View Full Version : Reagan Republicans Call For Bush Impeachment

05-20-2005, 04:14 PM
A Reputation in Tatters

George W. Bush and his gang of neocon warmongers have destroyed America’s reputation. It is likely to stay destroyed, because at this point the only way to restore America’s reputation would be to impeach and convict President Bush for intentionally deceiving Congress and the American people in order to start a war of aggression against a country that posed no threat to the United States.

America can redeem itself only by holding Bush accountable.

As intent as Republicans were to impeach President Bill Clinton for lying about a sexual affair, they have a blind eye for President Bush’s far more serious lies. Bush’s lies have caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people, injured and maimed tens of thousands more, devastated a country, destroyed America’s reputation, caused 1 billion Muslims to hate America, ruined our alliances with Europe, created a police state at home, and squandered $300 billion dollars and counting.

America’s reputation is so damaged that not even our puppets can stand the heat. Anti-American riots, which have left Afghan cities and towns in flames and hospitals overflowing with casualties, have forced Bush’s Afghan puppet, “President” Hamid Karzai, to assert his independence from his U.S. overlords. In a belated act of sovereignty, Karzai asserted authority over heavy-handed U.S. troops whose brutal and stupid ways sparked the devastating riots. Karzai demanded control of U.S. military activities in Afghanistan and called for the return of the Afghan detainees who are being held at the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

Abundant evidence now exists in the public domain to convict George W. Bush of the crime of the century. The secret British government memo (dated July 23, 2002, and available here), leaked to the Sunday Times (which printed it on May 1, 2005), reports that Bush wanted “to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. . . . But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbors, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. . . . The (United Kingdom) attorney general said that the desire for regime change was not a legal base for military action. There were three possible legal bases: self-defense, humanitarian intervention or UNSC (U.N. Security Council) authorization. The first and second could not be the base in this case. Relying on UNSCR 1205 of three years ago would be difficult.”

This memo is the mother of all smoking guns. Why isn’t Bush in the dock?

Has American democracy failed at home?


/American Empire | print | permanent link | writebacks (27)


Friday, May 13, 2005

More Jobs Hype

Careless journalists and commentators are hyping the 274,000 new April payroll jobs as evidence of the health of the U.S. economy. An examination of the details of the new jobs puts a different view on the matter.

April’s job growth is consistent with the depressing pattern of U.S. employment growth in the 21st century: The outsourced U.S. economy can create jobs only in domestic nontradable services.

Of the 274,000 April jobs, 256,000 were in the private or nongovernment sector, and 211,000 of these were in the service sector as follows: 58,000 in leisure and hospitality (primarily restaurants and bars), 47,000 in construction, 29,200 in wholesale and retail trade, 28,000 in health care and social assistance, 17,300 in administrative and support services (primarily temps), 11,700 in transportation and warehousing, and 8,800 in real estate. A few scattered jobs in other service categories complete the picture.

Americans regard themselves as “the world’s only superpower,” but the pattern of American job growth in the 21st century is that of a Third World economy. The U.S. economy has ceased to create jobs in high-tech sectors and in export and import-competitive sectors. Offshore outsourcing of manufacturing and of engineering and professional services is dismantling the ladders of upward mobility that made the American Dream possible. Not only is the U.S. economy creating Third World jobs, according to analysis by Edwin S. Rubenstein (vdare.com, April 2, 2005), it is creating the jobs for Hispanic immigrants. Rubinstein examined job growth by ethnicity and found that Hispanics (13 percent of the workforce) are gaining 60 percent of the new service jobs.

Rubinstein’s findings are consistent with the racial composition one observes on construction sites, in fast food restaurants, in waste services and among hospital orderlies.

Until recent years, American jobs had nothing to fear from low-wage foreign labor. Americans’ high pay reflected their high productivity from working with the most capital and best technology.

