View Full Version : 48MoH: Moving Richard Jefferson: The Spurs best way to utilize him

08-18-2010, 01:12 AM
Moving Richard Jefferson: The Spurs best way to utilize him
by Andrew A. McNeill


Getting Richard Jefferson on the move is the Spurs best option for using the small forward

It’s no surprise that Richard Jefferson faces a lot of pressure in his second season on the San Antonio Spurs. In his first, Jefferson came with the weight of a $15 million salary. And while averages of 12.3 points and 4.4 rebounds per game were decent, they did not fulfill the expectations many fans and team personnel had. Even though he’ll be playing at a reduced price in 2010-11, the belief that he should play at a level worthy of a $15 million contract will still be there.

Keep reading → (http://www.48minutesofhell.com/2010/08/16/richard-jefferson-san-antonio-spurs-plays-cutting-to-hoop/#more-9262)

08-18-2010, 08:37 AM
Thanks for sharing, Blackjack.
I love seeing all the X's and O's of basketball; it's such a beautiful game.
Hopefully all of the Spurs' set plays will have at least an option involving RJ in them whenever he's on the floor.

08-18-2010, 08:58 AM
Good article, thanks OP. First I thought it was about trading him but it was more interesting than that. Hopefully he will get a couple more points next season after set plays like this. We have better shooters now and I don't see why we would want him stand still and shoot 3s. Better team D would give him a couple of easy extra points too.

08-18-2010, 10:48 AM
Thanks for sharing, Blackjack.
I love seeing all the X's and O's of basketball; it's such a beautiful game.
Hopefully all of the Spurs' set plays will have at least an option involving RJ in them whenever he's on the floor.

Rj flourishes in run and gun offenses with offensive freedom. Spurs are not that. Just pray he hits more of his threes and they find a middle ground to get him involved. He is at his best with a gifted passing point guard(kidd) or a chris paul. Parker is not that. Can't wait to see how he adjusts.

08-18-2010, 11:07 AM
Thanks for sharing, Blackjack.
I love seeing all the X's and O's of basketball; it's such a beautiful game.
Hopefully all of the Spurs' set plays will have at least an option involving RJ in them whenever he's on the floor.

When I'm watching the game I hardly even notice it, but everyone has a duty and that makes it even more beautiful, like you said.

08-18-2010, 11:37 AM
Description of the first play: I know that alley-oop play when I see it. The Spurs only use it from time to time and it only works with Richard Jefferson cause the other guys do not have the athletic ability to pull it off. I also saw it get stopped a few times.

You could see from that play that McDyess faked a pick and rolled to his sweet spot to the baseline. But, Ginobili passed it to Jefferson while Amare moved towards McDyess. Open lane here. Jefferson swings it to Parker.

From there, you could see that Duncan is quite far away from Parker to set a screen for him. Truth to be told, Parker really never operated from that corner and started attacking there frequently once he became one of the main options. Jefferson then begins his fake move to Parker. Bu seriously, has anyone of you seen Jefferson set a screen for Parker? Again, the lane is open because Amare went to cover McDyess. The main problem in that video was Channing Frye because he should have switched up and blocked Jefferson's path to the rim.

Jefferson, with the wide open lane after the Timmy back-screen then throws it down.

08-18-2010, 11:46 AM
Description of the second play: Simple yet effective. Looking at the play, this is what broke down.

Both Hill and Ginobili were at the opposite end of the court where Jefferson was. This was key. Manu receives the ball form Hill and Duncan set the off-screen pick. Jefferson can get to the rim or set up for a jumper based on which direction he goes to. If he decides to set up for the jumper, and if it doesn't succeed, he would have dumped it to Duncan on the low block. He decides to fake the direction and cut baseline. Notice that McDyess had Dirk's attention and he couldn't help out, otherwise McDyess would have caught it from Manu and shot the ball there.

The problem there was that Caron Butler fell for the fake and Dampier was slow and focused on Duncan instead, even after Jefferson ran by him. It should be noted here that once Jefferson caught the ball if Dampier even reacted, he couldn't pass it to Duncan even if he wanted to due to the lack of court vision and the deep position in which he caught the ball.

