View Full Version : dont get overconfident

05-20-2005, 01:09 PM
this team was a foot or less from facing a 7th game against a team consisting of jesus shuttlesworth, antonio daniels, a pixie, and some chumps

me not impressed

in 2003 it took the spurs 6 games to knock off the world champs in the 2nd round

in 2005 it took the spurs 6 games to beat nba dogshit

05-20-2005, 01:11 PM
so how many games is it going to take for you to change that shitty attitude?

05-20-2005, 01:27 PM
not overconfident just BELEIVE in my team.
I know we can beat either of the teams in the WCF.
And the sun shines on a dogs ass sometimes.
The only way the Spurs lose is if they
beat themselves.

SWC Bonfire
05-20-2005, 01:50 PM
this team was a foot or less from facing a 7th game against a team consisting of jesus shuttlesworth, antonio daniels, a pixie, and some chumps

me not impressed

in 2003 it took the spurs 6 games to knock off the world champs in the 2nd round

in 2004 it took the spurs 6 games to beat nba dogshit

True, but in 2003 they were also healthy and running on all cylinders for the playoffs. If this team were healthy and in rythym they might have gone fo..fo..fo..fo (well, maybe not, but been much more dominant).

05-20-2005, 01:51 PM
Go lick your litterbox.

Spurs will ROCK you
05-20-2005, 01:54 PM
Go lick your litterbox.


05-20-2005, 01:55 PM
Geez. Maybe the Sonics are better than we thought. Only time will tell how good the Spurs are.

All I'm worried about right now is the Mavs beating the Suns (for rest, that's all!)

05-20-2005, 01:58 PM
step on off rummpdhumper

05-20-2005, 02:00 PM
our spurs were made to look weak vs seattle so that many will lose their ass betting on phoenix. that's my story, and i'm sticking to it.

but i agree with your premise kitten.

i think miami loses game 1 vs detroit also.

it's about to get real good in the nba playoffs, it's what we've been waiting for all year, the top 4 teams facing off.

05-20-2005, 02:05 PM
Leave the little pussy alone...:lol :lmao

05-20-2005, 02:07 PM
Hey, Kitten, are you saying the Spurs won't win the WCF?

Just trying to keep score, here! :D

05-20-2005, 02:12 PM
im saying you need to shut the fuck up

05-20-2005, 02:16 PM
im saying you need to shut the fuck up

Well, that's not going to happen. :rolleyes

So why don't you answer the question? Or are you a scaredy-cat?

05-20-2005, 02:17 PM
I will say that the kitty does have a point. I don't know if he/she is a Spurs fan but I agree.

It's not over yet. The Spurs beat Seattle. Let's go to the next round. It can easily be the other way. Just remember after Game 1 of the DEN series and Game 4 of the SEA series.

The Spurs haven't done anything.

Go Spurs GO.

05-20-2005, 02:24 PM
Well, that's not going to happen. :rolleyes

So why don't you answer the question? Or are you a scaredy-cat?I think what you meant was "whats the matter cat got your tongue?"

05-20-2005, 02:26 PM
vk is right.

If the Spurs play against Dallas like they have played their last four, they'll be down 3-1.

If they play that way against Phoenix, they'll get swept.

05-20-2005, 02:35 PM
in 2004 it took the spurs 6 games to beat nba dogshitshow just how much you know about heart and basketball
seattle's defense is probably 3rd behind Spurs and pistons in this years playoffs

vk is right.

If the Spurs play against Dallas like they have played their last four, they'll be down 3-1.

If they play that way against Phoenix, they'll get swept.do you honestly believe dallas or phx plays any resemblence of defense? if you do then you need put down the crack pipe

05-20-2005, 02:41 PM
It hasn't been the typical first 2 rounds for the Spurs. Its been rough, so for the Spurs to get this far is no joke. I think they played their best ball on game 4,5 of 1st round and 1,2 of 2nd round. They've shown me a lot and the most important thing they've shown me is that they got heart and balls.(Except Barry and Rasho, those fools haven't shown me jack yet)

05-20-2005, 02:43 PM
Hey, I'm all for smack talk. But put your reputation where your mouth is.

If you think the Spurs won't win, say so. Don't give pussy answers like "Well, if Tim is hurt, then we'll lose." Predict what will happen.

I say Spurs in 6 over Suns or Mavs.

05-20-2005, 02:44 PM
do you honestly believe dallas or phx plays any resemblence of defense? if you do then you need put down the crack pipe

Do you honestly believe that if Rashard and/or Rad were playing, we wouldn't be getting ready for game 7?

