View Full Version : A Few Kind Words for Phoenix

05-23-2005, 02:57 PM
I don't know if anyone has taken the time out to say as much, but I'm really impressed with the Suns team and fans compared to the last two series the Spurs played. I don't feel like anyone from the Suns is going to go out there and try to cripple Ginobili out of frustration. Nor do I think that the America West Arena will erupt in cheers if Duncan tweaks his ankle (or erupt in boos when he walks it off). And it's unimaginable that any of the Suns would hook Manu around his jaw and try to yank his head off while the drunken moron fans leap to their feet to cheer the thuggery. The Suns fans who have visited this board have been class acts, just as their team has this season and playoffs.

With that said, I hope the Spurs keep this up. Sorry.

05-23-2005, 02:59 PM
Except for the chicken... He can go and fuck himself.....

05-23-2005, 03:00 PM
Only one game has been played.

We'll see.

05-23-2005, 03:00 PM
Well that guy still has a way to go to reach Cuban-like levels of assininity. But yes, he can go fuck himself with the biggest pineapple he can find.

05-23-2005, 03:03 PM
Agreed. The Spurs drew two extremely nasty teams and fans in the first two series.
I felt soiled dealing with the extraneous shit, trash, rough play from Denver and Seattle. The Spurs came through those series like classy pros.

The Suns coach/players/fans (except the owner) are normal, decent, serious, so far. :)

And I'm looking forward for continued normalcy and fantastic basketball vs either Pistons or Heat.

05-23-2005, 03:07 PM
When Sarvar pulled that chicken act, most of us were quite embarassed.

Our suns sites lambasted the guy for a week.

Sarvar seems like a cool dude. He gets involved at a lot of the games. Dunking off a trampoline, leading cheers, etc. That chicken thing was just a dumb move.

Thanks for words about Suns fans. The Spurs fans have been great too.

We had some Mavs fans come and just load our site with trash talk, the series is over postings when JJ went down were funny.

05-23-2005, 03:11 PM
We had some Mavs fans come and just load our site with trash talk,

we had the same thing with Denver fan and Seattle fan. oy.

05-23-2005, 03:15 PM
When Sarvar pulled that chicken act, most of us were quite embarassed.

Our suns sites lambasted the guy for a week.

Sarvar seems like a cool dude. He gets involved at a lot of the games. Dunking off a trampoline, leading cheers, etc. That chicken thing was just a dumb move.

Thanks for words about Suns fans. The Spurs fans have been great too.

We had some Mavs fans come and just load our site with trash talk, the series is over postings when JJ went down were funny.

JJ fall wasn't funny at all.
Seriously do you believe that was a flagrant foul? Clearly JJ slipped off the rim and fell without being touched by Stack.

05-23-2005, 03:15 PM
And here I am.

Even though I'm here for this series only, I'm not gonna be on here talking trash. I like to have good discussions and listen to the other side's take.

The JJ discussion on another topic was pretty good.

05-23-2005, 03:17 PM
JJ fall wasn't funny at all.
Seriously do you believe that was a flagrant foul? Clearly JJ slipped off the rim and fell without being touched by Stack.definitely not a flagrant that was his own fault.

T Park
05-23-2005, 03:18 PM
Even though I'm here for this series only

i hope thats not true, we would love for you to stay year round.

Its always cool to get another voice on offseason moves, signings, games during the regular season and such.

05-23-2005, 03:23 PM
The flagrant was definitely not a good call. It probably had to be called because the refs aren't allowed the luxury of instant replay and with JJ staying down for such a long time. But it definitely was not dirty and not flagrant. Good call by the NBA to reverse the call.

TPark, this site does seem pretty good. Who knows, maybe I'll drop one of the Suns sites I go to for this.

05-23-2005, 03:23 PM
AZLouis... wich board do you come from? I'd like to have a look at Suns fans opinion but cant find an "active" one...

T Park
05-23-2005, 03:24 PM
one of the Suns sites

what is the most active one that you go to???

The only ones I've found are quite dead.

05-23-2005, 03:27 PM
I dunno... I found the chicken suit thing pretty funny.. :oops

05-23-2005, 03:44 PM
The flagrant was definitely not a good call. It probably had to be called because the refs aren't allowed the luxury of instant replay and with JJ staying down for such a long time. But it definitely was not dirty and not flagrant. Good call by the NBA to reverse the call.

TPark, this site does seem pretty good. Who knows, maybe I'll drop one of the Suns sites I go to for this.

Are you serious??

I think the Spurs have one of the busiest sites. This site rocks. :fro

05-23-2005, 03:48 PM
goazcats.com is a very good Suns board.

There is one at azcentral.com but that pretty much went to crap this season

Those are the 2 I frequent.

05-23-2005, 03:58 PM
Here is one that I found. http://www.phxsuns.net/index.php?f=1&op=modload&name=PNphpBB2&file=viewforum&sid=

05-23-2005, 04:00 PM
I actually like the Suns and always have. KJ is one of my all time favorite players. Of course, the spurs have adopted Charles Barkley. Final Four teams are all classy organizations. Probably why they are the final four. Seattle has to be one of the classless organizations ever.

05-23-2005, 04:39 PM
I agree about the Suns. I was impressed that several times I saw players from both teams helping each other up as they were knocked down from fouls - in one instance, a Suns player basically caught Manu as he was falling, in another, Manu helped up a player he sort of ran into and fouled.

Suns players have been pretty decent. And they don't foul as often or as hard, and there hasn't been the same mean-spirited trash talking we saw coming out of Denver and Seattle.