Of course, in this play, Dampier got caught slacking and Jefferson finished the play underneath the rim.

08-18-2010, 11:51 AM
Rj flourishes in run and gun offenses with offensive freedom. Spurs are not that. Just pray he hits more of his threes and they find a middle ground to get him involved. He is at his best with a gifted passing point guard(kidd) or a chris paul. Parker is not that. Can't wait to see how he adjusts.

RJ will be the same player this year as he was last year, which is basically someone the other team can sluff off on because he has limited range.. which in turn will make it more difficult for Duncan and Parker to operate. I'll give the Parker/?/Jefferson/Dice/Duncan starting lineup 15 games before Pop starts frantically making adjustments.

Well saying RJ won't make adjustments isn't an accurate statement. He'll be another year older (31 I think), slower, and a little less athletic which will give him plenty of "adjusting".

08-18-2010, 11:53 AM
Rj flourishes in run and gun offenses with offensive freedom. Spurs are not that. Just pray he hits more of his threes and they find a middle ground to get him involved. He is at his best with a gifted passing point guard(kidd) or a chris paul. Parker is not that. Can't wait to see how he adjusts.

I'm not saying to change the offensive style of play. With all the sets the Spurs run, each one could have an option for RJ. The plays in the article that Blackjack posted are designed for RJ; of course, most NBA team offensive sets aren't designed to get just one desired look: they have multiple options in case the first one is defended well. All I'm saying is that each of the Spurs' sets should have an option just for RJ similar to the ones in the article whenever he is in the game.

08-18-2010, 11:58 AM
I thought this thread was about trading Richard... oh, well... :lol

08-18-2010, 12:05 PM
Rj flourishes in run and gun offenses with offensive freedom. Spurs are not that. Just pray he hits more of his threes and they find a middle ground to get him involved. He is at his best with a gifted passing point guard(kidd) or a chris paul. Parker is not that. Can't wait to see how he adjusts.

When Timmy on the floor no. But with all the new young legs there is a chance we may see the Spurs pushing more in transition. Parker is great on the run no he needs to connect with RJ.

08-18-2010, 12:08 PM
I'm so glad that the Spurs payed 40 million to a player that they still have to "figure out" how to make fit.

08-18-2010, 12:13 PM
I'm so glad that the Spurs payed 40 million to a player that they still have to "figure out" how to make fit.

Get over it already...

You're like a guy at a party who keeps bringing up how his ex-girlfriend left him three years ago.

08-18-2010, 12:13 PM
I'm so glad Spursfans still feel like complaining about signing a player whose contract ink is dryer than a hundred year old woman.

It's a new season; be optimistic, and move on.

08-18-2010, 12:20 PM
Get over it already...

You're like a guy at a party who keeps bringing up how his ex-girlfriend left him three years ago.

I'm so glad Spursfans still feel like complaining about signing a player whose contract ink is dryer than a hundred year old woman.

It's a new season; be optimistic, and move on.

C'mon benny, do your best to be jolly and gay for the new season.

08-18-2010, 12:27 PM
Pop: Richard?
Dick: Yes Pop?
Pop: We've come up with a reward strategy for good play this year. I think you'll like yours.
Dick: What is it Pop? I hope it's that bed set from Pottery Barn. You know the pink one?
Pop: What? No. Good God man. We want you to be motivated the entire year, so... (slides folder across the table). I hope you like it.
Dick: (opens folder) Oh my gentle Jesus... Me likey.
Pop: Good. We've got him chained up in the basement. Go get 'em Richard.
Dick: (working out maniacally while dialing phone) Luke, we've got him. Bring the boys.

08-18-2010, 12:54 PM
Get over it already...

You're like a guy at a party who keeps bringing up how his ex-girlfriend left him three years ago.
That guy has a pretty hard time not talking about her when that ex-girlfriend keeps showing up at every party he goes to...which is exactly what will happen this season.