The collapse of world socialism and the rise of the high-speed Internet forced Americans to compete head-to-head in the same global labor market with low wage foreign labor working with identical capital and technology. When U.S. and European corporations move their manufacturing, research and development offshore or contract with offshore producers to supply the products and services that they market, the jobs and associated incomes are also transferred abroad.

Americans and Europeans cannot compete in labor markets with Chinese, Indians and Eastern Europeans, because the cost of living in North America and Europe is so much higher. In addition, there is a vast excess supply of labor in China and India that overhangs the labor markets there and keeps wages low.

The claim by outsourcing’s proponents that outsourcing creates new and better jobs for Americans is pure fantasy. This claim can find no support in job and income data. Moreover, the same incentive to outsource that is sending so many jobs abroad applies equally to any new replacement jobs.

The only American jobs that are safe are in domestic nontradable services that cannot be outsourced, and even in these domestic services, such as schoolteachers and nurses, foreign workers are being imported via work visa programs.

Outsourcing’s proponents claim that it benefits corporations and their shareholders. This is true only in the short run. The substitution of foreign labor for American labor allows executives to reduce costs and increase profits, thus producing large bonuses for themselves and capital gains for shareholders. The long run effect, however, is to destroy the U.S. consumer market and to reduce U.S. corporations to a brand name with a sales force selling foreign made products to Americans employed in Third World jobs.

Offshore outsourcing is a new phenomenon that has received little attention from economists, who mistakenly view offshore outsourcing as just another manifestation of the beneficial workings of free trade and comparative advantage. In fact, offshore outsourcing is the flow of resources to absolute advantage. Economists have known for two centuries that absolute advantage does not produce mutual gains. Unlike the operation of comparative advantage, absolute advantage produces winners and losers.

China and India are winning. America is losing. It is as simple as that.


/The Economy/Jobs | print | permanent link | writebacks (2)


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Whither America?

What is America’s future? Prediction is no one’s strong point. A century after the fall of Rome, no one could have predicted that Roman armies would reappear to reclaim for the Empire “that which was lost to neglect” and destroy the Ostrogoths in Italy and the Vandals in Africa. Neither could anyone have predicted that Justinian the Great’s restoration of the Roman Empire would be undone in the following century by the rise of an obscure people united under the banner of Islam.

It is easier to note that which America is losing to neglect than to predict the consequences. Failings are everywhere apparent. President Bush has led us into a gratuitous war that has destroyed America’s soft power and demonstrated the limits of its hard power. In the name of fighting terrorism, Bush has eroded already weakened civil liberties. President Bush’s “war on terror” has inflicted greater costs on America than that inflicted by the terrorists themselves.

The opposition party does not oppose. The Bush administration has given Democrats more opportune targets than President Clinton’s sexcapade with Monica Lewinski provided Republicans. But the Democrats are too weak to capitalize on the political opportunities.

The failures of Democrats and Republicans offer chances to libertarians. But libertarians are politically impotent. Their ideology and abstract commitments are perceived as taking precedence over the well-being of their fellow citizens. Libertarians cannot differentiate between the comparative advantage case for free trade and labor arbitrage based on absolute advantage that is destroying the jobs and hopes of Americans.

America is so fractured by diversity, multiculturalism, organized special interest groups and race- and gender-based legal privileges that the concept of the public interest has simply disappeared.

America’s intellectual camps have become boosterish echo chambers that dismiss out of hand any contrary thought. Preaching to the choir while demonizing others is a path to intellectual impotence.

The rule of law has been replaced by the rule of regulators and prosecutors, who interpret the law to suit their careers and agendas, and by the rule of plunder in torts.

Faced with these grave challenges to America’s integrity, the political energies of the American left are focused on gay marriage and abortion; that of the American right on the opposite. Twenty million evangelical Christians, who once focused on saving their souls, now seek an avenue to heaven through war in the Middle East, which they believe will bring on Armageddon and the Rapture.

A once-independent media are now highly concentrated and speak mostly with a single voice in behalf of the interests of advertisers and a new aggressive American nationalism. To save its existence, even National Public Radio feels pressured to partake of the Karl Rove spin.

