View Full Version : The Donation..

08-24-2010, 12:32 AM
As most of you know, The Donation received higher TV ratings than any NBA game since 1998, the Jordan era..this includes playoff games and Finals games featuring head-to-head battles between the Lakers and Celtics, the 2 most storied franchises in the league..

The Donation had the 3rd highest cable ratings of ANYTHING on cable TV all year, only trailing the Pro Bowl and some popular kids show..

So I ask..is it good for the NBA that it's biggest star can draw so many viewers for such an event, while taking his talents to South Beach, thus creating a potential super team?(which are always popular)..or should it be alarming that such an event can draw more viewers than an actual NBA Finals game 7 featuring the 2 most storied teams in the NBA?..

08-24-2010, 12:35 AM
As long as it benefits the kids..

08-24-2010, 12:43 AM
As most of you know, The Donation received higher TV ratings than any NBA game since 1998, the Jordan era..this includes playoff games and Finals games featuring head-to-head battles between the Lakers and Celtics, the 2 most storied franchises in the league..

The Donation had the 3rd highest cable ratings of ANYTHING on cable TV all year, only trailing the Pro Bowl and some popular kids show..

So I ask..is it good for the NBA that it's biggest star can draw so many viewers for such an event, while taking his talents to South Beach, thus creating a potential super team?(which are always popular)..or should it be alarming that such an event can draw more viewers than an actual NBA Finals game 7 featuring the 2 most storied teams in the NBA?..

when coming out of the closet I guess it's a always a big deal. The first gay super hero is Lebron and we're not trying to take that away from him...


08-24-2010, 12:48 AM
Harlem Ho...so which one are you Booker T or Stevie Ray.... ;-)


jV0GezIUeI4 s8l7AIOOCo8

08-24-2010, 01:13 AM
kids are important
but there is no way a wrong can be made right by doing something nice with it

had he told the cavs a day ahead of time I would have as much problem with it

he was nice enough to call one of the teams 1 hour before the show
who never gave him a penny of his salary

08-24-2010, 01:18 AM
Ducky, what is more important?..the feelings of the Cavs' organization, or the fact that kids received 6.5 million $ due to Lebron's decision?..

Venti Quattro
08-24-2010, 01:30 AM
What an act for humanity.

08-24-2010, 01:47 AM
The Cavs organization were subpar anyway whether its Dan Gilbert, Danny Ferry, Mike Brown, or the supporting cast. Pat Riley simply shits all over them. Only real future with them was to wait for the Lakers and Celtics to get older and hope to stay healthy.

What LeBron did was great for the NBA but shitty for Cleveland and its fanbase. The two most popular athletes in the USA are pretty hate-able human beings in Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods; LeBron wants and knows the money's in being a polarizing figure ( + winning championships) and he did both by going to Miami. All a part of the NWO show which made casual sports fans interested in the NBA again. The TV ratings for Heat games should be damn high since they also seem like one of the most exciting teams to watch.

08-24-2010, 07:29 AM
Ducky, what is more important?..the feelings of the Cavs' organization, or the fact that kids received 6.5 million $ due to Lebron's decision?..

and just what did Gloria receive for her feelings....:lmao "The Precious"


08-24-2010, 07:48 AM
As most of you know, The Donation received higher TV ratings than any NBA game since 1998, the Jordan era..this includes playoff games and Finals games featuring head-to-head battles between the Lakers and Celtics, the 2 most storied franchises in the league..

The Donation had the 3rd highest cable ratings of ANYTHING on cable TV all year, only trailing the Pro Bowl and some popular kids show..

So I ask..is it good for the NBA that it's biggest star can draw so many viewers for such an event, while taking his talents to South Beach, thus creating a potential super team?(which are always popular)..or should it be alarming that such an event can draw more viewers than an actual NBA Finals game 7 featuring the 2 most storied teams in the NBA?..


i love you, man

08-24-2010, 08:53 AM
Good troll job, imo.

08-24-2010, 09:54 AM
2.5 million was generated from "The Decision". There are some 4,000 Boys & Girls Clubs in America, serving more than 4.2 million kids. The Decision gave each club $625. That's about 60 cents per kid. Expenses are not factored in.

http://www.cnbc.com/id/38154289/LeBron_The_Decision_Will_Generate_2_5_Million_For_ Boys_Girls_Club

The Chronicle of Philanthropy ranked Boys & Girls Clubs of America number one among youth organizations for the 13th consecutive year, and number 12 among all nonprofit organizations. The Boys & Girls Clubs of America are the official charity of Major League Baseball.


