View Full Version : A Message to a Wal-Mart Cashier

10-06-2010, 03:57 PM
It must be difficult to be so dimwitted that even bagging produce effectively becomes a formidable chore. Initially when I found the grapes squashed in the bottom of the bag under the three-pound sack of potatoes and bunch of bananas I was angry. Now I just feel pity for you, O Wretched One, that the only job God gave you enough intelligence to perform still proves too difficult.

Here's to hoping that people too stupid to know that the grapes go above the potatoes are never again allowed to drive cars or give birth. :toast

10-06-2010, 04:02 PM
Sounds like you should start shopping at HEB

Smart Ass
10-06-2010, 04:07 PM
Sounds like sour grapes to me.

Dr. Gonzo
10-06-2010, 04:23 PM
As much as sacking groceries is a common sense thing, the cashiers at Wal-Mart don't get any training in sacking.

bus driver
10-06-2010, 04:26 PM
It must be difficult to be so dimwitted that even bagging produce effectively becomes a formidable chore. Initially when I found the grapes squashed in the bottom of the bag under the three-pound sack of potatoes and bunch of bananas I was angry. Now I just feel pity for you, O Wretched One, that the only job God gave you enough intelligence to perform still proves too difficult.

Here's to hoping that people too stupid to know that the grapes go above the potatoes are never again allowed to drive cars or give birth. :toast


wouldnt this mean that God didnt give her enough intelligence to bag groceries? so she should find something that involves less thinking? :wakeup

anyways great story :lmao

Wild Cobra
10-06-2010, 04:39 PM
It must be difficult to be so dimwitted that even bagging produce effectively becomes a formidable chore. Initially when I found the grapes squashed in the bottom of the bag under the three-pound sack of potatoes and bunch of bananas I was angry. Now I just feel pity for you, O Wretched One, that the only job God gave you enough intelligence to perform still proves too difficult.

Here's to hoping that people too stupid to know that the grapes go above the potatoes are never again allowed to drive cars or give birth. :toast
Maybe the cashier just didn't like you?

10-06-2010, 04:42 PM
the walmart I go to has cashiers that put in 1 item per bag.

I end up having to combine the stuff myself.

10-06-2010, 04:42 PM
You would wish they didn't breed but those are the first motherfuckers to procreate.

10-06-2010, 05:01 PM
Maybe the cashier just didn't like you?
Most likely if he reacts this way to a sack of potatoes on his grapes.

10-06-2010, 05:17 PM
wouldnt this mean that God didnt give her enough intelligence to bag groceries? so she should find something that involves less thinking? :wakeup
That's about it, but I probably could have worded it a bit better :lol

Maybe the cashier just didn't like you?
I smile and say hi, I pay, I leave. What's not to like?

Actually, she did also bitch about having to weigh everything and punch in a bunch of numbers. Guess she has issues with people who buy produce.

10-06-2010, 05:25 PM
your low prices have to have some drawbacks.

10-06-2010, 06:06 PM
Screw Wal-Mart! :lol

10-06-2010, 06:42 PM
I think WalMart should invest in 15 minute training sessions for baggers. They really suck. This boy was checking me out once and I said, "You can't put 10 pounds of potatoes on top of bananas." I rearranged the bag and he said, "Oh, sorry, everyone has crazy preferences." I said, "I don't think unmashed bananas is crazy."

10-06-2010, 06:53 PM
Maybe the cashier just didn't like you?

no offense to desflood, but i was gonna say the same thing.
i used to wait tables and it would be like someone starting a thread aboot not getting good service when they dont realize that the waiter came by 5 different times while the customer chats on the cell phone. then, when they are finally off the phone they want good service and they want it now. well jackass your waiter just got 2 new tables and now you gonna wait.
honestly though, it sounds like this bagger just DGAF. sorry bout your grapes des

10-06-2010, 07:19 PM
I wouldn`t shop at walmart for produce

10-06-2010, 07:25 PM
Ooooh I got a message for Wal-Mart...

Face!!! (http://www.progressivegrocer.com/top-story-pg_presents_h_e_b_with_2010_retailer_of_the_year_a ward-30579.html)

10-06-2010, 08:28 PM
I just don't let them bag the heavier things like bags of potatoes, gallons of milk/juice, or detergents. It's going to be a pain in the ass getting all that stuff into my house anyway, but at least it gets inside in decent condition.

10-06-2010, 09:50 PM
I just don't let them bag the heavier things like bags of potatoes, gallons of milk/juice, or detergents. It's going to be a pain in the ass getting all that stuff into my house anyway, but at least it gets inside in decent condition.

