View Full Version : Why Gallup is Lying about a GOP Landslide

10-19-2010, 10:20 PM
Maybe Gallup is just caught up in the made-up shit that the beltway pundit are spewing thanks to the M$M they despise, but the latest Gallup polls are so far fetched you have to question why a well known pollster would put out such shitty polls..

Gallup's Implausible Likely Voter Results

It's a shocking result. According to the Gallup Poll, a generic Republican candidate currently leads a generic Democratic candidate by 17 points among likely voters in a hypothetical House matchup. A margin of that magnitude on Election Day would almost certainly result in a Republican gain of at least 80 seats in the House of Representatives and the largest GOP majority since the 1920's. But how plausible are Gallup's results?

An examination of some of the internals from the latest Gallup survey of likely voters leads to the conclusion that these results are wildly implausible. First, Gallup shows a much larger percentage of Republicans (55% Republican identifiers and leaners vs. 40% Democratic identifiers and leaners) and conservatives (51% conservative vs. 28% moderates and 18% liberals) than we've ever seen in a modern election. They also show a smaller percentage of voters under the age of 30 (7%) and a larger percentage of voters over the age of 65 (27%) than we've seen in any modern election. But that's not all. The candidate preference results for some subgroups of voters are just wildly implausible.

Gallup's latest likely voter survey shows a generic Republican leading a generic Democrat by a whopping 28 points among whites, 62% to 34%. To put those numbers in perspective, in 1994, according to national exit poll data, Republicans only won the white vote by 16 points, 58% to 42%, and that was their best showing since the advent of exit polling. Gallup is telling us that right now the Republican lead among whites who are likely to vote is 12 points larger than the GOP margin among whites in 1994.

But that's not the most implausible result in the latest Gallup likely voter survey. Among nonwhites other than blacks, a group that comprises about 13% of likely voters, a generic Republican is leading a generic Democrat by 10 points, 52% to 42%. That's a group that voted Democratic by a 2-1 margin in the 2006 midterm election. Moreover, it's a group that has never given a majority of its vote to Republican candidates for Congress in any election since the advent of exit polling. According to the 2006 exit poll results, about two-thirds of these "other nonwhite" voters are Latinos. How plausible is it that at a time when the Republican Party is closely associated with stridently anti-immigrant policies that Latino voters are moving in droves toward Republican candidates? Not plausible at all, especially when Gallup's results are directly contradicted by other recent polls of Latino voters.

The Gallup Poll should be commended for making their internals available to interested observers for secondary analysis -- few other polling organizations are so generous with their data. And to be fair to Gallup, they have cautioned that these results are not a prediction of what will happen on Election Day, only a snapshot of current voter attitudes. But what is the value of putting out results that defy logic but which can influence perceptions of the current electoral climate among political elites as well as the public?

Huff (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alan-abramowitz/gallups-implausible-likel_b_764345.html)

10-20-2010, 05:08 AM
Wasn't it Rasmussen that was GUARANTEEING, in October, a McLiar landslide, along with Always-Wrong Yoni?

The incumbent party is gonna lose seats in mid-terms. Yawn.

What would be significant is that they lose a lot less than FCM is predicting. It would be like incumbent War President dubya winning in 2004 over goddam Kerry by the smallest margin ever for an incumbent. We Loved Dubya, We REALLY Loved Him

10-20-2010, 09:25 AM
I didnt even have to read the article to know where the source is from.

Face it you two, the Dems are going to get murdered next month. MURDERED. Landslide shit. Supermajority in both Houses and what was accomplished? Nothing.

The only thing I heard was how unfair it was that Obama inherited all this "Republican debt". Well, the clown shouldnt have ran for the office then, even me, an amatuer at best in politics, knew that the person who won the 2008 election was going to have one of the worst chances of a successful presidency in the history of this country.

So, yes, the Republicans are going to wax that ass next month. The Dems passed a completely unpopular healthcare bill. In 2 years, thats all they did. Some abortion of a bill that will probably be repealed in short-order in 2012. Obama is/was a failure, 2 years into his presidency he is already a lameduck president. Most Americans are just counting the days until they can vote his ass out.

The Dems are done like dinner next month. Sure, theyll hold onto their stronghold seats (New England, bits of California, etc), but theyre going to lose the equal amount of seats gained in 2008 (if not worse).

You two reeeeeeally dont see how completely ineffective and completely unrealistic the Dem party is perceived? Whether true or not (i think its true), perception is reality.

