View Full Version : Tea baggers admit the object to Magic Negro's skin color

10-25-2010, 09:02 AM
"In a lengthy investigation into the fledgling political movement that has made tremendous waves nationally, Amy Gardner reported that the Post identified more than 1,400 Tea Party groups across the nation and spoke extensively with 647 of them about their philosophies and ambitions.

"Eleven percent said that Obama's race, religion or ethnic background was either a 'very important' or 'somewhat important' factor in the support their group has received," the Post concluded.

As per the Post's reporting, that amounts to over 70 Tea Party organizations (eleven percent of 647) that willingly concede Obama's race is fueling their members' activism."



I'm totally ambushed by this. Who woulda thought the holy, pure, colonial-costumed tea baggers would be racist? shocked! shocked!

Next question: Is Magic Negro TOO UPPITY SMART for the dumbfucks?

We know they prefer ignorant jerks like dubya, pitbull bitch, O'Dummel, Angle, etc, etc.

10-25-2010, 09:24 AM
11%? So 89% say this is not an issue. Ok.

Where does this 11% fall in relation to other polling data sets?

Context fail.

10-25-2010, 09:49 AM
pull your head out, dude. only 11% were stupid enough to admit it.

10-25-2010, 09:49 AM
oops.....forgot to blue that.

10-25-2010, 10:01 AM
oops.....forgot to blue that.


10-25-2010, 12:13 PM
only 11% were stupid enough to admit it.
that was my first thought. if they wanted to make the TP look good, none would have said that.

10-25-2010, 12:16 PM
11%? So 89% say this is not an issue. Ok.

Where does this 11% fall in relation to other polling data sets?

Context fail.

100% could say it was a non issue and I wouldn't believe them.

10-25-2010, 12:53 PM
100% could say it was a non issue and I wouldn't believe them.
true, but at least they wouldn't be as dumb

10-25-2010, 01:01 PM
I'm totally ambushed by this. Who woulda thought the holy, pure, colonial-costumed tea baggers would be racist? shocked! shocked!


tbqh, this was always a suspicion of mine. if our country is at war with muslim terrorists, then it's only logical to have a negative impression if your president is also a muslim. i mean, that's what this is really about, fwiw

10-25-2010, 02:22 PM
The Tea Party has more black members than NPR has black news analysts. NPR did have one (Juan Williams) and now they have zero.

10-25-2010, 02:25 PM
How many NPR news analysts object to Obama's skin color, Darrin?

That would be relevant to the thread.

10-25-2010, 02:29 PM
How many NPR news analysts object to Obama's skin color, Darrin?

That would be relevant to the thread.

I wonder if the 16% unemployed blacks and 49% of unemployed black teens are advocates of Obama's policies. If they are critical of Obama (like that woman who said she was tired of defending him), are they racists? I'm just curious, because libs are really obsessed with identity politics.

10-25-2010, 02:32 PM
I wonder if the 16% unemployed blacks and 49% of unemployed black teens are advocates of Obama's policies. If they are critical of Obama (like that woman who said she was tired of defending him), are they racists? I'm just curious, because libs are really obsessed with identity politics.Tell us if those black people object to Obama's skin color, Darrin.

That would be relevant to the thread.

10-25-2010, 02:43 PM
"Eleven percent said that Obama's race, religion or ethnic background was either a 'very important' or 'somewhat important' factor in the support their group has received," the Post concluded."

Why do you consider this an implication of objection to solely his race, when the more obvious answer is his ethnicity (IE, the birth certificate debate) or his religion (constantly slandered as some form of Islam or unorthodox Christianity), both of which are much more easily argued?

Boutons fails, per the usual. These people are caught up in the birth certificate BS and the Reverend Wright BS, not his race. Not much better, but your assertion is obviously inaccurate.

10-25-2010, 02:45 PM
Oh, so some of the teabaggers object to what they think is his Muslim religion or object to his African background.

Or the white American part of his background.

Makes sense.

10-25-2010, 02:46 PM
is there a birth certificate debate?

10-25-2010, 02:47 PM
is there a birth certificate debate?

Those people think there is. I agree there isn't, but that's a moot point for this topic.