Every story has two sides. The cashier is posting in another forum about putting grapes under some chumps potatoes.

No..but maybe.

Nathan Explosion
10-06-2010, 11:13 PM
HEB was named the #1 retailer by Progressive Grocer. Just saying.

Anyway, when I was in Houston, I went to an Albertsons to get a few items to snack on while I stayed at my friend's apartment up there. This lady asked if I wanted an Albertsons card to which I replied, "We don't have Albertsons in San Antonio." She replied that I get a discount on my groceries. I reiterated that Albertsons don't exist in San Antonio anymore.

Again she insisted saying I would get a discount on groceries. I nicely replied that I'd have no use for it once I got back home because there aren't any Albertsons in San Antonio. She again replied that I could save money.


There's giving customer service, and then there's being annoying. It's a fine line, but still. And I work in a grocery store so I'm well aware of the customers. When I worked in the Business Center I once had a lady claimed that she paid for my salary by shopping at my store so I should be extra nice to her, AS SHE WAS CASHING A GOVERNMENT CHECK THAT WAS PAID BY MY TAXES! What a bitch.

Greg Oden
10-06-2010, 11:17 PM
at the other end of the spectrum, grocery store shoppers are just as ridiculous. the other day at kroger i saw this woman pay for her shit, and just turn and walk away without an acknowledgment or word and just left her cart sitting there. she comes back in 5 minutes later and has the audacity to come back in and go up to the 70 something year old woman bagger and ask "where's my carry out?" with her hands on her hips and that typical negro lady attitude. fuckin people

Icing on the cake would be if she paid with an EBT card.

Greg Oden
10-06-2010, 11:21 PM

yeah but of course you didn't because you're too much of a soft cunt to say anything like that.

Greg Oden
10-06-2010, 11:22 PM
:lmao the bitch DID just get through paying with her "lonestar" EBT card :lmao

rofl people whip that shit out like it's an american express black card.

Nathan Explosion
10-06-2010, 11:26 PM
I hope HEB comes to the metroplex and puts kroger out of business as well so my ex bitch can be out on the street and back to sucking dick for money

An HEB just opened outside the Metroplex in Burleson. It's not quite Ft. Worth but it's definitely on the way. Aren't there Central Markets in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.

Those are HEBs, just fancy ones. And for the Houston area shoppers, I hear Joe V's Smart Shop is killing it. Again, another HEB creation.

10-06-2010, 11:30 PM
lol Nathan Explosion working at HEB

Nathan Explosion
10-06-2010, 11:32 PM
lol Nathan Explosion working at HEB


I'm not a cashier if that's what you're thinking. I actually do work.

10-06-2010, 11:36 PM
Lol thinking a most likely overworked underpaid cashier who deals with the dregs of society gives a shit about your stuff

Nathan Explosion
10-06-2010, 11:42 PM
Lol thinking a most likely overworked underpaid cashier who deals with the dregs of society gives a shit about your stuff

Yeah, Walmart treats their employees like shit. A "full time" employee is guaranteed only 26 hours a week. He was to pick up the rest on his own. Many years back I need a job and applied to Walmart because a friend had asked.

I did the application, interview and drug test and waited for 2 weeks for nothing. I went back and my friend was asking where I had been? He said I had been on the schedule for 2 weeks and hadn't shown. I had him relay a message to his boss. If you're going to hire someone, it's probably best to let that person know.

Was probably the best thing that happened to me though. I'd probably have quit within a few months.

Nathan Explosion
10-06-2010, 11:43 PM
at least a cashier is expected to have a slightly higher iq than that of a dumbass who's job is to place objects on a shelf, its like those kids toys where you put the correct shape through the matching slot square triangle circle etc

meanwhile you're overworking your widdle muscles for the same shitty pay and going back to daddeh's house when your shift ends in your pathetic clunker

Don't stock shelves either. But thanks for playing.

Greg Oden
10-06-2010, 11:44 PM
Don't stock shelves either. But thanks for playing.

what exactly is he playing? Are you retarded?

Greg Oden
10-06-2010, 11:46 PM
rofl but thanks for playing. that line is right behind "i bet you're FAT" on the official list of internet throwaway lines.

Latarian Milton
10-06-2010, 11:46 PM
cashiers are all supposed to be taken by females imho, like other jobs like nurses, teachers etc.... females often choose to check the pay by female cashiers especially when their goods include some special stuffs like sanitary towels or tampons.

