View Full Version : Projected state budget shortfall reaches $21 billion

09-17-2010, 09:18 AM
For all the noise around the Big Bad Stimulus bill, the absence of those funds in the coming fiscal year will leave some rather large holes in a lot of state budgets, Texas included.-RG

AUSTIN BUREAU (Houston Chronicle Website)

AUSTIN - The working estimate of the looming state budget shortfall has grown to about $21 billion in the face of smaller-than-expected tax revenues and projected higher costs for education and health care, legislative staff said Monday.

Previous estimates topped out at about $18 billion for the upcoming two-year budget period.

"There are a lot of moving parts to the budget, and unfortunately, a lot of them are moving in the wrong direction," budget expert Dale Craymer, president of the Texas Taxpayers and Research Association, said of the new estimate.

The latest estimate from legislative budget writers' staff comes after the state closed the books on the 2010 fiscal year Aug. 31.

Tax collections dampened by the recession are about $1 billion worse than anticipated, according to figures discussed by staff.

Another $2 billion of the shortfall estimate is tied to new projections for growth in areas such as public school enrollment, Medicaid caseloads and higher health care costs for prisoners, government employees and retirees. Staff called the figure a rolling estimate.

Lawmakers have not begun writing the next budget, but the political cost already is being tallied: Democrat Bill White continues to work to use the issue against GOP Gov. Rick Perry.

Perry continues to say he's the one with experience to lead in handling this shortfall as he did when lawmakers closed a $10 billion shortfall in 2003. Then, lawmakers made substantial cuts, deregulated tuition and raised fees.

The size of the shortfall has been a moving target. Earlier this year, the gap was estimated to be at least $11 billion.

In May, House Appropriations Committee Chairman Jim Pitts, R-Waxahachie, upped the projection to as much as $18 billion. GOP state Comptroller Susan Combs is scheduled to make a formal revenue estimate in January, when lawmakers convene.

'Stay tuned'
White, in the Rio Grande Valley Monday, said the budget shortfall showed "Rick Perry failed to plan ahead and come clean with the people of the state about the state's financial crisis."

Perry spokesman Mark Miner questioned the new $21 billion figure.

"Where did that number come from?" he said. "As the governor has said, the official number will come from the comptroller."

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Steve Ogden, R-Bryan, took issue with the $21 billion estimate. He said the figure "takes into account about 15 assumptions, all of which may not be right."

Ogden acknowledged a "structural deficit" of $10 billion to $11 billion, his tally for one-time fund balances and stimulus money used to fund the current budget.

Asked whether, for example, the state must give more money to schools to cover increased enrollment, Ogden said, "You'd like to, but you don't have to. ... We'll certainly look for every way to avoid any type of cuts to public education, because it's that important. But stay tuned."

Getting to work
Rep. Richard Raymond, a Democrat from Laredo who is vice-chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, said he has suggested to Pitts that the budget-writing committee start hearings right after the election.

Committees already have been at work during the interim. House Speaker Joe Straus appeared before Pitts' committee in May to call for lawmakers to close the budget gap without new taxes while suggesting that "significant cuts" will be needed.

The shortfall estimate includes the use of one-time sources to balance the current budget. It also assumes revenue coming in shy of predictions and a need to cover growth in public school enrollment and health care.

The state faces continuing pressure from a decision to take on more of the cost of public education by lowering local school property tax rates without raising state taxes enough to cover the expense.

Lawmakers have a rainy day fund that's estimated to have $8.2 billion next year, but it takes a super-majority vote to spend the money.

San Antonio Express-News reporter Lynn Brezosky contributed to this report.


09-17-2010, 09:25 AM
And we continue to send money to the casinos in Oklahoma and Louisiana.

Hopefully the legislators that made the push in July towards legalizing Casino wagering in Texas will make some headway.

09-17-2010, 09:39 AM
And we continue to send money to the casinos in Oklahoma and Louisiana.

Hopefully the legislators that made the push in July towards legalizing Casino wagering in Texas will make some headway.


It's not a complete answer, but used properly (to fill existing budget gaps and not fund new programs) is certainly a step in the right direction. I'd love to see San Antonio have a casino zone on the Fox Tech High School property with a riverwalk extension that feeds it from the old Ursuline academy site.

09-17-2010, 11:11 AM
Perry spokesman Mark Miner questioned the new $21 billion figure.

"Where did that number come from?" he said. "As the governor has said, the official number will come from the comptroller."


09-17-2010, 01:06 PM
I dont think Texas is going to avoid feeling the pain that other states have been feeling for a while now. These numbers may be worst case scenario, but even better case scenario is going to result in major layoffs at state agencies, and that could begin the start of some gloomy times here in Texas.

09-17-2010, 02:52 PM

LMAO, Perry said yesterday he thought the deficit would be $10-$11 bill. Talk about pulling a number out of your ass without any sort of 'official number from the comptroller.'

09-17-2010, 03:06 PM
LMAO, Perry said yesterday he thought the deficit would be $10-$11 bill. Talk about pulling a number out of your ass without any sort of 'official number from the comptroller.'

which is why I'll go ahead and wait to see what the comptroller says.

09-17-2010, 03:10 PM
Ah yes, Texas and their one shitty casino down in Eagle Pass.

I still wish they would have turned the Alamodome into one. Then they could make money and fuck UTSA's football team all in one fell swoop!

baseline bum
09-17-2010, 04:54 PM
Ah yes, Texas and their one shitty casino down in Eagle Pass.

I still wish they would have turned the Alamodome into one. Then they could make money and fuck UTSA's football team all in one fell swoop!

LOL @ the Alamodome Casino. I can imagine how much of an eyesore that would be from the inside. People hate gambling in wide-open spaces, and they don't get any wider than inside that piece of crap. That would have been a perfect final chapter for that building of failure though. Then again, hosting UTSA football (hey, we finally got a football team in that POS!) isn't a bad second option though. :lol

09-17-2010, 07:23 PM
ugh, this recession is going to put an end to tax free online shopping :depressed

09-18-2010, 08:00 AM
Oh the humanity!

09-18-2010, 08:30 AM
"Texas and their one shitty casino down in Eagle Pass"

and there's that old casino ship that runs out of Port Aransas (or that's where it was a couple years ago).

09-18-2010, 10:25 AM
Texas needs to legalize machine gambling and marijuana and release all the prisoners sitting in Texas jails for minor possession crimes...

09-18-2010, 10:27 AM
"Texas and their one shitty casino down in Eagle Pass"

and there's that old casino ship that runs out of Port Aransas (or that's where it was a couple years ago).


The "Texas Treasure" has been gone for a couple of years now...