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09-16-2010, 11:28 AM
Harry Reid's 'Pet' Can Win Delaware Seat

By Erik Hayden | September 16, 2010 9:59am

It's hard to imagine a clumsier way for a Democratic Senate Majority Leader to endorse a candidate than by using the words "He's my pet." But unfortunately for Harry Reid (and fortunately for Christine O'Donnell) that's how he endorsed Chris Coons, the front-running Delaware candidate for Senate. The reactions from pundits and across the blogosphere haven't been kind, and Michelle Malkin has already spotlighted an eager designer who fashioned Harry Reid as the Lord of the Ring's Gollum cradling Chris Coons, "his precious," in one hand.

•'Well This Is Odd' writes Mary Katharine Ham at The Weekly Standard. "Is there any way he could have complimented his friend and sounded more off-putting and out of touch with the electorate? ...In my head, Harry Reid is Dr. Evil, creepily patting the head of Mr. Bigglesworth, the next senator from the great state of Delaware."

•This is 'Sheer Dr. Evil Goofiness' chuckles Allahpundit at the blog Hot Air. Does Reid, "not understand that his endorsement doesn’t help, even in a blue state? His national favorable rating is 26/56; I can’t find numbers for Delaware, but if The One’s approval rating is now underwater there, surely the vastly less likable Reid is deep into negative territory. Why would any semi-coherent Democrat want to nationalize this race in a year when the Democrats’ national brand is pure poison for their candidates?"

•'Creepy Harry Reid Hands O’Donnell Her First General Election Ad' concludes Michelle Malkin on her blog. "And go ahead, Democrats. Keep gloating about how you’ve got Delaware in the bag."

I can't wait to see the O'Donnell ads exploiting the idiocy of Harry Reid. Oh - and this morning's polls show she's down just 11 points now; AND she's raised almost a million dollars since her win Tuesday night. Yesterday on his show, Rush Limbaugh said O'Donnell was going to need to raise some money and he said that if his listeners would just donate $1 each, she'd have plenty of money. Welllll - I guess his listeners took his advice, because there were so many people donating to her campaign that they crashed her server!

I think this is going to be an interesting race.

09-16-2010, 11:34 AM
reid is a dickhead.

so is mark levin.

jack sommerset
09-16-2010, 11:42 AM
LoL...."He's my pet" Isn't that douchebags approval rating like 2 percent.

09-16-2010, 11:59 AM
•'Creepy Harry Reid Hands O’Donnell Her First General Election Ad' concludes Michelle Malkin on her blog. "And go ahead, Democrats. Keep gloating about how you’ve got Delaware in the bag."

You would think after the great Teddy's seat went red they wouldn't need Malkin to warn them about gloating.

09-16-2010, 12:22 PM
What has O'Donnell done the past five years that has readied her for the US Senate?

09-16-2010, 12:25 PM
What has O'Donnell done the past five years that has readied her for the US Senate?

She actually seems terribly unqualified to be a Senator.

Kind of like Obama.

09-16-2010, 12:27 PM
So you people whined mightily about Obama's qualifications.

What are O'Donnell's?

09-16-2010, 12:28 PM
So you people whined mightily about Obama's qualifications.

What are O'Donnell's?


beat you to it.

09-16-2010, 12:30 PM

beat you to it.Since you were the first to whine about Obama here, what do you feel are O'Donnell's qualifications?

09-16-2010, 12:36 PM
Since you were the first to whine about Obama here, what do you feel are O'Donnell's qualifications?

I said I don't see that she has any "classic" qualifications to be a Senator.

Then again, that may be a good thing. I'm pretty ambivalent about her at this point. If you want a knee jerk defense of her I'm not your guy.

09-16-2010, 12:42 PM
I said I don't see that she has any "classic" qualifications to be a Senator.

Then again, that may be a good thing. I'm pretty ambivalent about her at this point. If you want a knee jerk defense of her I'm not your guy.lol classic.

George Gervin's Afro
09-16-2010, 12:42 PM
So you people whined mightily about Obama's qualifications.

What are O'Donnell's?

Conservatives are big on past experience when it comes to holding office... oh wait..