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11-05-2010, 07:07 PM
...from the midterm elections?

It's not me, it's you (http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2010/11/05/obama-acknowledges-failures-says-leadership-isnt-just-legislation/).

“I think that’s a fair argument. I think that, over the course of two years we were so busy and so focused on getting a bunch of stuff done that, we stopped paying attention to the fact that leadership isn’t just legislation. That it’s a matter of persuading people. And giving them confidence and bringing them together. And setting a tone,” Mr. Obama told 60 Minutes’ Steve Kroft in an exclusive interview set to air Sunday.

“Making an argument that people can understand,” Mr. Obama continued, “I think that we haven’t always been successful at that. And I take personal responsibility for that. And it’s something that I’ve got to examine carefully … as I go forward.”

Paraphrased: "I Need To Speak To You Idiots Slower And Use Smaller Words."

11-05-2010, 07:09 PM
that paraphrase is how we talk to you.

11-05-2010, 07:11 PM
...from the midterm elections?

It's not me, it's you (http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2010/11/05/obama-acknowledges-failures-says-leadership-isnt-just-legislation/).

Paraphrased: "I Need To Speak To You Idiots Slower And Use Smaller Words."

That's certainly one way to look at it :rollin

The normal person's view on it would be, as it should be, that there are people that don't understand much about politics, or are just getting into it...besides, what is wrong with a goal of "
“Making an argument that people can understand"? Would you rather a large amount of people misunderstand his intentions? Actually, I'm sure you would.

11-05-2010, 07:21 PM
That's certainly one way to look at it :rollin

The normal person's view on it would be, as it should be, that there are people that don't understand much about politics, or are just getting into it...besides, what is wrong with a goal of "
“Making an argument that people can understand"? Would you rather a large amount of people misunderstand his intentions? Actually, I'm sure you would.
Actually, no. I think if people had understood his intentions they would have been more vocal in their opposition to the onerous agenda on which he's embarked.

There is no way to sell Obamacare, Cap and Trade, or Financial bailouts while telling the truth in an understandable manner. Their only chance to ram it through was through lying to the public and doing dirty deals with moderate Democrats and shutting out Republicans.

11-05-2010, 07:34 PM
Actually, no. I think if people had understood his intentions they would have been more vocal in their opposition to the onerous agenda on which he's embarked.

There is no way to sell Obamacare, Cap and Trade, or Financial bailouts while telling the truth in an understandable manner. Their only chance to ram it through was through lying to the public and doing dirty deals with moderate Democrats and shutting out Republicans.

How did Obama lie to the public? I'm genuinely curious; I don't watch MSNBC or Fox news, only CNN. They don't seem very biased either way.

11-05-2010, 07:36 PM
How did Obama lie to the public? I'm genuinely curious; I don't watch MSNBC or Fox news, only CNN. They don't seem very biased either way.
Well, if I had to pick just a couple...

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

"Health Care Reform will not add one dime to the deficit."

"I will not raise taxes on anyone making $250,000 or less."

There are a few...thousand more just like that.

11-05-2010, 07:38 PM
Oh yeah, two of my favorites:

"I will give Americans 5 days to read a piece of legislation before I sign it."

"Health care reform will be discussed in the open, on C-Span."

11-05-2010, 07:38 PM
"Obama lied, our economy died."

I'm getting the bumper sticker.

11-05-2010, 07:40 PM
Or, "Obama lied, my grandmother died" [because an Obamacare death panel found it was more economical not to treat her illness aggressively...just give her a pain pill and park her in a corner.]

I know, kind of long.

11-05-2010, 07:48 PM
lol go for it yoni, the stage is yours!

11-05-2010, 07:49 PM
Or, "Obama lied, my grandmother died" [because an Obamacare death panel found it was more economical not to treat her illness aggressively...just give her a pain pill and park her in a corner.]

I know, kind of long.

Is he the first president that has lied? Or is there another reason besides him being Democrat that you're so upset by his lies specifically...is there an underlying reason perhaps? I think you know what I'm getting at.

11-05-2010, 07:53 PM
Is he the first president that has lied? Or is there another reason besides him being Democrat that you're so upset by his lies specifically...is there an underlying reason perhaps? I think you know what I'm getting at.
No, you're right; Clinton was a damn good liar.