Make no mistake, a return of power to Republicans will make absolutely no difference, nothing will be better or even different, just the mouths that move followed by sound will look different and appeal to a different sort of American.

Dems are toast, Repubs will reign for the next 4 years, do nothing except make it worse (just like the Dems) and then this country will think handing power over to the Dems in 2014 will make all the difference.

This country and its citizens deserves this, every bit of it.

10-20-2010, 09:40 AM
US-Generic Ballot: 44% Democrat, 41% Republican (NBC/WSJ 10/14-18)



It looks like AT BEST the Repugs and Fox Repug Propaganda network will have to spin why they took so few seats away from Dems compared to other mid-terms.

10-20-2010, 09:46 AM
^^^ :lmao "generic ballot"

10-20-2010, 09:54 AM
I didnt even have to read the article to know where the source is from.

Face it you two, the Dems are going to get murdered next month. MURDERED. Landslide shit. Supermajority in both Houses and what was accomplished? Nothing.

The only thing I heard was how unfair it was that Obama inherited all this "Republican debt". Well, the clown shouldnt have ran for the office then, even me, an amatuer at best in politics, knew that the person who won the 2008 election was going to have one of the worst chances of a successful presidency in the history of this country.

So, yes, the Republicans are going to wax that ass next month. The Dems passed a completely unpopular healthcare bill. In 2 years, thats all they did. Some abortion of a bill that will probably be repealed in short-order in 2012. Obama is/was a failure, 2 years into his presidency he is already a lameduck president. Most Americans are just counting the days until they can vote his ass out.

The Dems are done like dinner next month. Sure, theyll hold onto their stronghold seats (New England, bits of California, etc), but theyre going to lose the equal amount of seats gained in 2008 (if not worse).

You two reeeeeeally dont see how completely ineffective and completely unrealistic the Dem party is perceived? Whether true or not (i think its true), perception is reality.

Make no mistake, a return of power to Republicans will make absolutely no difference, nothing will be better or even different, just the mouths that move followed by sound will look different and appeal to a different sort of American.

Dems are toast, Repubs will reign for the next 4 years, do nothing except make it worse (just like the Dems) and then this country will think handing power over to the Dems in 2014 will make all the difference.

This country and its citizens deserves this, every bit of it.

I tend to agree, even though I readily identify myself as a Democrat.

It has been my observation/intuition that you tend to speak for a rather important segment of the electorate. That segment snubbed the GOP last election, and for reasons that you are outlining will do the same for Dems this time around.

Some of us will almost always vote Democratic, and others Republican, leaving people of your vein with the real decision making power.

Hopefully you will use that to beat the party leaderships into acting responsibly. Good luck!

I get the feeling though that the polarization of the country will mean fewer and fewer people who will comprimise in Congress to get things done. We are already seeing some pretty substantial ideological purity testing going on in the GOP.

George Gervin's Afro
10-20-2010, 10:35 AM
The GOP is going to fight the WH and Senate on everything. They seem to think that America wants gridlock... they'll see..

10-20-2010, 10:50 AM
I just want a Republican House, Democrat Senate, and a Moderate President.

Sadly, I don't think that's possible, since both parties are supporting Presidential Candidates seen as far from center these days, and it seems unlikely there will be a split Congress for more than 2 years now-a-days.

10-20-2010, 11:04 AM
"GOP is going to fight the WH and Senate on everything"

That's Non Change We Don't Need To Believe In. It's been fact since 20 JAN 2009.

10-20-2010, 11:13 AM
Maybe Gallup is just caught up in the made-up shit that the beltway pundit are spewing thanks to the M$M they despise, but the latest Gallup polls are so far fetched you have to question why a well known pollster would put out such shitty polls..

Gallup's Implausible Likely Voter Results

Huff (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alan-abramowitz/gallups-implausible-likel_b_764345.html)

Ok, so this is a poll whose conclusion you don't like...therefore it's shitty where as the polls whose conclusion you do like are golden. Ok, I get it.:rolleyes

Your flip-flop aside, the poll is accurate, but any conclusions drawn from a generic poll, which this is in spades, can in no way be considered predictive beyond 10 minutes:lol. Bereft of specifics such as actual candidates, it's really more of a survey of general will...and we know how flakey that can be among the voting populance. Seems like a futile poll to me.

*edit to remove unecessary nomenclature. I've got to stop being an asshole.*

jack sommerset
10-20-2010, 12:01 PM
The GOP is going to fight the WH and Senate on everything. They seem to think that America wants gridlock... they'll see..

