View Full Version : Manu: Me encanta asumir la responsabilidad (without translation)

05-21-2005, 10:11 AM
Me encanta asumir la responsabilidad de decidir un partido
por Manu /21-05-05

Mucha gente vino a recibirnos ayer al aeropuerto de San Antonio después de clasificarnos para la final del Oeste. Estuvieron allí gritando y mostrando pancartas con el nombre de los Spurs. Estamos muy contentos, pero excepto ese festejo mío subiéndome a las espaldas de Tim (Duncan), el resto fue muy tranquilo; reservamos un restaurante en Seattle y nos fuimos a comer siete u ocho de nosotros. Tampoco queremos festejar antes de tiempo; el objetivo es el título.

Tim no es muy efusivo, bueno, ya lo deben saber :lol , pero yo sí, por lo que lo sorprendí trepándome por detrás y le dije al oído: "Menos mal que lo metiste". Es que no andaba derecho y ese tiro final nos permitió definir una serie muy difícil. En esa acción final, que arrancó cuando nos quedaban 14 segundos y estábamos 96 iguales, Popovich me pidió que tratara de consumir la máxima cantidad de tiempo para no dejarle a ellos el cierre, así que tomé el balón, intenté penetrar y lanzar, pero cuando salió a defenderme Potapenko, que estaba con Duncan, opté por pasársela a Tim. Fue un pase muy rápido, pero Tim tiene sopapas en las manos, la tomó y definió cuando quedaban 0,5 segundos. Después Ray Allen erró un triple. La verdad, me encanta asumir la responsabilidad de decidir un partido. Si hago el doble yo o uno de mis compañeros, es lo mismo. Lo importante es ganar.

Lamentablemente, apenas llegamos ayer a San Antonio los dos tuvimos que irnos al campo de entrenamiento de los Spurs para cumplir con unas sesiones de kinesiología. Tim se dobló el tobillo otra vez y tuvo que tratarse, mientras que yo regresé con un golpe en el cuádriceps derecho (una típica paralítica) que me produjo una hinchazón. La verdad es que recibimos muchos golpes, algo que no es nada raro en los playoffs. El problema es que Duncan tiene los tobillos bastante delicados de tantos esguinces y debe cuidarse.

En cuanto a Seattle, realmente no pensé que terminara siendo un equipo tan difícil, mucho más después de haber arrancado 2 a 0 y ellos con algunos lesionados, como Rashard Lewis, que es importante. Igual, si me preguntaban antes de esa serie si me conformaba con un 4 a 2, como terminó, aceptaba sin dudar, porque en el Oeste todos los rivales son duros; cuando salimos campeones, no hay que olvidarlo, ganamos todas las series 4 a 2. Pero, repito, Seattle nos complicó mucho. Son muy duros, juegan bien y cada uno respeta su rol. Siempre los playoffs del Oeste son grandes batallas.

¿A quién me gustaría enfrentar ahora en la final del Oeste? Me gustaría que gane Dallas, en principio porque la ventaja de localía quedaría para nosotros -con Phoenix no la tenemos- y fundamentalmente porque si ganaba Dallas anoche el sexto partido, eso nos significaría unos días más de descanso. Si el vencedor es Phoenix, mañana mismo -por hoy- deberíamos tomar el avión otra vez y viajar nuevamente porque el arranque de la final está pautado para el domingo.

Ahora, por juego, la cosa no es tan clara. Con Phoenix jugamos muy bien esta temporada. Ellos complican con la velocidad y tres o cuatro muy buenos jugadores. Cuando corren son terribles, pero no tienen un equipo tan largo, con tan buenos suplentes como Dallas, y eso en una serie prolongada puede favorecernos. Dallas, en cambio, tiene mejores suplentes, pero es más irregular, puede tener una gran noche, como una mala, y su defensa no es tan sólida.

