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View Full Version : Does anyone else find it a bit ironic Carlos Boozer is trying to recruit Lebron?

07-08-2010, 03:44 PM
We all know Boozer is trying to make a pitch, but how does he expect Lebron of all people to take him seriously?

07-08-2010, 03:45 PM
If Bulls could trade Deng for a good SG I think Lebron to Bulls would be a done deal.

07-08-2010, 03:47 PM
If Bulls could trade Deng for a good SG I think Lebron to Bulls would be a done deal.

I was more referring to how Boozer stabbed Cleveland in the back and now expects Lebron to listen to him. Lebron should be saying to go hell you fuckin liar.

07-08-2010, 03:47 PM
Boozer has to hope Lebron was too busy in his own playoff series to ever watch how bad Boozer got dominated by the Lakers the last few years. He was fucking useless against that team.

07-08-2010, 03:48 PM
Yes, and I posted as such in another thread...

07-08-2010, 03:49 PM
Good point. I suppose Team LeBron and all the other big name FA's thought the same about the Chicago ownership and how they handled MJ in the past. Boozer's pretty low on the totem pole but at least they got him at a relatively good price and still have $$$ to spend...they need some damn shooters.

Gorilla Game
07-08-2010, 03:49 PM
Paul Silas put it best when referring to Boozer, CU Next Tuesday!

I'm pretty sure LeBron is still holding a grudge for Boozer bailing to mormonville.

07-08-2010, 03:51 PM
I was more referring to how Boozer stabbed Cleveland in the back and now expects Lebron to listen to him. Lebron should be saying to go hell you fuckin liar.

good point, I've been thinking why would Lebron belive Boozer

07-08-2010, 03:55 PM
Yeah, I found it funny too. LeBron should be saying, You fucked me, fuck you right back. :lol

Does the Bulls FO consider this or they just throwing the white flag there?
Having Noah, whose loudmouth already jeoardized their LBJ chance, should be a hard sell by the Bulls, then they proceed in adding Boozer? There should be a deal in place for the Bulls to acquire Stevenson :lmao

07-08-2010, 03:56 PM
good point, I've been thinking why would Lebron belive Boozer

LOL Nets

07-08-2010, 04:15 PM
I don't have a link or anything, but I do remember at the time reading something regarding Boozer and LeBron when Boozer left for Utah. Basically, it suggested that Boozer actually consulted with LeBron and LeBron told him to do what was best for him and his family.

Plus, LeBron already had a great amount of pull by the summer of 2008. I don't think you would have seen Carlos Boozer on Team USA at the 2008 Olympics if LeBron really had much animosity towards him, even with Coach K coaching the team. LeBron had enough pull to keep him off that team.

I wouldn't say for sure LeBron is completely cool with Boozer, but I don't think he has much of a problem with him either.

07-08-2010, 04:32 PM
If it was about choosing one over the other, I believe he would.

My point is that LeBron didn't seem to have any problem with Boozer on the team.

07-08-2010, 04:40 PM
I agree, but K wouldn't bend to something so childish. Then again, Daley stood by and watched Zeke get railroaded by MJ and back stabbing ass Magic.

If you would actually take the time to read about that, it was Thomas who was one of the guys who started or at least perpetuated the rumor that Magic got HIV from gay sex. Thomas did the first stabbing. I can see Magic not wanting to play with him.

07-08-2010, 04:45 PM
I agree, but K wouldn't bend to something so childish. Then again, Daley stood by and watched Zeke get railroaded by MJ and back stabbing ass Magic.

Agree. One of the really low points for Daddy Rich. But Jordan owned the league back then.

If you would actually take the time to read about that, it was Thomas who was one of the guys who started or at least perpetuated the rumor that Magic got HIV from gay sex. Thomas did the first stabbing. I can see Magic not wanting to play with him.

You mean read it from a book Magic wrote?

Still he said, he said shit. Magic cowered to Michael and Larry because it was really Jordan behind that, not Magic. I won't claim to have any personal knowledge with what went down between Magic and Isiah. Because I don't have any. But two different people say two different things. You can choose who to believe. I'm not saying either one is more credible than the other. I certainly won't defend Isiah because he's pretty much showed throughout his post-playing career that he's very capable of being not only stupid in making basketball decisions, but with his personal life as well. That doesn't mean Magic is necessarily more believable though.

07-08-2010, 05:06 PM
I was more referring to how Boozer stabbed Cleveland in the back and now expects Lebron to listen to him. Lebron should be saying to go hell you fuckin liar.

Dude, it's not Boozer's fault the owner of the Cavs at the time was blind and therefore couldn't see he had his fingers crossed during the negotiations.

07-08-2010, 05:22 PM
You mean read it from a book Magic wrote?