LOL....."They'll see!!!!!!!" 2 years later this what you bring to the table. America wants Barry and his agenda gone. They want politicians to quit spending thier money on bullshit. They want a smaller government. They want a president/politician they can trust. They want someone who cares about americas past, present and future. That gridlock Obongo talking point is weakass desperate I have nothing else to say bullshit.

I predict you will jump aboard the Clinton bandwagon 1 year from now and Barry was "just not right for our country" campaign.

George Gervin's Afro
10-20-2010, 12:27 PM
LOL....."They'll see!!!!!!!" 2 years later this what you bring to the table. America wants Barry and his agenda gone. They want politicians to quit spending thier money on bullshit. They want a smaller government. They want a president/politician they can trust. They want someone who cares about americas past, present and future. That gridlock Obongo talking point is weakass desperate I have nothing else to say bullshit.

I predict you will jump aboard the Clinton bandwagon 1 year from now and Barry was "just not right for our country" campaign.

so you suppose america wants gridlock? Getting nothing accomplished dumb ass?

look stupid, I voted fro Clinton in the dem primary and would vote for her over obama in a second.

George Gervin's Afro
10-20-2010, 12:31 PM
LOL....."They'll see!!!!!!!" 2 years later this what you bring to the table. America wants Barry and his agenda gone. They want politicians to quit spending thier money on bullshit. They want a smaller government. They want a president/politician they can trust. They want someone who cares about americas past, present and future. That gridlock Obongo talking point is weakass desperate I have nothing else to say bullshit.

I predict you will jump aboard the Clinton bandwagon 1 year from now and Barry was "just not right for our country" campaign.

I predict I will cite a poll that shows the american public not supporting a GOP idea..and your head will explode mr. " Obama must govern based on daily polling data"..

jack sommerset
10-20-2010, 12:43 PM
so you suppose america wants gridlock? Getting nothing accomplished dumb ass?

look stupid, I voted fro Clinton in the dem primary and would vote for her over obama in a second.

Look stupid. Noone is talking about gridlock except your weekly memo talking points from Barry. People are talking about repealing the health care bill. Stopping Barry from putting us in to bankrupcy. Stop the left wing agenda. Stop illegal immigration. I can go on and on but you make your dumbass statments with little questions marks on the end. Son, the party is coming to an end. Literally

jack sommerset
10-20-2010, 12:44 PM
I predict I will cite a poll that shows the american public not supporting a GOP idea..and your head will explode mr. " Obama must govern based on daily polling data"..

but, but, but polls don't matter whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The poll that only matters to you is happening in 2 weeks. Your head will explode!

George Gervin's Afro
10-20-2010, 12:49 PM
Look stupid. Noone is talking about gridlock except your weekly memo talking points from Barry. People are talking about repealing the health care bill. Stopping Barry from putting us in to bankrupcy. Stop the left wing agenda. Stop illegal immigration. I can go on and on but you make your dumbass statments with little questions marks on the end. Son, the party is coming to an end. Literally

memo to dumbass..it's not hard to predict that the GOP/ Tea Party Congress will fight the WH from day one.. the american public wants progress and not gridlock...

memo to dumbass they will not be able to repeal obamacare..

memo to dumbass illiegal immigration has been an onoging problem and congress alone can't do shit about it...

memo to dumbass the Dems will control the Senate and WH at the very least...so the party will go on..

George Gervin's Afro
10-20-2010, 12:50 PM
but, but, but polls don't matter whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The poll that only matters to you is happening in 2 weeks. Your head will explode!

so polls don't matter..which means you have been full of shit for the past 2 years..:toast

nice job of flip flopping and exposing your hypocrisy..:toast

George Gervin's Afro
10-20-2010, 12:50 PM
but, but, but polls don't matter whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The poll that only matters to you is happening in 2 weeks. Your head will explode!

so polls don't matter..which means you have been full of shit for the past 2 years..:toast

nice job of flip flopping and exposing your hypocrisy dumbass

jack sommerset
10-20-2010, 12:55 PM
so polls don't matter..which means you have been full of shit for the past 2 years..:toast

nice job of flip flopping and exposing your hypocrisy dumbass

I was acting like you, you big dummy. Quit fucking crying already. You fags tried your best to defend Obongo and it was all for nothing.

George Gervin's Afro
10-20-2010, 12:58 PM
I was acting like you, you big dummy. Quit fucking crying already. You fags tried your best to defend Obongo and it was all for nothing.

What is there to cry about jack? that the party in power will lose seats? the party in power is going to suffer because of the bad economy?

more brilliance..

