View Full Version : Just got back from watching Star Wars...

Faccia di Angelo
05-18-2005, 10:39 PM
and I must say, it was a pretty good movie! It started off kinda slow but I was freaking tired from last night's game so maybe some parts dragged on for me but overall it was a good one. Some points:

1) Master Yoda- always kicks ass, he does!
2) Natalie Portman is still adorable :)
3) It seems to tie everything in nicely
4) That movie is gonna make a TON of money this weekend

Don't worry, I won't give anything anyway. :spin I'm not a true Star Wars fan, I'm more of a LOTR girl, but I was talking to some Star
Wars fans and they think this one will make other fans happy. My sister's b/f had a tear at the end lol j/k. I guess they hate seeing it come to an end.

05-18-2005, 10:42 PM
Yeah I'm excited I'll probably catch it tomorrow. It will be sad that it's all over. And, yes yes I know about the books but the advantage of the movie is ........ no reading.

05-18-2005, 10:47 PM
and I must say, it was a pretty good movie! It started off kinda slow but I was freaking tired from last night's game so maybe some parts dragged on for me but overall it was a good one. Some points:

1) Master Yoda- always kicks ass, he does!
2) Natalie Portman is still adorable :)
3) It seems to tie everything in nicely
4) That movie is gonna make a TON of money this weekend

Don't worry, I won't give anything anyway. :spin I'm not a true Star Wars fan, I'm more of a LOTR girl, but I was talking to some Star
Wars fans and they think this one will make other fans happy. My sister's b/f had a tear at the end lol j/k. I guess they hate seeing it come to an end.

I went to watch it tonight too!! :blah Last night's Game was BETTER I had fun there and I got drunk and had a blast at SBC. Phantom Menace Sucked, Attack of the Clones was good, Episode III was great
all in all not bad, cause 2 out of 3 ain't bad :)

05-18-2005, 10:52 PM
I saw it too!!

05-18-2005, 10:53 PM
I just have one question....Is Jar Jar Binks in it??

N.Y. Johnny
05-18-2005, 11:03 PM
and I must say, it was a pretty good movie! It started off kinda slow but I was freaking tired from last night's game so maybe some parts dragged on for me but overall it was a good one. Some points:

1) Master Yoda- always kicks ass, he does!
2) Natalie Portman is still adorable :)
3) It seems to tie everything in nicely
4) That movie is gonna make a TON of money this weekend

Don't worry, I won't give anything anyway. :spin I'm not a true Star Wars fan, I'm more of a LOTR girl, but I was talking to some Star
Wars fans and they think this one will make other fans happy. My sister's b/f had a tear at the end lol j/k. I guess they hate seeing it come to an end.

Ohh Bullcrap!!! If you're such a big LOTR fan how come you didn't know who Gil Galad was??? huh? :spin

Thank god Star wars ends with this film, hopefully its better than the first two horrible movies..Episode I and II, Pissed me off so much, Episode I they hyped up Darth Maul and all then he fuckin died?? Episode II was the love story :blah and this? we'll see. :elephant

Faccia di Angelo
05-18-2005, 11:12 PM
I just have one question....Is Jar Jar Binks in it??
I don't believe it was the Jar Jar Binks in it, but his distant cousin or something lol

Zstomp- :wtf :cuss :jack

Johnny- my ass! I knew very well who that was! You're the one who didn't think I'd know alot of things. Btw, I still think Attack of the Clones was the best of the three, at least for me. I love the love story, but you know how I get. This one you'll probably like cause its violent lol

05-18-2005, 11:24 PM
Where did y'all see it? I thought the movie was coming out near midnight Wednesday (early Thursday morning).

Faccia di Angelo
05-18-2005, 11:34 PM
I got tickets to a Pre screening at Live Oak for 7:30. It does come out tonight at midnight and people were lined up for that already. I was talking to some guy there and he came from The Quarry and said people had been there since 12 that afternoon in costume and everything. I was lucky enough to score those free passes and see it early!

05-19-2005, 12:35 AM
Don't invite!!

05-19-2005, 08:30 AM
Don't worry, I won't give anything anyway.

"Spoilers? You want spoilers? Here's a spoiler: You will die alone!" -- Triumph, to a random Star Wars geek


05-19-2005, 08:33 AM
Darth Maul was a waste... they never used him very dramatically till the very end. The original Darth Vader was great, they really got you to fear him. Maul had a great look, but they never used him to make you nervous. With Vader, you would hear that heavy breathing and something primal in the back of your mind would make you look for the exits, just in case. With Maul, it was... "Cool, he looks like a Satan clone... has a neat light saber... oh, he's dead."

