with a satisfactory offer?

The optics of this don't look great, but I've got to believe the Spurs front office knows the importance of signing him and will not botch this. The lack of progress is frustrating, but I'd be very surprised if in the next few days they haven't, if not agreed in principal, at least made significant progress in talks.

My best guess is that they have been talking numbers for a while. Buford and Rudoy know each other well. Even without the final numbers from the NBA, they could have been talking in terms of dollars under the MLE or percentage of the MLE.

So if the Spurs were offering a starting salary of 1M below the MLE or 80% of the MLE, Splitter's representation could view that as unsatisfactory.

Like you, I also expect a successful resolution to the negotiations.

07-07-2010, 08:26 PM
What a debacle. Writing is on the wall with this one. I'll put my faith in the cat we drafted this year.

07-07-2010, 08:32 PM
Splitter knows he can pull in quite a bit of money, esp. with teams having money to spend, making a sign and trade a possibility. when you have guys like Verajao making 8 million per and all these other overpaid players, it sucks.

that's exactly why i never had too much faith in the Spurs being able to get him. it's just been the case too many times that for whatever reason nothing works out.

if the Spurs can't get him i would def. look to start the rebuilding process. start by trading Parker. BUT IT WOULD SUCK IF THIS WERE THE CASE. knowing that Duncan would spend his last year on an average non-contending team would suck.

07-07-2010, 08:33 PM
What a debacle. Writing is on the wall with this one. I'll put my faith in the cat we drafted this year.

Quit being emo.

07-07-2010, 08:38 PM
What a debacle. Writing is on the wall with this one. I'll put my faith in the cat we drafted this year.

Is it the same cat that is humping the dachshund above? If so, he's a lesbian. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just not so sure we should put all our faith in a butch orange tabby. We've already got one in Matt Bonner.

07-07-2010, 08:41 PM

Marcus Bryant
07-07-2010, 08:58 PM
I fucking knew it

if didn't take the Tau debacle for people on ST to realize Splitter is seriously Scola V2.0 nothing ever will until he's gone and we get the expiring contract of Jason Williams in return.


hook dem or something.

07-07-2010, 09:02 PM
So what do you guys think.. are we not hearing anything because:

-Its only July 7th
-Spurs are offering something less than the MLE
-Splitter wants more and they are facilitating a trade?

07-07-2010, 09:05 PM
Our Splitter dreams are about to DIE.... a la Scola. Trade him to Dallas.

07-07-2010, 09:07 PM
Losing RJ doesn't matter to me, but if Splitter isn't coming, then start the rebuilding..

If, God forbid, the Splitter deal crumbles, I say we sign Shaq and any other oldies we can and send Duncan out, guns blazing, with a team nicknamed The Dirty Dozen.

"You know what to do, feed the French and shoot the Germans!"

07-07-2010, 09:10 PM
If, God forbid, the Splitter deal crumbles, I say we sign Shaq and any other oldies we can and send Duncan out, guns blazing, with a team nicknamed The Dirty Dozen.

"You know what to do, feed the French and shoot the Germans!"


07-07-2010, 09:10 PM
just give him 3yr/15 million with the last year being a qualifying offer. splitter can get money now and get more later if he thinks he's worth more and the spurs lock him up for duncan's last two years.

Marcus Bryant
07-07-2010, 09:10 PM
Scola should have obliterated any reservations the Spurs have held about Euroleague bigmen.

07-07-2010, 09:11 PM
If we can't get Splitter the only other option is to go ahead and nuke the gulf of mexico oil leak.

07-07-2010, 09:48 PM
We don't need Splitter, we have Bonner, he spreads the floor and knows the system. Splitter is a primadonna, and can't play NBA ball. Trade him to Houston to get out from under Gee's partial guarantee. We could probably get back a second rounder.

07-07-2010, 10:06 PM
We don't need Splitter, we have Bonner, he spreads the floor and knows the system. Splitter is a primadonna, and can't play NBA ball. Trade him to Houston to get out from under Gee's partial guarantee. We could probably get back a second rounder.