10-20-2010, 01:15 PM
I tend to agree, even though I readily identify myself as a Democrat.

It has been my observation/intuition that you tend to speak for a rather important segment of the electorate. That segment snubbed the GOP last election, and for reasons that you are outlining will do the same for Dems this time around.

Some of us will almost always vote Democratic, and others Republican, leaving people of your vein with the real decision making power.

Hopefully you will use that to beat the party leaderships into acting responsibly. Good luck!

I get the feeling though that the polarization of the country will mean fewer and fewer people who will comprimise in Congress to get things done. We are already seeing some pretty substantial ideological purity testing going on in the GOP.

Maybe youre right, but I have no idea. A lot of people claim to be independent even when they are not, but I truly listen to any side, not just the Big 2. I tend to gravitate toward an individual's platform than the platform of their party, but with every election I end up more disappointed now than the previous.

I never thought Obama was the "Hope and Change" he purported to be, I figured that he would just be an intelligent center-left politician who would stand on his convictions. I didnt vote for him (nor McCain), I threw my vote away willingly on a 3rd party nobody, but I knew he was going to win my state so what I thought didnt matter.

He has been the biggest political disappointment in my lifetime mainly because he raised expectations to an unattainable level with rhetoric and, well, out-n-out lies. He was the world's slickest salesmen who has been exposed for the fraudulent partisan rookie he actually is. He cant control his own party, much less bargain with the Repubs to get anything done. He believed, IMO, that since his party had majorities in Congress that he could just ram through any legislation he wanted.

Reality kicked him in the ass, repeatedly. He never made any attempt to unite the political parties, even if it meant cow-towing on party issues deemed important (union status, state funding, etc). He tried to play dictator of American domestic policy and ended up a paper tiger with its pants down.

He is an epic failure of epic proportions, he has done nothing about the two wars except change generals and continue Bush-era decisions about withdrawal timetables in Iraq. He is a puppet of the military just the same as any Republican, or any politician for that matter. I am sure a person's viewpoint changes significantly when its YOU in the meeting every morning with the Joint Chiefs, CIA intelligence reports and the like.

Unfortunately for Mr. Obama, he represents the Democratic party just the same as Bush represented the Republican party and no one wanted him around on their campaign trail. Obama finds himself in the exact same position...loathed by FAR too many Americans to have redeeming influence on matters of State.

We'll see what kind of President he is next year, thats for sure. The Republicans will control Congress and President Obama's wherewithal will be tested immensely with what Congress passes and expects to be signed. His domestic intiatives are all but rotted fruit on a very old vine. Unless he turns a Houdini in the next two years, he will be unceremoniously swept out of office without a whisper from anyone but the racially provocative.

jack sommerset
10-20-2010, 02:17 PM
what is there to cry about jack? That the party in power will lose seats? The party in power is going to suffer because of the bad economy?

More brilliance..


10-20-2010, 03:56 PM
...like this exchange between GGA and Jack, as one of countless examples.

This country is getting exactly what it deserves/demands.

10-20-2010, 04:13 PM
Conway tied Rand Paul in a poll last night.

Feingold has also pulled even

Repug/tea bagger landslide?

George Gervin's Afro
10-20-2010, 04:30 PM
...like this exchange between GGA and Jack, as one of countless examples.

This country is getting exactly what it deserves/demands.

I lower myself to jack's level when I respond to his posts.. don't compare me to that dumbass..

jack sommerset
10-20-2010, 05:31 PM
...like this exchange between GGA and Jack, as one of countless examples.

This country is getting exactly what it deserves/demands.

I lower myself to george's level when I respond to his posts.. don't compare me to that dumbass..

10-20-2010, 08:30 PM
DarkReign gets it :toast

10-20-2010, 08:34 PM
He has been the biggest political disappointment in my lifetime mainly because he raised expectations to an unattainable level with rhetoric and, well, out-n-out lies. He was the world's slickest salesmen who has been exposed for the fraudulent partisan rookie he actually is. He cant control his own party, much less bargain with the Repubs to get anything done. He believed, IMO, that since his party had majorities in Congress that he could just ram through any legislation he wanted


If anything Obama has had to lure moderate Republicans like Snow to pass policy because corporate-backed blue dog Dems have blocked his efforts to negate years of GOP deregulation that led to our current mess...

10-20-2010, 08:37 PM
He is an epic failure of epic proportions, he has done nothing about the two wars except change generals and continue Bush-era decisions about withdrawal timetables in Iraq.


