View Full Version : see... I Told You So.

Wild Cobra
09-23-2010, 09:47 PM
Democrats delay vote on extending Bush tax cuts (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100924/ap_on_bi_ge/us_tax_cuts)

Senate Democratic leaders decided Thursday to delay a vote on preserving soon-to-expire middle class tax cuts until after congressional elections in November.
They are not going to let this empty promise occur.

09-23-2010, 09:49 PM
That's a good thing in my book...

09-23-2010, 09:54 PM
Yep, the Democrats should reverse all unfunded liabilities that the Bush administration passed to destroy the federal government so that business can take over...

09-24-2010, 12:18 AM
Calling them middle-class tax cuts is a little bit slanted. Presumably they expire for everybody if Congress does not reauthorize or extend them.

One dissonant note: the same GOP that excoriates Obama for too much deficit and debt, reflexively recommends tax cuts that would add $4T to the deficit over the next 10 years.


09-24-2010, 12:19 AM

09-24-2010, 02:45 AM
Yep, the Democrats should reverse all unfunded liabilities that the Bush administration passed to destroy the federal government so that business can take over...The meme that Obama is intentionally wrecking the economy is related to the one that Bush already did so to drive the New Deal and the Great Society over the cliff, intentionally, with a maniacal grin of Norquistian glee over the dream of the dead baby in the bathtub: government.

09-24-2010, 06:00 AM
the same GOP that excoriates Obama for too much deficit and debt, reflexively recommends tax cuts that would add $4T to the deficit over the next 10 years.

The Repugs politics always bet on Americans being stupid, ignorant, and amnesiac. They win that bet more often than not.

09-24-2010, 07:05 AM
One dissonant note: the same GOP that excoriates Obama for too much deficit and debt, reflexively recommends tax cuts that would add $4T to the deficit over the next 10 years.

Isn't part of the debt SPENDING?

09-24-2010, 08:22 AM
The Repugs politics always bet on Americans being stupid, ignorant, and amnesiac. They win that bet more often than not.

Dems are on the same side of that bet - FTW, also.

Dems won't allow reduction in govt. (and honestly don't ever propose enough taxes to significantly reduce the debt)

Republicans won't allow tax increases (and honestly don't ever do much to reduce govt. enough to significantly reduce the debt)

And if EITHER side proposes enough of either reduction in spending, or increases in taxes, they are vilified mercilessly, called "radical", etc.....

Ultimately, it IS the American people who are to blame, Every two, four, and six years we are offered an opportunity to do something about it; but the best we come up with trying what didn't work before, again. We tribe up; blame the other side for ALL the problems - take glee when their "solutions" don't work (admit it, you all do it - hell just peruse this forum for 10 seconds) - enough of the maleable in the middle of the voter's spectrum buy into the rhetoric of the party out of power - and BAM, congress/the president's party changes; but NOTHING ELSE DOES!!!

It is not Republicans, or Democrats.

The enemy is US.

09-24-2010, 10:44 AM
We will never come close to balancing the budget if we don't cut back on social security, medicare, and medicaid. Neither party has the balls to say it.

09-24-2010, 10:50 AM
politics as usual. Both parties need to stop all this crap. The party of "NO' is just as guilty. Term limits!!!!!

09-24-2010, 10:52 AM
Dems are on the same side of that bet - FTW, also.

Dems won't allow reduction in govt. (and honestly don't ever propose enough taxes to significantly reduce the debt)

Republicans won't allow tax increases (and honestly don't ever do much to reduce govt. enough to significantly reduce the debt)

And if EITHER side proposes enough of either reduction in spending, or increases in taxes, they are vilified mercilessly, called "radical", etc.....

Ultimately, it IS the American people who are to blame, Every two, four, and six years we are offered an opportunity to do something about it; but the best we come up with trying what didn't work before, again. We tribe up; blame the other side for ALL the problems - take glee when their "solutions" don't work (admit it, you all do it - hell just peruse this forum for 10 seconds) - enough of the maleable in the middle of the voter's spectrum buy into the rhetoric of the party out of power - and BAM, congress/the president's party changes; but NOTHING ELSE DOES!!!

It is not Republicans, or Democrats.