George Gervin's Afro
11-05-2010, 07:54 PM
Actually, no. I think if people had understood his intentions they would have been more vocal in their opposition to the onerous agenda on which he's embarked.

There is no way to sell Obamacare, Cap and Trade, or Financial bailouts while telling the truth in an understandable manner. Their only chance to ram it through was through lying to the public and doing dirty deals with moderate Democrats and shutting out Republicans.

Whate were his intentions yoni?

11-05-2010, 07:58 PM
Whate were his intentions yoni?
To pass Obamacare, Cap and Trade, and the Stimulus. Wasn't I clear? And, to do so, he had to lie. If he told the truth about the dire straits those three pieces of legislation would leave us in, there would have been an even bigger outcry.

Sorry, I'll use smaller words and type slower next time.

11-05-2010, 08:01 PM
"I will not raise taxes on anyone making $250,000 or less."Have your taxes gone up or down the past two years, yoni?

George Gervin's Afro
11-05-2010, 08:03 PM
Actually, no. I think if people had understood his intentions they would have been more vocal in their opposition to the onerous agenda on which he's embarked.

There is no way to sell Obamacare, Cap and Trade, or Financial bailouts while telling the truth in an understandable manner. Their only chance to ram it through was through lying to the public and doing dirty deals with moderate Democrats and shutting out Republicans.

So know one knew he intended to pass obama care? So people were in the dark and had no idea he was trying pass his legislation?.............ok.....I. still have my doctor..

11-05-2010, 08:05 PM
So know one knew he intended to pass obama care?
No one knew what it was.

So people were in the dark and had no idea he was trying pass his legislation?.............ok
Hell, people are still in the dark about a lot of what is in that piece of shit legislation. Even the Congress that passed it hadn't read it.

George Gervin's Afro
11-05-2010, 08:07 PM
No one knew what it was.

Hell, people are still in the dark about a lot of what is in that piece of shit legislation. Even the Congress that passed it hadn't read it.

So they did know his intention was to pass obamacare

11-05-2010, 08:27 PM
Have your taxes gone up or down the past two years, yoni?

good question...yoni?

11-05-2010, 08:40 PM
good question...yoni?
He's only two years in. The Bush tax cuts are set to expire December 31. Insurance Premiums have already risen.

George Gervin's Afro
11-05-2010, 08:43 PM
He's only two years in. The Bush tax cuts are set to expire December 31. Insurance Premiums have already risen.

Have your taxes gone up?

11-05-2010, 08:47 PM
Have your taxes gone up?
They will if the Republicans don't stop him from allowing the Bush Tax cuts to expire. They will by quite a bit.

11-05-2010, 08:54 PM
So your taxes haven't gone up.

Have they gone down?

Do you make over $250,000 a year?

11-05-2010, 08:55 PM
Insurance Premiums have already risen.You expected them to go down?

11-05-2010, 09:10 PM
Have your taxes gone up?
Did he say my "taxes would not rise in the first two years of his administration but, beyond that, I can't say?"

No, he said...

"I will NOT raise taxes. Period!"

2011 Taxes - Obama Lied . . . Again, what a shocker! (http://www.rightsidenews.com/2010072311099/life-and-science/health-and-education/2011-taxes-obama-lied-again-what-a-shocker.html)

11-05-2010, 09:14 PM
From the article linked in my previous post.

Now your insurance is INCOME on your W2's......

One of the surprises we'll find come next year, is what follows - - a little "surprise" that 99% of us had no idea was included in the "new and improved" healthcare legislation . . . voters who believed "no tax increase" will be astonished!

Starting in 2011, (next year folks), your W-2 tax form sent by your employer will be increased to show the value of whatever health insurance you are given by the company. It does not matter if that's a private concern or governmental body of some sort. If you're retired? So what; your gross will go up by the amount of insurance you get.

You will be required to pay taxes on a large sum of money that you have never seen. Take your tax form you just finished and see what $15,000 or $20,000 additional gross does to your tax debt. That's what you'll pay next year. For many, it also puts you into a new higher bracket so it's even worse.

This is how the government is going to buy insurance for the 15% that don't have insurance and it's only part of the tax increases.
Show of hands. How many were aware this was a provision of Obamacare?