Nathan Explosion
10-06-2010, 11:51 PM
at least a cashier is expected to have a slightly higher iq than that of a dumbass who's job is to place objects on a shelf, its like those kids toys where you put the correct shape through the matching slot square triangle circle etc

meanwhile you're overworking your widdle muscles for the same shitty pay and going back to daddeh's house when your shift ends in your pathetic clunker

By the way, the easiest jobs in the store are bagger and cashier. Cashiers don't think, just do what they're training asks them to do. If anything comes up that requires them to think, they ask for a manager. I have a saying when people come around my department, I tell them to stop thinking like a cashier.

If you must know, I work in the back as a receiver. I buy the products that vendors sell to my store, which means I have to know prices and inventory levels. I have to know what sells and what doesn't and how quickly. I have to know what the ads are and what displays are being put up and taken down and act accordingly. And I have to do this for every department, which means I have to actually work with the department managers to help them manage their inventory levels.

I have to babysit every department that has product or wrap or supplies in my wareroom to make sure they all work together to make the store run. I have to unload trucks and make sure all the product is present and accounted for. In essence, my department is on the hook for thousands of dollars in product every day. My department is the only one in the store that actually spends money. Everything that is in an HEB does not get onto the sales floor without going through my department first. And for the ones that actually care about doing a good job (such as me, because in the employment world, my work ethic is my reputation), there are lots of ways to fuck up and lose A LOT of money if we're not careful.

My department buys in about a $200,000 to $250,000 worth of product each week. And I work in a smallish store. That's definitely a lot of money to be accountable for.

But the reason I stay with HEB is because it allows for a flexible schedule for me to take care of my kids and finish up school while getting a decent pay check. I may not be banking, but I can live off my salary and finish school. Plus, HEB has been known to do a bit of public relations in this community, especially with the team that has brought us here to these very boards.

Nathan Explosion
10-06-2010, 11:53 PM
OOOOOOOOOOHHHH shit guys! we might be talking to a lower level of management!

crofl making a career out of a first job for teenage boys

This coming from a guy who's sole reason for wanting an HEB in his city is to piss off his ex. Very mature.

Anyway, since you're just trolling now, I'm done. I have more important things to tend to, such as cleaning my place while my kids sleep. After all, a parent's job is never done.

Latarian Milton
10-06-2010, 11:59 PM
the jobs of cashiers ain't easy tbh. you have to learn how to deal with the embarrassing moments like when a young female consumer brings you a pack of sanitary towels for check, or when a male consumer takes a box of condoms to a female cashier for check. you have to treat these situations as though they were just usual like other items.

Latarian Milton
10-07-2010, 12:04 AM
of course the most embarrassing moment for a male cashier is when a male consumer buys a pack of sanitary towels.

10-07-2010, 08:16 AM
Damn Receivers...

10-07-2010, 09:48 PM
Wallermart is the DEVIL!!!


10-08-2010, 02:36 AM
Sounds like you should start shopping at HEB

Their baggers are no better- at least when you actually get one!

The people who do the best job bagging my groceries are the cashiers at Super Target who always do all their own bagging. AT HEB, many cashiers get an attitude like they are too good to bag.

10-08-2010, 07:25 AM
OOOOOOOOOOHHHH shit guys! we might be talking to a lower level of management!

crofl making a career out of a first job for teenage boys
It happens. I have a cousin who started off rounding up buggys for Sam's and now he makes pretty good bank, as he has managed several Sam's locations all over the state. I think they even helped put him through college..but I'm not completely sure.

10-08-2010, 02:03 PM
By the way, the easiest jobs in the store are bagger and cashier.

When I worked there, I always thought the easiest job after bagger was the produce dept.

Cashiers do have to count and make sure they don't sell beer to underage baggers.

10-10-2010, 02:39 AM
When I worked there, I always thought the easiest job after bagger was the produce dept.

Cashiers do have to count and make sure they don't sell beer to underage baggers.

For your sake, I hope you didnt do a latteral switch and went to HEB or Target or some shit...

I have friends that have worked for Walmart for years..... all of them hate it but they keep going back... Either going to another Walmart store or switching to something like HEB or some shit for a few years.... Then going right back to Walmart.

I dont understand the logic... I guess its just comfortable to do something you know even though your stuck with the same dead-end position with the same dead-end pay.

It's sad.