05-19-2005, 03:28 PM
I liked the first two SW movies! Because they kind of lead you up to this last movie--ROTS. You have to pay attention closely to some detail from each
TPM and AOTC. A buddy of mone who eats and sleeps SW's, told a few things about the first two movies that I missed. So I checked the out last weekend. Anyhow, I'll be going Saturday the 21st at AMC, the best theater in SAn Antonio!!

05-19-2005, 03:30 PM
A buddy of mone who eats and sleeps SW's

sorry.....I just have to interject....

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

05-19-2005, 03:33 PM
The Onion gave it a good review, which is rare for big Hollywood blockbuster movies... I'm anxious to see it.

05-19-2005, 04:19 PM
I took the day off work to go see it. Damn it was worth it. I'm joining the dark side of Star Wars geek........must buy lightsaber...........and han solo costume

05-19-2005, 05:01 PM
I liked the first two SW movies!

Where can I rent these movies, SW???



05-31-2005, 03:51 PM
I went to see it last night. I guess the buzz wore off because there were only about 12 people in there for the 7:50 showing. I'm guessing there was some "game" on TV or big event here in town last night, who knows? :)

ANYWAY it was pretty good. The first part of the movie had me dizzy, because it was moving around so fast.

Personally, I think Anakin fell too easily to the Dark Side. Poor Samuel Jackson died pretty quickly as well. The story was good, however there were too many holes in it, such as...

1. In Return of the Jedi, Luke asks Leia if she remembers her Mother. She says just a little, and that she was very sad. Well she dies at the end of Episode III, just after giving birth to Leia.

2. It takes 20 plus years to build the Death Star? It's shown at the end of the Episode III, yet at the beginning of Return of the Jedi, they're already building another, with it being a few years after the first was destroyed.

3. At the end of Episode III, Yoda tells Obi-Wan that he still has training left. When finished, he'll be able to see his old master (played by Liam Neeson) yet he's never mentioned again. To quote Yoda in Empire Strikes Back: "Through the force, things you will see, in the future, the past...old friends long gone." Luke isn't even a Jedi, yet he can already see and hear the ghost of Obi-Wan.

4. How does C3PO and R2D2 go through the whole series and not remember Anakin or Obi-Wan? Anakin built C3PO. C3PO was with Padame, so he has "no" memory of her? Very confusing...

5. Who was the real "chosen one?" Was it Anakin? Or Luke?

Anyway, aside from all the little glitches, it was a good movie. I don't know how some said it was too long. It didn't seem like a 2 1/2 hour movie.

05-31-2005, 03:55 PM
Luke was the chosen one and C3PO and R2D2 had there memories erased before being sold to Luke's uncle.

05-31-2005, 03:58 PM
Luke was the chosen one and C3PO and R2D2 had there memories erased before being sold to Luke's uncle.

If they had their memories erased as you said, then R2 would've lost the message he was carrying to Obi-Wan that Princess Leia made. Also, when 3PO had his oil bath, he told Luke who their last master was...Captain Antilles.

And for someone who asked earlier...yeah, Jar-Jar is in the movie. He only appears at the end. He's in the funeral percession for Padame. He doesn't speak.

05-31-2005, 04:02 PM
okay, i'm a nerd too...fuck it.

pooh, at the end of the movie antilles tells one of his people to give the droids a 'mindwipe'

for sure with c3po. not sure about r2.

i think anakin IS the chosen one...he still kills the emporer in RotJ...

05-31-2005, 04:02 PM
Movies are going to have there wholes. According to Lucas's expanded universe both the droids are sold to some trader on Luke's home planet and have there memories erased and after that Luke's uncle buys them for extra help on there farm or whatever.

05-31-2005, 04:09 PM
okay, i'm a nerd too...fuck it.

pooh, at the end of the movie antilles tells one of his people to give the droids a 'mindwipe'

for sure with c3po. not sure about r2.

i think anakin IS the chosen one...he still kills the emporer in RotJ...

Ok I'll give the "mindwipe" one...cause they make C3PO a protocol droid.

I think Anakin was the "one" who would break down and destroy the Jedi, and his offspring, Luke...would bring balance and restore order. Yoda and the other Jedi (with the exception of Obi-Wan) never fully trusted Anakin.

Yoda helped Luke to become a Jedi, but he was like his father...he lacked patience and also he started having visions too. Where as his father had visions of his mother and of his wife dying, Luke had visions of his friends suffering.

His dad, turned to the dark side so he could save his wife...yet Luke rushed to save his friends because of his loyality to them. He cared more about his friends than he did about becoming a Jedi.

05-31-2005, 04:11 PM
He cared more about his friends than he did about becoming a Jedi.

yeah, that's where I tripped up too... :lol

05-31-2005, 04:20 PM
The cheesiest line in the movie is towards the end when the Emperor tells Vader (whose now in his suit) that Padame died at his hands and he yells out "Nooooo!" I kept waiting for him to scream out "Khannnn" or something.