05-20-2005, 02:47 PM
Do you honestly believe that if Rashard and/or Rad were playing, we wouldn't be getting ready for game 7?did you actually watch any of the games Rashard was playing? he was sucking ass, his not playing actually helped the sonics

as for Rad, he has killed us in the past

and if ifs and buts were candy and nuts...the Spurs wouldnt have pissed away game 3

Extra Stout
05-20-2005, 02:50 PM
The margin of error gets a lot smaller from here on out.

05-20-2005, 02:55 PM
Do you honestly believe that if Rashard and/or Rad were playing, we wouldn't be getting ready for game 7?

weak. If Barry or Rasho actually played in this series, it could have been won in 4! :lol

05-20-2005, 03:33 PM
the spurs struggled against a team they should have dispatched in 4 given their condition. the spurs are ripe for the picking, no matter how some dont want to believe it.

seattle's defense is nothing.

05-20-2005, 03:35 PM
the spurs struggled against a team they should have dispatched in 4 given their condition. the spurs are ripe for the picking, no matter how some dont want to believe it.

seattle's defense is nothing.

So Suns or Mavs in ___?

05-20-2005, 03:39 PM
did you actually watch any of the games Rashard was playing? he was sucking ass, his not playing actually helped the sonics

as for Rad, he has killed us in the past

and if ifs and buts were candy and nuts...the Spurs wouldnt have pissed away game 3

Let me guess . . . you were one of the blind homers who said the Spurs would sweep Seattle, too.

05-20-2005, 03:40 PM
Let me guess . . . you were one of the blind homers who said the Spurs would sweep Seattle, too.

You jumping ship, too Shoogar? Who's your team, the Mavs or Suns?

05-20-2005, 03:44 PM
Anyone who points out the fact that the Spurs struggled mightlily against an undermanned Sonics team and that they're going to have to play better if they want to get past the next round is jumping ship?

The inferiority complexes around here are amazing.

T Park
05-20-2005, 03:44 PM
seattle's defense is nothing.

If Seattle's defense is nothing.

How bad is Phoenix's and Dallas's

05-20-2005, 03:48 PM
Anyone who points out the fact that the Spurs struggled mightlily against an undermanned Sonics team and that they're going to have to play better if they want to get past the next round is jumping ship?

The inferiority complexes around here are amazing.

Inferiority complex? You're the one putting down the Spurs, not me. I'm confident the Spurs are superior to the Mavs or Suns.

I'm just calling you out. If you think the Mavs or Suns are the better team, say it. And pick the series. Otherwise, you're just talking shit.

Fact is, neither you or I have ANY idea how the Spurs will play against these teams. I mean, damn, can't you wait until we know who we are playing before we say the Spurs suck?

Sonics played a GREAT series. I would say they played above their talent. Now, were the Spurs perfect? No. Is Dallas or Phoenix perfect? No.

Only team perfect right now is the Heat. :rolleyes

05-20-2005, 03:49 PM
ok kiddos

the big cat will make it easy for you to understand

he wants the spurs to win, but thinks they are not in as good of shape as some here seem to think they are

so get off my nuts and tell your bitch to come here

05-20-2005, 03:51 PM
ok kiddos

the big cat will make it easy for you to understand

he wants the spurs to win, but thinks they are not in as good of shape as some here seem to think they are

so get off my nuts and tell your bitch to come here


Have you been watching the Mavs/Suns series? Do you really think they are as good as the media hypes them up to be?

Sue me for being confident. But I won't shut up about it, so you can suck your own nuts for all I care.

And if you don't want smart-ass responses, don't start stupid threads. Geeez.

05-20-2005, 03:52 PM

into the porcelain bowl you go

05-20-2005, 03:53 PM

into the porcelain bowl you go

LOL... wow. You sure got me there :rolleyes

05-20-2005, 03:57 PM
in 2004 the spurs were knocked out in the second round in 6 games.
in 2005 they advanced in 6.

05-20-2005, 04:37 PM
what kind of chode would get overconfident?
its like people just wait for the spurs to do well so they can remind everyone that they havent won anything yet
i was just waiting for a lame ass thread like this

05-20-2005, 04:38 PM
^ obviously one of those who thought the spurs would sweep seattle

poor little bitch

05-20-2005, 04:50 PM
^ obviously one of those who thought the spurs would sweep seattle

poor little bitch

i thought the sonics could win one
oh well
you dont need to tell most people on here not to blow their chodes just because we're in the WCF
yeah we did beat the nuggets and the sonics, but compared to who the other teams beat thats pretty dam good
there will always be some person who even after we win the championship
will say "now remember the spurs have never won two in a row. lets not be too excited"
i think real fans deserve the benefit of the doubt not to be stupid. if you are and are already celebrating like we won the finals then i dont really give a shit about them because theyre stupid

05-21-2005, 09:17 AM
Inferiority complex? You're the one putting down the Spurs, not me. I'm confident the Spurs are superior to the Mavs or Suns.
Here's a game: find ONE place where I put down the Spurs. I said they didn't play as well as they should. The fact that you somehow parse that into a putdown = inferiority complex.

