View Full Version : The European Socialism Nightmare

07-30-2010, 12:56 AM

The chutzpah of Mitch McConnell is astounding. McConnell says that unemployment benefits cannot be extended because of the deficit. Candy Crowley asks McConnell if the Bush tax cuts should be allowed to lapse. McConnell was absolutely against that. McConnell then blamed the deficit on the Obama administration and refuses to answer if Republicans spent too much during the Bush years. The economics policies of the GOP makes no sense in policy terms.

Americans are struggling, foreclosures, credit debt, 40% of our children live below the poverty level - a national disgrace...but we have $60 billion for more war nobody wants but the multinational corporations...

....take our country back, yeah, from the corpor-oligarchy...

07-30-2010, 01:45 AM
we have $60 billion for more war nobody wants but the multinational corporations...and Obama.


07-30-2010, 02:36 AM

Is the distinction even necessary? I can't think of a president in my lifetime who hasn't cow-towed to the needs of mega-industry at the expense of regular folks. Truman's the last guy I can think of, but before my time.