View Full Version : vbookie/sig bet on "LeBron's Choice," "LeBachelor" finale tonight?

07-08-2010, 02:02 PM
Let's get a poll going.

I say the "sources" claiming he's bought a house, renting a villa for a party on South Beach, etc. is just a smokescreen to gin up interest for something that is preordained. He's going to resign with the Cavs.


1.) I know Gloria James, the Unholy Mother. I know her dire backstory. I know that her son is more mature than she is and how much support and protection her son — and the Cavaliers — provide for her. This is a prior existing condition, a de facto factor that can't be exploited by any other team in the course of their pitches to LeBron — he wouldn't stand for that subject to be addressed, nor would he raise it. And he knows that no other media market in the country would enable him to maintain a shield of silence around her.

It's a turnoff, because he knows that if he goes to New York, and the relentless media, it puts his mom in the spotlight, and LeBron's not interested. Whereas the Cleveland media understands the situation, does not camp out at the mom's house, is respectful to LeBron, and lets the mother play a much less impactful part of his life. And in the case of LeBron there is a situation involved with his family that is not being spoken about that is unbelievably important to him. Basically, LeBron's people had to go to the New York Post and beg them not to run a story.

07-08-2010, 02:03 PM
We should also have a poll as to whether or not they actually announce Lebron's team in the first 10 minutes of the show.

07-08-2010, 02:04 PM
We should also have a poll as to whether or not they actually announce Lebron's team in the first 10 minutes of the show.

There's going to be a bunch of dick-sucking segments like they have at halftime of games and he'll finally reveal at the 57 minute mark.

07-08-2010, 02:04 PM
We should also have a poll as to whether or not they actually announce Lebron's team in the first 10 minutes of the show.

That would be a better poll :tu.

07-08-2010, 02:24 PM
That whole Delonte West/Gloria James thing has died down as of late....I wonder if thats the story the NY Post was going to run. interesting take, so many smoke screens I dont know what to believe at this point.

07-08-2010, 02:26 PM
It's gonna end like that one Spongebob episode where it cuts off right when they're about to say the secret formula.

07-08-2010, 02:28 PM
I chose the less hyped choice: Chicago

07-08-2010, 02:30 PM
Cleveland for me. I still can't imagine him going down to Miami to be Wade's concubine.

baseline bum
07-08-2010, 02:36 PM
I think he's going to take the extra $30 million in Cleveland.

07-08-2010, 02:39 PM
Cleveland for me. I still can't imagine him going down to Miami to be Wade's concubine.

Here is an honest question. Other than money, what else does he have going for him in Cleveland? His prime years are going to waste away in that city. Of course people will say "they have time to put a team around him." While that's true, they have had the last 6 years to do so and failed. They don't have any trading assets and NO STAR wants to play in Cleveland. They are also capped out for sometime.

I don't care how great Bron is, the guy needs another star as his sidekick if he ever wants to have a realistic shot at winning a ring. Bron and a bunch of role players hasn't work over the years and it won't in the future. I see him staying in Cleveland for that 128 million which is understandable.

07-08-2010, 02:41 PM
I think he's going to take the extra $30 million in Cleveland.

actually if he was about money he'd go to new york. What is 30 mil when ny can offer him much much more through other inherent sources of income such as crazy deals and much much more image (=> much more money).

Plus ny actually have a better roster then cleveland LOL (that's really sad for cavs) if he'd ever take team strength into account.

07-08-2010, 02:43 PM
There's going to be a bunch of dick-sucking segments like they have at halftime of games and he'll finally reveal at the 57 minute mark.

They'll have to leave room for the Q/A. An ESPN source said he would name his team within the first 15 minutes. I would bet it's 15 minutes of buildup, then a prepared statement begins at the 15 minute mark at the end of which, LeBron names his team. Q/A for a while and then hype and analysis.

I also think he's going back to Cleveland. He's already taken Athlete Diva to new lows, but to build a 1-hour program around an announcement that you are abandoning your home town to play with your buddies in Miami, or to become some big market icon in NYC, takes an amount of egotistical cluelessness that I can't fathom any human being posessing right now.

07-08-2010, 02:48 PM
I say no way he leaves Cleveland.

07-08-2010, 03:25 PM
Tony Cubes says he is going back to the Cavs:


I have no idea. To his credit, this has been the best kept secret since the formula for Coca Cola. Talking to owners, GM, players, friends of Lebrons’ , no one knows.

So let me you give you my guess.

