View Full Version : my balls are itching(seriously, not an attempt at trolling)

07-19-2010, 07:47 PM
K, here is the situation, my balls have a massive itch.

Tried washing it with soap, no good

Tried putting lotion or powder, no good

Tried putting rubbing alcohol(which stung like a bitch) and still no good

Tried almost everything but no luck

It sucks that I have to take a bathroom break at work all the time just so I can scratch my balls.

Yesterday I felt bad for one of our customers cause he shook my hand after I made a sale right after I went for one of my so called ''bathroom breaks''. I was in a hurry so I forgot to wash my hands.

Any suggestions? Should I go see a doctor, if so, I feel kind of embarrassed, I don't have insurance so I have to go to county clinic which makes it even worse.

I did sleep with this girl a week ago without using protection, is it possible that I have the dreaded STD??? Everything else is fine, except for the massive ich on my balls, any suggestions?

07-19-2010, 07:50 PM
I'll pass on this one.

07-19-2010, 07:50 PM
poison ivy got ya. and i don't mean the plant.

07-19-2010, 07:52 PM
try burning the itch off. put a lighter to them.

07-19-2010, 07:53 PM
poison ivy got ya. and i don't mean the plant.

I would love to hear more about this, I am planning on going to ChinaTown at DT Los Angeles for some eastern medical herbal shit soon.

07-19-2010, 08:09 PM
check your balls, any signs of rash? redness? etc...

07-19-2010, 08:09 PM

07-19-2010, 08:10 PM
have assbitch(ashbeigh) slober all over them and then give her a rotten tomato

07-19-2010, 08:16 PM
could be worse...


07-19-2010, 08:36 PM

07-19-2010, 08:42 PM
have assbitch(ashbeigh) slober all over them and then give her a rotten tomato


dammit I made a huge guffaw sound when I read this and now everyone is looking at me weird.

Is a "rotten tomato" a euphemism for something else or is it simply like, "Here Ash, have this tomato"?

07-19-2010, 08:42 PM

Thanks, just picked this baby up at CVS.
But any home remedies? Like can I mix such with such so I can make such?

07-19-2010, 08:45 PM
You know what is weird is that I can really use a good tea baggin from a girl with great mouth stamina right now. haha. If i had money I would actually pay someone to do it.

07-19-2010, 08:46 PM

07-19-2010, 08:50 PM

Speaking of....where is that Tough Actin' Tinactin troll when we need him?

07-19-2010, 08:58 PM
dude grab your sac and give it a good stretch
im mean a GOOD stretch

07-19-2010, 09:53 PM
It is hot right now. You have jock itch. Spray Lamisil on it twice daily.

Viva Las Espuelas
07-19-2010, 10:10 PM
i don't think i've ever guffawed before. i feel so cheated.

07-19-2010, 10:11 PM
My balls are sweaty and stinky

07-19-2010, 10:18 PM

dammit I made a huge guffaw sound when I read this and now everyone is looking at me weird.

Is a "rotten tomato" a euphemism for something else or is it simply like, "Here Ash, have this tomato"?
pound her booty hole until it looks like a rotten tomato.


07-19-2010, 10:23 PM
Oh lord. You all are just horrible.

07-19-2010, 10:28 PM
pound her booty hole until it looks like a rotten tomato.

Oh no; I thought it was much funnier when it was just an actual tomato :td

:( Sorry, Ash.

07-19-2010, 10:31 PM
Oh no; I thought it was much funnier when it was just an actual tomato :td

:( Sorry, Ash.

I blame you for all the pain and suffering.

07-19-2010, 10:42 PM
I blame you for all the pain and suffering.

Oh who are you kidding??? Ash feeds off this shit!

Nathan Explosion
07-19-2010, 10:47 PM
could be worse...


Funniest bit in the whole movie. God I love that part.

Nathan Explosion
07-19-2010, 10:48 PM
My balls are sweaty and stinky

It's been humid out. I don't need the Weather Channel to tell me it's hot out. Just having to adjust my balls every 5 minutes to keep them from sticking to my leg is enough.

07-20-2010, 12:33 AM
It is hot right now. You have jock itch. Spray Lamisil on it twice daily.

I agree. It's yeast. Get a tube of miconazole cream. Unless this is a troll job, in which case my answer is: Gross, go talk about your balls somewhere else.

07-20-2010, 01:37 AM
teabag a boiling pot of Hydrochloric acid. that should take care of it.

Just try not to breathe in the fumes, it will make you choke up quite badly.

Wild Cobra
07-20-2010, 09:34 AM
To say something or not, on a troll appearing thread...

Assuming it is not a troll thread:

1) Did you finally reach puberty? It's natural from time to time.

2) You may have a real skin condition that requires medication.