What's sad is that we don't even have a bad, bloated contract to dump... :lol

07-07-2010, 10:10 PM
Well, they still owe McDyess 1.5 years more guaranteed. All McDyess does is steal time from Bonner.

The Plus/Minus stats must not be ignored.

07-07-2010, 11:48 PM
Well, they still owe McDyess 1.5 years more guaranteed. All McDyess does is steal time from Bonner.

The Plus/Minus stats must not be ignored.

Bonner's can't even lay claim to that ignominious stat anymore. His +/- as I recall in the playoffs was putrid, worst on the team (Hill might've beat him out not sure)

The whole Splitter fiasco-in-the-making isn't exactly coming out of left field.. the F.O. dropped the ball on Scola just a few years ago (when even Manu Ginobili was pressuring to sign him). It has been hilarious however reading thousands of posts in the past few months assuming Splitter would be in the bag. :rollin :lol

He never sounded very excited to play under Popovich (who would?) and was never going to "settle" for less than the MLE.. and it looks like he wants something even larger... a salary in the 7-8m range which is probably way more than the spurs are willing to spend.

Luckily for the spurs the raptors may provide an option (if the rumor is true) for a S&T (for what, god only knows.. Calderon?)

07-08-2010, 01:23 AM
It's a risk to offer full MLE for 5 years to a player who even didn't play any single NBA game. And I think that Spurs is thinking this twice. Giving 5 yrs 35M to a rookie is too much.

Yes Splitter is Europe's best big men, he has potential etc. But there are too many failed European players in NBA,(Like Jasikevicius and Navarro) who were great in Europe. That's why Spurs should put a team option to 4th year contract, this is a must. It's an insurance policy.

07-08-2010, 01:36 AM
It's a risk to offer full MLE for 5 years to a player who even didn't play any single NBA game. And I think that Spurs is thinking this twice. Giving 5 yrs 35M to a rookie is too much.

Yes Splitter is Europe's best big men, he has potential etc. But there are too many failed European players in NBA,(Like Jasikevicius and Navarro) who were great in Europe. That's why Spurs should put a team option to 4th year contract, this is a must. It's an insurance policy.

Get with the program, kid. Splitter's as sure a thing as Al Gore attempting to rape a masseuse. Haven't you seen the extensive video on the site? Splitter will lift weights and bulk up to 285 lbs and easily manhandle Gasol and Bynum by himself while simultaneously recieving head from Vujabitch and guarding Odom out on the perimeter.... all with one hand tied behind his back. You just wait and see......

07-08-2010, 01:39 AM
I have a hard time believing the Spurs are worried about a guy like Splitter living up to a MLE deal and I'm guessing they'd rather have him locked up for five on that pay-scale, seeing as how rotation Bigs are a real commodity and paid as such -- Splitter on an MLE isn't going to be some debilitating contract or something they'll never live down. If he's in the rotation starting or as the first Big off the bench, he'll have been worth it.

07-08-2010, 01:41 AM
splitters been in the mountains gettin train by rasho

07-08-2010, 01:43 AM
Get with the program, kid. Splitter's as sure a thing as Al Gore attempting to rape a masseuse. Haven't you seen the extensive video on the site? Splitter will lift weights and bulk up to 285 lbs and easily manhandle Gasol and Bynum by himself while simultaneously recieving head from Vujabitch and guarding Odom out on the perimeter.... all with one hand tied behind his back. You just wait and see......

Went ahead and took the liberty. :lol

07-08-2010, 01:49 AM
Get with the program, kid. Splitter's as sure a thing as Al Gore attempting to rape a masseuse. Haven't you seen the extensive video on the site? Splitter will lift weights and bulk up to 285 lbs and easily manhandle Gasol and Bynum by himself while simultaneously recieving head from Vujabitch and guarding Odom out on the perimeter.... all with one hand tied behind his back. You just wait and see......

Hahaha, nice sarcasm. :lol:toast

Thanks dude. I didn't see the video that you offered, I'm pretty sure that it's fascinating. But I live in Europe Turkey and I watched Splitter all season long on TV.

He has amazing skill set, he's very athletic, he's successful he carried the underdog Caja Laboral to championship with a sweep against European Champions Barcelona.