08-18-2010, 12:57 PM
Pop: Richard?
Dick: Yes Pop?
Pop: We've come up with a reward strategy for good play this year. I think you'll like yours.
Dick: What is it Pop? I hope it's that bed set from Pottery Barn. You know the pink one?
Pop: What? No. Good God man. We want you to be motivated the entire year, so... (slides folder across the table). I hope you like it.
Dick: (opens folder) Oh my gentle Jesus... Me likey.
Pop: Good. We've got him chained up in the basement. Go get 'em Richard.
Dick: (working out maniacally while dialing phone) Luke, we've got him. Bring the boys.

lol Clay Aiken

08-18-2010, 01:34 PM
I'm so glad that the Spurs payed 40 million to a player that they still have to "figure out" how to make fit.

Don't they have to do that (to a certain extent) with every player except for the one they build the team around? This whole "bad fit" bullshit is overblown and highly exaggerated.

08-18-2010, 02:17 PM
More of this would be great :


08-18-2010, 03:23 PM
Don't they have to do that (to a certain extent) with every player except for the one they build the team around? This whole "bad fit" bullshit is overblown and highly exaggerated.

It is? It's over blown bc of the contract, which makes sense.

08-18-2010, 03:32 PM
It is? It's over blown bc of the contract, which makes sense.

After a contract is signed, I think they should forget about it and judge production based on something else. Production per $ is a meaningless figure and would mean guys on cheap contracts are the best players in the league.

That being said, I'm pretty sure RJ has one year to show improvement in his impact to the team and if not he will be shopped (again).

08-18-2010, 03:36 PM
No it is not over blown bc that is why bad contracts are so deadly in this league. Also they don't have to fit other players in like he stated. They usually bring players in that fit their system. It is def not over blown bc good fits and chemistry are crucial and bad contracts are killers.

08-18-2010, 03:47 PM
No it is not over blown bc that is why bad contracts are so deadly in this league. Also they don't have to fit other players in like he stated. They usually bring players in that fit their system. It is def not over blown bc good fits and chemistry are crucial and bad contracts are killers.

Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili did not fit the system. Popovich had to adjust his system to adapt to them. He had to adjust his style to get the best results from their talents. I'm not saying Jefferson is on that level at this point or that Pop needs to go to such extremes, but a little adjustment by Pop to help RJ find his role and be productive is certainly attainable and beneficial.

08-18-2010, 03:53 PM
The Spurs have fine tuned their system and built around the big 3. They are not changing that. Would doing the things mentioned help RJ look better? Yes. Would it help the team? Doubtful.

08-18-2010, 03:57 PM
Why not? It's not that hard for a good coach like Popovich. It's just Xs and Os. It doesn't seem that intrusive. Why not try to optimize the talents of your starting wing? The system can't be so set in stone that it is impossible to make adjustments. If that's the case, then the problem is the system.

08-18-2010, 04:30 PM
Why not? It's not that hard for a good coach like Popovich. It's just Xs and Os. It doesn't seem that intrusive. Why not try to optimize the talents of your starting wing? The system can't be so set in stone that it is impossible to make adjustments. If that's the case, then the problem is the system.

I agree that a system change to better utilize RJ's open floor talent would help the Spurs. It would make them less one-dimensional (everyone currently knows what the Spurs run). Adding an element of speed and power from the SF spot would give the Spurs offense an element it hasn't had since S.Jax left.

08-18-2010, 04:50 PM
I agree that a system change to better utilize RJ's open floor talent would help the Spurs. It would make them less one-dimensional (everyone currently knows what the Spurs run). Adding an element of speed and power from the SF spot would give the Spurs offense an element it hasn't had since S.Jax left.

Spurs still like to push and run whenever they (can) get stops and retrieve long rebounds-- There were many scenarios last year where R.J reaped the benefits of such situations ( converting in slightly contested 2 on 1--3 on 2-- situations around the rim for an easy two points). Spurs have never had that at the 3 spot since Sean's early days. Now with Splitter to help stabilize the interior defense, there should be more of these opportunities. (Better the defense-- the more opportunities Spurs will have to run).

And Jax never had speed and power-- his fast break offense consisted of floating to the 3 point line, while Tony and Manu did the pushing ( which worked fine).

08-18-2010, 04:51 PM
More of this would be great :


They really do need to draw up more plays for Jefferson where he finds himself finishing at the rim.

Expectations will be MUCH lower this year, so he should feel less pressured this year and with
a year under his belt, SHOULD play better.

about 40 dunk next year and I'll be happy.