10-25-2010, 02:50 PM
Those people think there is. I agree there isn't, but that's a moot point for this topic.

the terminally stupid having a voice in the countries future is hardly moot.

10-25-2010, 02:50 PM
Oh, so some of the teabaggers object to what they think is his Muslim religion or object to his African background.

Or the white American part of his background.

Makes sense.

I think it's more

1) him supposedly "lying" about his religion, or exaggerating about Reverend Wright's indoctrination.

2) the birth certificate stuff, not the fact he's black, but the idea he could not be a natural American citizen.

Whether these points are viable is obviously not my argument. I am simply pointing out that race would seem the least likely issue of the three.

10-25-2010, 02:51 PM
the terminally stupid having a voice in the countries future is hardly moot.

New to America?

10-25-2010, 02:52 PM
New to America?

since 74. you?

10-25-2010, 02:53 PM
since 74. you?

Then you should realize the Constitution protects the terminally stupid's right to a voice.

10-25-2010, 02:57 PM
Then you should realize the Constitution protects the terminally stupid's right to a voice.

i do realize that. you thought i didn't.

10-25-2010, 03:00 PM
i do realize that. you thought i didn't.

If you do, you also realize why I said whether their points are viable is a moot point. If they think it's an important issue worth opposing the President over, in the face of evidence, it is their prerogative. IE, it is moot to discuss such viability here, since I am only pointing out what they consider viable, not whether it qualifies as such.

10-25-2010, 03:03 PM
If you do, you also realize why I said whether their points are viable is a moot point. If they think it's an important issue worth opposing the President over, in the face of evidence, it is their prerogative. IE, it is moot to discuss such viability here, since I am only pointing out what they consider viable, not whether it qualifies as such.

oh, i agree.......and funny that anyone thinks they have a true voice in the end.

10-25-2010, 05:23 PM
This "Tea Party = Racist" message is really gaining traction with Americans.


10-25-2010, 05:58 PM
This "Tea Party = Racist" message is really gaining traction with Americans.


The Tea Party is not racist. That the Tea Party has benefited greatly from the fact that Obama is black is obvious.

10-25-2010, 08:27 PM
The Tea Party is not racist. That the Tea Party has benefited greatly from the fact that Obama is black is obvious.

If Hillary had won and done the same shitty job, they'd be railing against her too. I guess you guys would then have to change your message to the Tea Party hates women.

Why does the Tea Party hate Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barbara Boxer (just to name a few)?

10-25-2010, 10:18 PM
The Tea Party wouldn't have formed had Hillary been president just the way it didn't form when good ole boy Bush was president. Low and behold, months into the black mans presidency the Tea Party forms and is dominated by white males.

Just a coincidence, right?

10-25-2010, 10:25 PM
They hate Pelosi because they are too stupid to realize that she is the greatest speaker of the house this country has ever seen.

They hate Reid because even though his state is the epicenter for home foreclosure and unemployment they are too stupid to realize it was Bush's fault.

They hate Boxer because they are too stupid to realize that a liberal from California can't reasonably be expected to leave any type of legacy after 20+ years of service.

10-26-2010, 08:11 AM
The Tea Party wouldn't have formed had Hillary been president just the way it didn't form when good ole boy Bush was president. Low and behold, months into the black mans presidency the Tea Party forms and is dominated by white males.

Just a coincidence, right?

I thought you were smarter than this.

10-26-2010, 08:11 AM
They hate Pelosi because they are too stupid to realize that she is the greatest speaker of the house this country has ever seen.

They hate Reid because even though his state is the epicenter for home foreclosure and unemployment they are too stupid to realize it was Bush's fault.

They hate Boxer because they are too stupid to realize that a liberal from California can't reasonably be expected to leave any type of legacy after 20+ years of service.

Great post.

10-26-2010, 08:25 AM
Why does the Tea Party hate Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barbara Boxer (just to name a few)?

They hate Pelosi because they are too stupid to realize that she is the greatest speaker of the house this country has ever seen.

They hate Reid because even though his state is the epicenter for home foreclosure and unemployment they are too stupid to realize it was Bush's fault.

They hate Boxer because they are too stupid to realize that a liberal from California can't reasonably be expected to leave any type of legacy after 20+ years of service.

