View Full Version : 3 teams not losing sleep over this...

07-08-2010, 08:57 PM
The Lakers, The Celtics, and The Spurs. We're all to old and to experienced to give a shit. All three teams will run with what they got and roll with it. Spurs with Parker, Manu, and Duncan...Boston with Garnett, Pierce, and Allen...and LA with Kobe, Gasol, and Bynum. These 3 kids in Miami have to contend with NBA franchise icons. Good Luck.

07-08-2010, 09:03 PM
I thought you were going to say the clippers, the kings, and the warriors.

07-08-2010, 09:05 PM
I was gonna throw in the fact that all three teams have Popovich, Doc, and Phil as head coach going against some guy named Eric...but thought it would be over kill.

07-08-2010, 09:07 PM
I like your attitude on this one, but to say their not at all worried? Its going to be tough. I think this is terrible for basketball, but it is a long season and they still have a bench to fill out. Who knows how these 20+ scorers in their prime actually gel. But yes, I am just as worried about them now as I am the Lakers & Celtics. Just one more team to worry about. With that said, fuck them all. We need to focus on bringing in talent enough to at least have a shot....not what talent other teams have. Look what the Celtics did last year.

07-08-2010, 09:07 PM
I was gonna throw in the fact that all three teams have Popovich, Doc, and Phil as head coach going against some guy named Eric...but thought it would be over kill.

Some guy named Pat is going to tell that guy named Eric that he's not coaching that team anymore.

07-08-2010, 09:13 PM
UnWanted- All the big 3 are doing very well. This is why I think none are worrying. Boston just got Jermaine O'Neal to sign and Ray Allen to resign. Lakers will get Raja Bell. Spurs will get Splitter and either a resigned Jefferson or an equivalent. The teams will look like this in personnel:

Phil Jackson


Doc Rivers

Not bad for any of them....lets see what happens.

07-08-2010, 09:14 PM
Some guy named Pat is going to tell that guy named Eric that he's not coaching that team anymore.

Riley would be the biggest joke in the league if he does that. Everyone and their mother are already going to root against them...Riley would add the icing on thye cake.

07-08-2010, 09:24 PM
I thought you were going to say the clippers, the kings, and the warriors.

I think that's accurate too. :lol

07-08-2010, 09:25 PM
Besides being the Biggest F'ing ASShole on the planet outside them cowards in the Middle East known as terrorists, lebron james is a LOSER!!! He keeps getting his ass whipped in the playoffs so he yelled 'uncle' and gave up. Now besides being laughed at by damn near everyone he will get his sorry ass boo'ed off the court in every NBA city he takes his crappy ass to. Even though Pat Riley will most likely coach this group of girlieboyz it'll still be the Lakers, Celtics or Spurs that win it all this coming season. What a wimpy little suckass lebron is. Definitely not the kind of guy you want next to you in a foxhole. I'm going to laugh my ass off when he goes down with a season ending injury. Couldn't happen to a more worthy dipshit. :ihit

For you little lebron I can only :rollin:blah:blah:blah:rollin You did a :nope with 99% of the NBA players, 100% of all athletes in any sport and 100% of team owners and executives. Kiss my ass, little lebron...!!!

07-08-2010, 09:30 PM
UnWanted- All the big 3 are doing very well. This is why I think none are worrying. Boston just got Jermaine O'Neal to sign and Ray Allen to resign. Lakers will get Raja Bell. Spurs will get Splitter and either a resigned Jefferson or an equivalent. The teams will look like this in personnel:

Phil Jackson


Doc Rivers

Not bad for any of them....lets see what happens.

I am not saying they are not doing well. I am saying the Spurs are not as good if you want to use last year as a measuring stick. Other teams have added and gotten better on paper...and so far we have not, nor do we have many resources to make significant additions. We will be a playoff team, but as it stands today we are only a 2nd round exit type of team. IMO, the Lakers and Celtics are in a far better position than we are. Well at least the Lakers are. I am not completely saying they are truly worried, but Im sure the thought popped into their heads,..."Well, hell. This isnt getting any easier."

07-08-2010, 09:35 PM
Also, the Lakers signed Blake...and isnt Fish a FA? Just saying...not a big deal.

07-08-2010, 09:37 PM
at the end of the day its only one ball....

spurs still need shotblockers down low imo

07-08-2010, 09:38 PM
Since Spurs FO is too slow making decisions, we will not get any valuable FAs this summer because they will all head to Miami with a vet-min. Damn it.

07-08-2010, 09:39 PM
Riley would be the biggest joke in the league if he does that. Everyone and their mother are already going to root against them...Riley would add the icing on thye cake.

I'm banking on this brother. I just can't see Riley sitting by when he could potentially ride the coat tails of these guys to the Finals. Eric would be outta there in no time. I'm sure he'll "convince" him to resign as head coach.

07-08-2010, 09:41 PM
BTW, I can't wait to see lebron's ugly face when he gets knocked out of the playoffs again! That alone will be priceless. It would be great if the #8 team in the EC swept the Heat in the 1st round after the Heat were chosen by the dickheads at espn to win it all in 2011. :lol

07-08-2010, 09:52 PM
Without a title lately and the King to Miami..Lakers on top..Spurs should be worried..or just remain content with their new status..perennial also-rans.

