View Full Version : Machete

09-03-2010, 01:01 PM
So whos watching this tonight?

Jeff Fahey! lol


09-03-2010, 01:43 PM
Mexicans don't support Mexicans.

Dr. Gonzo
09-03-2010, 01:48 PM
I'm going to go see it.

09-03-2010, 04:25 PM
Looks really cheesy. But yeah lol

09-03-2010, 07:16 PM
i think cosmic cowboy and jack sommerset are going together.

09-03-2010, 07:18 PM
i think cosmic cowboy and jack sommerset are going together.


Who would CosmicCowboy support more in a fight to the death - an illegal Mexican or a n!gger?

09-03-2010, 07:24 PM

Who would CosmicCowboy support more in a fight to the death - an illegal Mexican or a n!gger?

he'd probably hope for a hole to open up and swallow up the 2 of them

09-03-2010, 09:50 PM
just saw it and cheese and gore at it's finest

09-03-2010, 10:03 PM
Yes, we saw it first thing this morning and yes, it rocks.

09-03-2010, 10:45 PM
Definitely on my agenda this weekend. Would have gone today if I could have, actually.

Dr. Gonzo
09-03-2010, 10:47 PM
Machete don't text.

Mark in Austin
09-03-2010, 10:48 PM
Machete improvises.

Mark in Austin
09-03-2010, 10:51 PM
Seriously, this movie was everything I was hoping to get from Grindhouse when it first came out. Loved it.

The end of this review (http://www.hitfix.com/blogs/motion-captured/posts/review-machete-offers-up-authentic-exploitation-thrills-with-no-frills) sums it up best for me:

"Machete" works as pure badass cinema fun. Funny and violent and propulsively scored, "Machete" is pure exploitation gold, more revival than satire, and it is tense, dirty fun from end to end

09-03-2010, 11:51 PM
Badass fucking movie...that is all there is to say.

09-03-2010, 11:59 PM
Had Rodriguez made a good movie?

09-04-2010, 02:21 AM
Had Rodriguez made a good movie?

never. only good thing he ever did was direct 1 room from "four rooms".

09-04-2010, 10:26 AM
I'm gonna see this soon. It better be fucking good or Rodriguez is finished.

09-04-2010, 02:03 PM
I've heard some good reviews and that Jessica Alba has a very nice ass shot and I hope it isn't a stunt double ass shot. I don't mind his movies either.

Mark in Austin
09-04-2010, 03:45 PM
I've heard some good reviews and that Jessica Alba has a very nice ass shot and I hope it isn't a stunt double ass shot. I don't mind his movies either.

There is one scene of Lindsey Lohan where it is clearly a double (and another where it's not), but Alba's scene is all her. :tu

09-04-2010, 04:26 PM
To the people that have seen this movie;

Is there a line in the movie that states, ''You've fucked with the wrong Mexican!''???

Cause if there is, that's grounds to see the movie sans reviews.

09-04-2010, 05:15 PM
To the people that have seen this movie;

Is there a line in the movie that states, ''You've fucked with the wrong Mexican!''???

Cause if there is, that's grounds to see the movie sans reviews.

Yes, that line is DEFINITELY in the movie.... and that plus Machete using a mans intestines to repel down a building = WIN WIN WIN!!!!! Awesome flick!

09-04-2010, 05:21 PM
Yes, that line is DEFINITELY in the movie.... and that plus Machete using a mans intestines to repel down a building = WIN WIN WIN!!!!! Awesome flick!:lol Now I gotta see it.

09-06-2010, 07:28 PM
Fucking hilarious.

Lindsay Lohan's character felt tacked on in the interest of getting as many scenes from the original fake preview into the actual film, since she didn't really serve any other purpose, but that's a pretty minor complaint. It was otherwise exactly what I wanted it to be.

jack sommerset
09-06-2010, 08:14 PM
i think cosmic cowboy and jack sommerset are going together.

What a piece of shit film. I paid for the American but went to see that instead. I couldn't have my hard earn money going to what now is a political statement by the left. I will say it had some nice tities in it though!!!!

09-07-2010, 10:23 AM

09-07-2010, 10:24 AM
so for those who seen it and liked it. Is it better than "Once upon a time in mexico"? if not, I am not paying to go see it.