Democracy struggles under the best of circumstances. When the people are woefully uninformed on almost every subject and totally dependent on spun news, success must rest on outside events and the failure of others.

Was America’s 20th century pre-eminence the result of democracy and free trade, or was it the result of two wars, which devastated Europe, and the rise of communism, which set back the clock in Russia and Asia for decades?

It is very easy to be pre-eminent while every other economy must recover from ruin.

Today, America is failing, while Asia rises as the economic powerhouse and Europe seeks to unite.

America’s once-powerful manufacturers are today little more than brand names with sales forces. Some still assemble foreign-made parts, but many simply market products of foreign innovation, design, engineering and manufacture. As more and more of America’s economy is outsourced, America’s engineering and design professions decline, as does the value of a college education. In the 21st century, America has been unable to create jobs in export and import-competitive sectors.

America’s financial pre-eminence is based on the dollar’s role as reserve currency, a role threatened by the dollar’s long downward slide in value as the result of trade and budget deficits.

America’s strong communities and neighborhood schools are gone, destroyed by an ideology that used bussing to break them apart.

Feminism has put great pressure on families by weakening women’s commitments to children and marriages with the new commitment to career and independence.

Parents cannot discipline children without risk of government intervention through Child Protective Services. Acceptable standards of behavior decline, and children become sexually promiscuous and partake of alcohol and drugs at earlier and earlier ages.

Shame is a lost concept.

University students are stressed to find a major that cannot be outsourced. Students are discovering that outsourcing and work visas have closed many occupations to them.

America’s borders are not protected against legal and illegal immigration that long ago dispelled any pretense of assimilation. Disparate interests, races and values have overwhelmed the abstract basis of American unity. Patriotism is being destroyed by the government’s indifference to, if not preference for, immigrant invasion. Patriotism’s place is being taken by a dangerous nationalism.

Will the Republican Party’s neo-Jacobin ideology reunite the country in an aggressive nationalism against the world, or will America’s Asian bankers cease to finance the empire of red ink?

Does America still have an edge, or is America in retirement, living off past accomplishments?

Whither America is a question that deserves a lot more attention than it gets.


Chronicles Magazine (http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/cgi-bin/roberts.cgi)

Very interesting and refreshing to read the comments of intelligent real conservatives in response to the article. I wish more of them would get involved. They know we've all been had just as liberals and progressives do. They are also horrified at what has been done in our name.

05-24-2005, 12:36 AM
Jeez... if we spent time impeaching every moron voted to office we'd soon be fresh out of politicians.

05-24-2005, 01:10 AM
Jeez... if we spent time impeaching every moron voted to office we'd soon be fresh out of politicians.

Your, of course, right Scott, if we got rid of W we'd be stuck with Dick Cheney and if we got rid of 'Tricky Dicky' we'd be stuck with Bill Frist. It a no-win situation. We're fucked!


05-24-2005, 01:14 AM
Your, of course, right Scott, if we got rid of W we'd be stuck with Dick Cheney and if we got rid of 'Tricky Dicky' we'd be stuck with Bill Frist. It a no-win situation. We're fucked!


Deal with it. :drunk

05-24-2005, 01:26 AM
Deal with it.

Tell that to the family of the last soldier that will die in Iraq.

05-24-2005, 01:27 AM
Gimme their number and I will.

America has spoken and Bush is still here.

05-24-2005, 01:29 AM
America has spoken and Bush is still here.

America spoke, but the exit polls showed that the people at the top don't give a damn about the numbers. They appointed our great leader. Deal with that.

05-24-2005, 01:32 AM
America spoke, but the exit polls showed that the people at the top don't give a damn about the numbers. They appointed our great leader. Deal with that.

I am. I am dealing perfectly fine. So if this past election was rigged, do you think all the future ones will be also? If republicans stay in office, then I sure hope so. Rig away boys, rig away.