But as I stated in my previous post, he didn't play a single NBA game. He can(and believe he will) be a very good player in NBA. But there is a risk the we can't underestimate. Too many European stars couldn't fit very well in NBA and return to Europe.

Of course I saw the Gooden's and Milicic's contract, the big man prices are too high in NBA. That's why I don't say that we should not to offer full MLE to Splitter. I only say that there should be a team option in 4th year of contract to protect Spurs. If Splitter can play, we can use option easily. But if he can't, at least we can release him after 3 years and that would be a mutual benefit for both side.

07-08-2010, 02:48 AM
Get with the program, kid. Splitter's as sure a thing as Al Gore attempting to rape a masseuse. Haven't you seen the extensive video on the site? Splitter will lift weights and bulk up to 285 lbs and easily manhandle Gasol and Bynum by himself while simultaneously recieving head from Vujabitch and guarding Odom out on the perimeter.... all with one hand tied behind his back. You just wait and see......


But I do think Splitter is about as sure a thing to be a quality NBA starting bigman as there is. The guy can clearly play, handles the pressure well, and he'll fit our team beautifully. There will be bumps in the road, but I think by year 2 we'll be very happy with Splitter.

Freakin SIGN HIM already! :bang

07-08-2010, 02:53 AM
Ruff, dude, ease off the 5 hour energy.

07-08-2010, 04:36 AM
Right now, who's better? Gortat or Splitter?

07-08-2010, 04:53 AM
Grrrrr. I'm getting tired of Splitter.. it's already a week after July 1 and we are still a big limbo.
Is he coming or not?

check in again in about a month? :)

07-08-2010, 05:06 AM
You guys just need to relax...he'll be here...:toast


07-08-2010, 05:10 AM
Right now, who's better? Gortat or Splitter?

Splitter is a much more complete player in virtually all basketball skills.

07-08-2010, 05:54 AM
Right now, who's better? Gortat or Splitter?

They're different kind of players. Splitter is more talented and athletic, Gortat is more strong. Splitter will be way better than Gortat if he can live the expectations but now Gortat is more experienced in NBA.

07-08-2010, 05:58 AM
International ball is more physical. Splitter will be fine once he learns what is called a foul and what isn't. It's why Manu is so fearless driving to the cup. His roots are from a more physical league.

07-08-2010, 07:08 AM
Splitter is a much more complete player in virtually all basketball skills.

I think that's it. If someone like Gortat gets paid almost 6 million USD a year, he probably thinks he should get more.

07-08-2010, 07:29 AM
Great news, lets peny pinch now with the saved money from RJ deal.

07-08-2010, 07:46 AM
The good news so far is that Mike Monroe has not written a hit-piece for the FO yet claiming that Splitter wants guaranteed minutes or such BS like that (something that happened during the Scola debacle). If he hasn't badmouthed him yet, I have high hopes they're frantically negotiating and can arrive at a good ending.

07-08-2010, 09:07 AM
Now that the cap figures have been released and there's a short-term deadline, I expect we'll hear something one way or the other in the next couple days. A framework for the deal should have already been worked out and now all it takes is the detailed discussions and putting pen to paper.

07-08-2010, 09:17 AM
Spurs are absolute retards if they are being cheap with Tiago. The Spurs wouldn't be trying to low ball him would they? Surely they aren't that stupid are they?

07-08-2010, 09:21 AM
Spurs are absolute retards if they are being cheap with Tiago. The Spurs wouldn't be trying to low ball him would they? Surely they aren't that stupid are they?

RJ opted out, Salary Cap is $2M higher than projected (higher MLE), Spurs have other free agents to consider...all of these are factors in negotiation. Spurs are trying to build a team, and while Splitter is the biggest piece of that this off-season, they wouldn't be doing their jobs if they just handed him the full MLE for max years with up-front payments.

It's not lowballing, it's negotiating.

07-08-2010, 09:27 AM
Spurs are absolute retards if they are being cheap with Tiago. The Spurs wouldn't be trying to low ball him would they? Surely they aren't that stupid are they?

