View Full Version : Hamid Karzai: Afghan Riots Not Due To Newsweek Article

05-23-2005, 04:25 PM
Hamid Karzai, Afghan President, on Monday denied the riots in Afghanistan that led to 16 deaths had been prompted by a magazine article, calling them instead “a political act against Afghanistan's stability”.

“These demonstrations were in reality not related to the Newsweek story,” he said at a joint press conference held after a meeting with President George W. Bush. “They were more against progress in Afghanistan and our strategic partnership with America. We know the people who were behind the demonstrations.”

His comments contrast with those of White House officials who have forcefully condemned the Newsweek report that claimed a Koran had been flushed down a toilet by interrogators in Guantanamo Bay, and have suggested it helped trigger the riots.

Last week Scott McClellan, White House spokesman, said: “This report was used to excite violence and did serious damage. The protests may have been pre-planned but this report was used to excite violence.”

Mr Karzai's remarks echo the views of General Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, who said the violence was “not at all tied to the article in the magazine”.

more...Link (http://news.ft.com/cms/s/d6958aa8-cbaf-11d9-895c-00000e2511c8,_i_rssPage=80fdaff6-cbe5-11d7-81c6-0820abe49a01.html)

What? WH Spokeperson, Scotty McClennon intentionally lied? Say it ain't so, Scotty!

Hamid Karzai probably didn't get 'the memo'.

Well, its about time everyone came around, Myers has been saying this since what? May 12th.

05-23-2005, 04:31 PM
WASHINGTON - President Bush said Monday that U.S. troops in Afghanistan will remain under U.S. control despite Afghan President Hamid Karzai's request for more authority over them.

"Of course, our troops will respond to U.S. commanders," Bush said, with Karzai standing at his side at the White House. At the same time, Bush said the relationship between Washington and Kabul is "to cooperate and consult"

Bush also said that Afghan prisoners under U.S. control in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and elsewhere, would be slowly returned to their home countries.

"We will do this over time," he said. "We have to make sure the facilities are there."

Bush had high praise for Karzai as a valued anti-terror partner and credited the Afghan leader with "showing countries in the neighborhood what's possible."

more:Yahoo News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050523/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_afghanistan/nc:693)

Who the @@$!@# does Karzai think he is demanding more control over his country. Geezz...talk about biting the hand that feeds you!

05-24-2005, 03:20 AM
I thought this NY Times Opt piece by Frank Reich (http://nytimes.com/2005/05/22/opinion/22rich.html) would be a great way to spur up this thread...

"Our United States military personnel go out of their way to make sure that the Holy Koran is treated with care," said the White House press secretary, Scott McClellan, as he eagerly made the magazine the scapegoat for lethal anti-American riots in Afghanistan. Indeed, Mr. McClellan was so fixated on destroying Newsweek - and on mouthing his own phony P.C. pieties about the Koran - that by omission he whitewashed the rioters themselves, Islamic extremists who routinely misuse that holy book as a pretext for murder.

That's how absurdly over-the-top the assault on Newsweek has been. The administration has been so successful at bullying the news media in order to cover up its own fictions and failings in Iraq that it now believes it can get away with pinning some 17 deaths on an errant single sentence in a 10-sentence Periscope item that few noticed until days after its publication. Coming just as the latest CNN/Gallup/USA Today poll finds that only 41 percent of Americans think the war in Iraq is "worth fighting" and only 42 percent think it's going well, this smells like desperation. In its war on the press, this hubristic administration may finally have crossed a bridge too far.


Given this context, the administration's attempt to pass the entire buck to Newsweek for our ill odor among Muslims, including those Muslims who abhor jihadists committing murder, is laughable. Yet there's something weirdly self-incriminating about the language it uses to do it. Richard Boucher, the State Department spokesman whose previous boss, Colin Powell, delivered a fictional recitation of Saddam Hussein's weapon capabilities before the United Nations Security Council, said it's "shocking" that Newsweek used "facts that have not been substantiated." Bryan Whitman, a Pentagon spokesman, attacked Newsweek for hiding "behind anonymous sources," yet it was an anonymous source, an Iraqi defector known as Curveball, who fed the fictions that Mr. Powell spouted to gin up America for war. Psychological displacement of this magnitude might give even Freud pause.


IT is terrible that Newsweek was wrong, though it's worth noting, as John Donvan of ABC News did, that the Defense Department's claim that its story was "demonstrably" false is also an overreach. Almost nothing that happens in the sealed prison at Guantánamo is as demonstrable as, say, Saddam's underwear. But if something good can come out of something bad, the administration's overkill of Newsweek may focus greater public attention on just how much it is using press-bashing to deflect attention from the fictions spun by its own propaganda machine.

05-24-2005, 09:07 AM
Reading is fundamental! :spin

05-24-2005, 03:06 PM
A similar story about "Koran abuse" has been on Haper's online for months now. Where were the riots over that one?

05-24-2005, 03:08 PM
Nobody reads Harper's.

05-24-2005, 03:12 PM
Maybe now they will.

Maybe I just started a riot.


05-24-2005, 03:18 PM
Nobody reads Harper's.

Nobody in Iraq reads Newsweek either, but since the administration says that the a small blurp in a otherwise unnoticed article started this uprising it must be so, right?

05-24-2005, 03:25 PM
I'm not representing the administration.

05-24-2005, 03:32 PM
I'm not representing the administration.

That's good because now that the TV cameras and our journalists corporate whores are concentrating on something else, the administration has reversed course on its unfounded accusations against Newsweek...

At a White House press briefing Tuesday, Press Secretary Scott McClellan, pressed by reporters and with Afghan President Karzai in disagreement, retreated on claims that Newsweek's retracted story on Koran abuse cost lives in Afghanistan.

He also claimed that he had never said it did, even though a check of transcripts disputes that. On May 16, for example, he said, "people have lost their lives." On May 17, he said, "People did lose their lives," and, "People lost their lives."

Here is the transcript from the latest White House press briefing:

Q: One other question. Karzai was quite definite in saying that he didn't believe that the violence in Afghanistan was directly tied to the Newsweek article about Koran desecration. Yet, from this podium, you have made that link. So --

McCLELLAN: Actually, I don't think you're actually characterizing what was said accurately.

Editor and Publisher (http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000930917)