Still he said, he said shit. Magic cowered to Michael and Larry because it was really Jordan behind that, not Magic. I won't claim to have any personal knowledge with what went down between Magic and Isiah. Because I don't have any. But two different people say two different things. You can choose who to believe. I'm not saying either one is more credible than the other. I certainly won't defend Isiah because he's pretty much showed throughout his post-playing career that he's very capable of being not only stupid in making basketball decisions, but with his personal life as well. That doesn't mean Magic is necessarily more believable though.

If you read the book the main source is Magic's agent Lon Rosen who Isiah supposedly asked face to face if Magic was gay. Thomas admits that he called Magic to deny the rumors that were going around that he was saying Johnson was gay. Those rumors were independent of his conversation with Rosen iirc. So word was around he was saying Magic was gay, then he purportedly asked Magic's agent if he was gay (after the rumors had already started), and before Magic said anything about it in his book.

Even if it was just Magic, I would definitely take Magic's word over Isiah especially given how much of a sleaze bag Isiah turned out to be. Plus I don't really see any reason for Magic's agent to lie. Maybe to sell books but I don't think is the kind of person to label someone a Homophobe just to sell books.

If you would take the time to use common sense, you would realize that if a rumor that damaging concerning two very close friends occured, Magic would or should have confronted his close buddy over a rumor. Instead, he chose to back MJ and plot to keep Zeke off the Olympics. Also, according to Zeke, Magic turned sour on him after the Pistons swept the Lakers.

Thomas and Magic talked about in the early nineties a decade and a half before the book came out. Try learning a little about the history of the game and spend less time trolling people on the internet, before you start pulling ignorant arguments out of thin air.

07-08-2010, 05:34 PM
From what I can guess/retell in my totally unread ignorant opinion, at best Isiah perpetuated the rumor inside NBA circles because I think everyone thought AIDS was a gay disease back then and that when Magic got the disease a bunch of ignorant people automatically wondered if he was gay.

07-08-2010, 06:00 PM
Stop being so fucking gullible. Magic was just as sleezy as Zeke, if not more. Magic ran two coaches out of town. Magic got Nixon traded. Magic tried his best to get Worthy traded for Mark Aguire, then led that false friendship with Zeke all while helping MJ railroad Zeke off the team. You have to read any gossip books to realize who was back stabbed in that deal.

Not surprising at all that you would scoff book reading tbh.

I know Magic's history and I know about all the dirt on him. So save your education sessions. If you really wanted to make Magic look bad you would quote from Roland Lazenby's Jerry West: The Life and Legend of a Basketball Icon , where West practically confirms that he arranged sex sessions for Magic in the sauna room after games. I don't think Magic wanting to pick his teammates or coaches (like almost every superstar ever has wanted to do from MJ to Kobe) or the fact that he was a promiscuous guy, hurts his credibility in this field.

Thomas started asking about Magic being gay before the Olympics, Magic talked to people directly who told him Isiah was asking these questions iirc, then Thomas asked his agent if he was gay, and then Isiah felt the need to call him and deny it. Thomas was on some one man crusade to discuss Magic being gay with everyone NBA related he could talk to. All before the Olympics. Unlike Magic he's never been man enough to admit it.

07-08-2010, 06:36 PM
:lmao lakaluva tries to have an intelligent basketball discussion with someone on this forum and he gets stomped at that too. And from a virtual nobody to boot,

07-08-2010, 06:41 PM
You consider someone getting their history out of a gossip book intelligent? I bet you do.

At least the nobody has read a book stinky paki. The ownage came when you said Magic should have confronted Zeke about it and discussed it with him beforehand and then dude's like "they did have a conversation before the Olympics".

crofl your argument exploded in your face.

07-08-2010, 06:42 PM
Again, I won't claim to know who's telling the truth or what parts of each's stories are more true than not. None of us really. More times than not, it's a little bit of both who are telling biased sides of partially true stories. Magic was a sleaze and Isiah was a sleaze. It's also true that they were both very close friends who at some point had a falling out, and both remain somewhat bitter towards each other. I think it's easy to embellish history because of that, even more so if it makes for good reading.

I will say something Isiah mentioned in his defense. Isiah had had a brother with AIDs for several years at the time Magic found out he had. Isiah's brother died of HIV/AIDs and was not gay. Isiah knew that having AIDs didn't mean that person was gay. Isiah has said this publicly and it's confirmed. There was no reason for Isiah to "presume" Magic was gay simply because he had acquired the HIV virus.

Who knows who's telling the truth? Who knows how much of the truth each is telling? It's easy to have opinion after reading reports, hearing interviews, reading books, seeing the accusations back and forth. None of us have personal knowledge and consequently none of know what really went down.

07-08-2010, 06:50 PM
Didn't anybody in Chicago notice that Boozer played like a little girl against the Lakers in this year's playoffs? He's all talk. Acts like he's tough, then turns into a shrinking violet when it counts.

It happens every year. The guy is a ghost in the postseason. No way Lebron is going anywhere near that guy.

07-08-2010, 07:38 PM
what happen with lebron and boozer in cleveland?