I doubt the Spurs are looking to lowball Tiago, but there is benefit to the Spurs being able to save some of the MLE to be able to use on Richards. If the Spurs truly are high on Richards then it makes sense to lock him up for 3 years so that when his contract expires the Spurs would have full bird rights on him with Richards still being a restricted free agent. In order to give Richards a 3 year deal they'd have to use the MLE since the LLE and league min are 2yrs max.

So the negotiation process with Splitter is not neccissarily as simple as "okay Tiago, here's our full MLE".

07-08-2010, 09:38 AM
Spurs are absolute retards if they are being cheap with Tiago. The Spurs wouldn't be trying to low ball him would they? Surely they aren't that stupid are they?

Yeah they should be smart like the Knicks and the Grizzlies.

07-08-2010, 09:40 AM
I doubt the Spurs are looking to lowball Tiago, but there is benefit to the Spurs being able to save some of the MLE to be able to use on Richards. If the Spurs truly are high on Richards then it makes sense to lock him up for 3 years so that when his contract expires the Spurs would have full bird rights on him with Richards still being a restricted free agent. In order to give Richards a 3 year deal they'd have to use the MLE since the LLE and league min are 2yrs max.

So the negotiation process with Splitter is not neccissarily as simple as "okay Tiago, here's our full MLE".

This is the exact reason why Richards should stay overseas for another year or 2. He should have no effect on the structuring of next seasons roster. I do not think the spurs are really fighting for this kid to come over so soon for this exact reason. The spurs are extremely limited financialy and hopefully a 2nd rd pick will not dictate what veterans are eligible to the spurs

07-08-2010, 10:00 AM
The good news so far is that Mike Monroe has not written a hit-piece for the FO yet claiming that Splitter wants guaranteed minutes or such BS like that (something that happened during the Scola debacle). If he hasn't badmouthed him yet, I have high hopes they're frantically negotiating and can arrive at a good ending.

Maybe not but it looks like some Spurs fans have already begun talking themselves into Splitter being too greedy.

07-08-2010, 10:01 AM
"Begging and pleading Spurs don't blow this"

07-08-2010, 10:13 AM
This is the exact reason why Richards should stay overseas for another year or 2. He should have no effect on the structuring of next seasons roster. I do not think the spurs are really fighting for this kid to come over so soon for this exact reason. The spurs are extremely limited financialy and hopefully a 2nd rd pick will not dictate what veterans are eligible to the spurs

I agree, but Richards is definitely talking like he wants to be over here immediately. Since he's got the ability to force the Spurs hand by being able to accept the tender offer the Spurs are required to make in order to keep his rights, the Spurs need to be prepared to lock the guy up to a multi year contract right now.

07-08-2010, 10:32 AM
Richards can take a 2 year deal and like it. The Spurs still will have early bird rights meaning they could match any contract he was offered anyway unless my memory is faulty. It was the Arenas Rule put in place after Golden State couldn't exceed the MLE to keep Arenas after his 2 year deal. This guy isn't Dejuan Blair ready to step in with lottery talent and concerns about his longterm health.

If it comes down to either

A: Getting Splitter and Richards taking his 2 year deal


B: Losing Splitter just to give a deal of at least 3 years to Richards

Then any answer other than A is just insane and the Spurs would deserve to lose forever.

07-08-2010, 10:42 AM
Richards can take a 2 year deal and like it. The Spurs still will have early bird rights meaning they could match any contract he was offered anyway unless my memory is faulty. It was the Arenas Rule put in place after Golden State couldn't exceed the MLE to keep Arenas after his 2 year deal. This guy isn't Dejuan Blair ready to step in with lottery talent and concerns about his longterm health.

If it comes down to either

A: Getting Splitter and Richards taking his 2 year deal


B: Losing Splitter just to give a deal of at least 3 years to Richards

Then any answer other than A is just insane and the Spurs would deserve to lose forever.

Agreed...and I don't see any indication that the Spurs are actually pushing for a 3yr deal from Richards. Based on who they've been linked to, it's likely they're looking to add another shooter or SF, so any difference between Splitter's salary and the MLE would go to that end.

