View Full Version : Poll shows economy will be key to midterms

08-16-2010, 01:36 PM
CG: No surprise that the economy would be topping the list, but I do find it somewhat surprising how concern over Iraq and Afghanistan seems to be dwindling.


(CNN) – Heading into this year's midterm elections, the economy remains the most important problem on the minds of Americans, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research poll.

Full results (pdf)

According to the new survey, 56 percent of the public says that the economy will be extremely important to their vote for Congress this year, making that the only issue that a majority said would be vital to their vote.

Two other issues related to the economy - unemployment and the federal deficit - tied for second on the list with 48 percent.

Terrorism also ranked that high, although fewer than four in ten said that the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan were extremely important to them.

Finishing last on the list were abortion and gay marriage, which only one in five say will be extremely important to their vote.

The poll surveyed 1,009 Americans on August 6-10 and carries a sampling error of plus or minus 4.5 percent.

Filed under: 2010 • CNN Polls • Economy


08-16-2010, 02:06 PM
Old 1991 news: "It's The Economy, Stupid"

That's why the Repugs are doing everything they can to scare-monger about THEIR war/taxcut/depression deficit, and prolong and deepen economics pain for the maximum number by blocking further stimulus and anything else that would have a positive effect on economic upswing and employment.

Americans are just stupid enough and detached enough to get suckered by the Repugs' hateful, political sadism.

08-16-2010, 02:17 PM
Old 1991 news: "It's The Economy, Stupid"

That's why the Repugs are doing everything they can to scare-monger about THEIR war/taxcut/depression deficit, and prolong and deepen economics pain for the maximum number by blocking further stimulus and anything else that would have a positive effect on economic upswing and employment.

Americans are just stupid enough and detached enough to get suckered by the Repugs' hateful, political sadism.

Man, it's realy very hard to take anything you say seriously.

08-16-2010, 02:18 PM
That's your problem.

I'm open to any evidence that the Repugs are serious about governing, are obstructring everything In Good Faith, and are really worry about THEIR deficit.

You Can't Handle The Truth about Repugs.