In other words, they get money all the time. How much? I don't know and I don't care, but LeGone's donation is likely just a drop in the bucket. Here's a 3 million dollar grant from Staples:


In the good old days, some states put a lottery on their ballots. The spin the promoters sold it with, and people bought, was usually one third of the revenue went to public education. Since other gambling ventures didn't offer this windfall, the lottery initiatives were voted in by large majorities.

The net result was that state legislatures reduced spending to schools by a similar amount and spent it elsewhere. When a recession hit, the poor spent less on the lottery and education proceeeds from the lottery went down. Yeah, the kids really benefited, didn't they?

Now let's compare distribuion of funds from a lottery above to "The Decision". My question is, how many contributors will donate their money elsewhere since the Boys & Girls Club of America just got a huge windfall from LeQuit and maybe there are more needier organizations in need of help to consider? You can't say, it's all speculation.

Congratulations on buying LeHype, America. Show us how the money from "The Decision" was spent, and how it helped, then, and only then, is "The Decision" justified from a charitable point of view. It will never be acceptable for the murder LePrince put on the city and fans of Cleveland.

Don Ready
08-24-2010, 10:04 AM
when coming out of the closet I guess it's a always a big deal. The first gay super hero is Lebron and we're not trying to take that away from him...


Just another homosexual comment from Kool. Nothing to see here.

08-24-2010, 10:12 AM
there goes Harlem again cupping balls ...where are all the duncan or splitter stories from this so -called spur fan?

Basketball Jones
08-24-2010, 10:25 AM
The Situation is also taking something bad and making something better out of the lame jersey shore situation in the amount of 5 million dollars.

08-24-2010, 10:53 AM
As most of you know, The Donation received higher TV ratings than any NBA game since 1998, the Jordan era..this includes playoff games and Finals games featuring head-to-head battles between the Lakers and Celtics, the 2 most storied franchises in the league..

The Donation had the 3rd highest cable ratings of ANYTHING on cable TV all year, only trailing the Pro Bowl and some popular kids show..

So I ask..is it good for the NBA that it's biggest star can draw so many viewers for such an event, while taking his talents to South Beach, thus creating a potential super team?(which are always popular)..or should it be alarming that such an event can draw more viewers than an actual NBA Finals game 7 featuring the 2 most storied teams in the NBA?..

'The Donation' was given to the lakers from the grizzlies, dumbass, what the fuck are you talking about?

08-24-2010, 10:58 AM
The Donation? WTF are you still talking about Lebron? Just when I am forgetting about all basketball someone has to bring it up lol, try talking about something that matters, and nope Lebron doesn't matter unless he is going to pay me some cash

El Chorizo
08-24-2010, 11:16 AM
:lol more like the exploitation

08-24-2010, 11:51 AM
Ducky, what is more important?..the feelings of the Cavs' organization, or the fact that kids received 6.5 million $ due to Lebron's decision?..

the 6.5m charity money vs the amount of revenue the entire city of cleveland will lose once LeQuit dipped?

08-24-2010, 12:16 PM
2.5 million was generated from "The Decision". There are some 4,000 Boys & Girls Clubs in America, serving more than 4.2 million kids. The Decision gave each club $625. That's about 60 cents per kid. Expenses are not factored in.

http://www.cnbc.com/id/38154289/LeBron_The_Decision_Will_Generate_2_5_Million_For_ Boys_Girls_Club

The Chronicle of Philanthropy ranked Boys & Girls Clubs of America number one among youth organizations for the 13th consecutive year, and number 12 among all nonprofit organizations. The Boys & Girls Clubs of America are the official charity of Major League Baseball.


In other words, they get money all the time. How much? I don't know and I don't care, but LeGone's donation is likely just a drop in the bucket. Here's a 3 million dollar grant from Staples:


In the good old days, some states put a lottery on their ballots. The spin the promoters sold it with, and people bought, was usually one third of the revenue went to public education. Since other gambling ventures didn't offer this windfall, the lottery initiatives were voted in by large majorities.

The net result was that state legislatures reduced spending to schools by a similar amount and spent it elsewhere. When a recession hit, the poor spent less on the lottery and education proceeeds from the lottery went down. Yeah, the kids really benefited, didn't they?

Now let's compare distribuion of funds from a lottery above to "The Decision". My question is, how many contributors will donate their money elsewhere since the Boys & Girls Club of America just got a huge windfall from LeQuit and maybe there are more needier organizations in need of help to consider? You can't say, it's all speculation.