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-08-2010, 10:44 AM
Spurs are absolute retards if they are being cheap with Tiago. The Spurs wouldn't be trying to low ball him would they? Surely they aren't that stupid are they?

Spurs never do anything til' the cap figures are released. Settle down.

07-08-2010, 10:46 AM
If it comes down to either

A: Getting Splitter and Richards taking his 2 year deal


B: Losing Splitter just to give a deal of at least 3 years to Richards

Then any answer other than A is just insane and the Spurs would deserve to lose forever.

I don't think anyone will argue with you there.

07-08-2010, 10:51 AM
Richards can take a 2 year deal and like it. The Spurs still will have early bird rights meaning they could match any contract he was offered anyway unless my memory is faulty. It was the Arenas Rule put in place after Golden State couldn't exceed the MLE to keep Arenas after his 2 year deal. This guy isn't Dejuan Blair ready to step in with lottery talent and concerns about his longterm health.

If it comes down to either

A: Getting Splitter and Richards taking his 2 year deal


B: Losing Splitter just to give a deal of at least 3 years to Richards

Then any answer other than A is just insane and the Spurs would deserve to lose forever.

No one wants Richards to mess up getting Splitter. But that doesn't mean that the only sensible thing for the Spurs to do is throw the full MLE Splitter's way the very second that they're able to. The Spurs owe it to themselves to see if they can get Splitter for something less than the MLE so that they can use that remainder to bring in another player. If it's going to take the full MLE to get Splitter, he'll get it. If it's not, good for us.

Both sides have too much vested interest in getting a deal done for a deal to not get done.

07-08-2010, 10:55 AM
Nobody even knows for sure that Richards even has a buyout clause that would allow him to even accept a tender offer.

07-08-2010, 11:24 AM
RJ opted out, Salary Cap is $2M higher than projected (higher MLE), Spurs have other free agents to consider...all of these are factors in negotiation. Spurs are trying to build a team, and while Splitter is the biggest piece of that this off-season, they wouldn't be doing their jobs if they just handed him the full MLE for max years with up-front payments.

It's not lowballing, it's negotiating.

Sticky this post at the front of the page.

07-08-2010, 11:41 AM
Sticky this post at the front of the page.

Thanks dude.

BTW have you checked the PM I sent you?

07-08-2010, 11:42 AM
damn, still nothing

07-08-2010, 11:47 AM
damn, still nothing

The salary cap figures have been released for less than 24hrs, and this decision can't stretch anywhere beyond a week from today. Patience is a virtue.

I'm pretty confident it'll happen because the fundamental pieces are in place...in other words, Splitter wants to be here, Spurs want him here and the Spurs should have enough money to get him here. Not too worried about how long it takes them to work out the details.

07-08-2010, 11:49 AM
Oh yeah, forgot about that. lol still thinking about it. :P

07-08-2010, 12:00 PM
No one wants Richards to mess up getting Splitter. But that doesn't mean that the only sensible thing for the Spurs to do is throw the full MLE Splitter's way the very second that they're able to. The Spurs owe it to themselves to see if they can get Splitter for something less than the MLE so that they can use that remainder to bring in another player. If it's going to take the full MLE to get Splitter, he'll get it. If it's not, good for us.

Both sides have too much vested interest in getting a deal done for a deal to not get done.

It's interesting that Richards could potentially conflict with Splitter: the Spurs had to know this could happen when they drafted Richards. The Spurs must like Richards a lot to risk this...or are you saying this would have happened with any 2nd round pick the Spurs really liked?

07-08-2010, 12:02 PM
WGAF about Richards? Kid is 19 and still getting his feet wet in basketball...

Mark in Austin
07-08-2010, 02:36 PM
If Herb Rudoy is Splitter's agent, he's not above a few selective press leaks - as we know from Manu's first long term contract negotiations several years ago.

He's not Dan Fegan or anything, but still...

07-08-2010, 02:50 PM
Give the man his money.

07-08-2010, 02:52 PM
It's interesting that Richards could potentially conflict with Splitter: the Spurs had to know this could happen when they drafted Richards. The Spurs must like Richards a lot to risk this...or are you saying this would have happened with any 2nd round pick the Spurs really liked?