08-18-2010, 04:57 PM
How can the system designed around 3 stars that has won 4 titles be the problem? The problem is the player. The bad fit. The guy throwing the balance off.

Sure, Pop could easily tweak it to make it more RJ friendly, but that is not the point. Tweaking a championship system and taking away opportunities from far better and more efficient players (TP, Manu, Tim, Hill, possibly Tiago) just to suit RJ is a losing proposition.

The other side is you shouldn't have to do that for a guy you pay 40M to.

08-18-2010, 05:01 PM
You don't change the system, you find a balance in your rotation to give your best players the most opportunities during the course of the 48 minute war.

Which is why Manu has came off the bench for the majority of his career.

08-18-2010, 05:05 PM
How can the system designed around 3 stars that has won 4 titles be the problem? The problem is the player. The bad fit. The guy throwing the balance off.

Sure, Pop could easily tweak it to make it more RJ friendly, but that is not the point. Tweaking a championship system and taking away opportunities from far better and more efficient players (TP, Manu, Tim, Hill, possibly Tiago) just to suit RJ is a losing proposition.

The other side is you shouldn't have to do that for a guy you pay 40M to.

Actually it was designed around 3 stars, a star perimeter defender, a shotblocking big so the defense could funnel slashers to the baselines, and quality role players who could knock down shots and play *some* defense. But the league has evolved as well, so that system may not work against the best teams now. Now we have to have longer, stronger players who can go against guys like LeBron, Wade, Bosh, or Kobe, Bynum/Gasol and Odom. So using the old system may get some wins but really what the Spurs need is to add to the old system with the new foes in mind.

And of course the FO/coaches know this and have been trying to add plays and pieces to the system the whole time.

08-18-2010, 05:12 PM
Spurs weren't trying to add a player like RJ is. They were trying to add a player they thought RJ could be. 3 PT shooting and top flight defense. They were wrong on that, not the system.

You can't force a square peg into a round hole. RJ is a square peg on this team unfortunately and making some minor tweaks is not going to make things much better overall imo.

There is only so much you can do for your 5th offensive option, which RJ is at best.

08-18-2010, 05:29 PM
How can the system designed around 3 stars that has won 4 titles be the problem? The problem is the player. The bad fit. The guy throwing the balance off.

Sure, Pop could easily tweak it to make it more RJ friendly, but that is not the point. Tweaking a championship system and taking away opportunities from far better and more efficient players (TP, Manu, Tim, Hill, possibly Tiago) just to suit RJ is a losing proposition.

The other side is you shouldn't have to do that for a guy you pay 40M to.

I said, if the system is so inflexible that it cannot incorporate a player with an obvious and distinct skill set without disrupting it's basic nature, then it is a flawed system. I don't believe that it is, I was just making a point.
Pop is no stranger to making adjustments from roster to roster, Avery to AD to Tony, Sean to Bruce, everyone to Manu. I'm not sure what to attribute his unwillingness to do so with RJ last season to. Maybe he thought RJ was going to be a player he could just plug in to Bowen's role or play the PF position without ever playing there before. That doesn't seem very smart, and I think Pop is a smart guy. I think the reason for the "bad fit" was born out of necessity because there were just so many holes and new pieces on the roster that Pop just didn't really have the options he has had before. RJ I think took most of the blame for that because the expectations were high, his struggles were highlighted and magnified and a lot of his detractors are not taking into consideration that it takes a whole team to lose just as much as it does to win.

Also, only 3 of the 4 titles were won built around the big three and this "championship system" hasn't yielded a title in three years. Changes are expected and should have been made the summer of 2008.

08-18-2010, 05:36 PM
Spurs weren't trying to add a player like RJ is. They were trying to add a player they thought RJ could be. 3 PT shooting and top flight defense. They were wrong on that, not the system.

I don't believe that. If that's true the Pop & FO are stupid. I could have told you that RJ wasn't Bruce.

You can't force a square peg into a round hole. RJ is a square peg on this team unfortunately and making some minor tweaks is not going to make things much better overall imo.

