View Full Version : The Richards Situation

200 miles
08-08-2010, 09:06 PM
What's the story on Ryan Richards? Is the FO going to bring him over stateside to the Toros at all? All I heard was that someone said RC Buford told reporters that they would leave Richards overseas for a few years to develop his game since he had to have shoulder surgery in the offseason. If this is true, why can't the FO bring him over to Austin this year despite his surgery? Is it the matter of his contract with Gran Canaria?

Can anybody clarify this issue?

If not then just leaving him in Europe because of his impending shoulder surgery is simply incompetent which is an outrage.

08-08-2010, 09:39 PM
?? Richards doesn't want a Toros contract, and the Spurs don't want to pay him to play there on one of their roster spots. The compromise is making decent bank in Europe, hopefully on a better team, and developing into a player that may make the 15 man roster some day. Plenty of Spurs second rounders never make it over here, so don't get too jazzed over him.

08-08-2010, 09:40 PM
Uh oh... Is this the beginning of The Richards Coalition?

08-09-2010, 12:45 AM
An outrage?


Richards isn't worth the tax hit this season. See ya next summer.

08-09-2010, 02:07 AM
?? Richards doesn't want a Toros contract, and the Spurs don't want to pay him to play there on one of their roster spots. The compromise is making decent bank in Europe, hopefully on a better team, and developing into a player that may make the 15 man roster some day. Plenty of Spurs second rounders never make it over here, so don't get too jazzed over him.

Richards has stated he'd rather play in the D-League than play overseas. The Spurs hold all the cards here, whatever they want him to do he will do it.

08-09-2010, 04:26 AM
Richards has stated he'd rather play in the D-League than play overseas. The Spurs hold all the cards here, whatever they want him to do he will do it.

He also said he would pull his name out of the draft if he was just to be sent overseas again by any potential team (I believe).

08-09-2010, 05:19 AM
The Spurs probably presented him with a plan to get onto the roster. It probably wasn't exactly what he wanted, but was acceptable and included at least one more year overseas, probably 2. Since he is only 19 he will still be very young when comes across the pond.

08-09-2010, 07:14 AM
Richards has stated he'd rather play in the D-League than play overseas. The Spurs hold all the cards here, whatever they want him to do he will do it.
I think he meant on a Spurs contract, farmed out. You could make more as an office clerk than the d-league pays.

He also said he would pull his name out of the draft if he was just to be sent overseas again by any potential team (I believe).
A bit too late for that, isn't it?

IIRC, he's still under contract anyways.

08-09-2010, 09:30 AM
Uh oh... Is this the beginning of The Richards Coalition?

A littel too early for the Malik holdouts to fold, but I believe the Javtokas true believers are about ready to find a new Messiah.

P.S. I meant Malik Rose, not Hairston. The Hairstoniacs have a long way to go before they run out of steam.

08-09-2010, 09:58 AM
Jefferson would like Little Richards

08-09-2010, 10:08 AM
He Should stay over seas For 1 or 2 years..... Then Come over and contribute.... He is only 19... he has alot of basketball still to learn.

08-09-2010, 08:25 PM
I wonder could he play in the D Leauge and then an overseas team the same year?

08-10-2010, 06:54 PM
It's possible, but not likely. Take the case of A.J. Abrams last season for example. He left his Greek team because they wernt paying him. He came back home to Austin and probably could have signed with a D-League team but didn't.

thats interesting i didnt know that.. i hope he pulls thru and plays in the nba one day.. we went to the same high school and i used to play with him on the courts when he was still pretty young lol.. time flies..

08-10-2010, 09:34 PM
The only problem playing overseas is that once he starts getting good the team he is playing for could offer him a big contract and then we find ourselves same place as Scola and Splitter. Also I don't know if teams would invest in him knowing his dreams are to play in the NBA - I mean would you invest time to a player who could be gone in a year or two?

The issue is that he won't be ready to play until late in the season for the Toros. So that compounds the problem but if the Spurs are paying his bills then you know they like the kid and Pop loves players who are willing to work hard and do what they are told

Also it is not like the kid is wet behind the ears he maybe young but he has been playing pro ball since what twelve years old?

For me I would rather he take a year off hang out in the Spurs place and have him practice with David Robinson.