Richards was a draft and stash.

Anonymous Cowherd
07-08-2010, 02:55 PM
Can you 'stash' someone in the D-League in the same way that you can 'stash' someone in Europe, or are there major differences?

07-08-2010, 02:59 PM
Can you 'stash' someone in the D-League in the same way that you can 'stash' someone in Europe, or are there major differences?

Aside from the fact that you have to pay them and give them a roster spot, I suppose not.

07-08-2010, 03:02 PM
It's interesting that Richards could potentially conflict with Splitter: the Spurs had to know this could happen when they drafted Richards. The Spurs must like Richards a lot to risk this...or are you saying this would have happened with any 2nd round pick the Spurs really liked?

I wouldn't call it a conflict because there's no way the Spurs let Richards screw up getting Splitter here. But, there is a definite benefit to getting Splitter to sign for something less than the MLE and Richards is the guy who would probably stand to benefit the most from it.

The Spurs would be in the same boat with any 2nd rounder they thought highly of who wanted to be in the nba immediately.

Richards was a draft and stash.

Not according to Richards, and what he thinks about it does matter quite a bit.

Remains to be seen whether or not the Spurs agree with him.

07-08-2010, 03:07 PM
Not according to Richards, and what he thinks about it does matter quite a bit.

Remains to be seen whether or not the Spurs agree with him.

After hearing RC's comments about him knowing how Richards felt, it sure seemed like they were aware and fine with his plans to be in the States next year.

I'm guessing he'll be on the Toros next year, which Richards is fine with.

07-08-2010, 03:42 PM
it's jul. 8th, 2010

and i am posting in this thread..

and tiago splitter is not a spur at this very moment :)

07-08-2010, 05:07 PM
As long as we get him signed.

07-08-2010, 05:24 PM
I wouldn't call it a conflict because there's no way the Spurs let Richards screw up getting Splitter here. But, there is a definite benefit to getting Splitter to sign for something less than the MLE and Richards is the guy who would probably stand to benefit the most from it.

The Spurs would be in the same boat with any 2nd rounder they thought highly of who wanted to be in the nba immediately.

Not according to Richards, and what he thinks about it does matter quite a bit.

Remains to be seen whether or not the Spurs agree with him.

Just a reminder, Herb Rudoy represents both Splitter and Richards.

07-08-2010, 05:32 PM
Splitter's agent is Arn Tellem. He dropped Rudoy few months ago.

07-08-2010, 05:33 PM
come on spurs get this shit done

07-08-2010, 05:33 PM
Splitter's agent is Arn Tellem. He dropped Rudoy few months ago.


07-08-2010, 05:47 PM
With all the freaking out about Splitter, a vBookie would be quite nice.

07-08-2010, 06:04 PM
Splitter's agent is Arn Tellem. He dropped Rudoy few months ago.

Well that sucks. Instead of the guy who reps Manu and Oberto, we get the guy who just got 119M for Joe Johnson.:depressed

07-08-2010, 06:10 PM

But I do think Splitter is about as sure a thing to be a quality NBA starting bigman as there is. The guy can clearly play, handles the pressure well, and he'll fit our team beautifully. There will be bumps in the road, but I think by year 2 we'll be very happy with Splitter.

Freakin SIGN HIM already! :bang

That reminds me, I still have to watch that series. In one thread the third post was a link to the 2nd game. Does anyone know how much longer those games will be online?

And is Tiago still under 250 lbs?

07-08-2010, 06:11 PM
Well that sucks. Instead of the guy who reps Manu and Oberto, we get the guy who just got 119M for Joe Johnson.:depressed

Cheer up. Splitter's "max" can't be any greater than the MLE.

07-08-2010, 06:16 PM
Cheer up. Splitter's "max" can't be any greater than the MLE.

I know, but I had been encouraged by the notion of having a guy that's done business with RC repping both Tiago and Richards. Splitter clearly wants to play in the NBA, so I remain optimistic.

07-08-2010, 06:17 PM
That reminds me, I still have to watch that series. In one thread the third post was a link to the 2nd game. Does anyone know how much longer those games will be online?