Esto de los viajes también es agotador por más que lo hagamos en aviones privados, en los horarios que nosotros queremos y que al llegar al aeropuerto vayamos directamente hasta nuestro auto y de allí a casa. Por ejemplo, después de ganar en Seattle tuvimos que quedarnos a descansar en esa ciudad porque el regreso a San Antonio significaba 4 horas de vuelo y hubiésemos llegado acá a las 6 de la mañana y mal dormidos. El viaje a Seattle justo es el más largo que tenemos, cruzamos el país de Sur a Norte. Así que voy a prenderles unas velas a Dirk Nowitzki (el alemán que actúa en Dallas) para que ganen y se prolongue esa serie. Realmente necesitamos mucho un poquito más de descanso y empezar la final el martes próximo.

Muchos me preguntan si me siento más protagonista ahora en los Spurs. Seguro que las cosas cambiaron respecto del primer año y es muy lindo sentir esa responsabilidad en los minutos finales. Son cosas que se van dando con el tiempo y por suerte están saliendo muy bien. Es muy gratificante que también la gente te reconozca o te tome como ídolo.

Otra cosa que me preguntaron mucho es eso de ser titular o suplente. Popovich me dio una corta explicación cada vez que cambió mi ubicación. Ahora, con el regreso a la titularidad, me dijo que necesitaba que jugara más minutos. Yo acepté cada una de las decisiones y entendí las razones. No le doy demasiada importancia al tema porque de última la diferencia son 5 minutos más o menos. Como siempre digo, lo importante es estar en la cancha en los momentos culminantes



05-21-2005, 10:27 AM
Que bueno!! Manu tiene que jugar con todo su corazon.

05-21-2005, 10:39 AM
good read.

Pop OFits
05-21-2005, 12:13 PM
Beware of the Googlefish machine language

Much people enchant to me to assume the responsibility to decide a party by Manu/came to receive to us to the airport of San Antonio yesterday after classifying us for the end of the West. They were there shouting and showing placards with the name of the Spurs. We are very contentments, but except that festejar mine raising me the backs of Tim (Duncan), the rest was very calm; we reserved a restaurant in Seattle and we went away to eat seven or eight of us. We either do not want to festejar before time; the objective is the title.

Tim is not very efusivo, good, already must know it, but I yes, reason why I surprised it behind climbing to me and I whispered to him in the ear: "Thank heavens that you put it". It is that he did not walk right and that final shot allowed us to define a very difficult series. In that final action, that started when we had left 14 seconds and we were 96 equal ones, Popovich requested me that it tried to consume the Maxima amount of time not to leave them the closing, so I took the ball, I tried to penetrate and to send, but when it left to defend Potapenko to me, that it was with Duncan, I chose to pass it to it to Tim. Was happens very fast, but Tim has sopapas in the hands, it took it and it defined when they were left 0.5 seconds. Later Ray Allen missed a triple. The truth, enchants to me to assume the responsibility to decide a party. If I make the double or one of my companions, is the same. The important thing is to win.

Lamentably, hardly we arrived yesterday at San Antonio both we had to go us to the field of training of the Spurs to fulfill kinesiología sessions. Tim bent the ankle again and had to treat, whereas I returned straight with a blow in cuádriceps (typical a quadriplegic one) that produced a swelling to me. The truth is that we received many blows, something that is not nothing rare in playoffs. The problem is that Duncan has the quite delicate ankles of so many esguinces and must be taken care of.

As far as Seattle, really I did not think that it finished being a so difficult equipment, much more after to have taken 2 to 0 and they with some injured, like Rashard Lewis, who is important. Equal, if they asked to me before that series if he conformed to me to 4 to 2, as he finished, accepted without doubting, because in the West all the rivals are hard; when we left champions, it is not necessary to forget it, we gained all series 4 to 2. But, I repeat, Seattle us complicó much. They are very hard, they play well and each one respects its roll. Playoffs of the West is always great battles.

To whom I would like to face now in the end of the West? I would like that she gains Scythes, in principle because the advantage of localía would be for us - with Phoenix we do not have it and fundamentally because if the sixth party gained Scythes last night, that would mean days to us more of rest. If the winner is Phoenix, tomorrow same - per today we would have to take the airplane and to again travel again because the starting of the end is pautado for Sunday.