I'm just calling you out. If you think the Mavs or Suns are the better team, say it. And pick the series. Otherwise, you're just talking shit.

Here's a game: find ONE place where I even IMPLIED that the Mavs or the Suns are a better team. THAT'S THE ENTIRE FUCKING POINT. Again, either you don't understand English, or are looking for things that aren't there to get upset over (=inferiority complex).

If the Spurs play closer to the way they are capable of, they will win. If they play the way they did against a Sonic team without 2 of their 3 best players, they will lose.

Fact is, neither you or I have ANY idea how the Spurs will play against these teams. I mean, damn, can't you wait until we know who we are playing before we say the Spurs suck?

Here's a game: Find just ONE place where I said the Spurs suck. Can you? No? So then why do you continually feel the need to make up things I never said to get upset over? Could it be your . . .

05-21-2005, 09:37 AM
Personally, I'm not overconfident... I think the Spurs are the better team and that they should win both the WCF and the Championship, regardless of whether it's Miami or Detroit. However, there is the possibility that the Spurs might get overconfident in the fact that everyone knows the Suns don't play defense. That could get into anybody's head. On the other hand, the Spurs know that their defense was chippy at times against Seattle and that the basketball gods didn't favor our shots falling in the last few games. If they work hard to expose the Suns' flaws and not rest on them, I think our confidence level is right where it should be.

Dingle Barry
05-21-2005, 10:50 AM

vBookie Cash: $0

Master Prognosticator

05-21-2005, 11:53 AM
The ONLY thing I worry about is Tim's ankle. If Spurs are healthy, they will win this series.

Hell, anyone who watched Game 6 versus the Sonics knows that the Spurs have what it takes. And, I'll tell you what: The Spurs CAN play like they did against the Sonics and still win this series. Because for the most part, the Spurs got the looks they wanted.

Just because the ball doesn't always go in, doesn't mean the Spurs played like crap. Lord.

05-21-2005, 12:07 PM

vBookie Cash: $0

Master Prognosticator

i put it all on the spurs to sweep the suns. put your vbookie cash where your bitch ass mouth is.

05-21-2005, 01:49 PM
And, I'll tell you what: The Spurs CAN play like they did against the Sonics and still win this series.
Yeah, because, like, Nash and Stoudamire couldn't possibly run the pick-and-roll any better than Seattle did.

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-21-2005, 01:57 PM
You jumping ship, too Shoogar? Who's your team, the Mavs or Suns?

There's a difference between supporting your team and having your head up your ass thinking that it's going to be an easy series.

I wonder if some of you have even watched anyone outside of the Spurs play a game.

As crazy as it is, I'm with violentkitten on this one. Some of you need to come back to this thing we call reality.

ShoogarBear has been pretty spot on this thread.

Phoenix's bread and butter is the pick and roll, and they run it a hell of a lot better than a depleted Seattle team that generally kicked our ass with it did.

Inferiority complex? I think you need to look in the mirror when you come on here lecturing people for thinking Phoenix won't be easy. They are the top seed in the playoffs, they have an unbelievably potent offense, and going into this series their PG is coming off a series where he averaged 30, 12, and 6, meanwhile ours didn't even do that combined in his last 3 games.

05-21-2005, 02:20 PM
I am not underestimating the Suns. If allowed to play their fastbreak pace, they can beat anybody. They might be a tough an obstacle as detroit is, for different reasons.
But the Spurs have a lot going for them as the intensity level of the playoffs increases. The Spurs have the most playoff (and Finals) experience than anybody including Detroit. The young Suns have what, Nash and Jackson with experience past round 2? And the Spurs have a defense that the Suns have not seen so far in the playoffs. The Suns pace will be slowed down, the Suns will be forced to play defense, and their thin bench will be exposed. If Tim's left ankle and Manu's bruised thigh get a chance to heal by Sunday (enough for them to run), the Spurs can get a win on Sunday.

05-21-2005, 02:42 PM
This series is a Spurs' lock.

Mark in Austin
05-21-2005, 02:46 PM
Although I agree with VK on the whole overconfidence thing, I gotta disagree on the "depleted" characterization of the Sonics. On paper they do look weak. But as Kenny like to say to Charles, the playoffs are all about matchups. And Seattle matched up great against the Spurs. Rashard played like a pussy (no offense, vk) on the perimeter, even though he had 4 inches on Barry and Manu when they were guarding him. Once he went down, the Sonics got tougher mentally and physically.