Most importantly, I think the players' behavior sets the tone for the fans. I am still really disturbed by Seattle fans cheering when Timmy went down. I think that has to be traced back to the comments made by thugs like Fortson and James. They legitimize excessive force, which is what leads to injury.

Slo spurs fan
05-23-2005, 04:52 PM
*cough* push-ups *cough*

05-23-2005, 05:10 PM
I do have to say this though...

the only player in the Suns team that doesn't deserve any respect due to cockyness is obviously Amare.

The rest of the team is fine by me....and if they were to beat SA....I would only hope Amare wasn't on it.

05-23-2005, 05:15 PM
^ No respect?? Really? Some cockiness is good, especially for a young guy like him. Given his talent and strength he could be a real asshole, but he's not. At least he doesn't seem to be.

05-23-2005, 05:16 PM
I do have to say this though...

the only player in the Suns team that doesn't deserve any respect due to cockyness is obviously Amare.

The rest of the team is fine by me....and if they were to beat SA....I would only hope Amare wasn't on it.
I think you have amare pegged wrong. He seems like he is a pretty cool dude.

05-23-2005, 06:38 PM
I do have to say this though...

the only player in the Suns team that doesn't deserve any respect due to cockyness is obviously Amare.

The rest of the team is fine by me....and if they were to beat SA....I would only hope Amare wasn't on it.

He is cocky and brash....but he isn't disrepectful to the other team......he was classy after the game 1 loss.....he felt he could do more against Timmy and that is more about self confidence not cockiness.

05-23-2005, 08:45 PM
They don't play dirty, and I appreciate that. They are cocky a lot, but most of the time they have good attitudes and play fair.

05-23-2005, 09:52 PM
TD, I was reading your signature. You know, if I remember the Suns were winning the game when Amare did his push ups.

I remember watching that game and thinking it's over, the Spurs wouldn't allow that.

I think Amare learned an important lesson there.

T Park
05-23-2005, 10:04 PM
Amare with another class line.

A 5 year old came up to him, prob about a few days after the Spurs eliminated the Suns, and asked him for an autograph.

Mind you he said this to a 5 year old.

"I dont do not damn autographs"

I lost all respect for him after that.

05-23-2005, 10:08 PM
It's too easy to criticize athletes and celebrities for turning away autographs.

If you seen Punk'd with Dirk, to think that probably happens all the time. Imagine being hounded day and night for your name to be written on something or a photo to be taken.

Not knowing that if it's an adult it will likely go up for sale somewhere.

I remember Eminem telling a story about how people would wait outside of the bathroom stall he was using to ask for his autograph.

People think celebrities and atheletes "owe" them. It's a crazy world. Just because they have money and make it because of the fans spending their dollars.

Does that mean Taco Bell employee Joe owes you a taco because you see him at Wal Mart and you recognizes who you are?

T Park
05-23-2005, 10:11 PM
It's too easy to criticize athletes and celebrities for turning away autographs.

oh horse fuckin shit.

It was a 5 year old.

Only a fuckin blind homer would defend that punk ass.

Does that mean Taco Bell employee Joe owes you a taco because you see him at Wal Mart and you recognizes who you are?

that is a horrible analogy

05-23-2005, 10:14 PM
Amare with another class line.

A 5 year old came up to him, prob about a few days after the Spurs eliminated the Suns, and asked him for an autograph.

Mind you he said this to a 5 year old.

"I dont do not damn autographs"

I lost all respect for him after that.


05-23-2005, 10:17 PM
It's the same in context. The only difference is that Taco Joe is not a celebrity. That's it. His money is made the same way. Not quite as much, about a $5/hr difference I think. ;)

I'm not defending what Amare did, but rather rationalizing it. He probably doesn't have second to himself. Every corner he turns is a fan wanting, asking, demanding.

The same for all celebrities. Hell if you are lucky Barkley will toss you threw a window.

By the way Amare also steals his neighbors newspaper. Not only does he shun kiddies from getting his name on a piece of paper, he also steals newspapers.

05-23-2005, 10:22 PM
BTW, when I was 15 and my brother was 13, we went to a few baseball games.

Michael Jordan was playing for the Scottsdale Scorpions at the time. My brother and I, my brother had a broken arm mind you, happened to come upon him after the game, he refused to look our way and sent a guy to make sure we wouldn't get close.

I went to a Cubs - A's spring training game in Mesa when Harry Caray was alive. He flat out refused to sign the seat cushion I bought to specifically have him sign. A waste of $20 and a 16 yr old kid's broken heart. :(

Yet I understand those situations. I was probably the 100th person at least to ask Harry Caray for an autograph. I was probably the ten millionth person to ask for an autorgraph from his airness. No biggie that they said.

T Park
05-23-2005, 10:39 PM

a friend of mine who is a pastor, at the carnival at the church he works at, that was with the boy during the carnival.

T Park
05-23-2005, 10:40 PM
Michael Jordan was playing for the Scottsdale Scorpions at the time. My brother and I, my brother had a broken arm mind you, happened to come upon him after the game, he refused to look our way and sent a guy to make sure we wouldn't get close.

michael jordan was a classic asshole, the jordan rules and other people who have followed him around have proven that.

50 cent
05-24-2005, 09:25 AM
a friend of mine who is a pastor, at the carnival at the church he works at, that was with the boy during the carnival.
Now there is some heresay. :blah

I like Amare and all the Suns, although D'Antoni looks like he is going to start crying everytime he doesn't get a call to go his way. They have also made me a lot of money this postseason whipping up on Memphis and Dallas.