View Full Version : I like the spurs so much....

08-13-2010, 07:46 PM
I like the spurs so much that in 2005 I skipped my two brothers high school graduation to watch a spurs vs. suns playoffs game. I have zero regrets about this.

I like the spurs/manu ginobili so much that in 2008 I rooted for Argentina in the Olympics. What can I say manu is and has been my favorite player on the spurs for years. He is always doing unbelievable things on the court. I really like when he snatches a inbound pass with cat-like reflex's. He consistently make unbelievable passes to his teammates. He makes unbelievable drives to the basket. He plays the game with a ton of effort as well. I rooted for my favorite player to win the gold. My brother thinks I am crazy to not root for my country but I couldn't help it.

How much do you like the spurs? Any stories/situations to share.

08-13-2010, 08:15 PM
I've had my Spurs keychain in my pocket for 17 years. I've had it for 23 years.

I know I'd rather lose my keys than my keychain.

08-13-2010, 08:33 PM
I have an old script-style Spurs hat that I've got at Hemisfair in 1979. It's faded, stained, smelly and deteriorating. I'd rather lose my wallet than lose that hat. I'd have a hard time choosing between my dog and that hat.

As far as Manu, he's the only basketball player I've ever watched that seems to a magical connection to the game. When he is on one of his tears, there is no one better, and he is hands down my favorite athlete in all of sports.

08-13-2010, 08:36 PM
I like the spurs so much that in 2005 I skipped my two brothers high school graduation to watch a spurs vs. suns playoffs game. I have zero regrets about this either.

I like the spurs/manu ginobili so much that in 2008 I rooted for Argentina in the Olympics. What can I say manu is and has been my favorite player on the spurs for years. He is always doing unbelievable things on the court. I really like when he snatches a inbound pass with cat-like reflex's. He consistently make unbelievable passes to his teammates. He makes unbelievable drives to the basket. He plays the game with a ton of effort as well. I rooted for my favorite player to win the gold. My brother thinks I am crazy to not root for my country but I couldn't help it.

How much do you like the spurs? Any stories/situations to share.

I know some guy that likes the Spurs so much he got Spur tats on his calves.

NZ Spurs
08-13-2010, 08:36 PM
Skipped school, called in sick to work, traveled half way round the world to watch them play in person.

Sean Cagney
08-13-2010, 08:37 PM
^^^^^^^ Usually called in sick a few times because I was so depressed after a bad loss.

I still have a picture from a Beckett I had back in the days with Sean Elliott on it, I hung it in my room for years on end.

I once skipped a trip to the movies with a girl I wanted at the time to watch the Spurs lose in game 4 to the Mavs and go down 3-1 in 06, double whammy that night to my emotions from that to the Spurs losing.

I sat in a hotel room during game 7 of the finals 05 instead of going out because I could not miss one damn second of that game, even at the half I stayed there glued to the damn bed lol (It is hard to stay in with all the action at the beach).

I could add more but I have to think some more.

08-13-2010, 08:38 PM
I know some guy that likes the Spurs so much he got Spur tats on his calves.

08-13-2010, 08:59 PM
I know some guy that likes the Spurs so much he got Spur tats on his calves.

Oh man, he set you up for that one. And you beat me to it.

08-13-2010, 09:01 PM
I know some guy that likes the Spurs so much he got Spur tats on his calves.

08-13-2010, 09:43 PM
Cool story bro

08-13-2010, 10:18 PM
i like the spurs so much i named my daughter Greg Popovich Hernandez.

08-13-2010, 10:38 PM
If you really liked the Spurs you would have rooted against Argentina because the sooner they are out of contention the less likely Manu gets injured in the off season.

08-13-2010, 10:43 PM
I have the Spurs logo tattooed on my left forearm

08-14-2010, 12:31 AM
If you really liked the Spurs you would have rooted against Argentina because the sooner they are out of contention the less likely Manu gets injured in the off season.

The odds of him getting injured are really slim and adding a gold medal to the resume is worth the risk. I just wanted the best for him and that was the gold. For someone to get two Olympic golds in basketball is great but for someone to do it for a team that is not the USA is just insane. If he wins the gold and doesn't get injured then his confidence would be very high going into the next season with the spurs. He would feel like superman on the court. You have to look at the positive of him winning the gold.

08-14-2010, 12:42 AM
I like the Spurs so much I left my 3 year old son in the truck for 5 hours while I watched a double OT Spurs game at Hooters last year. I like the Spurs so much that I rooted for Argentina in World War II. Even though they were allies with Germany (Dirk Nowitzki, Hitler, etc.,) I was such a big Ginobili fan I cheered them on as they tried to conquer the US. I like the Spurs so much that I broke up with my ex girlfriend of 3 years when she told me she grew up a Bucks fan. Nothing against the Bucks, and she's from Milwaukee, but they're not the Spurs and you're either with us or against us.

08-14-2010, 01:01 AM
When I was a kid-in1995, we were at Disney world when we lost to the rockets in the playoffs. I cried that night and didn't want to go to magic kingdom the next day. I had my priorities in the right place early.

08-14-2010, 01:32 AM
When I was a kid-in1995, we were at Disney world when we lost to the rockets in the playoffs. I cried that night and didn't want to go to magic kingdom the next day. I had my priorities in the right place early.

Mom- Hey Timmy whats wrong are you okay?

Timmy- snif...snif...the spurs lost to the rockets last night.:cry

Mom- I know what will make this better.

Timmy- What.

Mom- A day at the magic kingdom. Yay. Yay.



08-14-2010, 02:03 AM
Mom- Hey Timmy whats wrong are you okay?