This metaphor is meaningless in the real world. Corporations and businesses thrive on finding ways to make the seemingly impossible, possible. There are plenty of players in the NBA that could have been bad fits on their current teams, but were incorporated in such a way that their differences could be used as an advantage.

08-18-2010, 05:43 PM
Spurs weren't trying to add a player like RJ is. They were trying to add a player they thought RJ could be. 3 PT shooting and top flight defense. They were wrong on that, not the system.

You can't force a square peg into a round hole. RJ is a square peg on this team unfortunately and making some minor tweaks is not going to make things much better overall imo.

There is only so much you can do for your 5th offensive option, which RJ is at best.

Well maybe the Spurs couldn't find a round peg to put in their round hole (oh my god that's terrible), so instead they brought the square peg back; only now, they are going to try and change the round hole into a square one (tweak the system).

08-18-2010, 05:48 PM
Well maybe the Spurs couldn't find a round peg to put in their round hole (oh my god that's terrible), so instead they brought the square peg back; only now, they are going to try and change the round hole into a square one (tweak the system).

Yeah, and RJ was actually pretty decent towards the 2nd half of last season. So maybe this season RJ can play well in the first AND second halves. So then the Spurs can fit three halves into the "hole."

08-18-2010, 05:58 PM
Yeah, and RJ was actually pretty decent towards the 2nd half of last season. So maybe this season RJ can play well in the first AND second halves. So then the Spurs can fit three halves into the "hole."

To be accurate, R.J actually played well the first 2 months of the season (hit 40 % of his 3's during this span).

Then in the months of January and February, R.J got into a funk and the regressed confidence in his shot started to effect his all around game.

At this point in late February and early March is when R.J kind of put all the mind games aside and started playing more assertive and more aggressive on the boards and with taking the ball to the basket (which explains the increase in his overall shooting percentage the last 2 months of the season).

People really try to exploit the 2 months of the year where he was really bad for the whole year and that's not really a fair way to access his year.

08-18-2010, 06:04 PM
Spurs weren't trying to add a player like RJ is. They were trying to add a player they thought RJ could be. 3 PT shooting and top flight defense.

This may have been true the 1st time they signed him.

They were wrong on that, not the system.

Then why did they sign him a 2nd time?! Jefferson walked away clean, yet the FO brought him back.
Alas, the deal is done. I'm sure the coaches & FO have an idea how to go forward.
My hope is that things work out.:toast:flag:

08-18-2010, 06:20 PM
We can’t win a championship without changing it up a little.
Yes we have the big 3 but really most of last season was the big 1.5. TD killed it early, Manu killed it late TP was off and on throughout the year but never really finding a rhythm.
The side needs a shakeup cos hoping that the big 3 can fire all season long and playoffs too is a pipe dream.
We need to bring in Splitter and Anderson/Neal, blair needs to step up, RJ needs to be utilised by Parker more + step up his jump shot.

The side will move differently but we have to if we want to run deep into the playoffs.
The old spurs defensive grind still needs to be there but in offense our basic pick and roll isn’t going to cut it anymore we need to develop new plays and strats to contend, most teams coaches can predict our offense better than half our players.
Pop needs to start doing what made him become such a great coach all those years ago.

08-18-2010, 06:52 PM
How is it that people can call themselves Spurs fans have so little understanding about how they run their offense? Everyone looks at Parker's assists per stats and assume that he is not efficiently running the offense. The Spurs run pick and rolls and penetrate and dish plays. Parker penetrates, if the defense collapses on him he kicks it out. The ball is passed around the perimeter until they get an open look or an open lane to the hoop. If the defense stays put, Parker gets an easy layup or a floater. Parker may not get the direct assist, but it is his ability to penetrate the paint and either score or kick out that sets the whole offense in motion.

08-18-2010, 07:03 PM
Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili did not fit the system. Popovich had to adjust his system to adapt to them. He had to adjust his style to get the best results from their talents. I'm not saying Jefferson is on that level at this point or that Pop needs to go to such extremes, but a little adjustment by Pop to help RJ find his role and be productive is certainly attainable and beneficial.

Please tell me what system manu ginobili would not fit. I think manu can fit any system.

08-18-2010, 07:19 PM
Please tell me what system manu ginobili would not fit. I think manu can fit any system.