The enemy is US.

+1 I concur.

09-24-2010, 11:19 AM
Isn't part of the debt SPENDING?Of course. Failing to tie tax cuts to corresponding spending cuts is irresponsible. The GOP won't say what they'll cut to pay for extending the Bush tax breaks.

09-24-2010, 11:23 AM
Of course. Failing to tie tax cuts to corresponding spending cuts is irresponsible. The GOP won't say what they'll cut to pay for extending the Bush tax breaks.

"Extending tax cuts" sounds so much better than "raising taxes", doesn't it?

09-24-2010, 11:26 AM
There's nothing conservative about deficit financed tax cuts, Darrin.

09-24-2010, 11:27 AM
There's nothing conservative about deficit financed tax cuts, Darrin.


09-24-2010, 11:28 AM
Believing tax cuts "work" all by themselves is little distinguishable from blind faith in Keynesian stimulus.

panic giraffe
09-24-2010, 11:41 AM
so how is this a bad thing? i thought our government needed money right now?

09-24-2010, 12:44 PM
But... But... Tax cuts pay for themselves. LMFAO

09-24-2010, 12:45 PM
At a certain level tax cuts will pay for themselves. The thinking that you can keep cutting taxes and expect the same sort of fiscal results is quite stupid.

09-24-2010, 12:49 PM
At a certain level tax cuts will pay for themselves. The thinking that you can keep cutting taxes and expect the same sort of fiscal results is quite stupid.

Yes, there is a certain equilibrium but that's not what were talking about. In this current context, even sustaining the current tax cuts will not pay for themselves. Obviously!

09-24-2010, 01:21 PM
Yes, there is a certain equilibrium but that's not what were talking about. In this current context, even sustaining the current tax cuts will not pay for themselves. Obviously!

They would if the government would stop growing. I believe the sector with the biggest job growth is government jobs. Make congress and all Federal workers take a pay cut, cut out the perks that Congress enjoys and make the government cut spending across the board by at least 10% - that should be a good start.

09-24-2010, 01:23 PM
At a certain level tax cuts will pay for themselves. The thinking that you can keep cutting taxes and expect the same sort of fiscal results is quite stupid.

Actually, no one is even talking about cutting taxes. Extending the current tax rates is not a tax cut. What they're talking about is RAISING the tax rate for the greedy, job-creating sector.

09-24-2010, 01:23 PM
They would if the government would stop growing. I believe the sector with the biggest job growth is government jobs. Make congress and all Federal workers take a pay cut, cut out the perks that Congress enjoys and make the government cut spending across the board by at least 10% - that should be a good start.


09-24-2010, 02:57 PM
"I believe the sector with the biggest job growth is government jobs"

no, your "belief", Christian or non-Christian, again is totally wrong.

"MSNBC reports that although private employers added 67,000 jobs, the U.S. unemployment rate is skewed by the loss of 114,000 census jobs and 10,000 job cuts in state and local governments."


Americans inflicting themselves with lifestyle diseases is the biggest growth area, govt is not even close.

Wild Cobra
09-24-2010, 06:13 PM
Leave it to Boutons to use projected employment as fact.

09-24-2010, 06:22 PM
Leave it to Boutons to use projected employment as fact.

Democrats delay vote on extending Bush tax cuts (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100924/ap_on_bi_ge/us_tax_cuts)

They are not going to let this empty promise occur.


What about using projections as fact?

09-24-2010, 06:46 PM
Government has proven they are not capable of spending tax money efficiently or effectively. On top of that, they are spending billions outside of our country on non-Americans. They do not deserve to steal more money from other peoples hard work.

Let my generation opt out of Social Security.

Wild Cobra
09-24-2010, 06:52 PM

What about using projections as fact?
Mine is clearly opinion. Not my fault if you believe otherwise.

09-24-2010, 07:00 PM
Leave it to Boutons to use projected employment as fact.

Take a Boutons' devastating bitch-slap like a good little bitch, just for once.

09-24-2010, 07:01 PM
Government has proven they are not capable of spending tax money efficiently or effectively. On top of that, they are spending billions outside of our country on non-Americans. They do not deserve to steal more money from other peoples hard work.