And is Tiago still under 250 lbs?

Links still working, no idea how long they'll be up:


07-08-2010, 06:25 PM
Posted today:

Euroleague 2010-11, Regular Season, Group A analysis


Spanish League champion Caja Laboral will do it best to reach its first Final Four in three years. The always ambitious and fiercely competitive Laboral brings back a rock-solid core of players that includes Tiago Splitter, Lior Eliyahu, Fernando San Emeterio, Marcelo Huertas and Mirza Teletovic as well as signature head coach Dusko Ivanovic. Laboral will be a tough opponent yet again this season as it tries to get back to its recent glory days of the past decade.


Probably means nothing...

07-08-2010, 06:27 PM
I saw that too. It's probably just someone reading off a stat sheet.

07-08-2010, 07:13 PM
It's accurate for the moment.

Spurs Brazil
07-08-2010, 07:39 PM
I'm starting to get worried about this...

07-08-2010, 07:57 PM
I'm starting to get worried about this...

Right there with you.

Better to get it done than dance around with negotiating ploys.

Spurs need Splitter more than Splitter needs the Spurs.

Man In Black
07-08-2010, 08:00 PM
Well that sucks. Instead of the guy who reps Manu and Oberto, we get the guy who just got 119M for Joe Johnson.:depressed

I think that that figure is more indicative of a team with a weak GM than Tiago's agent. Apparently, guys like Travis Outlaw are worth more than we think. NOT, it's just over-reactionary behavior on teams with no fiscal know-how or responsibility. Since the Spurs own his rights, all roads go through San Antonio, but we all hope his...ends in San Antonio.

07-08-2010, 08:04 PM
Spurs need to hurry up so that Splitter can plan his press conference!

07-08-2010, 08:06 PM
Do you think the Spurs are waiting on his buyout to happen before they commit to a contract? Maybe just a formality? What's the hurry?

07-08-2010, 08:07 PM
Spurs need to hurry up so that Splitter can plan his press conference!

Doesn't he report for the National Team practice on the 19th?

Maybe the Spurs won't need a press conference for a player they don't sign.

07-08-2010, 10:00 PM
Stop worrying so much, everyone. I stand by my prediction:

Spurs will get the final salary cap and MLE numbers tonight, and will have a solid offer on Tiago's desk by July 9th.

07-08-2010, 10:07 PM
So did we roll out the red carpet for Splitter yet? Or we're trying to lowball him and explain how if he signs for half the MLE we can resign Bonner?

07-08-2010, 10:10 PM
He'll be here soon.

07-08-2010, 10:34 PM
i think its simple show him the MLE or watever is the salary cap, and take a pick as this is what we can currently offer...take it or leave it...

07-08-2010, 10:52 PM
Dang.... can we just get him in here and a defensive SF like Raja Bell?

07-08-2010, 11:01 PM
So did we roll out the red carpet for Splitter yet? Or we're trying to lowball him and explain how if he signs for half the MLE we can resign Bonner?

Well, give them some credit, they're going to ask that he leave room for Richards and a D-League prospect or two as well -- Tiago will take his 2M and like it!

07-08-2010, 11:02 PM
Well, give them some credit, they're going to ask that he leave room for Richards and a D-League prospect or two as well -- Tiago will take his 2M and like it!


For all we know he's sipping Margaritas in his honeymoon right now...

07-08-2010, 11:06 PM

For all we know he's sipping Margaritas in his honeymoon right now...

Lol that seriously is probably what's going on. When was he married? like 5 days ago? He will prob come to San Antonio towards the end of his honeymoon to spend a couple days in SA and sign the contract lol. I'm convinced.

07-08-2010, 11:54 PM
Inside info from Manu (via Twitter)...


His one hour show "A Decisão" is gonna be on TV GLOBO this week. RT @koroisthebest: So any update with Tiago?


07-08-2010, 11:59 PM
live stream link?

07-09-2010, 12:09 AM
live stream link?

Kindergarten Cop
07-09-2010, 01:02 AM
live stream link?

