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09-16-2010, 04:53 PM
Rove Backs Off O’Donnell Criticism After Limbaugh Declares He’s ‘In Charge’ Of Saying Who’s Electable

from Think Progress by Ben Armbruster

In the early days of the Obama presidency, the Republican Party was so bereft of a leading voice that hate radio host Rush Limbaugh had to fill the vacuum. His reign was so powerful that Republicans dared not cross him, and if they did, they would inevitably beg for forgiveness shortly thereafter.

Karl Rove — who recently guest-hosted Limbaugh’s radio show — appears to be the latest GOPer to bow down before Rush. Rove has taken considerable heat from the right for attacking Delaware’s newly-minted GOP U.S. Senate candidate and Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell, saying she’s a bad candidate who has “serious character problems.” Yesterday, Limbaugh joined in:

“This is about conservatives taking back the Republican Party. … Who the hell are they, anyway, to anoint or disanoint somebody as electable or not electable?” Rush Limbaugh asked Wednesday. “I’m in charge of that! … That’s always been my purview and nothing’s changed.” [...]

“Look at the petulant attitude. ‘Screw you – Christine O’Donnell wins, she’s on her own. You’re on your own,’” Limbaugh said. [...]

“We’re going to throw in the towel here?” Limbaugh rhetorically asked his close ally, who spent a day filling in on his program this summer. “Why not fight for it?”

Rove, who just last night criticized O’Donnell for her tax troubles, today tried to paint himself as an O’Donnell supporter. First, Rove bemoaned being called an “establishment Republican,” pleading, “I’m a huge Tea Party fan!” He then reversed course on O’Donnell. “She’s got a shot to win!” Rove said, claiming that he “endorsed her the other night.” Watch it:

Perhaps Limbaugh is again taking up the mantle as the GOP’s de facto leader, considering the Party still has no ideas, and it appears he no longer thinks highly of its “architect.”



So it looks hate-monger, Magic-Negro-jingle-player Limbaugh really is the leader of the Repugs.

09-16-2010, 04:56 PM

09-16-2010, 04:57 PM
Boutons quotes Rush Limbaugh.


Wild Cobra
09-16-2010, 04:58 PM
Boutons quotes Rush Limbaugh.

Well, I didn't look for any actual quotes, but in my mind, he quoted spin rather than full context.

09-16-2010, 05:01 PM
I don't quote, I report, you lie.

09-16-2010, 05:02 PM
I don't quote, I report, you lie.

You cut and pasted quotes. Thats what those funny " things mean.

09-16-2010, 05:03 PM
It's a shame that transcripts don't use blue when needed. It would certainly make things easier for the simpletons who fall for this tripe.

09-16-2010, 05:36 PM
From what I've heard, Rush merely disagrees with Karl Rove and is a bit perplexed by Rove's over-the-top response to O'Donnell's victory on Tuesday.

By the way, O'Donnell is already polling within 11 points of Coons...and, she started at 20-25 points behind Castle a month before the primary. I wouldn't count this in the Democrat column just yet.

Particularly when you've got Harry Reid calling Coons his "pet."

I can see the ads now;

"O'Donnell for Senate, she's no one's pet."

"Your choices are clear; a true conservative reformer who ousted the Republican Establishment Candidate or Harry Reid's pet."

09-16-2010, 06:44 PM
O'Dumbell makes pitbull bitch seem deep.

tea baggers like their wimmen sorta cute and VERY dumb, like Fox Repug Propaganda network chicks.

09-16-2010, 06:54 PM
If you actually listen to the show instead of just read text on it, you would have picked up on the sarcasm (even though it is true).

This is almost always the case with media reporting on what Rush says. He's making fun of the media by saying what they say/imply, the media is too lazy to actually listen, and reports it like it is a big deal.

09-16-2010, 07:20 PM
Let the infighting begin...

09-17-2010, 12:27 AM
Rove Backs Off O’Donnell Criticism After Limbaugh Declares He’s ‘In Charge’ Of Saying Who’s Electable

from Think Progress by Ben Armbruster

In the early days of the Obama presidency, the Republican Party was so bereft of a leading voice that hate radio host Rush Limbaugh had to fill the vacuum. His reign was so powerful that Republicans dared not cross him, and if they did, they would inevitably beg for forgiveness shortly thereafter.

