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View Full Version : Quite possibly the most ungracious...

11-05-2010, 07:20 PM
...and infantile victory speech of all time.


Of course, the Washington Post calls Sean Bielat a sore loser (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/postpartisan/2010/11/sean_bielat_sore_loser.html)

But the true test of a politician is how he behaves in defeat. And in that respect Bielat did himself very little credit when, as expected, Frank won by about 11 points Tuesday night. Instead of congratulating the winner, wishing him well and pledging to pull the district together -- standard etiquette for defeated candidates -- Bielat emerged before a crowd of well-wishers strutting across a raised platform and boasting of his "success" in coming so close. He failed even to mention the winner by name, much less congratulate him. It was an amateurish and tacky display.

Bielat responded in the comments section of the article...


You're right that I should have offered congratulations but it truly was an oversight made in the moment rather than a conscious omission. I didn't prepare remarks last night and if in the future I'm in a similar position, I probably will.

I'm very proud of the job that our volunteers and staff did in presenting our case to the voters. They helped to create a competitive race in MA-04 for the first time in decades.

However, after hearing our case, the voters still made a decision to send Mr. Frank back to Washington a 16th time and that deserves congratulations. I apologize to Mr. Frank and his supporters for failing to explicitly communicate that.


Posted by: SeanBielat | November 3, 2010 7:19 PM | Report abuse
Indeed, a true test of a politician. Let's hear it for Barney Frank.

11-05-2010, 07:22 PM
eh, he was shellshocked. 11 points, yikes!

11-05-2010, 08:04 PM
lol competitive