View Full Version : Most boring/aggravating course you've ever taken?

The Reckoning
10-29-2010, 02:25 AM
right now im cramming for an 8 am exam that really has me wanting to punch myself in the face. "Risk Management" sounded alright when i signed up, but little did i know it's a class on every minute detail of insurance. i cant believe people actually go to school wanting to be underwriters or actuaries. i know it's good money, but it seems so...unfulfilling.

best part though is that our professor is a retired underwriter, and at the end of the semester she's giving us the lowdown on the best policies we can have. that's about it though.

insurance litigation can SUCK it.

have any of yall made the same mistake of signing up for a course and regretting it?


10-29-2010, 02:31 AM
*Stays tuned for future smart responses*

I will be college bound soon. Ugh.. I FUCKEN HATE SCHOOL.

10-29-2010, 02:33 AM
I've taken a whooooole lot of boring classes but possibly the most unbearable was economics.

10-29-2010, 02:33 AM
*Stays tuned for future smart responses*

I will be college bound soon. Ugh.. I FUCKEN HATE SCHOOL.

what course u taking??

the most boring subs are the ones you have to retake again cause the college wont take credits from another institution :( then u dont give a shit and just coast all semester for a pass and it really hurts ur gpa average :(

i took financial theory and economics, lmao watta load of horse shit is it, theres no such thing as ethics in the corporate world when loads of money is involve...

i also did marketing subject, that was a waste of money and time...but mainly alot of hot chicks do marketing courses....

The Reckoning
10-29-2010, 02:35 AM
I've taken a whooooole lot of boring classes but possibly the most unbearable was economics.

economics was hella fun. i was an econ major until i got to upper division and it was all statistics and crunching numbers.

10-29-2010, 02:39 AM
economics was hella fun. i was an econ major until i got to upper division and it was all statistics and crunching numbers.

its bullshit when the unis try to milk more money out of you by having micro and macro economics as 2 different subjects, when they can join it together...seriously theres not much material to cover in economics

The Reckoning
10-29-2010, 02:42 AM
word. half of the macro class was a review of micro. its a waste of tuition, but i guess they need atleast two courses for lower division.

10-29-2010, 02:46 AM
"Reasoning & Argumentation". It was my first philosophy class and I was giddy as fuck to explore the subject, but it turned out to be a glorified logic class with no practical application. All theory. It was the worst class I've ever taken, and sank my GPA.

Stats and Econ were the other subjects I got C's in, but they would have been easier if I did my homework. :(

The Reckoning
10-29-2010, 03:02 AM
for all of yall still in school...this is WELL worth the investment. i went from a C on my first stats test to an A on the second. youre welcome.

www.cramster.com (http://www.cramster.com)

basically, you pull up the textbook you have and it shows you step by step how to work the odd problems for free. you have to pay a monthly subscription to see the even problems though.

btw, im not working for them, i really use it haha.

ginobili's bald spot
10-29-2010, 03:37 AM
Any philosophy class because the profs are usually arrogant douchnozzles.

Dr. Gonzo
10-29-2010, 08:03 AM
Any philosophy class because the profs are usually arrogant douchnozzles.

Not my philosophy professor. That old man was cool as all get out. He would show up to class stoned, talk about old LSD stories and just hand out A's. It was great.

10-29-2010, 08:11 AM

+1 on Cramster.

10-29-2010, 08:40 AM
Any philosophy class because the profs are usually arrogant douchnozzles.

The TAs are worse.

10-29-2010, 08:49 AM
most aggravating = differential equations

most boring = urban sociology

10-29-2010, 08:56 AM
I'll be taking accounting 101 next semester, 8am to 3pm. I hate numbers

10-29-2010, 09:56 AM
All the classes I took toward my poorly chosen business major during my first attempt at college. They bored me to tears and weren't even remotely challenging.

10-29-2010, 11:19 AM
I've taken a whooooole lot of boring classes but possibly the most unbearable was economics.

+1. Principles of Microeconomics cured my insomnia:sleep

baseline bum
10-29-2010, 12:00 PM
Hmmm..... my worst would be one of:

1. Numerical Analysis, not because the material was boring, but because the professor moved at a snail's pace and the textbook was horrible (and expensive). I swear, there are no classes as easy as applied math classes (pure math courses are so much more difficult and interesting).

2. Radical Skepticism (a Philosophy class). We weren't allowed to believe that we existed, yet we had to buy Descartes' bullshit proof of the existence of a god because of his concept of perfection in his mind? Blech.

3. Psychobiology. I only lasted one lecture in this course before dropping it and taking something more interesting for my life science requirement, but this shit was awful. First day was a shitty powerpoint presentation with about 80 definitions to memorize. I thought biology is fun and psychology is pretty interesting, so this class should be great, right? Wrong.

Partial credit goes to a Linguistics class I took. I absolutely loved the sections on morphology, syntax, and semantics, but phonology pissed me off: we had to memorize how one used the tongue, the teeth, and so on to make each consonant and vowel sound. I just decided I was going to miss every phonology question, so I got a lousy B in the class.