Go back and look for the multitude of quotes from Pop saying he didn't know what to do Ginobili at first and how his style was so different than any other player he had coached. It wasn't until Pop admittedly let Manu go and do his thing that the player/coach relationship blossomed and the Spurs started collecting trophies.

After you do that, you can come back and sit at the big boy table.

08-18-2010, 07:20 PM
I assume that the spurs are going utilize rj's skill a lot better this year which will make the spurs better. The thing is if he can't hit the open three we are going to look like shit in the playoffs. A team can't win if they have two non-shooters playinging at pg,sg,sf positions(parker and rj). The lakers struggled sometimes with having artest on the court and they had kobe/fisher who can both shoot. The majority of the time we will be in a have court situation setting screens for parker to penetrate, once the defense collapses rj has to be able to knock the shot down.

Jefferson Must:

-shoot 37% from the three-point line(He shot 40% in Mil. and 36% a couple other times in his career)

-shoot 80% on free-throws(His free-throw percentage dropped drastically last year for some reason. Was that the system?)

-increase his intentensity on defense(His defense must improve.)

Spurs Must-

-Utilize Jefferson on offense much better than this past season

08-18-2010, 07:24 PM
Go back and look for the multitude of quotes from Pop saying he didn't know what to do Ginobili at first and how his style was so different than any other player he had coached. It wasn't until Pop admittedly let Manu go and do his thing that the player/coach relationship blossomed and the Spurs started collecting trophies.

After you do that, you can come back and sit at the big boy table.

It is quite easy to fit a player who can shoot,penetrate, and play defense into any system in my opinion. I don't care what pop said.

It is very difficult to fit a sf who cant shoot,penetrate or play defense into a system in my opinion.

08-18-2010, 07:57 PM
It is quite easy to fit a player who can shoot,penetrate, and play defense into any system in my opinion. I don't care what pop said.

It is very difficult to fit a sf who cant shoot,penetrate or play defense into a system in my opinion.

The point was that Pop has changed his "system" and even his coaching approach to accommodate players that did not seemingly fall into a specific mold. I hope Pop can revisit this attitude with RJ this season. Like I said before, I don't think it will take any earth shaking, whole sale changes. Just a few tweaks . . . and no more playing RJ at the 4.

08-18-2010, 08:20 PM
I said, if the system is so inflexible that it cannot incorporate a player with an obvious and distinct skill set without disrupting it's basic nature, then it is a flawed system. I don't believe that it is, I was just making a point.
Pop is no stranger to making adjustments from roster to roster, Avery to AD to Tony, Sean to Bruce, everyone to Manu. I'm not sure what to attribute his unwillingness to do so with RJ last season to. Maybe he thought RJ was going to be a player he could just plug in to Bowen's role or play the PF position without ever playing there before. That doesn't seem very smart, and I think Pop is a smart guy. I think the reason for the "bad fit" was born out of necessity because there were just so many holes and new pieces on the roster that Pop just didn't really have the options he has had before. RJ I think took most of the blame for that because the expectations were high, his struggles were highlighted and magnified and a lot of his detractors are not taking into consideration that it takes a whole team to lose just as much as it does to win.

Also, only 3 of the 4 titles were won built around the big three and this
"championship system" hasn't yielded a title in
three years. Changes are expected and should have been made the summer of 2008.

If there should have been changes, why bring back the same squad plus some rookies?

Also, your points on Pop changing the system for Parker and Manu are invalid and full of semantics. The system has not been some crazy evolving thing like you portray. Also my entire point was that you can mold a system and it makes sense when it is for your big 3 that can win you titles. Not for 5/6th options like RJ.

08-18-2010, 08:27 PM
I don't believe that. If that's true the Pop & FO are stupid. I could have told you that RJ wasn't Bruce.

You must not have listened to anything Pop said about RJ and the trade with regards to RJ's role.

This metaphor is meaningless in the real world. Corporations and businesses thrive on finding ways to make the seemingly impossible, possible. There are plenty of players in the NBA that could have been bad fits on their current teams, but were incorporated in such a way that their differences could be used as an advantage.