05-24-2005, 01:37 AM
I am. I am dealing perfectly fine. So if this past election was rigged, do you think all the future ones will be also? If republicans stay in office, then I sure hope so. Rig away boys, rig away.

There ya go, showing your true fascists colors.

Just remember that the political pendulum always eventually swings both ways.

05-24-2005, 01:39 AM
Bush is the man. If you so whole heartdly disagree with the choices he is making for America, then why do people like you stick around?Why not move elsewhere? Just wondering, respectfully.

05-24-2005, 01:44 AM
Bush is the man. If you so whole heartdly disagree with the choices he is making for America, then why do people like you stick around?Why not move elsewhere? Just wondering, respectfully.

Bush is ruining America. Real wages have been stagnant for 5 years, everybody hates us, and the Republicans are spending money like Tom Delay on a lobbist sponsored golf trip. Just because we hate W doesn't mean we hate America. Quit equating the two, its sophomoric.

05-24-2005, 01:51 AM
Bush is ruining America. Real wages have been stagnant for 5 years, everybody hates us, and the Republicans are spending money like Tom Delay on a lobbist sponsored golf trip. Just because we hate W doesn't mean we hate America. Quit equating the two, its sophomoric.

But since he is "ruining" the country that you "dont hate" and he is in charge of the country that you "dont hate" , why do you stick around? To badger and protest and march in meaningless marches and speak in meaningless speeches? Why not do something about it? If he is "ruining" America, then he is ruining you. Because you - and me are America. If you and everyone else thinks Bush is so bad and is ruining our country, then something would have been done. But so far its all talk and no walk. Keep posting now and in the future. It makes for interesting conversation, but it still will not keep Mr. Bush from getting a wink of sleep or getting out of the White House.

05-24-2005, 06:09 PM
You'd have to be a moron to not know the answer to the idiotic "why don't you move then" question.

No wonder you see eye to eye with T Park.

The Ressurrected One
05-24-2005, 06:46 PM
Tell that to the family of the last soldier that will die in Iraq.
I just figured out the identity of Nbadan! Hello John "Who wants to be the last soldier to die for a mistake" Kerry!

Aggie Hoopsfan
05-24-2005, 06:49 PM
America spoke, but the exit polls showed that the people at the top don't give a damn about the numbers.


Exit polls > votes talled, only in NBadallah's America...

05-25-2005, 11:13 AM
But since he is "ruining" the country that you "dont hate" and he is in charge of the country that you "dont hate" , why do you stick around?

Your relationship with your country can be like any other relationship you have with a loved one - you love them, but that doesn't mean you have to like what they do. Just because your sibling pisses you off, or a parent gets mad at their child doesn't mean they don't love them, it usually means they think they can be better - and while I love America, I think it could be better.

05-25-2005, 11:19 AM
Your relationship with your country can be like any other relationship you have with a loved one - you love them, but that doesn't mean you have to like what they do. Just because your sibling pisses you off, or a parent gets mad at their child doesn't mean they don't love them, it usually means they think they can be better - and while I love America, I think it could be better.

Well said Jekka, well said. :)

The Ressurrected One
05-25-2005, 02:55 PM
Your relationship with your country can be like any other relationship you have with a loved one - you love them, but that doesn't mean you have to like what they do. Just because your sibling pisses you off, or a parent gets mad at their child doesn't mean they don't love them, it usually means they think they can be better - and while I love America, I think it could be better.
Yeah, but do you go out and run your siblings, parent, or other loved one down to the neighbors and try get everyone else to hate them too? No. You stand behind them in public and berate them in private.

There's the rub.

I agree, it's alright to be at odds with your government. It's not alright to give aid and comfort to our enemies by giving the impression we're a nation divided...

Newsweek killed 16 people doing just that.

05-25-2005, 03:07 PM
Yeah, but do you go out and run your siblings, parent, or other loved one down to the neighbors and try get everyone else to hate them too? No. You stand behind them in public and berate them in private.

There's the rub.

I agree, it's alright to be at odds with your government. It's not alright to give aid and comfort to our enemies by giving the impression we're a nation divided...