08-10-2010, 10:44 PM
Why are we even discussing this guy? How many "finds" that are overseas even come and play for the Spurs? You can't count Tony Parker because he did not stay overseas and you can't count Manhimi because he just had 1 healthy year and just sat on the bench. That leaves......two guys (Ginobili) and until this year with Tiago.
We can all go down the list, and see who is still floating out there but only 1 guy in the last 8 years has panned out. Sorry folks, the jury is still out on Tiago. So why even worry about Richards until he is wearing a Spur uniform in November not July in a summer league with a bunch of other wannabees.

08-11-2010, 03:29 AM
Uh, he wasn't in summer league.

08-11-2010, 06:18 AM
Guy is a couple years from being a player. I would like to see him rehab, put on 15lbs and work on his post game an maybe sign next year so he can learn from TD for a year or two and take Dice place on the bench.

If he gets with a good big man coach this guy can be great as he seems to have a feel for the defender but no real moves that he can go to.

The guy is a Nowitzki/Odom type of player (well that's what he bills himself to be). So the extra-weight and post up game may not be as important.

08-11-2010, 01:06 PM
why are we even discussing this guy? How many "finds" that are overseas even come and play for the spurs? You can't count tony parker because he did not stay overseas and you can't count manhimi because he just had 1 healthy year and just sat on the bench. That leaves......two guys (ginobili) and until this year with tiago.
We can all go down the list, and see who is still floating out there but only 1 guy in the last 8 years has panned out. Sorry folks, the jury is still out on tiago. So why even worry about richards until he is wearing a spur uniform in november not july in a summer league with a bunch of other wannabees.


08-11-2010, 01:13 PM

WTF???? Here are your last several poignant posts.
Pretty heady stuff.



For fuck sake, people..........


The Butthurt Saga Continues.....

Fuckin' ridiculous.....

The Butthurt Saga Continues.....


cantthinkofanything should start writing for the Express-Snooze.....maybe then he would stop posting this bullshit....

You suck. :nutkick:

Stop.....just stop.......

08-11-2010, 01:33 PM
WTF???? Here are your last several poignant posts.
Pretty heady stuff.



For fuck sake, people..........


The Butthurt Saga Continues.....

Fuckin' ridiculous.....

The Butthurt Saga Continues.....


cantthinkofanything should start writing for the Express-Snooze.....maybe then he would stop posting this bullshit....

You suck. :nutkick:

Stop.....just stop.......


Yet, still, you continue.
Stop w/ your asinine threads & shitty posts.
Notice, when you had something even barely relevant to say, you were left alone. Keep that up.

Be careful, I'll get Blackjacks clique after you.......

08-11-2010, 01:37 PM

Yet, still, you continue.
Stop w/ your assinine threads & shitty posts.
Notice, when you had something even barely relevant to say, you were left alone. Keep that up.

Be careful, I'll get Blackjacks clique after you.......

It's asinine. One "s". Unless you are making a subtle reference to my misspelling of it a while back. If that's what you're doing, then well done.

08-11-2010, 01:45 PM
Nice. Edited accordingly.

See, now that's not sooo hard, is it?(hehe, I said "hard")

08-11-2010, 01:50 PM
Nice. Edited accordingly.

See, now that's not sooo hard, is it?(hehe, I said "hard")

Hey, go tell Kori to let me start new threads. I have important things to say. The board is missing out. There's a chance that it could translate into an extra couple of losses for the Spurs if I don't get this info out.

08-11-2010, 01:51 PM
Hey, go tell Kori to let me start new threads. I have important things to say. The board is missing out. There's a chance that it could translate into an extra couple of losses for the Spurs if I don't get this info out.


08-11-2010, 07:40 PM
Hell after years of having Bonner play center I don't care if he is not going to be Odom or Nowitzki I just want a guy who is taller then Bonner who could play defense and rebound the fucking ball!

Oh I fogot to add the word Athletic.......

08-11-2010, 08:23 PM
His game is nothing like either one. He will never be a good ball handler that something that buy this age he would have developed, he looks like a Center handling the ball.

Even if he becomes a good shooter like Nowitzki, imagine what Dirk with a post game would be. He would be a top 2 player instead he is just a star who will never lead his team to a ring.

