View Full Version : Cavs owner: LeBron quit during playoffs

07-09-2010, 12:17 AM

CLEVELAND -- Angered and betrayed by LeBron James (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?playerId=1966)' decision to leave for Miami, Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert accused the NBA's MVP of quitting during the playoffs.
Gilbert, who posted a letter to Cavs fans on the team's website shortly after James announced his plans to sign with the Heat, told The Associated Press late Thursday night that it's "accountability time" for James.
"He has gotten a free pass," Gilbert said in a phone interview with The AP. "People have covered up for [James] for way too long. Tonight we saw who he really is."
Gilbert said James quit on the Cavs during their second-round series against the Boston Celtics (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/clubhouse?team=bos), who rallied from a 2-1 deficit to eliminate Cleveland.
"He quit," Gilbert said. "Not just in Game 5, but in Games 2, 4 and 6. Watch the tape. The Boston series was unlike anything in the history of sports for a superstar."
The Cavaliers were beaten by 32 points in Game 5. During the game, James appeared distracted and uninterested, often glaring at Cleveland's coaches as the Cavs tried to foul to get back into the game in the second half. James also made some puzzling postgame comments, saying he had "spoiled" people with his play over seven seasons.
Gilbert also said he believes James quit on the Cavs in Game 6 of their series in 2009 against Orlando.
"Go back and look at the tape," he said. "How many shots did he take?"
Gilbert, who has owned the Cavs for five years, said he was most disappointed by James' behavior in the months leading up to the superstar's announcement that he is going to Miami to play with Dwyane Wade (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?playerId=1987) and Chris Bosh (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?playerId=1977). Gilbert said James never returned a single phone message or text since the end of the season and that the Cavs were not informed of James' decision until he went on the air.
Gilbert said Rich Paul, one of James' business partners, called the Cavs moments before the announcement.
"LeBron James needs to go to another team with two superstars already so he can win a championship," Gilbert said. "We will win a championship before [the Heat] do."
Gilbert said he now wishes he had done some things differently with James, who spent seven seasons with the Cavs.
"It's not about him leaving," Gilbert said. "It's the disrespect. It's time for people to hold these athletes accountable for their actions. Is this the way you raise your children? I've been holding this all in for a long time."
In Miami, Wade said he was stunned by Gilbert's comments.
"I think I'm happy that I have the owner that I have here in Miami," Wade told The Associated Press late Thursday night. "I'm happy Micky Arison is my owner. I couldn't believe it. I'm speechless. It's very unfortunate and I think it makes LeBron that much better about his decision.
"We knew 'Bron would take some backlash," Wade added in his interview with AP. "I told him he's a strong man for it."
"LeBron James needs to go to another team with two superstars already so he can win a championship," Gilbert said. "We will win a championship before [the Heat] do."
In the letter posted on the Cavaliers' website Gilbert called the process on James' free agency "narcissistic, self-promotional build-up culminating with a national TV special of his 'decision' unlike anything ever 'witnessed' in the history of sports and probably the history of entertainment."
Gilbert told Cavs fans: "You simply don't deserve this kind of cowardly betrayal.
Gilbert promised that "curse" on Cleveland sports would follow James to Miami.
"The self-declared former 'King' will be taking the 'curse' with him down south," Gilbert wrote. "And until he does 'right' by Cleveland and Ohio, James [and the town where he plays] will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma."
Gilbert finished the letter by promising to put his focus on bringing a championship to Cleveland with the Cavaliers.
"I PROMISE you that our energy, focus, capital, knowledge and experience will be directed at one thing and one thing only:
"DELIVERING YOU the championship you have long deserved and is long overdue...."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

07-09-2010, 12:24 AM
Come on. Sour grapes. He waits until James is out the door to kick him as a means to save his own ass for not re-signing him. He has no credibility. If he wanted an honest relationship with Lebron James, stop kissing his ass when he's there. Why didn't he hold him to account?

James may have quit, but Cleveland didn't put him in a position to do anything but what he wanted to do. They didn't sign him to an extension. They were just as cocky about this as James was. He used to bow down to the previous Cavs owner. His hubris is because he was allowed to become an institution outside of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Try pulling that shit with Pat Riley in charge. Remember the guy who used to knock big scary Anthony Mason in the head during huddles? He pulls a stunt like that, the Heat trade him and get tons in return with plenty of talent already on the roster. Plain and simple.

Gilbert helped create this mess. He's just playing to the fans (once again).

07-09-2010, 12:27 AM
I don't think we're supposed to post AP material here...

07-09-2010, 12:29 AM
everyone knows james purposely played bad in the playoffs so he would have an excuse to bail on the cavs.

07-09-2010, 12:31 AM
Come on. Sour grapes. He waits until James is out the door to kick him as a means to save his own ass for not re-signing him. He has no credibility. If he wanted an honest relationship with Lebron James, stop kissing his ass when he's there. Why didn't he hold him to account?

James may have quit, but Cleveland didn't put him in a position to do anything but what he wanted to do. They didn't sign him to an extension. They were just as cocky about this as James was. He used to bow down to the previous Cavs owner. His hubris is because he was allowed to become an institution outside of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Try pulling that shit with Pat Riley in charge. Remember the guy who used to knock big scary Anthony Mason in the head during huddles? He pulls a stunt like that, the Heat trade him and get tons in return with plenty of talent already on the roster. Plain and simple.

Gilbert helped create this mess. He's just playing to the fans (once again).

All very true. Gilbert has reaped the fruits of being the great enabler and Witness to the Queen. However, that still doesn't excuse James from kicking the fans and supporters in the crotch on his way out - not to mention publically humiliating them on TV.

07-09-2010, 12:32 AM
lol at bitter Cavs owner. Tough luck.

07-09-2010, 12:33 AM
Most butthurt owner ever.

07-09-2010, 12:37 AM
Why is Gilbert butthurt?

07-09-2010, 01:19 AM
No class Dan gilbert...

07-09-2010, 01:22 AM
I have no sympathy for Gilbert.

He basically let Lebron have free reign when he was in Cleveland, what the fuck did you expect him to do?

That's why I respect the shit out of Buss. NO player is above the Laker organization, and honestly that's how it should be for all teams.

07-09-2010, 01:26 AM
He wouldnt leave if you woulda fired MB 5 years ago

07-09-2010, 01:28 AM
He wouldnt leave if you woulda fired MB 5 years ago

& replace him with who?

It turned out that James was the problem, not the solution. He was totally helpless at fuck time. And the opposition knew it, and was waiting on him.

07-09-2010, 01:30 AM
So Cleveland is gonna win the 'ship with what exactly? Delonte West and Big Z? :lmao

07-09-2010, 01:31 AM
So Cleveland is gonna win the 'ship with what exactly? Delonte West and Big Z? :lmao

Mochine Williams