3) Do not scratch often. If it is chronic, scratching will end up making things worse over the long term, as the skin changes itself due to excessive scratching.

4) Unusual stress in your life? See Psychogenic Pruritus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychogenic_pruritus#cite_note-Fitz2-0).

5) could be pubic lice or scabies.

6) The way that nerves bundle together, it could be some other problem manifesting itself there. Ever feel something at two places in the body at the same time? Consider this: Pruritus an important symptom of internal diseases (http://ibmi.mf.uni-lj.si/acta-apa/acta-apa-00-3/Peharda.html)

Mine never itch anymore. I stopped any minor itching that would happen time to time by staying clean shaved. Far more women are willing to have oral sex as well. Nobody likes hair in the teeth!

07-20-2010, 10:14 AM


marini martini
07-20-2010, 10:25 AM
Awww shit, NO!!!:bang

07-20-2010, 10:28 AM

What the #%@#....ohhhh....my bad man...didn't read that right.

07-20-2010, 10:37 AM
What the #%@#....ohhhh....my bad man...didn't read that right.


07-20-2010, 11:34 AM
Sounds like the crabs.

Viva Las Espuelas
07-20-2010, 01:15 PM
My balls are sweaty and stinky

Do they smell like hay? :lmao

07-20-2010, 01:17 PM
Is that was crabs look like? They look like little mini crabs.

Richard Cranium
07-20-2010, 02:51 PM
Regular bathing works for me.

07-20-2010, 07:09 PM


creepy. that thing looks like it has an evil face!

but, so the dong has a yeast infection?

07-20-2010, 08:31 PM
K, here is the situation, my balls have a massive itch.

Tried washing it with soap, no good

Tried putting lotion or powder, no good

Tried putting rubbing alcohol(which stung like a bitch) and still no good

Tried almost everything but no luck

It sucks that I have to take a bathroom break at work all the time just so I can scratch my balls.

Yesterday I felt bad for one of our customers cause he shook my hand after I made a sale right after I went for one of my so called ''bathroom breaks''. I was in a hurry so I forgot to wash my hands.

Any suggestions? Should I go see a doctor, if so, I feel kind of embarrassed, I don't have insurance so I have to go to county clinic which makes it even worse.

I did sleep with this girl a week ago without using protection, is it possible that I have the dreaded STD??? Everything else is fine, except for the massive ich on my balls, any suggestions?
try some pesticide if you want. there must be some germs lobbying between the wrinkles in your scrotum, (probably because of your refusal to take bathes maybe). As far as I know, parasites are generally more interested in other parasites than the local decent people.

if it doesn't work, there will still be one last choice for you which is to truncate yourself by removing the balls&bag. although that sounds pretty harsh to you, that would be something good for the society because your inferior genomes would be made less likely to spoil the gene pool.

07-20-2010, 11:36 PM

My balls are less strachy but still itching from time to time.

Hot N Cold pain reliever actually works, it feels weird at first, but I kinda got used, and eventually liked the hot and cool sensation as it went along.

Thanks guys, me and my balls appreciate your advice!

07-20-2010, 11:50 PM
u prolly have ringworm (jockitch)
go to walgreens, they had things for that...

Nathan Explosion
07-21-2010, 08:19 AM
Hot N Cold pain reliever actually works, it feels weird at first, but I kinda got used, and eventually liked the hot and cool sensation as it went along.

You know that lube from KY called Yours and Mine? The one for the guy is a warming sensation while the one for the girl is a cooling sensation. You rub them on each other to activate the senstions, then when you get it on, the two combine for a really awesome feeling.

That's what you're going through. However, don't jerk off with the Icy Hot. If you get any inside, I'd imagine you'd be fucked, and itchy balls would be the least of your worries.

07-21-2010, 02:15 PM

My balls are less strachy but still itching from time to time.

Hot N Cold pain reliever actually works, it feels weird at first, but I kinda got used, and eventually liked the hot and cool sensation as it went along.

Thanks guys, me and my balls appreciate your advice!

That is not going to fix the problem. You have a fungal infection (jock itch/ringworm/yeast). You need an antifungal cream or spray. Unless this is a troll job, in which case I say congratulations on curing your ball itch.

07-21-2010, 02:44 PM
try some pesticide if you want. There must be some germs lobbying between the wrinkles in your scrotum, (probably because of your refusal to take bathes maybe). As far as i know, parasites are generally more interested in other parasites than the local decent people.

If it doesn't work, there will still be one last choice for you which is to truncate yourself by removing the balls&bag. Although that sounds pretty harsh to you, that would be something good for the society because your inferior genomes would be made less likely to spoil the gene pool.


07-21-2010, 06:50 PM
you have full blown AIDS

I suggest to say bye to your loved ones.

07-21-2010, 10:38 PM
Maybe its about time you stop itching them.