I don't think hating on Pelosi, Reid and Boxer is exclusive to the Tea Party members. Plenty of mainstream GOP *and* Democrats are on the same boat.

10-26-2010, 08:29 AM
Manny should read this

Tea Party Started Brewing Under Bush

The tea started brewing under Bush. It’s important that Democrats and Republicans alike understand this. Democrats know that they are about to suffer a rebuke of historic proportions, but it’s important they understand the reason and not imagine themselves the victims of racism or irrationality. And it’s important for Republicans to understand that their legacy of government growth and deficit spending is also suffering rebuke. The Republicans will recapture the House (if they do) not because Americans love the GOP but because the Democrats doubled down on the Republicans’ big-government tendencies.

Raise your hand if you’ve heard this before: “If the Tea Party activists were really upset about spending, where were they when Bush was running up the deficits?” The alleged inconsistency -- that conservatives were perfectly content with big government under Bush but are outraged now -- is a key component of the liberal argument that the Tea Party is actually driven by more nefarious motives. Since the conservatives who comprise the Tea Party movement raised no objection when Bush was expanding government, the argument runs, they must actually be angered by something else. They reject not spending but Democratic spending, not a big-government President but a black big-government President.

This explanation for the motives underlying the Tea Party did not take long to form. Rick Santelli’s fateful rant against government mortgage bailouts on CNBC took place in February of 2009, and the loudest mouths in American liberalism swiftly divined what everyone was really upset about. Keith Olbermann declared in April that the Tea Party “is now petered out” and departing the American scene (Nostradamus he is not), and explained that the protestors do not care about “spending, deficits, or taxes” but simply “hate the President of the United States.”

The enlightened Janeane Garofalo, who saw still further into the withered hearts of the Tea Party rabble, worried about the violence that would surely erupt from such an ignorant and bigoted bunch. “Let’s be very honest about what this is about,” she said. “It’s not about bashing Democrats, it’s not about taxes, they have no idea what the Boston tea party was about, they don’t know their history at all. This is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up.” Tea Party activists are “nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks” who “hate that a black guy is in the White House.”

This interpretation of the Tea Party movement, although few would put it as crudely as Olbermann and Garofalo, has become one of the primary obstacles to liberal understanding of the movement. Recent examples abound. Bill Maher claimed last month that “teabaggers” hate “when you call them racist,” and “the other thing they hate is black people.” He fleshed out the fuller argument on Bill O’Reilly: we know that Tea Party concern over spending and the size of government is merely a cover for racism because “nobody was angry about the deficit under President Bush.” Another line of argument claims that the Tea Party’s summons of “take our country back” secretly means to take the country back from the dark-skinned interloper in the White House. Versions of this argument have recently been made by Washington Post columnists Jonathan Capeheart and Richard Cohen, the Huffington Post, and the political genius Jon Hamm (who only plays an actor on television). Or as Cynthia Tucker, Andrew Sullivan, and Newsweek explain, Tea Partiers really wish to take our country back in time to a Rockwellian 1950s when whites were comfortably in the majority and straight white Christian males dominated the American scene.

Rest of article at


10-26-2010, 09:27 AM
So I'm supposed to ignore that the demographics of the Tea Party are by far dominated by middle aged white males and the fact that during 8 years of Bush doing these things (TARP was the latest bailout in a long list of bailouts) all they could fucking do was "brew"? There was plenty of anger at Bush during his presidency from all throughout the spectrum yet these assholes couldn't get off their ass to do a damn thing other than "brew"?

Yet, the moment Obama wins they're fucking out in full force.

Thats one hell of a coincidence. Nevermind what Darrin posted in the NPR thread about the conditioning that has been found in our society regarding how black males are viewed I'm just supposed to forget about all of that and chalk it up to they'd just had enough and Obama's skin color had nothing to do with it.

Yeah, I'm sorry but I recognize how much race still plays a part in our society and that there is a long way to go before we're post racial so I'm not going to chalk it up to one hell of a coincidence.

Its funny to see that author hold up polls to show that they're not racist. How many people are going to answer a poll on affirming they are racist?