07-08-2010, 09:55 PM
If I owned any team but the Lakers or Thunder I would be worried, I'm spending a lot of money and have no chance of winning a ring.

07-08-2010, 10:10 PM
Without a title lately and the King to Miami..Lakers on top..Spurs should be worried..or just remain content with their new status..perennial also-rans.

Yeah, uh-huh, sure, sure, sure.

Watch out.....oh sorry it was only your shadow!


07-08-2010, 10:12 PM
If I owned any team but the Lakers or Thunder I would be worried, I'm spending a lot of money and have no chance of winning a ring.

With that kind of attitude you'll be lucky to own a lawn mowing service with only your parents lawn to mow. Good luck in life, kid.

07-08-2010, 10:48 PM
But the Spurs aren't on either team's level, so it's irrelevant either way.

Johnny RIngo
07-08-2010, 11:02 PM
The Spurs and Celtics probably aren't worried, because their odds of winning a title are slim anyways..

Yup. TC is naive to think the Spurs are even on the Lakers' level right now.

07-08-2010, 11:04 PM
duncan is probably thinking about how to opt out next year and join miami.

07-08-2010, 11:22 PM
lol lakers might not sleep over this but their bitchmade fans are making threads that reek of fear down in the basement. its quite enjoyable.

07-08-2010, 11:46 PM
Its as if Spurs fans forgot their team got swept in the second round last season.

Yeah, theyre not worrying about the Heat. Cuz theres no chance in hell theyre making it to the finals. You guys arent in the same league as the Lakers or Celts anymore.

07-08-2010, 11:47 PM
Its as if Spurs fans forgot their team got swept in the second round last season.

Yeah, theyre not worrying about the Heat. Cuz theres no chance in hell theyre making it to the finals. You guys arent in the same league as the Lakers or Celts anymore.

Hakeem Warrick.

07-08-2010, 11:53 PM
What transpired tonight on ESPN was the very antihesis of what the Spurs culture is all about. The Ringless King and his coronation as the offseason winner of the EGO Championship.

07-08-2010, 11:57 PM
Its as if Spurs fans forgot their team got swept in the second round last season.

Yeah, theyre not worrying about the Heat. Cuz theres no chance in hell theyre making it to the finals. You guys arent in the same league as the Lakers or Celts anymore.

I know one team that's gotten worse since the season ended. For al of our issues, I think their fans have far more to worry about than the Spurs do.

07-09-2010, 12:07 AM
Spurs have done nothing to show that they will be able to compete with LA, Boston or Miami. If we do not get Splitter, Spurs will be a second round team at best.

Why So Serious
07-09-2010, 12:56 AM
I will say this much I will root for you guys if you guys beat us and face the heat.

07-09-2010, 04:28 AM
Its as if Spurs fans forgot their team got swept in the second round last season.

Yeah, theyre not worrying about the Heat. Cuz theres no chance in hell theyre making it to the finals. You guys arent in the same league as the Lakers or Celts anymore.

Good post coming from someone who's team just lost Amare to the Knicks. Good luck sweeping the Spurs next year or even making the playoffs. A sweep without a ring is useless bragging.

07-09-2010, 05:10 AM
Since Spurs FO is too slow making decisions, we will not get any valuable FAs this summer because they will all head to Miami with a vet-min. Damn it.

You can't get the guys by paying veteran minimum at the first week of free agency. Everybody wants to see the market and sign the higher contracts at the begining. Veteran minimum are used due to August, either with the hopeless veterans who couldn't sign a better contract or th guys who want to have a ring at the end of their careers.

By the way I'm very sure that Lakers and Celtics fans are very restless at the moment, both of them are worried to see such a powerhouse built in Miami.

07-09-2010, 06:47 AM
Riley would be the biggest joke in the league if he does that. Everyone and their mother are already going to root against them...Riley would add the icing on thye cake.

Prepare to watch the biggest villain in the league coached by the biggest joke in the league.

07-09-2010, 09:27 AM
Hakeem Warrick.

+Channing Frye 5 years :lmao

07-09-2010, 09:30 AM
Hakeem Warrick.

"Hakeem" [sic] Warrick makes the Spurs a contender?

Great rebuttal.

07-09-2010, 09:33 AM
Riley would be the biggest joke in the league WHEN he does that. Everyone and their mother are already going to root against them...Riley would add the icing on thye cake.

Fixed that for you.

07-09-2010, 09:59 AM
All three teams will run with what they got and roll with it.

well we got fucking Matt Bonner. we ain't going nowheres

07-09-2010, 10:27 AM
Suns swept Spurs, and now Spurs can beat the Heats. :lol

07-09-2010, 06:45 PM
Spurs have done nothing to show that they will be able to compete with LA, Boston or Miami. If we do not get Splitter, Spurs will be a second round team at best.

Well, we got him. And we aint done.