Now, by game, the thing is not so clear. With Phoenix we played very well this season. They complican with the speed and three or four very good players. When they run are terrible, but they do not have a so long equipment, with so good substitutes as Scythes, and that in a prolonged series can favor to us. Scythes, however, have better substitutes, but he is more irregular, it can have a great night, like a bad one, and its defense is not so solid.

This of the trips also is exhausting no matter how hard we do it in deprived airplanes, in the schedules that we want and that when arriving at the airport we go directly until our car and from there to house. For example, after winning in Seattle we must have left to rest in that city because the return to San Antonio meant 4 flight hours and had arrived here at 6 in the morning and badly slept. The trip to right Seattle is longest than we have, we crossed the country of the South to North. So I am going to catch candles to them to Dirk Nowitzki (the German that acts in Scythes) so that they win and that series extends. We really needed much just a little bit more rest and to begin the end next Tuesday.

Many they ask to me if I now feel like more protagonist in the Spurs. Surely which the things changed respect to the first year and he is very pretty to feel that responsibility in the final minutes. They are things that are occurred with time and luckily they are leaving very well.

He is very rewarding that also people recognize to you or she takes you like ídolo. Another thing that asked much to me is that of being to title or substitute. Popovich gave one short explanation me whenever it changed my location. Now, with the return to the titularidad, it said to me that it needed that it played more minutes. I accepted each one of the decisions and understood the reasons. I do not give too much importance him to the subject because of last the difference they are 5 minutes more or less. As I always say, the important thing is to be in the field at the culminating moments.


05-21-2005, 12:20 PM
Pop OFits, do not depend on internet translations...that translation sucks...

05-21-2005, 12:53 PM
So that's right dude, meet me at the bleachers
No principals,no student-teachers
Both of us want to be the winner, but there can only be one
So I'm gonna fight, gonna give it my all
Gonna make you fall, gonna sock it to you
That's right I'm the last one standing, another one bites the dust

A few times I've been around that track
So it's not just gonna happen like that
Because I ain't no hollaback Dude
I ain't no hollaback Dude

Let me hear you say this stuff is bananas
(This stuff is bananas)

A few times I've been around that track
So it's not just gonna happen like that
Because I ain't no hollaback Dude
I ain't no hollaback Dude...

05-21-2005, 12:56 PM
I love that it translated "Dallas" into "Scythes". :lol

05-21-2005, 03:54 PM
I DID IT!!!! WHOO-HOO!!!!!! :)
Here it is. I took forever:

I love assuming the responsibility of deciding a game
By Manu 5-21-05

A lot of people came to greet us yesterday at the San Antonio airport after getting classified for the Western Conference Finals. They were there yelling and showing posters with the Spurs name on them. We are very happy, but except that celebration of mine of hopping on Tim’s (Duncan) back, the rest was very calm; we reserved a restaurant in Seattle and seven or eight of us went to eat. We don’t want to celebrate ahead of time, either. The goal/objective is the title.

Tim is not very effusive, well, you all should know that by now, but I do, which is why I surprised him by hopping on him from behind and I told him in his ear: “Good thing it went in." (*It's hard to translate this phrase... It's like he's joking with Tim saying "If it hadn't went in... You would've had it with us." *) It’s because he wasn’t straight, and that last shot allowed us to define a very difficult series. In that final action, which started when we had 14 seconds left and we had both 96, Popovich asked me to try to consume the maximun amount of time, so as to not let them have the closing, so I got the ball, tried to penetrate and shoot, but when Potapenko came to defend me, who was on Duncan, I opted on passing it to Tim. I was a very fast pass, but Tim has (??) in his hands, he caught it, and defined it with 0.5 seconds remaining. After that, Ray Allen missed a triple. In truth, I love assuming the responsibility of deciding a game. If I make double, or one of my teammates does, it’s the same thing. The important thing is to win.