10-29-2010, 12:00 PM
economics was hella fun. i was an econ major until i got to upper division and it was all statistics and crunching numbers.

I have a minor in Economics, but I didn't enjoy any of the classes but one. They were Principles of Micro, Principles of Macro, Environmental Economics, Statistics, International Finance and Intermediate Macroeconomics. Of those, only International Finance was pretty cool.

10-29-2010, 12:18 PM
Anything in the math department where the profs care wayyy more about the content than you ever will. Their enthusiasm can be quite irritating...

(I've taken calc 1, 2, multivariate, differential equations, linear algebra, statistics

baseline bum
10-29-2010, 12:22 PM
Anything in the math department where the profs care wayyy more about the content than you ever will. Their enthusiasm can be quite irritating...

(I've taken calc 1, 2, multivariate, differential equations, linear algebra, statistics

In pretty much any class where the professor is good, he'll teach it as if everyone is majoring in the subject. Enthusiasm is a big plus in a course IMO.

10-29-2010, 12:34 PM
Thus far, it'd hafta be Quantitative Data Collection for my Sociology minor. It's simply a study on how one conducts surveys and experiments...for an entire semester.

10-29-2010, 12:43 PM
I'll be taking accounting 101 next semester, 8am to 3pm. I hate numbers

try doing it for 10yrs lmao, i went the long way to get my degree :(

10-29-2010, 01:02 PM
All the classes I took toward my poorly chosen business major during my first attempt at college. They bored me to tears and weren't even remotely challenging.

life ain't all fun and games, you should have chosen either finance, accounting, or IT and finished, so at least you could have been making good money this past decade and have enough to go back to school and take all the "fun" classes you want.

10-29-2010, 01:10 PM
Anything art related is boring/pointless IMO

10-29-2010, 01:14 PM
I loved my art classes ... art history especially. I also loved philosophy.

The 6 hours of religious study I was required to take for my degree were freaking horrible. Intro to Catholicism was horrendous, particularly because my professor was a short little Irish leprechaun with a heavy brogue that no one could understand ... he was on a planet of his own. And it was an evening class.

10-29-2010, 01:27 PM
Math classes were a bore to me. I end up daydreaming in all of my math classes.

10-29-2010, 01:32 PM
worst classes ever are history imho. just a bunch of pointless factual bits of information and dates that you've learned every year since 6th grade and writing papers over the same things you've already written many papers over back in high school.

10-29-2010, 01:37 PM
Holy shit man, I thought taking Latin online this semester would be a good idea and boy was I fucking wrong. I've never been so poorly motivated during a class but there was absolutely nothing enjoyable about that class. I think it would have been better in person but it was just the worst class I've ever had to take.

Technical writing is a close second.

10-29-2010, 03:25 PM
life ain't all fun and games, you should have chosen either finance, accounting, or IT and finished, so at least you could have been making good money this past decade and have enough to go back to school and take all the "fun" classes you want.

Interesting idea.

Especially considering that, without the unnecessary step of finishing a degree I found painfully boring, I'm currently being paid to pursue a graduate degree that allows me to take all the "fun" classes I want. At a prestigious school. In an amazing city.

If only I'd had you to advise me sooner, I wouldn't have been doomed to fail so hard at life.

10-29-2010, 03:50 PM
My senior year at UT I needed another science credit. I'm not much of a science guy so I ended up enrolling in a class called "The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Life." I thought we would be talking about Area 51 and X-Files. Wrong. The class was tougher than any course on any subject I have ever taken. They should have just called it "Astrobiology" because that's what it was.

10-29-2010, 04:34 PM
And it was an evening class.

Oh crap, those evening classes blew. Just staring at the clock as it went to 7 or 8pm made me just want to go home. Or I thought (and knew, especially in college) that I was missing out on fun somewhere.

And on a side note, the best classes I've ever had combined one common theme...humor

baseline bum
10-29-2010, 04:59 PM
And on a side note, the best classes I've ever had combined one common theme...humor

That I'll agree on. I took a class on HIV/AIDS for one of my life science requirements, and our prof was hilarious. He said he'd have students come to him on the street and tell him they had unprotected sex and ask what the chances were they got something, and he'd give replies like ``How hard did you fuck?'' and so on. :lol I guess his main point in telling that anecdote was to reinforce the idea that HIV is transmitted through open wounds and is especially easily transmitted when blood mixes.

10-29-2010, 05:49 PM
Foundations of Mathematics - the grad student who 'taught' the class read straight from book everyday


10-29-2010, 06:03 PM
right now im cramming for an 8 am exam that really has me wanting to punch myself in the face. "Risk Management" sounded alright when i signed up, but little did i know it's a class on every minute detail of insurance. i cant believe people actually go to school wanting to be underwriters or actuaries. i know it's good money, but it seems so...unfulfilling.

best part though is that our professor is a retired underwriter, and at the end of the semester she's giving us the lowdown on the best policies we can have. that's about it though.

insurance litigation can SUCK it.

have any of yall made the same mistake of signing up for a course and regretting it?