The Iraq withdrawal may not be on wing-nut radio, but we are on schedule to complete Obama's plan just as he promised.....I am very disappointed that you would not know this...

10-20-2010, 09:01 PM
Unfortunately for Mr. Obama, he represents the Democratic party just the same as Bush represented the Republican party and no one wanted him around on their campaign trail. Obama finds himself in the exact same position...loathed by FAR too many Americans to have redeeming influence on matters of State.

Is this the real DR or did someone hack his account?

Obama has had to recently increase the size of the venues he is speaking at because of high demand...

10-20-2010, 09:42 PM
Magic Negro is pulling crowds of 10s of 1000s in each venue.

10-20-2010, 10:01 PM
. He never made any attempt to unite the political parties, even if it meant cow-towing on party issues deemed important (union status, state funding, etc).

I think he did, but got shit on, and it rightfully just a wee bit pissed.

Everytime there has been any whiff of comprimise, the purity brigade in the GOP and the ones who sniff opportunism shit all over it.

It has been sickening to watch. Most rank and file Democrats are pissed, and just about have had it with the disgustingly cynical bullshit.

I would not be fully honest, if I didn't admit the Dems did some bullshit too, but the GOP has smelled blood in the water, and they are having none of the "reach across the isle", country be damned, and no matter how much public good it might do.

10-21-2010, 02:43 PM

If anything Obama has had to lure moderate Republicans like Snow to pass policy because corporate-backed blue dog Dems have blocked his efforts to negate years of GOP deregulation that led to our current mess...

I never said he didnt "try", I said (in effect) that he was unable. Blaming his inability to do so on something or someone else means nothing to me.

Just the same thing I said to an employee today...

I care not for the placement of blame, I care only for results.

If his inability to semi-unite Congress under respectable legislation can be excused because you feel the President was wronged or cheated in some way, thats fine. But that isnt good enough for me. Show me results dont list excuses.

Is this the real DR or did someone hack his account?

Obama has had to recently increase the size of the venues he is speaking at because of high demand...

Where, in New England? And amongst who?

Every time he shows up in Michigan, he gets a HUUUUGE turnout. Why? Because Detroit is 80% african american and the teacher's union in Michigan is probably the strongest union in the country (well, since the fall of the UAW anyway).

And since he had kissed the proverbial ring of those two for...well, ever, yes, he draws large crowds.

But I guarantee you this. Unless he magically creates 200k jobs in Michigan alone, he will lose Michigan in 2012 by a fair margin. Seeing as our dwindling population makes our electoral significance far less than it used to be, it might not mean much, I admit.

But if there were ever a Blue state, it was this one. Funny thing?

The new-politician, never held office before gubernatorial candidate Rick Snyder (R) leads career politician Verg Benerro (D) by over 40 points.

Dems are done, mostly because of their complete ineffectiveness with power absolute. Queue the rather pathetic excuses about obstructionism and Fox News having an undeserved influence over major voting blocs.

The Iraq withdrawal may not be on wing-nut radio, but we are on schedule to complete Obama's plan just as he promised.....I am very disappointed that you would not know this...

The current schedule to withdraw from Iraq is the same timetable Bush proposed before leaving office, iirc, it became policy as well. So, MrObama either hijacked Bush Jr's plan and called it his own or he is just following an already pre-existing plan....you pick.

10-21-2010, 02:58 PM
are you saying that michigan employment was fine in 2008?

George Gervin's Afro
10-21-2010, 02:59 PM
[RandomGuy;4686082]I think he did, but got shit on, and it rightfully just a wee bit pissed.

Everytime there has been any whiff of comprimise, the purity brigade in the GOP and the ones who sniff opportunism shit all over it.

It has been sickening to watch. Most rank and file Democrats are pissed, and just about have had it with the disgustingly cynical bullshit.

I would not be fully honest, if I didn't admit the Dems did some bullshit too, but the GOP has smelled blood in the water, and they are having none of the "reach across the isle", country be damned, and no matter how much public good it might do.

The truth

The new GOP Congress will take political grandstanding to a whole new level. They have no desire to work with Obama with his poll numbers so low.

10-21-2010, 03:04 PM
I think he did, but got shit on, and it rightfully just a wee bit pissed.

Everytime there has been any whiff of comprimise, the purity brigade in the GOP and the ones who sniff opportunism shit all over it.

Agreed in more ways than one, but an adept politician can navigate such waters and still get things done. Maybe his ambitions were too high, maybe he shutout the wrong members, maybe, what if, who knows?

To me, all that amounts to is excuses.