Newsweek killed 16 people doing just that.

I don't recall bashing my country - I do recall expressing discontent with the people in charge of it - and that's not restricted to any singular party. And how am I supposed to berate the country in private? Do I need to go have a heart to heart with my backyard? Demonstrations and exercising the right to speak out against the government's actions are the only thing you can do. The relationship between you and your country is like a family member, but you don't have the luxury of personal influence besides your vote.

And we ARE a nation divided right now. We've pissed off and argued with more of our allies than we have "comforted enemies". And which enemies are we giving aid and comfort to, exactly?

The Ressurrected One
05-25-2005, 10:17 PM
I don't recall bashing my country - I do recall expressing discontent with the people in charge of it - and that's not restricted to any singular party. And how am I supposed to berate the country in private? Do I need to go have a heart to heart with my backyard? Demonstrations and exercising the right to speak out against the government's actions are the only thing you can do. The relationship between you and your country is like a family member, but you don't have the luxury of personal influence besides your vote.

And we ARE a nation divided right now. We've pissed off and argued with more of our allies than we have "comforted enemies". And which enemies are we giving aid and comfort to, exactly?
So, I guess your analogy sucks.

Guru of Nothing
05-25-2005, 10:34 PM
Pardon me while I wade into this spat with no elegance whatsoever.

My peers are dieing, whilst y'all fiddle.

Play on.

05-26-2005, 01:14 AM
Yeah, but do you go out and run your siblings, parent, or other loved one down to the neighbors and try get everyone else to hate them too? No. You stand behind them in public and berate them in private.

There's the rub.

I agree, it's alright to be at odds with your government. It's not alright to give aid and comfort to our enemies by giving the impression we're a nation divided...

Newsweek killed 16 people doing just that.

This war has already lasted longer than WW2 and if its up to the NeoCons it will last a few decades more. So when would be a appropriate time to debate the legitimacy of our invasion of sovereign country that has never threatened to, planned to, nor participated in the attack of our country or our strategic and/or economic interests?

TRO would have us actually lose the war on terrorism before we could all legitimately started debating what the hell happened to us?

05-26-2005, 09:28 AM

You do no favors for anything good. You come across as a lunatic. Maybe you think hijacking a political message board will do some good, but it just makes me hope and pray you're on some type of watch list. That is the majority opinion of you, deal with it or continue with your craziness.

05-26-2005, 10:13 AM
So, I guess your analogy sucks.

No, the analogy doesn't suck; your ability to discern metaphorical application sucks. You're still stuck in Plato's cave.

05-26-2005, 10:51 AM
You do no favors for anything good. You come across as a lunatic

I think you ought to take a good long look in the mirror.


05-26-2005, 03:43 PM
I think you ought to take a good long look in the mirror.

just trying to help you.

05-26-2005, 05:23 PM
Bush is the man. If you so whole heartdly disagree with the choices he is making for America, then why do people like you stick around?Why not move elsewhere? Just wondering, respectfully.

Because people like us love this country and hate the fact that 1 man can so damage it in every way shape and form.

05-26-2005, 05:52 PM
Bush is the man. If you so whole heartdly disagree with the choices he is making for America, then why do people like you stick around?Why not move elsewhere? Just wondering, respectfully.

there it is, the original "if you dont like this country, you can get out!

bush is not the man
i guess if you like pointless multibillion dollar wars
unfulfilled promises
and a commander and chief less with a lower IQ than jermaine o'neal than he's your man

I am a Spurs fan but if the Spurs started playing real shitty for 6 years mostly because of the coach I would still love the spurs, my hate for the coach, doesnt translate to the team, if duncan decided to demand a trade to the lakers, fuck him, the Spurs are bigger than 1 man. just like america, bush is president for 3 more years. why would anyone move away?
thats the stupidest most unamerican shit you could ever be quoted as saying you dumb piece of shit, i do not often get angry and start swearing in posts, but the NEW (NEO) idea that people that dont agree with bush or absolutley love him are somehow unamerican enrages me, when was the event that this became true, because i missed the point in time when opposition became enemys of the state

05-26-2005, 06:02 PM
Bush is the man. All that disagree with him are just pussy democrats. go picket in a line or something or go protest. that always seems to work:rolleyes . bush is the man. america is the shit. the war is the shit. if you dont like it, then blow me.