I'll tell you what. If they were actually motivated by what they say the majority of them would not be former McCain/Palin - or current in the latter's case - supporters and Ron Paul would have made a whole hell of a lot more noise.

Where I'm from 2+2 = 4 no matter how much you want to make it = 5.

10-26-2010, 09:40 AM
So I'm supposed to ignore that the demographics of the Tea Party are by far dominated by middle aged white males and the fact that during 8 years of Bush doing these things (TARP was the latest bailout in a long list of bailouts) all they could fucking do was "brew"? There was plenty of anger at Bush during his presidency from all throughout the spectrum yet these assholes couldn't get off their ass to do a damn thing other than "brew"?

Yet, the moment Obama wins they're fucking out in full force.

Thats one hell of a coincidence. Nevermind what Darrin posted in the NPR thread about the conditioning that has been found in our society regarding how black males are viewed I'm just supposed to forget about all of that and chalk it up to they'd just had enough and Obama's skin color had nothing to do with it.

Yeah, I'm sorry but I recognize how much race still plays a part in our society and that there is a long way to go before we're post racial so I'm not going to chalk it up to one hell of a coincidence.

Its funny to see that author hold up polls to show that they're not racist. How many people are going to answer a poll on affirming they are racist?

I'll tell you what. If they were actually motivated by what they say the majority of them would not be former McCain/Palin - or current in the latter's case - supporters and Ron Paul would have made a whole hell of a lot more noise.

Where I'm from 2+2 = 4 no matter how much you want to make it = 5.

Same shit, different team.


10-26-2010, 09:53 AM
Why are liberals so obsessed with race?

10-26-2010, 10:01 AM
Why are liberals so obsessed with race?

we just like to pinpoint those that can't evolve.

10-26-2010, 11:17 AM
If Hillary had won and done the same shitty job, they'd be railing against her too. I guess you guys would then have to change your message to the Tea Party hates women.

Why does the Tea Party hate Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barbara Boxer (just to name a few)?

No one likes Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, etc except for members of Congress, I have no fucking clue how they can be leaders in that body of shit. But you say Obama did a bad job which is the reason the Tea Party Express is so aggressive, but there's no way around the fact that the Tea Party Express started screaming bloody murder immediately after Obama was elected. Either people just had a severe visceral reaction to him because he's black or they are just naturally paranoid. There's nothing else to say about it.

And what's so hard for people to understand about the Tea Party (Anti-Fed, Anti-Patriot Act, Anti-Bullshit Wars) starting under Bush but being "incoporated" (keyword, INC.) into the GOP for midterm election base known as the Tea Party Express? All it is now is the Al Qaeda of American politics, spreading fear and proping up "franchise" candidates that would support Sarah Palin or someone of her choosing in the 2012 elections.

10-26-2010, 11:38 AM
No one likes Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, etc except for members of Congress, I have no fucking clue how they can be leaders in that body of shit. But you say Obama did a bad job which is the reason the Tea Party Express is so aggressive, but there's no way around the fact that the Tea Party Express started screaming bloody murder immediately after Obama was elected. Either people just had a severe visceral reaction to him because he's black or they are just naturally paranoid. There's nothing else to say about it.

Many came out against Obama, in a not insignificant part, because of his campaign promises...specifically the complete subjugation of contemporary healthcare. That being said, your observation regarding the "INC" factor is likely spot on.

10-26-2010, 12:43 PM
Why are liberals so obsessed with race?

Did you or did you not post that studies have shown we view black people in a negative light and it was due to conditioning?

10-26-2010, 12:51 PM
Did you or did you not post that studies have shown we view black people in a negative light and it was due to conditioning?

With irony firmly in hand, I would suggest that Juan William's writings on race relations would be a good read about now. :lol

10-26-2010, 12:54 PM

I'll have to check them out

10-26-2010, 12:56 PM
the tea party started after TARP and the stimulus.

Fiscal conservatives abandoned Bush long before that. Religious conservatives were the main reason he got re-elected.

Or did you forget about all the "spending like a drunken sailor" references in the GOP primary? (that was before Obama won the nomination)

Wild Cobra
10-26-2010, 09:51 PM
I thought you were smarter than this.
He needs to be the star in a new movie with the tag line "I see racists," rather than dead people.