It has been sickening to watch. Most rank and file Democrats are pissed, and just about have had it with the disgustingly cynical bullshit.

I would not be fully honest, if I didn't admit the Dems did some bullshit too, but the GOP has smelled blood in the water, and they are having none of the "reach across the isle", country be damned, and no matter how much public good it might do.

Also agreed. Cynical has never been used more aptly. I realize my couple of posts in this thread make it sound like I am all gung-ho for Republican takeover when nothing could be further from the truth.

I am only giving my opinion of how I see the Obama government being perceived, which by proxy, is how his party is perceived.

I know for damn sure that Republicans can do nothing better, more effective or even slightly improved. The fiscal situation of this country precludes a gift-giving Congress or a domestically victorious President.

In this entire rant, I have never once offered a solution to Obama's problem(s) for the simple fact that, IMO, there arent any to be had. Its lose-lose, I knew that in 2008, he should have too as should the voters.

But its a what-have-you-done-for-me-lately world and in two years, he's done nothing except bail out the banks, investments houses and automotive companies, pass a supremely unpopular abortion of a healthcare bill that will probably never see the light of day, reign over record foreclosures, asset loss and dissolution of American perception about the undying strength of America.

Are any of these things directly his fault? No, not really, IMO. Presidents have gotten credit for the economy (Clinton, Internet Age) and have been blamed for the economy (Carter) since the dawn of the 20th century and really, none of them had any real influence on it except FDR.

Fair is for playgrounds full of schoolchildren, the rest of us jsut have to slog through trying to find out which option is better. Evidence and indrect evidence mounts against him and his party everyday. Rightly or wrongly, thats what it is.

10-21-2010, 03:07 PM
I would not be fully honest, if I didn't admit the Dems did some bullshit too, but the GOP has smelled blood in the water, and they are having none of the "reach across the isle", country be damned, and no matter how much public good it might do.

Over the last 2 years both sides have had their opportunity to play the "country be damned" game. In 2009 democrats had no interest in working with republicans and used their supermajority to ram-rod through healthcare "reform". In 2010 republicans had no interest in working with democrats once they saw that the economy wasn't going to get better and that the voter fallout from that would be to their benefit.

10-21-2010, 03:08 PM
are you saying that michigan employment was fine in 2008?

No, I am not. But that wasnt my point, anyway.

To nail it down, my entire position is that Obama is perceived negatively and the power of perception.

When perception helped him immensely: On his campaign trail. A young politician with little executive experience or political experience comes out with great speeches and a great message for a lot of Americans. It not only wins him the Dem nomination, it wins him the Presidency and rewrites the power grid in Congress by getting his party in majority. Epic, historic political victory.

When perception has hurt him immensely: Now and in 2012, IMO.

DISCLAIMER: The Republican party will win the midterms and the 2012 election, unless the party puts Palin on the ticket or a similar divisive character.

10-21-2010, 03:14 PM
"In 2009 democrats had no interest in working with republicans"

There were MANY MANY concessions to Repugs on health care and financial reform, and the Dems got NOTHING in return.

Repug Senate threaten to filibuster EVERY Dem item.

That Repug bitch alone in LA is blocking/extorting Obama's OMB director, even after Obama lifted the drilling ban that she said she had to have before letting him have his OMB director. lying bitch.

Again, it's totally lying false equivalence that Dems and Repugs do the same shit.

The Dems aren't innocent, but fuck it all, the Repugs are downright eliminationist, nihilist, obstructionist, no matter what the price is to the country.

And there's absolutely nothing at all on the Dem/progressive side to offset the VRWC.

Repugs really hate govt (they've been telling us since St Ronnie got that shit rolling) and don't actually want to govern, as we saw with the Repugs 2000-2008.

10-21-2010, 03:17 PM
You lie. democrats = republicans. There isn't one political tactic that one side won't resort to. They're identical twins who hate each other and the only difference between them is which group of voters they're trying to suck up to.

10-21-2010, 03:22 PM
What is there to cry about jack?

Well for one you won't get to call the republicans dead enders anymore.

George Gervin's Afro
10-21-2010, 03:32 PM
Well for one you won't get to call the republicans dead enders anymore.

good point..:depressed

10-21-2010, 03:34 PM
Waves beget Waves. First term members of congress and the senate are easier to out for obvious reasons.

10-21-2010, 04:32 PM
I think he did, but got shit on, and it rightfully just a wee bit pissed.

Everytime there has been any whiff of comprimise, the purity brigade in the GOP and the ones who sniff opportunism shit all over it.