05-31-2005, 04:22 PM
My favorite part was that one time, when that guy ruined the ending of the movie. Mannnnn I loved that :p

Solid D
05-31-2005, 04:23 PM
3) It seems to tie everything in nicely

I'm not a huge Star Wars fanatic but reason 3 captures my sentiments. I always wondered how Darth Vader had gotten into the condition he was in to end up in the black armor and his labored-breathing condition.

We can all die now. :lol

05-31-2005, 04:27 PM
All I know is James Earl Jones' voice rocks.........SIMBA

05-31-2005, 04:28 PM
I'm not a huge Star Wars fanatic but reason 3 captures my sentiments. I always wondered how Darth Vader had gotten into the condition he was in to end up in the black armor and his labored-breathing condition.

We can all die now. :lol

Yeah no kidding...I mean poor guy already lost half an arm, then he loses nearly the whole other arm, both legs whacked off at the knees, and is covered in third degree burns due to the molten lava. I guess the "suit" was needed. :) I wonder if his HMO covered all that work?

Mark in Austin
05-31-2005, 11:02 PM
It is total crap to hear people giving this movie lots of credit for not being a big steaming pile of shit like the first two, but merely being mediocre.

To make an analogy: Let's say you have three loaves of bread. You leave one out for two weeks and it gets moldy. You leave the second out for a month and it grows a lot of mold. You leave the third loaf out for six weeks and it turns into a barely-recognizeable festering moldy blob. Just because the one that was left out for two weeks has the least amount of mold doesn't make it edible.

In that same vein, just because this movie didn't suck as bad as the first two isn't something Lucas should be praised for.

05-31-2005, 11:10 PM
The cheesiest line in the movie is towards the end when the Emperor tells Vader (whose now in his suit) that Padame died at his hands and he yells out "Nooooo!" I kept waiting for him to scream out "Khannnn" or something.When me and my daughter saw the movie, we laughed at that part, probably he most overused dramatic cliche in hollywood history.

06-01-2005, 01:18 AM
I didn't know that Anakin became Darth Vader!!

06-01-2005, 04:24 AM
Episode I, II, and III SUCKED BIG TIME!! I mean, what's with the HORRIBLE ACTING and the CHEESY LINES!!! I really do think that Liam Neeson and Samuel L Jackson are good actors, but they did a horrible job here! I blame Lucas and his writing for the crapy performances. Hayden Christensen should be shot, plain and simple! lol He should really start looking for another profession. Natalie Portman was also horrible (acting wise) but you tend to forgive her 'cause she looks so damn goooood. I think the best acting came from Yoda and Senator Palpatine/Darth Sidious. However, I do believe that this one was more entertaining merely because it makes sense out of the whole saga. I'd give it a 5/10, and I'm being optimistic and giving Lucas credit for the wonderful special effects.

Mark in Austin
06-01-2005, 07:21 AM
It's sad when the best performance in the prequels has come from R2D2.

06-01-2005, 08:21 AM
The whole plot is pretty clumsy. It was much too easy to make Anakin switch to the Dark Side and various evil actions.

06-01-2005, 08:52 AM
pooh, at the end of the movie antilles tells one of his people to give the droids a 'mindwipe'

Actually Senator Organa (the dude that adopted Leia) told Captain Antilles to "erase the protocol droids' memory" referring to C3P0.

06-01-2005, 09:38 AM
If you haven't seen it yet or want to see it again, come up to Austin and see it in the DLP theater at the Highland 10 -- it's like watching an enormous plasma screen. There are only two or three DLP theaters in Texas.

06-01-2005, 05:54 PM
It was funny though how in one scene Natalie Portman wasn't showing, then the next it looked like she'd swallowed a balloon, then back to nothing. But it wasn't a bad movie, it just had too many holes in it that's all. I think Anakin was drawn in too easily by the dark side in the film. I mean you had two movies to lure poor Luke down that way, why not stretch it out in this trilogy?

They didn't even explain where Yoda was heading or even show him leaving. The only thing he mentioned was "into exile I must go". Hell, I thought he was heading to exile after leaving the wookies.

Also, having watched Episode IV once again there was another kind of hole in the story line. When Darth Vader once again confronts Obi-Wan he says to him. "When I left you, I was but the learner...now I am the master." Uh...newsflash Anakin err Darth. Obi-Wan left you, literally "half the man" there on that molten surface. I guess all that machine wires inside of you messed up your brain.

Then there's Obi-Wan...when giving Luke the light saber he took from Anakin after sawing him in half. "Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough. But your Uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow Obi-Wan on some idealistic crusade or something." Yeah I clearly remember Anakin saying while laying on a bunch of smoldering charcoal. "Oh by the way...now that you've sawed me in half, take my light saber and give it to my pregnant wifes' child." I guess I didn't hear that in between the cries of "I hate you!"