View Full Version : forget duncan ginobili is the man!

05-17-2005, 10:27 PM
you are seeing the birth of a superstar

05-17-2005, 10:57 PM
The incredible shrinking Spurs.


05-17-2005, 11:09 PM
Shut up we are going no where without timmy so can it buddy 2 titles we would not have won without him he is still the man so shut it.

05-17-2005, 11:09 PM
you are seeing the birth of a superstar
birth? son, this has all been seen before from him. is this the first you've seen of the spurs this year or somethin?

05-17-2005, 11:17 PM
They are a team man. Manu likes it that way.

05-17-2005, 11:29 PM
Yeah please don't be stupid. Duncan is the pillar of this team and always will be. Even I recognize that, eventhough Manu is my favorite player.

05-18-2005, 01:59 AM
Please someone tell Timmy that he is 0-1 after D-ROb and Mr Point clutch Kerr retired.
He has to take it another notch.He's got to become a vocal leader.

05-18-2005, 02:02 AM
Some people just don't get it or are simply idiots.

Please, FP, put a little more thought before you start a thread.

05-18-2005, 02:09 AM
Please someone tell Timmy that he is 0-1 after D-ROb and Mr Point clutch Kerr retired.
He has to take it another notch.He's got to become a vocal leader.


T Park
05-18-2005, 02:11 AM
Please someone tell Timmy that he is 0-1 after D-ROb and Mr Point clutch Kerr retired.
He has to take it another notch.He's got to become a vocal leader

blah blah blah blah....

05-18-2005, 02:26 AM
forget duncan...


But do you really think the Spurs can win a title without the Big Fundamental?

coz if you do, then i must warn you...

pls don't be an :idiot like LakerGod

05-18-2005, 02:33 AM

But do you really think the Spurs can win a title without the Big Fundamental?

coz if you do, then i must warn you...

pls don't be an :idiot like LakerGodBut the point is that the Spurs cant win the title with Timmy playing with his ovaries intact. Tim needs to put his hands up on defense and make the fucking free throws. I lost count how many time Timmy failed to at least put his hands up on defense against the sonics. The one time Timmy actually played defense with his hands up, Luc R missed his jump shot, the other times the sonics guards scored easiely against Duncan with his hands down on defense.

I know many cant handle the truth, but in order for the Spurs to win, Timmy must play D with his hands UP

Stop giving Timmy a free ride and realize that Duncan is most effective when he plays D with his hands up

05-18-2005, 02:56 AM
Timmy created the open looks. That's why Nazr had 19 pts tonight. Do you think Manu can get through those big men IF team is not on the floor?

Manu is the Man tonight. But forget Tim? want some of the truth?

Mohammed said it was Duncan's presence that created his openings.

"We talked to him a lot over the last couple of games about finding spots and not being afraid to take shots if they were there, and I thought he did a great job of that tonight," Duncan said. "They over-rotated a little bit, and he was able to step into those holes and finish baskets."

"Basically, their guards getting into the paint forced our bigs to step up, and that left (Mohammed) underneath the basket," McMillan said. "Then there were times we just got outworked."

"It's something that has been open a little bit," Mohammed said of his offensive opportunities, "but it's also a product of having a great player like Tim. You don't want to go one-on-one on a great player like Tim, so they sent another man over and I was open tonight.

..i love Manu but let's not forget he didn't win the game vs. Nuggets when Tim was out & vs the Lakers in 2003 despite his 30 pt performance.

Fact is..Manu plays better when Tim is playing alongside him.
Tim + Manu = Win

BTW, how com Tim's 20pts 14 rbds became non-performance? and the FT? he only had 6 attmpts-missed 4.

05-18-2005, 03:11 AM
a time for change.
may 17 2005 was a new hope like episode IV