I constantly tell them, do something new, learn a new skillset, but they dont listen. :depressed

10-10-2010, 03:25 AM
lol shopping at walmart and expecting to get something not broken

been their mo for decades

The Reckoning
10-10-2010, 04:25 AM
i wonder when nathan explosion is going to apply for the pitching job

Mr Roper
10-10-2010, 08:35 AM
You can insult that girl all you want,
but I bet her Mom thinks she's doing a great job!


10-10-2010, 07:00 PM
The Wall-Mart off 1604 has a girl that doesn't trim her nails.
last time she tore my sac.

10-10-2010, 07:52 PM
Yeah usually you have to pay extra for something like that...

10-11-2010, 12:14 PM
For your sake, I hope you didnt do a latteral switch and went to HEB or Target or some shit...

I have friends that have worked for Walmart for years..... all of them hate it but they keep going back... Either going to another Walmart store or switching to something like HEB or some shit for a few years.... Then going right back to Walmart.

I dont understand the logic... I guess its just comfortable to do something you know even though your stuck with the same dead-end position with the same dead-end pay.

It's sad.

I constantly tell them, do something new, learn a new skillset, but they dont listen. :depressed

I worked at heb, not walmart.

glad I got out before I moved any higher than service director.

the quarterly bonus checks were the only good thing about being on salary there.

10-11-2010, 01:40 PM
Desflood, since you posted this I have been to both Walmart and HEB. I didn't buy much at Walmart, but my cashier (about age 40) was sharp and asked me how I wanted it bagged before she did it :tu Then at HEB, (where I prefer to have the cashier bag than some 16 yr old space cadet), the cashier also asked how I wanted it bagged!

I was VERY thankful and went out of my way to compliment them. I really hope they "pay it forward" the next time you come thru ;)

10-11-2010, 06:05 PM
Then at HEB, the cashier also asked how I wanted it bagged!

When I go to HEB, they never ask anymore, and they act mad when I tell them I want paper bags!

Then we do the routine where they ask me-- do you want your milk in a paper bag? Yes, I want everything in paper.

Do you want your produce in a paper bag? Yes, I want everything in paper.

Do you want your freezer items in a paper bag? Yes, I want everything in paper.

One time I finally asked a bagger if they get shot if they use paper bags!

10-11-2010, 06:26 PM
When I go to HEB, they never ask anymore, and they act mad when I tell them I want paper bags!

Then we do the routine where they ask me-- do you want your milk in a paper bag? Yes, I want everything in paper.

Do you want your produce in a paper bag? Yes, I want everything in paper.

Do you want your freezer items in a paper bag? Yes, I want everything in paper.

One time I finally asked a bagger if they get shot if they use paper bags!

just curious, why paper?

10-11-2010, 06:38 PM
I worked as a cashier at HEB (part-time) for 6 years. I could tell you many, many stories about idiot customers. Paper bags cost twice as much as plastic, that's why you have to specifically ask for paper.

10-11-2010, 10:25 PM
Paper bags cost twice as much as plastic, that's why you have to specifically ask for paper.

It is obvious why they do not want to give them to you, but I should not have to ask 5 times. I actually go to a certain HEB now that is not the closest to me at all because they actually have paper bags in stock and will bag my groceries in them gladly.

just curious, why paper?

I hate those crappy cheap plastic bags that hold almost nothing and are not stable at all. I like my stuff stacked nice and neat into a rectangular paper bag.

12-08-2010, 02:49 AM
I worked at heb, not walmart.

glad I got out before I moved any higher than service director.

the quarterly bonus checks were the only good thing about being on salary there.

How good? I've been offered a management position.

12-08-2010, 02:53 AM
Tha fuck?

What a random ass bump for an even more random ass reason...

12-08-2010, 09:26 AM
Double random bump...

12-08-2010, 09:38 AM
How good? I've been offered a management position.

if you're single, I'd say take the job. Good experience that you'll always have on the resume.

If you're married or have kids, the constant weekend and late night work is rough.

sorry, it's been so long and they varied at times, I don't recall the amounts....I think it was $1-2k. I remember the bonus checks help made up for the weeks that I worked so many hours (on salary) that I made less per hour than the checkers.

01-26-2011, 01:47 PM
Double random bump...

It isn't a random bump til I say it is, dammit.


01-26-2011, 02:17 PM
I have completely given up on Walmart. I will attempt to never go back there. It is all Target and HEB for me at this point.

01-26-2011, 02:27 PM
lol @ people who shop at walmart

Viva Las Espuelas
01-26-2011, 02:28 PM
I hope said cashier gets this message.........