Great players have all around games, I dont care what the boy considers himself, He will be a post player if he wants to be a spur. We just signed a face up big in Splitter, we dont need another face up guy.

If you watch any of his game tape you can see he has the makings of a great athletic pf with a good post up to 12ft game......I see him and think of Brook Lopez with a bit more fire, but not yet refined offensively.

Hey, we are discussing Ryan Richards here. Who are you talking about in this post, Ian Mahinmi?

09-23-2010, 06:54 AM
So this is weird, it's almost October and there has been no word from the Spurs about what they are planning on doing with Richards since the draft? WTF

09-23-2010, 07:11 AM
So this is weird, it's almost October and there has been no word from the Spurs about what they are planning on doing with Richards since the draft? WTF

From http://www.nba.com/spurs/features/100920_buford.html :
Spurs.com – What are the plans for 2010 second round draft pick Ryan Richards?

RC – He’s under contract with his Spanish team (CB Gran Canaria) for the next couple of years. We’re not in any hurry.

09-23-2010, 07:12 AM
So this is weird, it's almost October and there has been no word from the Spurs about what they are planning on doing with Richards since the draft? WTF

Spurs.com – What are the plans for 2010 second round draft pick Ryan Richards?

RC – He’s under contract with his Spanish team (CB Gran Canaria) for the next couple of years. We’re not in any hurry.

09-23-2010, 07:32 AM
It was probably a dumb move on his part to put his name in this year at 19 years old, but still under contract in Europe. Now, if he blows up, he can't cash in for a few years AFTER he hits the league.

09-23-2010, 07:33 AM

He's not on their roster.

09-23-2010, 07:36 AM
It was probably a dumb move on his part to put his name in this year at 19 years old, but still under contract in Europe. Now, if he blows up, he can't cash in for a few years AFTER he hits the league.

He is a 2nd rounder so he is not affected by the rookie scale, there were players like Shved who put his name in the draft but asked teams not to draft him because he wants to be able to pick and choose which team he goes to via free agency after he improves. If Richards improves a lot before he reaches the NBA, he will get his dues from the Spurs or any other team the Spurs trade his rights to.

09-23-2010, 06:32 PM

He's not on their roster.

Last I heard, he was out on loan to a team somewhere in Switzerland. He wouldn't show on their roster if that were the case.

Leonard Curse
09-23-2010, 07:42 PM
Hell after years of having Bonner play center I don't care if he is not going to be Odom or Nowitzki I just want a guy who is taller then Bonner who could play defense and rebound the fucking ball!

Oh I fogot to add the word Athletic.......
THIS DAMMIT id take this kid this year have him develop in front of our eyes out there than to have bonners forearms :worthy:

09-23-2010, 08:28 PM
hmmm, has anybody seen Richards do anything on any level yet? This kid is nowhere near the NBA level and dont expect to see him in a spurs uniform any time soon or if at all.

09-23-2010, 10:57 PM
Hey morons. He is going to stay overseas where he can make more money and develop and maybe one day play in the NBA. There is a reason he was not a lottery pick. Just because the Spurs picked him does not mean he is going to be the next Dirk this year. Get a grip on reality. He is 19 years old and maybe in a few years he will be a player.

09-24-2010, 10:15 AM
Hey morons. He is going to stay overseas where he can make more money and develop and maybe one day play in the NBA. There is a reason he was not a lottery pick. Just because the Spurs picked him does not mean he is going to be the next Dirk this year. Get a grip on reality. He is 19 years old and maybe in a few years he will be a player.

Wow you're such a bad ass. Good thing you take the time to read thread before you wave that giant phallus around!

09-24-2010, 12:13 PM
I think that if he stated pre draft that he didn´t want to get drafted to stay overseas, and the Spurs convinced him to do so, there was a promise that he´ll at least will be given a chance to make the team soon.
Looking at our roster it´s quite clear that if he has no buyout trouble out there in Spain, the Spurs may just told him to develop a thing or two about his game and he will have a chance once McDyess retires, or in other words, next year.
I am quite sure Richards willl be given a chance next year, unless McDyess tears it up at 36 and decides to play one more year.