That is all well and good, but many companies fail and you are ignoring that. More fail than succeed. The good companies do evolve, but their core remains the same and that is the foundation.

You are arguing based on semantics. Sure, "some" players could be worse fits on their team, that does not mean you should tweak a winning system for a 5th option to make him marginally better. The Spurs system might evolve, but needing good 3 PT shooting, spacing and perimeter defense is still a must.

08-18-2010, 08:27 PM
This may have been true the 1st time they signed him.

Then why did they sign him a 2nd time?! Jefferson walked away clean, yet the FO brought him back.
Alas, the deal is done. I'm sure the coaches & FO have an idea how to go forward.
My hope is that things work out.:toast:flag:

They re-signed him a second time to save money. Nothing else.

08-18-2010, 09:01 PM
To be accurate, R.J actually played well the first 2 months of the season (hit 40 % of his 3's during this span).

Then in the months of January and February, R.J got into a funk and the regressed confidence in his shot started to effect his all around game.

At this point in late February and early March is when R.J kind of put all the mind games aside and started playing more assertive and more aggressive on the boards and with taking the ball to the basket (which explains the increase in his overall shooting percentage the last 2 months of the season).

People really try to exploit the 2 months of the year where he was really bad for the whole year and that's not really a fair way to access his year.

He played terrible defense all season long. You can twist it anyway you want, but I saw the same season you did, and there's two sides on the floor.

He's the 5th option, so what he does offensively is really gravy. Unfortunately he's not getting his lateral quickness back, so we'll see if he pulls a regular-season Bonner and his offense can make up for what he gives up on defense.

Ultimately, I was hoping the Spurs would tailor their offense to favor Richard more last season. Didn't happen. I'm not expecting it to happen this season either, but we'll see.

08-18-2010, 09:02 PM
They re-signed him a second time to save money. Nothing else.

Do you really believe the entire FO is that dense and stupid to sign a player only for the purposes of saving money? Really? It's hard for me to actually believe that you believe this.

08-18-2010, 09:03 PM
Go back and look for the multitude of quotes from Pop saying he didn't know what to do Ginobili at first and how his style was so different than any other player he had coached. It wasn't until Pop admittedly let Manu go and do his thing that the player/coach relationship blossomed and the Spurs started collecting trophies.

After you do that, you can come back and sit at the big boy table.

Ginobili has nothing to do with RJ... Manu can pass, can defend, can create his own shot... we're talking day and night... if anything, Pop realized Manu was too good to strap him with some structured offense.

08-18-2010, 09:51 PM
What it comes down to is that RJ is not a very good player - he doesn't create his own shot, doesn't hit the 3 at a high %, doesn't pass well, doesn't defend well, doesn't hit the mid-range jump shot (did I miss something?)

The one thing he does well is run in the open court with a pg who can spoon feed him. Since we don't have a pg like Kidd and we don't have a starting caliber SF so that RJ can play with Manu the majority of the time, hopefully they'll run some plays for RJ with TP so they can carry the team during the RS and save Duncan and Manu for the playoffs.

I have no hope or expectations for RJ in the playoffs (much like Bonner) but if they can ease the burden of the other vets during the RS, I won't complain too much about these 2 horrible, long-term contracts:depressed

08-18-2010, 10:17 PM
Do you really believe the entire FO is that dense and stupid to sign a player only for the purposes of saving money? Really? It's hard for me to actually believe that you believe this.

It is why.

08-18-2010, 10:18 PM
RJ is still a good player, but not as a constrained 5th option on a structured team.

08-18-2010, 10:27 PM
He played terrible defense all season long. You can twist it anyway you want, but I saw the same season you did, and there's two sides on the floor.

That's your opinion.

I was just bringing up the facts in my last post.

08-18-2010, 11:05 PM
They re-signed him a second time to save money. Nothing else.
I'm becoming more and more accepting of this fact every day...though it is hard to swallow. They knew that the championship years were over yet they had to do something that made it look like they were still trying, while at the same time saving money by getting out of the tax.

Good for them financially, but it sucks for the fans...especially ones who still have visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads.

08-19-2010, 07:45 AM
That's your opinion.

I was just bringing up my opinion in my last post.