This afternoon I heard that a PR firm was telling some media outlets that Lebron was going to the Heat , but they could only be an off the record source. When I put my PR and Media hat on, that approach made no sense at all. Why would a PR firm tell them the plan and ruin the impact of a 1 hour tv special ?

They would if it was a misdirection.

Here is how I see it. Again with my media and PR hat on.

Lebron steps up to the podium. In every home, bar , restaurant and event in the State of Ohio, EVERYTHING comes to a complete stop. Doctors probably put a halt to the surgeries they are doing just to hear what he has to say.

In Miami people keep on doing what they are doing. They look at their watches and notice its past 9pm so they look for a TV or radio,, or turn on their phones and call or text their friends to see what happened with lebron. Then they go back to what they were doing.

At the time of the announcement , the entire state of Ohio is holding their collective breath. Waiting. Hating ESPN for dragging it out. Threatening to kill themselves if Stuart Scott offers even a single Booyah. Wondering why Michael Wilbon cant get right to it rather than talking over way too many LBJ highlights. Feeling like its been an eternity since the show started.

Then the announcement comes.

If Lebron announces Miami, all the sports media who reported the same get to write “i told you so”. The people in Miami smile. Maybe some have a cuba libre and go about their business. The phones ring and the Heat sell a bunch of tickets. Pat Riley buys some hair gel. Erik Spolestra stresses about what happens if they dont win this year. Everyone starts telling lies about how such and such player would love to play for the minimum salary to play with the Golden Triangle.

In the State of Ohio ? Forgetabbout it. People cry. People kick their dogs. They fall into a funk. Lebron instantly becomes the most hated person in the state, and equally hated by anyone close to people who live there.

Just as quickly Art Modell is placed on par with Mother Theresa when compared to Lebron. Lebron and his family will most likely have more security concerns than is imaginable. His kids going to school ? Heck, my 6 year old has gotten looks and comments when the Mavs lose… For what its worth I heard somewhere that Art Modell is still afraid to show his face in the state and Art Modell never had to face twitter, facebook and bloggers spewing worldwide hate.

On the flip side, If he says he is going back to the Cavs there are parties in the streets, horns honking, people kissing strangers. Art Modell sneaks into the state and gets a kiss. Everyone’s wife and husband, boyfriend and girlfriend all the sudden become prettier that night. People are pouring out in the street as if a war had ended. Instead of an infamous picture of a sailor kissing a young lady , there will be a picture of a couple, both in Lebron James Cavs jerseys kissing in the middle of the street. A photo passed through the internet as a momento of a moment in time that in the big picture means nothing, but for tonight means everything.

Which is exactly why I think he is going back to the Cavs. The sports world is full of uncertainties. When in doubt, go for the love. Which is what you do when you make the mistake of not coming to the Mavs

07-08-2010, 03:35 PM
Kanye West needs to interrupt Lebron's press conference and remind us all that MJ is the greatest of all time.

07-08-2010, 03:40 PM
He's staying in Cleveland.

07-08-2010, 04:03 PM
Here is an honest question. Other than money, what else does he have going for him in Cleveland? His prime years are going to waste away in that city. Of course people will say "they have time to put a team around him." While that's true, they have had the last 6 years to do so and failed. They don't have any trading assets and NO STAR wants to play in Cleveland. They are also capped out for sometime.

I don't care how great Bron is, the guy needs another star as his sidekick if he ever wants to have a realistic shot at winning a ring. Bron and a bunch of role players hasn't work over the years and it won't in the future. I see him staying in Cleveland for that 128 million which is understandable.

Good question. Cleveland has a lot of piece they need to get rid of.

I'm starting to have second thoughts. I mean, is he really calling a special conference to tell us he's resigning? Really?

07-08-2010, 04:10 PM
He's going to Miami or the Bulls imho

baseline bum
07-08-2010, 04:20 PM
I'm starting to have second thoughts. I mean, is he really calling a special conference to tell us he's resigning? Really?

Maybe. 8:00 tonight is the biggest moment of his career.

07-08-2010, 04:36 PM
Maybe. 8:00 tonight is the biggest moment of his career.

That says it all, considering most players biggest moments take place on the court.

07-08-2010, 04:39 PM
why do you ppl care? you're only fueling this type of shit..i'm proud to say i haven't watched/seen/read/listened to anything lebron or nba related or even espn for that matter since a minute left in game 7 of the finals..cmon folks

You are right, I could care less about where he goes but I have to hear about it on ESPN first take every morning. :bang

07-08-2010, 04:40 PM
let's get a vbookie going.

07-08-2010, 04:40 PM
Is it 8 Eastern?

07-08-2010, 04:54 PM
Is it 8 Eastern?

that's central time