Let my generation opt out of Social Security.


Social Security has a 5-6 trillion dollar surplus dumb-ass...

Wild Cobra
09-24-2010, 07:10 PM

Social Security has a 5-6 trillion dollar surplus dumb-ass...
Not for long, especially with subsidies like "making work pay."

09-24-2010, 08:17 PM
Dems are on the same side of that bet - FTW, also.

Dems won't allow reduction in govt. (and honestly don't ever propose enough taxes to significantly reduce the debt)

Republicans won't allow tax increases (and honestly don't ever do much to reduce govt. enough to significantly reduce the debt)

And if EITHER side proposes enough of either reduction in spending, or increases in taxes, they are vilified mercilessly, called "radical", etc.....

Ultimately, it IS the American people who are to blame, Every two, four, and six years we are offered an opportunity to do something about it; but the best we come up with trying what didn't work before, again. We tribe up; blame the other side for ALL the problems - take glee when their "solutions" don't work (admit it, you all do it - hell just peruse this forum for 10 seconds) - enough of the maleable in the middle of the voter's spectrum buy into the rhetoric of the party out of power - and BAM, congress/the president's party changes; but NOTHING ELSE DOES!!!

It is not Republicans, or Democrats.

The enemy is US.

Someone get this man a time machine and have him write the constitution!

Well said sir!

09-25-2010, 12:08 AM
Not for long, especially with subsidies like "making work pay."

How is this going to reduce the net amount in the SS trust fund?

09-25-2010, 12:10 AM
Someone get this man a time machine and have him write the constitution!

Well said sir!

Dems won't allow a reduce in government? :lol

Where were you during the Clinton Administration?

Wild Cobra
09-25-2010, 12:20 AM
How is this going to reduce the net amount in the SS trust fund?
Yes, you are correct. It's a small amount. Still, it eliminates the revenue to the SS money by $400 per worker making over $6,500 annually. It adds up.

09-25-2010, 12:24 AM
There is nothing wrong with the current formula for SS contributions except that they should raise the cap to all income....

Wild Cobra
09-25-2010, 09:54 AM
There is nothing wrong with the current formula for SS contributions except that they should raise the cap to all income....
Considering it's an insurance rather than a tax, I disagree. Now if we do as i would like and call it a social tax, then yes. I agree. Then we increase or decrease the social tax as needed and leave income tax rates alone.

09-25-2010, 10:16 AM
SocSec isn't an insurance nor a tax. It's are required RETIREMENT savings plan.

Wild Cobra
09-25-2010, 10:20 AM
SocSec isn't an insurance nor a tax. It's are required RETIREMENT savings plan.
And there is a maximum amount one can collect, so it's only fair there should be a maximum that one should pay, or do you believe in Marxism?

09-26-2010, 02:59 PM
Weak-assed Dems aren't the only ones. How about the next House Speaker, in full-non-disclosure/we're=lying-to-you mode

" WALLACE: Congressman Boehner, as Willie Sutton said about banks, entitlements are where the money is. More than 40% of the budget. Yet, I’ve looked through this pledge and there is not one single proposal to cut social security, medicare, medicaid.

BOEHNER: Chris, we make it clear in there that we’re going to lay out a plan to work toward a balanced budget and deal with the entitlement crisis. Chris, it’s time for us as americans to have an adult conversation with each other about the serious challenges our country faces. And we can’t have that serious conversation until we lay out the size of the problem. Once Americans understand how big the problem is, then we can begin to talk about potential solutions. [...]

WALLACE: Forgive me, sir, isn’t the right time to have the adult conversation now before the election when you have this document? Why not make a single proposal to cut social security, medicare and medicaid?

BOEHNER: Chris, this is what happens here in washington. When you start down that path, you just invite all kind of problems. I know. I’ve been there. I think we need to do this in a more systemic way and have this conversation first. Let’s not get to the potential solutions. Let’s make sure americans understand how big the problem is. Then we can talk about possible solutions and then work ourselves into those solutions that are doable. "



"entitlement crisis": how to cut the social safety net, let AMERICANS die in the streets, while distributing low-taxed income to the top 2%, and keep enriching the bloated, corrupt MIC.