Karl Rove — who recently guest-hosted Limbaugh’s radio show — appears to be the latest GOPer to bow down before Rush. Rove has taken considerable heat from the right for attacking Delaware’s newly-minted GOP U.S. Senate candidate and Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell, saying she’s a bad candidate who has “serious character problems.” Yesterday, Limbaugh joined in:

“This is about conservatives taking back the Republican Party. … Who the hell are they, anyway, to anoint or disanoint somebody as electable or not electable?” Rush Limbaugh asked Wednesday. “I’m in charge of that! … That’s always been my purview and nothing’s changed.” [...]

“Look at the petulant attitude. ‘Screw you – Christine O’Donnell wins, she’s on her own. You’re on your own,’” Limbaugh said. [...]

“We’re going to throw in the towel here?” Limbaugh rhetorically asked his close ally, who spent a day filling in on his program this summer. “Why not fight for it?”

Rove, who just last night criticized O’Donnell for her tax troubles, today tried to paint himself as an O’Donnell supporter. First, Rove bemoaned being called an “establishment Republican,” pleading, “I’m a huge Tea Party fan!” He then reversed course on O’Donnell. “She’s got a shot to win!” Rove said, claiming that he “endorsed her the other night.” Watch it:

Perhaps Limbaugh is again taking up the mantle as the GOP’s de facto leader, considering the Party still has no ideas, and it appears he no longer thinks highly of its “architect.”



So it looks hate-monger, Magic-Negro-jingle-player Limbaugh really is the leader of the Repugs.

The op seems to have trouble keeping the timeline straight. Rove ripped O'Donnell, Sarah Palin bitch slapped him shortly after, Rove was out backtracking early the next morning before Rush even took to the air.

09-17-2010, 12:53 PM
Rush is joined by other right-wing wacko hate-mongers:

Conservatives Turn Against Karl Rove


jack sommerset
09-17-2010, 01:00 PM
Boutons thinks Rush is the GOP leader.

09-17-2010, 01:03 PM
Rush is the GOP leader. Nobody in the Repug would dare cross Rush.

Those Repugs who made that mistake ended up grovelling out an apology and allegiance to Mt RushBore.

Rush's favorite jingle: The Magic Negro.

jack sommerset
09-17-2010, 01:04 PM
Rush is the GOP leader. Nobody in the Repug would dare cross Rush.

Those Repugs who made that mistake ended up grovelling out an apology and alleganche Mt RushBore.

Rush's favorite jingle: The Magic Negro.


Obviously Rove dared to cross the leader of the grand old party.

09-17-2010, 02:12 PM
bunch of nutjobs.

09-17-2010, 02:16 PM
bunch of nutjobs.

settle down. Take a hit of O2. :lol:king

09-18-2010, 12:44 AM
When stupid people don't know their stupid...


09-18-2010, 02:19 AM
When stupid people don't know their stupid...

That's right, stupid.

10-20-2010, 10:05 PM
mmm schadenfreude.

Man, nothing made me more happy than to see Rove squirm.

Wild Cobra
10-20-2010, 10:19 PM
Particularly when you've got Harry Reid calling Coons his "pet."

I can see the ads now;

"O'Donnell for Senate, she's no one's pet."

"Your choices are clear; a true conservative reformer who ousted the Republican Establishment Candidate or Harry Reid's pet."
I wonder if Harry Reid and his coon dog goes hunting together?


Wild Cobra
10-20-2010, 10:21 PM
Bloodhounds specifically were added to many coonhound lines to enhance the ability to track. Some dogs have webbed toes to deal with the rivers and swamps so common in their hunting grounds.

Coonhounds can hunt individually or as a pack. Generally, hunters don't chase their quarry along with the hounds, unlike organized foxhunting, but wait and listen to the distinctive baying to determine if a raccoon or other animal has been treed. Besides raccoons, coonhounds are excellent at handing all manner of prey if trained properly.


There are several individual breeds of Coonhound:

* Black and Tan Coonhound
* Bluetick Coonhound
* English Coonhound
* Plott Hound
* Redbone Coonhound
* Treeing Walker Coonhound
I wonder if he's Blue Tick Hound Dog?