09-07-2010, 10:35 AM
Some conservative bloggers go nuts over “Machete”
September 7, 2010 at 8:09 am by Mitch Perry

Over the Labor Day weekend, the new Robert Rodriguez B-movie illegal immigration satire, Machete, reached the #3 spot on the box office charts in the U.S. The film, dubbed as a 70’s era “Mexploitation” flick, carries a very deliberate pro Latino stance as the topic of illegal immigration continues to stay in the headlines.

If you’re familiar with some of Rodriguez’ ouevre (”Desperado” and “From Dusk ‘Til Dawn” are two of his better known films) you’re aware that that there’s always going to be a lot of bloodshed involved, and hopefully the other elements (such as its edgy humor) make it at least entertaining, and not too dumb.

The plot in Machete goes something like this: 66-year-old actor Danny Trejo (who actually served time in prison in real life in the 1970’s) is a supreme bad ass and former Federale named Machete who is now an illegal immigrant working in Texas as a day laborer when he is approached by a smooth talking businessman named Booth (played by Jeff Fahey, who is usually seen in straight to video thrillers). Booth offers $150,000 to Machete to kill a racist Texas state Senator, John McLaughlin (played by Robert DeNiro). Senator McLaughlin as played by DeNiro is walking parody of many politicians in America in 2010 who seemingly can’t go far enough in trying to show their bona fides to the voters on how tough they are on illegal immigration. In one scene, McLaughlin guns down an illegal immigrant woman who’s pregnant; but a would be Minuteman with him played by Don Johnson praises the senator, since that’s one less anchor baby to worry about.

We’ll refrain from offering any other plot details, allowing them to unfold in front of you if you opt to see Machete. Needless to say, many heads literally roll, and the machete is used in all types of creative ways to bring down the bad guys.

As far as the production goes, I thought the first half of the film was a hoot, but the energy seriously fades in the second half, before leading into its predictable violent denouement.
I should add that there solid performances by actresses Michelle Alba and Michelle Rodriguez, and Lindsey Lohan is very active in limited screen time (including a scene where her and her screen mother ” get busy” with Machete). Other actors in the mix include Steven Seagal and Cheech Marin.

But there are some conservatives who are outraged at the film. Subtle, it ain’t. Essentially, the anti illegal-immigrant characters in the movie are depicted as racist. And some conservative bloggers who have been following the story of this film getting made are extremely upset, and want to insure that the state of Texas does not grant Machete any tax credits, saying that Robert Rodriguez and his producer lied about the content of the film.

(Many states now give tax breaks of between 20%-30% for productions that film in their states. As CL reported earlier this year, the state of Florida this past legislative session will now provide $242 million in transferable tax credits over the next five years).

But some conservative bloggers say the film, such as infowars.com’s Alex Jones says the film, with its anti-Texas, pro immigrant theme, should not qualify for those credits.

Also in San Francisco this weekend, a far right group claimed it was going to protest the opening of the film, with demonstrators carrying machetes themselves.

On Friday evening September 3rd, we will be protesting the release of the film Machete. This film is an explicitly anti-white blood-bath that encourages Latinos to attack, maim, and kill whites with impunity.

We feel that this is an explicit threat to white folks and that it is necessary to send a message to moviegoers and the producers of this film that threatening people because they happen to be white is unacceptable.

:lmao stupid fucks

09-07-2010, 11:00 AM
Machete was awesome! Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba and even Lindsay Lohan were all sexy as hell in this movie!

09-21-2010, 11:25 PM
Better than I thought it would be.

Laughed my ass off at various parts.

Good job Rodriguez :tu

baseline bum
09-22-2010, 02:57 AM
LOL @ Cheech getting Andrew Bynum'd. Awesome movie.

12-30-2010, 08:42 PM
Awesome fun movie.

LOL Matchete don't text.

:LMAO that Jack didn't like it. That shit made my day.

Mark in Austin
12-30-2010, 08:58 PM
Comes out on Blu Ray next Tuesday...

03-23-2011, 01:44 AM

movie = :tu :tu :tu

The guy must have banged 13-14 of the girls in the movie.

"Machete don't text" and then later in the movie he sends a text chicken pecking at his phone. :lmao