View Full Version : Obama administration to provide $3B in housing aid

08-12-2010, 11:26 PM

great more debt

usa does not have enough
more hand outs

08-12-2010, 11:36 PM
I expect to hear more of this during the campaign trail...

08-12-2010, 11:41 PM
Here are the ads too, lol:


08-12-2010, 11:43 PM
How about help for the people like myself who turned down a 450k loan for a 200k loan I can afford. I am making my payments on time so no benefit for someone who is contributing money out of my pay check for taxes. My property tax has incressed by over 40% in 3 years. Why do we live in a country where dumbness is rewarded and doing the right think is punished?

dumbasses rewarded more and more

now we have this and wealfare

08-12-2010, 11:43 PM
Dam dat wealfare.

08-12-2010, 11:44 PM
sick of this! everyone went and got ridiculous loans they could not even afford and now get another free pass. I make 31K a year sold my last home in 05 paid off that loan and purchased a new one that same month for 250K with a 159K down payment and have a respectable monthly mortgage of 907/month and that includes my property and school tax. I am doing and have done everything the right way and get nothing for doing the right thing except lost 30% of my home value because of these reckless people and their fantasy that they can live off credit cards and every red cent they MIGHT earn. People need to get a clue and stop blaming everyone else for the bad choices they keep making. People like myself who keep doing the right thing get screwed because we get stuck paying the costs of those who are reckless. sure the banks played a role but what ever happened to personal responsibility??????

08-12-2010, 11:45 PM
This administration is horrendous....you dont reward failure...period. Everything these people do is completely counter-productive and putting this country so far in debt and chaos its difficult to comprehend how on earth we can as a nation get out of this mess. I guess after everyone loses everything they wont even want to try and just climb on board the big government tit !!!!

08-12-2010, 11:46 PM
Judging from some of the comments in the OP, ducks is a avid reader of wing-nut websites

08-12-2010, 11:53 PM
This administration is horrendous....you dont reward failure...period. Everything these people do is completely counter-productive and putting this country so far in debt and chaos its difficult to comprehend how on earth we can as a nation get out of this mess. I guess after everyone loses everything they wont even want to try and just climb on board the big government tit !!!!

If anything, it was the last administration along with the Democrat congress that rewarded failure by bailing out 'too big to fail' banks.

08-13-2010, 01:30 AM
Was ducks pasting comments from somewhere else or what?

08-13-2010, 02:50 AM
If anything, it was the last administration along with the Democrat congress that rewarded failure by bailing out 'too big to fail' banks.They all caved on the second vote, except for a very few. Including more than a few otherwise ostensibly solid conservatives.

(Witness the US Rep for WI, Mr. Ryan.)

08-13-2010, 03:20 AM
How much money has Barry spent as president compared to evil Hitler Bush?

08-13-2010, 04:32 AM
Tons more. Point?

08-13-2010, 08:19 AM
It's a zero sum game. They can either give it to them to make their house payments one more year or give it to Fanny/Freddie when they default.

Interesting to see how the TARP money is being slanted by the mainstream media though. Instead of calling it TARP, the AP article called it the "700 Billion Wall Street Bailout". I assume that is the new progressive talking point and rewrite of history.

08-13-2010, 08:26 AM
Was ducks pasting comments from somewhere else or what?
it looked like his own when I first read them, but I thought it pretty strange that he would post here on ST that he makes 31k a year...

so you're probably right chump. Oh, and I just noticed the proper spelling and grammar... so can't be ducks.

08-13-2010, 09:35 AM
ducks makes more then 31k a year

08-13-2010, 09:36 AM
Judging from some of the comments in the OP, ducks is a avid reader of wing-nut websites


08-13-2010, 09:47 AM
sick of this! everyone went and got ridiculous loans they could not even afford and now get another free pass. I make 31K a year sold my last home in 05 paid off that loan and purchased a new one that same month for 250K with a 159K down payment and have a respectable monthly mortgage of 907/month and that includes my property and school tax. I am doing and have done everything the right way and get nothing for doing the right thing except lost 30% of my home value because of these reckless people and their fantasy that they can live off credit cards and every red cent they MIGHT earn. People need to get a clue and stop blaming everyone else for the bad choices they keep making. People like myself who keep doing the right thing get screwed because we get stuck paying the costs of those who are reckless. sure the banks played a role but what ever happened to personal responsibility??????

You make 31K and live in a quarter of a million dollar home?


08-13-2010, 09:48 AM
ducks makes more then 31k a year


Wild Cobra
08-13-2010, 04:46 PM
If anything, it was the last administration along with the Democrat congress that rewarded failure by bailing out 'too big to fail' banks.
And remember how many of us didn't like it...

08-13-2010, 08:03 PM
And remember how many of us didn't like it...

You didn't have a vote.

08-13-2010, 08:09 PM
Was ducks pasting comments from somewhere else or what?


Towards the bottom of the page lol.