View Full Version : Summer Heights High

08-23-2010, 10:46 PM
Anyone else a fan?



I first saw it this summer. Hilarious.

08-23-2010, 10:53 PM
I watched 4 episodes and gave up. I didn't get the humor. It was slightly above South Park but below Family Guy except live action, in my opinion.

And I love stupid comedy...like I paid $10 to see Vampires Suck last weekend..so that should say something about my humor tolerance. If I cannot tolerate this it's really crap.

08-23-2010, 10:54 PM
I watched 4 episodes and gave up. I didn't get the humor. It was slightly above South Park but below Family Guy except live action, in my opinion.

Family Guy>>>South Park? Boo.

08-23-2010, 10:57 PM
I watched 4 episodes and gave up. I didn't get the humor. It was slightly above South Park but below Family Guy except live action, in my opinion.

And I love stupid comedy...like I paid $10 to see Vampires Suck last weekend..so that should say something about my humor tolerance. If I cannot tolerate this it's really crap.

lol I agree..

wtf since when does Family guy have better comedy than South Park? :nope

And who in their right minds would watch a shitty spoof like Vampires Suck? Oh that's right... the twilight freaks. You wouldn't happen to be a fan huh?

This kind of post makes me want to watch Summer Heights High now..

08-23-2010, 11:00 PM
I watched 4 episodes and gave up. I didn't get the humor. It was slightly above South Park but below Family Guy except live action, in my opinion.

And I love stupid comedy...like I paid $10 to see Vampires Suck last weekend..so that should say something about my humor tolerance. If I cannot tolerate this it's really crap.

you paid to see that shit?

08-23-2010, 11:22 PM
I watched 4 episodes and gave up. I didn't get the humor. It was slightly above South Park but below Family Guy except live action, in my opinion.

And I love stupid comedy...like I paid $10 to see Vampires Suck last weekend..so that should say something about my humor tolerance. If I cannot tolerate this it's really crap.

If you think Family Guy is better than South Park and you actually paid ten bucks to see Vampires Suck then you just have a shitty taste in entertainment.

08-24-2010, 09:23 AM
It was slightly above South Park but below Family Guy


08-24-2010, 09:30 AM
and I haven't seen this Summer Heights High, but it looks funny.

As far as foreign high school comedies go, The Inbetweeners is pretty fuckin hilarious.


08-24-2010, 09:34 AM
Ha..yes. I have seen all three Twilight movies and laughed at a few scenes in Vampires Suck. It was more of an "okay...let's go see what a friend wants to see..." then a "Yeees! Everyone wants to see it!"

Anyway. I'm not a fan of Summer Heights. Now, give me a marathon of Scrubs and I'll be entertained for days.

08-24-2010, 09:41 AM
imo every spoof movie that comes out these days is so bad, I'd probably rather watch the shitty movies they're spoofing.

Goran Dragic
08-24-2010, 09:46 AM
The "_____ movie" spoofs got progressively shittier and that killed spoofs IMO. Scary Movie 1 was hilarious, Scary Movie 2 was semi-hilarious, Scary Movie 3 was funny, Scary movie 4 sucked, Date movie was terrible, and epic movie was maybe the worst movie I've ever seen.

08-24-2010, 09:54 AM
Miss, Miss. Some of Summer Heights High was damn funny.

08-24-2010, 10:18 AM
If I recall correctly, there's one actor who plays 3 roles, right? I've only seen a couple of episodes but the drama teacher character was hilarious and way funnier than the slacker or teenage girl characters.