It was Manu showing his great sense of humor and poking fun at LeBron's televised "decision" event. :lol

07-09-2010, 01:04 AM
ahh i was about to post manu's twitter post

that is golden

07-09-2010, 01:49 AM
We need Splitter really badly now.

07-09-2010, 06:36 AM
live stream link?


07-09-2010, 10:05 AM
Inside info from Manu (via Twitter)...



Wow, I didn't know Manu speaks Portuguese and watches TV Globo :rollin

07-09-2010, 10:14 AM
Manu's funny. I love his little joke after that about the rumor of Scola going to Miami :lol.

07-09-2010, 10:30 AM
Can't wait for the ST meltdown after this one.

07-09-2010, 10:40 AM
Manu's tweets lately have been hilarious.

07-09-2010, 01:56 PM
So... what's the word on Splitter? Nothing new?

07-09-2010, 01:59 PM
July 9, 2010
El Correo: Ball is still in San Antonio's court

Tiago Splitter should be taking a look at the movements in the NBA free agency. A last minute interest by Shaquille O'Neal to play on the San Antonio Spurs promises to put a new twist in the brazilian player's future. Meanwhile, San Antonio is looking to offer a five million per year contract as an option to sign up Splitter so it won't affect their bottom-line too much.

link to the original story in spanish (http://baskonia.elcorreo.com/noticias/2010-07-09/antonio-continua-moviendo-ficha-20100709.html)

07-09-2010, 02:18 PM
July 8, 2010
TUBASKET: Splitter needs the Spurs to make an offer. Shaq, in the middle.

The NBA dream has an expiration date.

Splitter needs to communicate his decision to Caja Laboral before July 15. That's when the exit clause in his contract expires.

All the actors in this soap opera make it a given he will make the jump to the best league in the world.

"I am grateful, but my idea is to play in the NBA", said the brazilian player after receiving his last renewal offer from Baskonia.

The president of the club, Josean Querejeta, considers "normal" his departure and is already looking for a substitute, although he says "he's the best in his position in Europe and an irreplaceable player".

Two months ago, the words from San Antonio Spurs GM, R.C. Buford were unequivocal: "It's no secret we would like to have Splitter".

And even a myth of the franchise, like David Robinson was in favor: "The FO has been waiting for a while. He's got talent and it would be a great pickup".

With all the stars aligned... where's the offer?

The contract negotiations with Splitter put a hold on all the other operations on the franchise. The most realistic option is a contract for the 'mid level exception', about 5 million per year that do not count against the salary cap.

To make everything less clear, Shaquille O'Neal is making himself available to the successful texan franchise, a place where he played during his high school years.

Shaq, 38 years old, wants to play two more seasons and he would like a last shot at a ring (he has four) next to Tim Duncan.

According to 'Fanhouse', San Antonio and Atlanta are the two teams interested in the legendary center, although he wants a salary over of what the 'mid level exception' can offer.

(did not translate the rest which is basically rumors of the TP trade to NY for Tony Douglas)

link to the original story in spanish (http://www.tubasket.com/noticia/Splitter-necesita-que-los-Spurs-le-presenten-una-oferta-en-una-semana.-Shaq-por-medio/65014)

07-09-2010, 02:27 PM
Thanks, Nono. :toast

07-09-2010, 04:03 PM
A big hurry to resign Big Red Boner and no news on Splitter? This is drivin me nuts!!!!!!

07-09-2010, 04:06 PM
july 8, 2010
tubasket: Splitter needs the spurs to make an offer. Shaq, in the middle.

wtf fuck shaq get out of the middle

07-09-2010, 04:09 PM
This is annoying. Sign Splitter already.

07-09-2010, 04:10 PM
Give Splitter the fucking money. You fuckers just OVERPAID fucking Matt Bonner. If you screw this shit up you really are pathetic morons.

07-09-2010, 04:11 PM
Splitter is on his honeymoon. That's the story im sticking with. It makes me feel better.

07-09-2010, 04:12 PM
Might as well trade him at this point, he would probably average less minutes than Bonner anyway...

07-09-2010, 04:17 PM
I hoping that Bonner signing rumor isn't true because why would the Spurs make any offer to Bonner before making an offer to Splitter.