Lewis going down made them a tougher out.

05-21-2005, 02:52 PM
sure i will agree that injuries perhaps forced the sonics into a game plan that worked better against the spurs.

what if d'antoni decides to try the same?

ps...i offend, am never offended

spurfan 21
05-21-2005, 03:09 PM
look at the suns_spurs series this way the suns can't foul tony and manu the way the nuggs and sonics they don't have the depth to give so many fouls so look for Tony espesially to have huge games and Manu is always gonna be badass so watch out Suns

Mark in Austin
05-21-2005, 03:41 PM
Dantoni can't play the same game. Stoudamire is the only big they have; if he starts going Fortson on Manu or Parker, he'll be on the bench in foul trouble. If Stoudamire is off the court, the Spurs will wipe the floor with PHX.

Plus PHX doen't like to foul - it breaks up the rythem of their game.

It really boils down to injuries - Can Duncan take advantage of PHX's lack of size and defense, or will his ankle limit him enough that Amare can defend him? Will not having Devin keep the Spurs "small lineup" from competing as well as it did in earlier games this year?

05-21-2005, 04:07 PM
Spurs fans are so damn overconfident right now and I don't even understand why. It took the Spurs six games to beat a Sonics team without two of its best players. The Spurs also didn't exactly dominate the Nuggets.

The Spurs can win the next series against the Suns, but it's going to take a good effort. If they struggle like they have in games against the Sonics and the Nuggets, the Suns can score enough to win. The Suns are the most explosive offensive team of the last 15 years. Steve Nash is playing at a level that few point guards have ever reached. Nash's supporting cast is more athletic than any team ever assembled.

Spurs fans need to dig in and get ready for a tough battle. This won't be any walk in the park.


The funniest thing to me is the people who gave up after the Sonics series was tied at two ... are the same people who are overconfident now. WTF?

05-21-2005, 04:25 PM
You could argue that the spurs haven't played that great, but you could also argue the Spurs have had the toughest opponents thru the first two rounds.

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-21-2005, 05:22 PM
I don't think you could. Houston, despite their early playoff demise, was a problem for the Spurs. _allas wouldn't have been a picnic either.

I'll concede that both teams Phoenix played showed less defensive acumen than anything we faced.

05-21-2005, 07:54 PM
I doubt that the team is overconfident. They haven't been playing with the same consistency, rhythm and offensive skills that we've been accustomed to. They've been winning on grit and hard defensive play combined with a little brilliance from MANU.

Does anyone think TD was playing anything like 100% before his most recent injury? Missed 17 out of 18 before hitting 5 of 8. But he put us on his back with free throws and came through in the clutch. The bench, except for Horry, hasn't played nearly as well as I expected.

As professionals, I doubt the team is overconfident. They leave that to the fans.

05-21-2005, 08:17 PM
The funniest thing to me is the people who gave up after the Sonics series was tied at two ... are the same people who are overconfident now. WTF?

Maybe you mean Shawn "Suicide" Michaels. I never gave up.

I wonder, when is the line from "confident" to "overconfident" crossed?

05-21-2005, 08:32 PM
this team was a foot or less from facing a 7th game against a team consisting of jesus shuttlesworth, antonio daniels, a pixie, and some chumps

me not impressed

in 2003 it took the spurs 6 games to knock off the world champs in the 2nd round

The Suns of 2003 weren't much better than the Sonics of 05. It takes the Spurs awhile to beat dogshit, maybe it's the smell.

in 2005 it took the spurs 6 games to beat nba dogshit

The Suns of 03 were not much different than the dogshit Sonics of 05 and that took 6. Maybe it's the smell.

Mark in Austin
05-21-2005, 08:33 PM
Don't worry about Mr. Michaels. He's been assured that God is a Spurs fan.

05-21-2005, 09:12 PM
The funniest thing to me is the people who gave up after the Sonics series was tied at two ... are the same people who are overconfident now. WTF?

makes perfect sense, this does.

lack balance in their lives, they do.

up too high. down too low. the story of their lives, this is.

only one foot on the bandwagon they have. easy on, easy off.

unfortunate, but true.


matters a shit of difference, it does not, if the fans are overconfident or not.

win this series, the spurs will, as long as they are not afraid to lose.

i.e. PLAY SCARED, DO NOT! bring it hard on D, every play, they must.

05-21-2005, 10:28 PM
how serious is TD"s ankle? it sounds REALLY bad from the looks of things, he he's gonna have problems with both ankles then we're fucked! :depressed :oops