Timmy- snif...snif...the spurs lost to the rockets last night.:cry

Mom- I know what will make this better.

Timmy- What.

Mom- A day at the magic kingdom. Yay. Yay.




08-14-2010, 08:14 AM
The odds of him getting injured are really slim.


You must be talking about Manu Hernandez because the Manu I know has a little bit of an injury history playing ball in the off season.

08-14-2010, 08:19 AM

You must be talking about Manu Hernandez because the Manu I know has a little bit of an injury history playing ball in the off season.

:lol shows how much of a fan he is huh

08-14-2010, 08:55 AM
actually for a while Manu's best and most productive seasons were after he played in the off season. Just sitting around all off season is not good for him. Take last season for example. It took him half the season to get his game back. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes him this season. Hopefully it won't take him as long this season to get it back.

08-14-2010, 09:45 AM
Remember when Spur fan use to legitametly compare Manu to Kobe Bryant? And they were forced to use Hollinger articles to back their hilariously delusional homer opinion. How embarrassing..

08-14-2010, 09:48 AM
LOL yeah thats funny!

Remember this:?


08-14-2010, 10:05 AM
...I wanna take 'em behind the middle school, and get 'em pregnant.

08-14-2010, 10:10 AM
LOL yeah thats funny!



08-14-2010, 10:28 AM
crucify 'em 1_B! Send those living in the past Spurfans straight to the tree of woe!

Solid D
08-14-2010, 10:34 AM
I like the Spurs so much I left my 3 year old son in the truck for 5 hours while I watched a double OT Spurs game at Hooters last year.

If your 3 year-old son was alone in the truck for 5 hours, that one is not humorous. If you have a 3 year-old son, I doubt you cheered for anyone during WWII.

08-14-2010, 10:45 AM


Did you just compare our bench hopeful to Kobe? :rolleyes

It's one thing for a nobody to do something stupid but to do it as the face of a franchise just takes stupidity to a whole other level! :nope

08-14-2010, 10:48 AM
Neal fucked some ass that was blackout drunk. Kobe gave a willing groupie attention whoring slut some black mamba and was then extorted.

You're right. They aren't comparable.

Solid D
08-14-2010, 10:50 AM
I like the spurs so much that in 2005 I skipped my two brothers high school graduation to watch a spurs vs. suns playoffs game. I have zero regrets about this.

What is your relationship like with your brothers? Did they not want you to come? Were you sick? Did you not have a recorder or DVR? Sorry, but I'm trying to sort out why you confessed this as something you don't regret.

08-14-2010, 10:52 AM
Neal fucked some ass that was blackout drunk. Kobe raped an ugly ass whoring slut while claiming he was happily married then paid out lots of money.

You're right. They aren't comparable.

Fixed, your welcome. :toast

08-14-2010, 03:06 PM
I like the spurs/manu ginobili so much that in 2008 I rooted for Argentina in the Olympics.

I've done this.

Skipped school, called in sick to work, traveled half way round the world to watch them play in person.

All this (well, kinda: was in Brazil for work, finished and rushed to SA for Game 2, 2005)

I sat in a hotel room during game 7 of the finals 05 instead of going out because I could not miss one damn second of that game, even at the half I stayed there glued to the damn bed lol (It is hard to stay in with all the action at the beach).

And this, lol. Same game, but on a bar, in Dallas.
The locals glared at me all game.

08-14-2010, 03:20 PM
If your 3 year-old son was alone in the truck for 5 hours, that one is not humorous. If you have a 3 year-old son, I doubt you cheered for anyone during WWII.

See? People still aren't detecting sarcasm around here. I think the blue text should be used in full effect right now tbh.

Solid D
08-14-2010, 04:28 PM
I thought you were trying to be humorous...not sarcastic. There is a difference, so I do understand sarcasm.

There is so much immaturity on this board that, sometimes, it becomes difficult for me to see sarcasm.

08-14-2010, 06:02 PM
What is your relationship like with your brothers? Did they not want you to come? Were you sick? Did you not have a recorder or DVR? Sorry, but I'm trying to sort out why you confessed this as something you don't regret.

My relationship with my brothers is fine and I was not sick. They didn't really care if I went to their graduation, so I stayed home to watch the spurs kick ass. I didn't have anything to record shows or games in 2005 but I do now and I refuse to record games. I have to watch a game live or the excitement is gone.

08-14-2010, 10:51 PM
I like the Spurs so much that when I got back from Germany after being gone for over three years, the first thing I did was buy court side seats tickets and watch them beat the Fakers by a money shot from Roger Mason. Best first day back ever!

08-14-2010, 10:55 PM
The first ever Spurs schedule I owned was a cheap wallet version from Pizza Hut. Got it when I was 10 years old--it was the '98-'99 schedule with Tim Duncan and David Robinson on the front. I've been through many different wallets, lost money and cards, but I still have that schedule, tattered and torn though it may be. I love my Spurs!

07-26-2015, 12:17 AM
I like the spurs so much that in 2005 I skipped my two brothers high school graduation to watch a spurs vs. suns playoffs game. I have zero regrets about this.

I like the spurs/manu ginobili so much that in 2008 I rooted for Argentina in the Olympics. What can I say manu is and has been my favorite player on the spurs for years. He is always doing unbelievable things on the court. I really like when he snatches a inbound pass with cat-like reflex's. He consistently make unbelievable passes to his teammates. He makes unbelievable drives to the basket. He plays the game with a ton of effort as well. I rooted for my favorite player to win the gold. My brother thinks I am crazy to not root for my country but I couldn't help it.

How much do you like the spurs? Any stories/situations to share.

That shit aint right. You missed my graduation... not cool.