It has been sickening to watch. Most rank and file Democrats are pissed, and just about have had it with the disgustingly cynical bullshit.

I would not be fully honest, if I didn't admit the Dems did some bullshit too, but the GOP has smelled blood in the water, and they are having none of the "reach across the isle", country be damned, and no matter how much public good it might do.

I love the theory that Obama hasn't been succesful because of GOP obstruction.

Don't the Dems have a supermajority?

10-21-2010, 04:37 PM
Its a theory? When 90%+ of democrats vote for an initiative and maybe 1 or 2 GOP senators vote for the same initiative I think we can safely say it is GOP obstructionism at work and not just say its a theory.

10-21-2010, 04:50 PM
Its a theory? When 90%+ of democrats vote for an initiative and maybe 1 or 2 GOP senators vote for the same initiative I think we can safely say it is GOP obstructionism at work and not just say its a theory.

Well, they got their shitty health care bill through with near unanimous GOP opposition.

Maybe it's not that they can't get their shitty legislation passed, it's that Amercians don't like what they're passing.

10-21-2010, 05:01 PM
Yes, Americans can't name the fucking Vice President but they're deciding how to vote based on their congresspersons and senators voting history.

More likely people are like you and have no idea why they vote the way they do. :lol @ being pissed off about your vote before the person you voted for even takes office. Darrin you're the poster child for voter stupidity.

10-21-2010, 11:41 PM
If his inability to semi-unite Congress under respectable legislation can be excused because you feel the President was wronged or cheated in some way, thats fine. But that isnt good enough for me. Show me results dont list excuses.

Obama has tried everything to lure moderate Republicans, even watering down legislation like the health-care bill, but the GOP is so corrupt there is no negotiating from them...you can't blame Obama for that, but that doesn't stop the GOP from trying...

jack sommerset
10-21-2010, 11:45 PM
Obama has tried everything to lure moderate Republicans, even watering down legislation like the health-care bill, but the GOP is so corrupt there is no negotiating from them...you can't blame Obama for that, but that doesn't stop the GOP from trying...

:lmao Maybe Barry should have thrown 300 million dollars to some of their states they represent. Now that would have been trying everything to lure them.

10-21-2010, 11:47 PM
Dems are done, mostly because of their complete ineffectiveness with power absolute. Queue the rather pathetic excuses about obstructionism and Fox News having an undeserved influence over major voting blocs.

The Dems will retain control of the Senate and Presidency, 2012 is still a long way away, so calling the Dems 'done' is premature....a lot can happen between now and 2012...the Dems don't vote in lock-step blocs the way the GOP does..for better or worse, that's democracy.

10-21-2010, 11:47 PM
:lmao Maybe Barry should have thrown 300 million dollars to some of their states they represent. Now that would have been trying everything to lure them.

Yeah, the GOP never pays to lure votes


jack sommerset
10-21-2010, 11:51 PM
Yeah, the GOP never pays to lure votes


Maybe Barry should have kept the doors unlocked durning negotiations instead of literally locking them out. Now that would have been trying to do everything to lure them.

10-21-2010, 11:54 PM
Fair is for playgrounds full of schoolchildren, the rest of us jsut have to slog through trying to find out which option is better. Evidence and indrect evidence mounts against him and his party everyday. Rightly or wrongly, thats what it is.

You mean evidence such as creating more private industry jobs in 2 years than Dubya managed to create in 8 with tax cuts...that kinda evidence?

You mean evidence such as protecting home owners from over-zealous lenders...that kinda evidence?

You mean evidence such as ending the war in Iraq and stop the bleeding of trillions of dollars on pre-emptive war that doesn't make us safer....that kinda evidence?

I guess your type of 'evidence' is in the hands of its be holder but when you look beyond the beltway spin of the M$M and wing-nut radio, the real evidence speaks volumes about Obama's real accomplishments...

10-21-2010, 11:56 PM
Maybe Barry should have kept the doors unlocked durning negotiations instead of literally locking them out. Now that would have been trying to do everything to lure them.

Turn off your wing-nut radio for awhile...the Dems have every right to meet as a group and discuss the party agenda.....

jack sommerset
10-21-2010, 11:56 PM
Maybe Barry should have kept his promise and put the negotiations on cspan. Now that would have been trying everything to lure them.

10-22-2010, 12:01 AM
Maybe Barry should have kept his promise and put the negotiations on cspan. Now that would have been trying everything to lure them.