11-05-2010, 09:27 PM
Justice for the crooked AARP that supported Obamacare in spite of objections from it's members...

AARP Blames ObamaCare for Hike in Employee Health Insurance Costs (http://reason.com/blog/2010/11/05/aarp-blames-obamacare-for-hike)

jack sommerset
11-05-2010, 09:39 PM
Health care is now being argued that it's a tax.

He wants cap and tax. That would have been on everyone.

He did raise taxes on smokes. If you smoke and make under 250, you gots lied to!

He wants big government and big government means big taxes.

You fools should be thanking the smart folks that voted to get rid of dems this election or Barry would have nailed all of us to the cross.

I can't believe this prick is going to spend 2 fucking billion dollars for a goddamn trip. You fags keep defending him.

11-05-2010, 09:45 PM
Justice for the crooked AARP that supported Obamacare in spite of objections from it's members...

AARP Blames ObamaCare for Hike in Employee Health Insurance Costs (http://reason.com/blog/2010/11/05/aarp-blames-obamacare-for-hike)yoni can't read.

Health care is now being argued that it's a tax.

He wants cap and tax. That would have been on everyone.

He did raise taxes on smokes. If you smoke and make under 250, you gots lied to!

He wants big government and big government means big taxes.

You fools should be thanking the smart folks that voted to get rid of dems this election or Barry would have nailed all of us to the cross.

I can't believe this prick is going to spend 2 fucking billion dollars for a goddamn trip. You fags keep defending him.Prove it's going to cost 2 billion.

Oh, Gee!!
11-05-2010, 09:48 PM
Sounds like the president is owning up to his shortcomings. Yoni is stretching this one a little too far in order to turn it into an insult. Sorry, its not working

11-05-2010, 10:11 PM
Have your taxes gone up or down the past two years, yoni?

they will go up if the guy in the white house does not extend the tax cuts

11-05-2010, 10:11 PM
yoni can't read.

Prove it's going to cost 2 billion.

prove what it is going to cost

11-05-2010, 10:13 PM
You expected them to go down?

they should go down because he people are unemployed

because he refuses to tax things made in china so people would make products in the usa instead of china

11-05-2010, 10:15 PM
people have less money because health care is going up because of the the person in the white house right now in 2011 even though the whole benifiets will not be in effect until 2013

11-05-2010, 10:15 PM
they will go up if the guy in the white house does not extend the tax cutsThat's not the job of the guy in the White House.

prove what it is going to cost
I'm not making any claim to what it cost.

I will claim the most expensive presidential trip was about $50 million. If you can show me how this trip can cost 40 times that, go ahead ducks.

11-05-2010, 10:16 PM
people have less money because health care is going up because of the the person in the white house right now in 2011 even though the whole benifiets will not be in effect until 2013Health care costs were projected to go down if Obamacare didn't pass?

I'll need a link to that.

11-05-2010, 10:19 PM
heath care goes up but not 13% without obamastupidty care

apr a large supporter of health care now has admitted SOURCE TV

11-05-2010, 10:21 PM
That's not the job of the guy in the White House.

I'm not making any claim to what it cost.

I will claim the most expensive presidential trip was about $50 million. If you can show me how this trip can cost 40 times that, go ahead ducks.

I need a link to that claim

see I can do what you do ask for a link on anything you post

11-05-2010, 10:24 PM
I need a link to that claim

see I can do what you do ask for a link on anything you post
Back in 1999, the General Accounting Office did a study of a 10-day trip to Africa by President Bill Clinton. The report found that the total cost for the trip was $42 million.


There you go.

11-05-2010, 10:24 PM
I adjusted for inflation.

You're welcome.

11-05-2010, 10:52 PM
Obama: U.S. can't afford two years of gridlock (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6A42QL20101105)

I beg to differ. Two years of gridlock in Washington is better than two more years of out-of-control spending, onerous and oppressive legislation, and silly administration antics.

On the 2nd, that's what voters decided.

Three days after voters punished Obama's party for the weak economy, he called for "putting politics aside" as he struck a conciliatory tone with victorious Republicans, saying he was open to hearing their ideas for tackling stubbornly high unemployment.
No more of that "we won" shit, eh Barry? :lmao