View Full Version : Stern vs. Heat ????

08-05-2010, 03:36 AM
It is no question that Wade, Lebron, and Bosh have changed the dynamic in which players interact. LeBron has even gone as far as to try and bring outside influence using his management business and other connections. All of which goes against the wishes of David Stern.

Q: At what point and to what severity will Stern retaliate?

We've seen him bring down greats before (Jordan's early retirement). So how will he lash out against a subordinate (LeBron) who seems to be trying to fulfill a higher role than just "player"?

Venti Quattro
08-05-2010, 04:24 AM
70 freethrows per game for any Heat opponent?

08-05-2010, 05:08 AM
q: At what point and to what severity will stern retaliate?

a: $$$$$$

08-05-2010, 09:21 AM

08-05-2010, 09:53 AM
It's been done before.

Los Angeles Lakers vs. Sacramento Kings

Stern destroyed the Maloufs and their Vegas plans. He will wipe the floor with business rookies Lebron and Wade

and he will again use his most prized chess piece: "los angeles lakers"

Ashy Larry
08-05-2010, 10:03 AM
We all know how bad dude want to expand overseas and his experiment with basketball teams in America's Hat (Canada) has so far failed. Vancouver moved to Memphis and has had limited success; and Toronto, which was once a fan favorite as an opposing team with Vince Carter, is now on the verge of falling apart.

This move by Bosh and James turned two teams who were at one time in the top four in the Eastern Conference into teams that look lottery bound. Stern can't be happy ....

08-05-2010, 05:49 PM
We all know how bad dude want to expand overseas and his experiment with basketball teams in America's Hat (Canada) has so far failed. Vancouver moved to Memphis and has had limited success; and Toronto, which was once a fan favorite as an opposing team with Vince Carter, is now on the verge of falling apart.

This move by Bosh and James turned two teams who were at one time in the top four in the Eastern Conference into teams that look lottery bound. Stern can't be happy ....

He can't do anything about players not wanting to play there. The teams have to do a better job of keeping their players.

and after LeBron joined Miami, Stern announced this off-season had sold the most tickets in NBA history.

08-05-2010, 05:50 PM
We've seen him bring down greats before (Jordan's early retirement).

oh, and that's an ugly rumor. has no factual evidence behind it.

08-05-2010, 06:25 PM
If Stern wants anything next year, it's a Lakers Celtics finals rematch.

Rubber match for this era and braggng and asterisk rights.
Phil Jackson's last game as coach.
Kobe vs. Shaq.

Kobe vs. LeBron can wait, the Heat are young.