05-26-2005, 06:04 PM

05-26-2005, 06:06 PM

FUCK YES!!!!!!!

05-26-2005, 06:10 PM

05-26-2005, 06:16 PM
the war is the shit. if you dont like it, then blow me.

good point

what about your loss of constitutional rights is that the shit?
is the patriot act the shit?
is 18 and 19 year old kids dying everyday so their country can destroy the weapons of mass destruction...errr...liberate the people...errr...i mean set up a foothold of democracy in the middle east, the shit?

05-26-2005, 06:19 PM
good point

what about your loss of constitutional rights is that the shit?
is the patriot act the shit?
is 18 and 19 year old kids dying everyday so their country can destroy the weapons of mass destruction...errr...liberate the people...errr...i mean set up a foothold of democracy in the middle east, the shit?

I am 20. I have over 10 friends in the military right now and all went in for one reason. To serve the greatest leader on Earth, President Bush. We, the young kids understand that we didnt become a free nation by being pussies, we became free by kicking ass and owning any threats to us. That is what we are doing now. I love Pres. Bush and he is the shit.Going into the military, everyone knows what they are getting into. Some will die, but it is the cost to keep you here free.

05-26-2005, 06:26 PM
I am 20. I have over 10 friends in the military right now and all went in for one reason. To serve the greatest leader on Earth, President Bush. We, the young kids understand that we didnt become a free nation by being pussies, we became free by kicking ass and owning any threats to us. That is what we are doing now. I love Pres. Bush and he is the shit.Going into the military, everyone knows what they are getting into. Some will die, but it is the cost to keep you here free.
ill try to answer this piece by piece

wow youre old?
wow you have a lot of friends?
wow you love bush?
wow youre so wise beyond your years?
wow you love bush?

iraq was not a threat to our "freedom" chodesmuggler
was saddam going to come and enslave us all?

answer my question.
or at least google the "patriot act" real quick and find out what it is, you bushsucker

05-26-2005, 06:29 PM
3 different reasons for war man
totally different

05-26-2005, 06:33 PM
Reason for war is whatever Bush sees fit. He is the leader of our nation and knows best. Deal with it bitches.

05-26-2005, 06:35 PM
i dont answer questions
patriot act, what the hell is that?
man i would suck off bush
im 20 and i have 10 military friends

do i sound like 3rdcoast?

05-26-2005, 06:37 PM
i dont answer moron liberals. go be gay and a beach hippie or some shit. go protest. bush owns you. deal with it.

anything bush does = i agree with it.

05-26-2005, 06:42 PM
dam dude even a 6 year old could have spouted some nonsense thats its for our safety and drastic times call for drastic measures

05-26-2005, 06:43 PM
say what you want, argue all you want, but it still isnt getting Bush out of office. sorry kid, you are stuck with Bush. FUCKING DEAL WITH IT AND STOP BITCHING ABOUT THE WAR THAT IS SAVING YOUR FREEDOM.

05-26-2005, 06:47 PM
i dont answer questions
patriot act, what the hell is that?
man i would suck off bush
im 20 and i have 10 military friends

do i sound like 3rdcoast?

that will be my future response

05-26-2005, 06:54 PM
Yeah, but do you go out and run your siblings, parent, or other loved one down to the neighbors and try get everyone else to hate them too? No. You stand behind them in public and berate them in private.

There's the rub.

I agree, it's alright to be at odds with your government. It's not alright to give aid and comfort to our enemies by giving the impression we're a nation divided...

Newsweek killed 16 people doing just that.

Too bad republicans didn't act like that during the Clinton years.
