View Full Version : Koolaid_Man pitched me his screenplay

09-29-2010, 12:23 AM
Haha. Telling Koolaid_Man that I'm in the "biz" was something of a mistake. Since I did so, he's been begging me non-stop to read his screenplay with the hope that I might produce it. I told him that I would post the opening scene on here and if the feedback is favorable I'll let him get my coffee and leave open a .0000000001% chance that I'll produce it. He agreed.

So without further adieu:


Kobe bryant posters hang all over the wall...there's a bed...computer...and other stuff strewn around.

Koolaid_Man...early 30s...six pack...white water rafting expert...lady killer...sits on his bed...one moment later...there is a knock at the door.

Lakaluva...40s...enters...he's a middle eastern man...and Koolaid Man's best friend.

KOOLAID: Glad you came over homey...my cuzin been looking for a co-star in one of his upcoming porn flicks called...Chocolate & Caramel.

LUVA: I'm in playa. I'm gonna be playing Chocolate then?

KOOLAID: Nah nigga...I'm playing chocolate...you caramel.

LUVA: But how can I play a role like that...my skin is black not caramel.

KOOLAID: U ain't black homey...you pakistani.

LUVA: Bullshit.

KOOLAID: Homey step over here and look at yourself.

Luva steps in front of a mirror.


LUVA: Guess u right...damn.

KOOLAID: It's good u came to that realization...there's no one else on earth that I'd want to play caramel.

LUVA: And I wouldn't want anyone else playing caramel either...so we gonna be using jimmy hats?

KOOLAID: Nah...skin on skin...just the way you like it.

Luva closes his eyes...retreats into a brief fantasy.

LUVA: Hmmmm.


There you have it. The premise of Kool's story is that he and Luva are gay porn stars by day and crime fighters by night, who call themselves "Chocolate & Caramel." He pitched it to me as a Buddy/Superhero film with a progressive edge, considering the two leads are gay pornstars.


DJ Mbenga
09-29-2010, 01:54 AM
this troll has dedication

09-29-2010, 03:37 AM
Somebody seriously needs a life.

09-29-2010, 03:56 AM
...That doesn't end with Artest usin' the crown of Pierce's noggin as a rifle sight.

03-25-2013, 07:43 PM

03-25-2013, 07:46 PM
Luva wasn't revealed to be Asian in 2010

So one of his lines should've beeen