Sadly, barely arriving to San Antonio yesterday, both of us had to go to the Spurs training camp to finish a few sessions of kinesiology. Tim twisted his ankle again and had to treat it, while I returned with a hit in the right cuadriceps (a typical paralyzation) that created a big swelling. The truth is we received many hits, something which is nothing rare in the playoffs. The problem is that Duncan has very delicate ankles from so many (?) and has to take care of himelf.

Regarding Seattle, I really didn’t think the would end up being such a difficult team, more so after having started 2 to 0 with them with some hurt, like Rashard Lewis, who’s important. Still, they did ask me before that series if I was content with a 4 to 2, how it ended, I accepted without a doubt, because in the West all the rivals are very difficult; when we were champions, we cannot forget it, we won all the series 4 to 2. But, I repeat, Seattle was very difficult to us. They’re very tough, they play well, and each player accepts their role. In the West, the playoffs are always hard battles.

Who would I like to play now in the Western finals? I would like Dallas to win; at first because of the advantage that the locale would be ours- with Phoenix we don’t have it- and fundamentally because if Dallas won last night the sixth game, that would mean a few days of rest for us. If Phoenix won, tomorrow- for today- we would have to catch the plane again and travel once again because the start of the final is set for Sunday.

Now, by game, things aren’t so clear. With Phoenix we played very well this season. They complicate things with their velocity and three or four very good players. When they run, they’re terrible, but they don’t have a very big team, with so many good substitutes like Dallas, and that can favor us in a prolonged series. Dallas, in contrast, has better substitutes, but is more irregular; they can have a great night, just like a bad one, and their defense is not that solid.

Traveling is still very tireing, in spite of the private airplanes, of the schedule we want, and of heading directly to our cars when arriving to the airport and from there to our house. For example, after winning in Seattle, we had to stay to rest in that city because the return to San Antonio would mean 4 hours of flight and we would have arrived here at 6 in the morning and badly slept. The trip to Seattle is in fact the longest one we have; we cross the country from South to North. That said, I’m going to light some candles for Dirk Nowitzki (the German who plays in Dallas) so they can win and prolong the series. We really need a little more rest and start the final next Tuesday.

Many ask me if I feel more of a protagonist now in the Spurs team. It’s a fact that things changed in respect to the first year, and it’s really nice to feel the responsibility of the final minutes. They’re things that start happening with time and luckily, they’re turning out well. It’s also very gratifying that people recognize you or adopts you as an idol.

Another thing that I get asked a lot is that of being a starter or a reserve. Popovich gave me a short explanation each time he changed my role. Now, with my return as a starter, he told me that he needed me to play more minutes. I accepted each decision he made and I understood his reasons. I don’t give much importance to that subject because in the end, the difference is more or less 5 minutes. Like I always say, the important thing is being in the court in the culminating moments.


05-21-2005, 04:03 PM
Good translation...

05-21-2005, 04:04 PM
Thanks! :D

05-21-2005, 04:08 PM
:spin Very Nice :spin

05-21-2005, 04:36 PM
That Manu is such a character.

Has anybody seen Manu's Wife? I saw her last week at the Leon Springs HEB and she looks like a women version of Manu. :lol I wouldn't be surprised if he kept a few Sancha's in Argentina.

05-21-2005, 05:03 PM
Main Entry: protagonist

Etymology: Greek protagonistes, from prt-, prot- + agonistes competitor at games, debater, actor, from agonizesthai to compete for a prize, contend, from agon gathering, assembly at games, contest - more at AGONY

a : one who takes the leading part in a drama — opposed to antagonist
b : the chief character of a novel or story in or around whom the action centers

a : the spokesman or leader for a cause : the principal mover : CHAMPION
b : an active participant : the supporter of an idea or action : ADVOCATE

3 : a muscle that by its contraction actually causes a particular movement


SI!! Manu is definitely a Spurs "in or around whom the action centers"!

And he can really ham it up in the "drama" of his flops!

But above all, Manu is a natural-born CHAMPION, with mui grande testiculos!! :lol