Are you in the BBA or MBA program?

baseline bum
10-29-2010, 06:12 PM
Foundations of Mathematics - the grad student who 'taught' the class read straight from book everyday


I can understand a recitation/discussion section, but a class taught by a TA? I'd imagine not too many TAs are strong in set theory and the like.

baseline bum
10-29-2010, 06:14 PM
Foundations of Mathematics - the grad student who 'taught' the class read straight from book everyday


It actually reminds me of my networking prof. He was a full professor who did lots of research in wireless networks, but he'd just show slides from the (thankfully great) textbook every day. When a friend went into his office in panic saying he didn't understand any of the stuff, the professor said he didn't know any of it either.

10-29-2010, 06:57 PM
took an art history class. it's the easiest and most useless shit you'll ever learn.

10-29-2010, 07:21 PM
took an art history class. it's the easiest and most useless shit you'll ever learn.

Yeah it's not difficult.. just totally pointless. I find motivation hard to come by when I know a class will never help me with anything. Of course, most classes you take wont ever help you, but that's a whole different can of worms.

10-29-2010, 07:44 PM

what a fucking fake ass redheaded bastard son of a math course that was

10-29-2010, 08:34 PM
what course u taking??

the most boring subs are the ones you have to retake again cause the college wont take credits from another institution :( then u dont give a shit and just coast all semester for a pass and it really hurts ur gpa average :(

i took financial theory and economics, lmao watta load of horse shit is it, theres no such thing as ethics in the corporate world when loads of money is involve...

i also did marketing subject, that was a waste of money and time...but mainly alot of hot chicks do marketing courses....

none now. Thats my point im dreading the whole college thing.

10-29-2010, 09:01 PM
none now. Thats my point im dreading the whole college thing.

College is not all about classes....

10-29-2010, 09:06 PM
The most boring course(s) have to fall within the liberal arts school. I still don't know what good it does to focus on studies having to do with philosophy/english/history/anthropology/...

Sure it is good to inquire about certain things having to do with the aforementioned studies, but just for leisure purposes.

Wtf are you gonna do with all that useless shit you learn from say a literature class??.....


The most aggravating class I have ever taken is, well, I'm taking it right now.


Nothing but memorize, memorize, memorize.

I had a lab midterm the other day, I had to memorize about 500 slides of tissue variants.

I had an exam today, and I think I pwned. But this class is a monster (for lack of better word).

10-29-2010, 11:54 PM
none now. Thats my point im dreading the whole college thing.

isnt college in america is when you can get all the sex u want??

The Reckoning
10-30-2010, 10:32 AM
isnt college in america is when you can get all the sex u want??

no. thats what people who dont go to college think. technically, you can get sex but its with very average looking girls who throw up in your bed. college is where you get really drunk and yell at random people.

10-30-2010, 11:38 AM
no. thats what people who dont go to college think. technically, you can get sex but its with very average looking girls who throw up in your bed. college is where you get really drunk and yell at random people.

you're just not doing it right, no surprise..

10-30-2010, 01:13 PM
I enjoyed stats. Very surprised to see many people ranking that as the most boring.

10-30-2010, 02:54 PM
Pretty much all lower division and intro classes.

English comp, english lit, government, history, etc.

They were all easy but when I am paying good money for shit that I had just learned in high school and most of it in middle school before that, it made me mad.

Why even ask for a diploma or GED if you have to learn the exact same shit again?

baseline bum
10-30-2010, 03:59 PM
Pretty much all lower division and intro classes.

English comp, english lit, government, history, etc.

They were all easy but when I am paying good money for shit that I had just learned in high school and most of it in middle school before that, it made me mad.

Why even ask for a diploma or GED if you have to learn the exact same shit again?

I thought there were lots of fun lower division classes. Stuff like multivariable calc, E&M, data structures, systems programming, etc. were pretty cool when I took them.

10-30-2010, 04:11 PM
I thought there were lots of fun lower division classes. Stuff like multivariable calc, E&M, data structures, systems programming, etc. were pretty cool when I took them.

I will not disagree with you on that. I learned partial derivatives and surface integrals in cal 2 but that is all major specific.

I am talking about the core of the core like comp and history and the like. I literally learned nothing that I had not already learned in high school in US history, comp and the like.

The Reckoning
10-30-2010, 04:25 PM
actually i learned alot in lower division. i learned how to study, and more importantly, to write directly and to the point. juicy writing that high school teachers love does not fly in college and irl, and it was nice to learn that early.

10-30-2010, 04:53 PM
actually i learned alot in lower division. i learned how to study, and more importantly, to write directly and to the point. juicy writing that high school teachers love does not fly in college and irl, and it was nice to learn that early.

I guess I had good teachers in high school then.

10-31-2010, 10:48 AM
The most boring class I've taken so far has been Human Behavior and the Human Environment and I'm only in the 4th week. It's all powerpoint driven and online. I could fall asleep in the class and she wouldn't know. The instructor has a PHd, an MSW and is an LCSW. She should be better. But, nope. It's crap.

The most aggravating class I've taken in Political Philosophy. It was the biggest load of crap. I have no idea what that has to do with a psychology degree.