Maybe the GOP do-nothing Congress that Republicans want to 'take the country back too' and the Bush administration, the most secretive administration ever, have a few words about Obama and the Dems showing most legislative sessions on CSPAN.....your such a joke...

jack sommerset
10-22-2010, 12:03 AM
Maybe the GOP do-nothing Congress that Republicans want to 'take the country back too' and the Bush administration, the most secretive administration ever, have a few words about Obama and the Dems showing most legislative sessions on CSPAN.....your such a joke...

Maybe Barry should have had a big reading party to read the damn thing instead of Pelosi telling them to pass the bill first so we all can see whats in this monster. Now that would have been trying everything to lure them........your such a fag.

10-22-2010, 12:17 AM
Yes, Americans can't name the fucking Vice President but they're deciding how to vote based on their congresspersons and senators voting history.

More likely people are like you and have no idea why they vote the way they do. :lol @ being pissed off about your vote before the person you voted for even takes office. Darrin you're the poster child for voter stupidity.

I wish we could call this just a 'Darrin' headcase phenomena but as I've pointed out in previous threads, with politics being so polarized, it only takes swaying 10% of the voting bloc to to swing elections today...

...the GOP will win seats in 2010 simply because 10% of Americans have fallen for the GOP lies and the tea-bagger pimping broadcast daily in the M$M...but has the M$M ever realy pressed tea-baggers about their agenda for large cuts in spending and social agenda?

Wild Cobra
10-22-2010, 12:19 AM
Why should moderate republicans agree to far leftist policies? Is it because the moderate democrats wont?

10-22-2010, 12:22 AM
Its a theory? When 90%+ of democrats vote for an initiative and maybe 1 or 2 GOP senators vote for the same initiative I think we can safely say it is GOP obstructionism at work and not just say its a theory.

Exactly, Obama and the Dems aren't in trouble today because they have 'failed to try bipartisan negotiations' to get things done in Washington, the opposite is true.....Obama has tried too hard.....fuck that....pass the Progressive agenda that they promised in 08 and quit Holder from siding with the govt on protecting people's privacy rights...and let everything else be damned...

10-22-2010, 12:25 AM
Why should moderate republicans agree to far leftist policies? Is it because the moderate democrats wont?

Oh, moderate Dems will....it's the blue dog, Corporate-backed Dems that won't pass a progressive agenda...that's a handful or two...

10-22-2010, 01:14 AM
A closer look at the numbers shows that evidence certainly is starting to build that Gallup has become nothing than a partisan shill for the GOP...

Gallup claims it revised its screen etc under critiques of its projection of how massively conservative the electorate they project will be Nov 2. Rosenberg says its revision makes matters worse and renders Gallup polling not credible. How? Well..

..Several weeks ago the Gallup polling organization revised its measure of the "Congressional Generic" poll with a new set of assumptions about what the make up and partisan vote of the 2010 elections might look like. It is our opinion at NDN that the model Gallup came up with is so statistically flawed that Gallup should revise the model and its results or take it down from its website immediately.

According to a new report by Professor Alan Abramowitz, the new Gallup likely voter model has the non-white, non-black vote at 13 percent of the 2010 electorate, and coming in at 52% Republican and 42% Democratic. Simply stated these projections are not a possible statistical outcome in the 2010 elections, and draw into question the integrity of the entire Gallup 2010 elections polling project.

Latinos and Asian Americans went 2 to 1 dem in 08. Polling shows this year the GOP will do worse with these folks.

The non-white, non-black portion of the American electorate went more than 2:1 Democratic in 2008 and 2006. Hispanics who make up the largest portion of this slice of the electorate, voted 70% to 30% for the Democrats in 2006, and 67% to 31% for President Obama over John McCain in 2008... The gap between the most respected Latino poll in the nation - Pew - and this recent Gallup model is 50% percentage points.

Much of the remaining portion of this non-white, non-black slice of the American electorate is Asian. This community actually voted more Democratic in 2008 than Hispanics.

Given the distribution of the Hispanic population in the United States, a movement of the kind Gallup reports with Hispanic voters would be evident in some of the states with large Hispanic populations. But there is no evidence of such a big GOP shift...

Kos (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2010/10/21/912204/-Gallup-Scandal.-Urged-to-STOP-Polling-Immediately)

10-22-2010, 01:55 AM
He's done!



10-22-2010, 05:01 AM
Why should moderate republicans agree to far leftist policies? Is it because the moderate democrats wont?

Because the red-states are net recipients of federal funds, and a lot of red-staters/rurals are now covered by MagicNegroCare.