View Full Version : An Example of What fundamentalist "Christian" Supremacists Intend for USA

07-12-2010, 05:42 AM
Clerics to Work Within Schools of Iran’s Capital

"The latest move appeared to be part of a wider social and cultural crackdown on the country’s youth. It is one of several measures the government has taken to expand its influence at schools"



The pollution and "purging" of TX schoolbooks,

all the lying, 180-degrees-out propaganda about the Founders intended America to be a Christian nation,

that America is God's Chosen Country,

dubya's grandiose self-delusion that "God wanted America to invade Iraq",

the penetration of aggressively proselytizing "Christian" assholes into the US military,

are all serious signs how these "Christian" assholes would run the US as a theocracy, or as close as they could force it.

Next time the Repugs win full control of US govt, expect the worst in this and many other areas, as 2000-2008 has already demonstrated.

07-12-2010, 07:39 AM
Let me know when we start killing people for watching soccer.


07-12-2010, 08:42 AM
So as long as "Christian" theocratic supremacists don't actually slaughter people because God wants them to, everything else they do is OK with Darrin.