Congratulations on buying LeHype, America. Show us how the money from "The Decision" was spent, and how it helped, then, and only then, is "The Decision" justified from a charitable point of view. It will never be acceptable for the murder LePrince put on the city and fans of Cleveland.

All that work on calculating the money out and no one's given you props yet? :toast

Even if LeBron did it for the kids (which is BS that was a very small factor. He has been around the media his whole life and he's loved it) he f'd up in every other way with that show.

And like people have mentioned he could have given the Cavs a heads up AND do the show still. So there are no excuses. He screwed up.

08-24-2010, 02:37 PM
i guess the only way to donate money these days is to shit on someone and make it all about the person donating. What ever happened to people just donating quietly.

Venti Quattro
08-24-2010, 03:01 PM
Donating 6.5 million for the kids is better than keeping an economy revolving on you afloat.

08-25-2010, 12:46 AM

- One guy actually took the time to research how much money the Boys & Girls Club received from other people, as if it has any relevance here..how does that change the fact that Lebron, a young Black male from a poor community, generated 6.5 million$ for the Boys & Girls Club and other charities as well..it doesn't make the contribution any smaller..contributing to a "popular" charity doesn't change anything, that's just foolish..

- Lebron and Cleveland had nothing to do with each other at that time..Lebron was a FA, he was no longer under contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers..he didn't have a team..

- It doesn't have anything to do with the subject of this thread, btw..The Donation is just the name of the event..this thread is asking whether it's bad for the NBA that one player in a non-event can draw better ratings than a game 7 featuring the 2 top franchises in the NBA..

08-25-2010, 12:53 AM
People love to see someone make an ass of themselves on national TV.

08-25-2010, 05:31 PM

- One guy actually took the time to research how much money the Boys & Girls Club received from other people, as if it has any relevance here..how does that change the fact that Lebron, a young Black male from a poor community, generated 6.5 million$ for the Boys & Girls Club and other charities as well..it doesn't make the contribution any smaller..contributing to a "popular" charity doesn't change anything, that's just foolish..

- Lebron and Cleveland had nothing to do with each other at that time..Lebron was a FA, he was no longer under contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers..he didn't have a team..

- It doesn't have anything to do with the subject of this thread, btw..The Donation is just the name of the event..this thread is asking whether it's bad for the NBA that one player in a non-event can draw better ratings than a game 7 featuring the 2 top franchises in the NBA..

No, this thread is just another opportunity for you to tuck yourself inside of LaBron's jock strap, and everyone knows that. I'm afraid you've caused that perception, so don't expect everyone to discuss exactly what you say the topic is about. Especially don;t whine when people hijack your threads.

Oh, but you're an All Spurs Talk poster and have a medal, so people should bow down to you and tow your line. I told you in the troll forum what to do with your medal.

Yes, LeBron had no team, but Cleveland still had the right to do a sign and trade and gve him his blood money, and snake half of Miami's first round draft picks for the foreseeable future. Toronto got the others.

You totally missed the point of my post, which is typical, you aren't very bright. All I did was trivialize it as just a drop in the bucket in terms of the Boys & Girls Club of America's total revenue, but that people bought the spin it was something special. Who pays for it? We do. Even if we didn't watch "The Decision" we pay when we purchase from them. Those sponsors listed in one of my links will raise their prices. That's how advertising goes, pass along the costs in the price of their products. Marketing 301, if you ever get to college, it's usually a junior level course. Once you take accounting, intermediate accounting, cost accounting, macro and micro economics, finance, management, managerial science, and so on, you really get a feel of how the free enterprise system works in America. Besides, free enterprise can only produce so much product before a surplus exists and a recession begins. I could create a economical doctoral thesis on how an activity like "The Decision" is bad for American business and the consumer, but that's a whole new topic. I never went for a P.H.D. but I have two master's.

Major Legue Baseball is the biggest contributor to the Boys & Girls Club of America. After the Decision, you probably thought it was LeBron James. So did plenty of Americans. Yet, you don't see MLB talk about how much they give, do they?

Congratulations, like plenty of other dumb Americans, you bought the LeSpin, from LeHype James. Be a leader, not a follower sheep and a lapdog! Learn to think beyond the box! Raise the bar of your mind! Raise it!

08-25-2010, 05:36 PM
hmmmm.... I thought this thread was about Pau Gasol....