View Full Version : Tim Legler is a Boss

11-18-2010, 12:25 AM
By far the best NBA analyst on any network. When he speaks, he shows that he knows his shit.

He's also one of the few in the limelight to give the Spurs their due respect.

If you're reading this for any reason Tim, you're the fuckin man.

11-18-2010, 12:25 AM
I think Jalen Rose is better.

11-18-2010, 12:26 AM
wtf the guy sucks and always liked the suns over spurs .... and even now it took the other analysts to bring up the spurs ....

11-18-2010, 12:26 AM
I think Jalen Rose is better.


11-18-2010, 12:27 AM
nice sarcasm

I like Jalen Rose, he's a cool dude. However, he doesn't know shit.

11-18-2010, 12:27 AM
Greg Anthony isn't bad

11-18-2010, 12:28 AM
wtf the guy sucks and always liked the suns over spurs .... and even now it took the other analysts to bring up the spurs ....

Tim knows his shit period.

Nathan Explosion
11-18-2010, 12:28 AM
By far the best NBA analyst on any network. When he speaks, he shows that he knows his shit.

He's also one of the few in the limelight to give the Spurs their due respect.

If you're reading this for any reason Tim, you're the fuckin man.

His partner set him up for it. Legler said that there are only 2 teams that are elite, LA and Boston. His partner (I forget his name) said, "I don't have the standings on me [pats his pockets as if he's looking for them], but don't the Spurs have the best record in the league?"

11-18-2010, 12:28 AM
Greg Anthony isn't bad

You're right, I've forgotten about him lately, not sure why... but I agree, GA is up there with Legler.

11-18-2010, 12:28 AM
Legler is the shit.

11-18-2010, 12:32 AM
His partner set him up for it. Legler said that there are only 2 teams that are elite, LA and Boston. His partner (I forget his name) said, "I don't have the standings on me [pats his pockets as if he's looking for them], but don't the Spurs have the best record in the league?"
I realize that and maybe it's his true opinion that LA and Boston are the clear cut favorites. I would agree with that. The Spurs are elite in my opinion, perhaps if he truly did say those two teams are the only elites ones, the statement surely wasn't scripted. I think Boston and LA are both clearly above the Spurs.

But nonetheless, I didn't start this thread just because of that quick little talk of the Spurs. I've always thought he was a great analyst and very well spoken, no nonsense, he always brings serious points. And he shows his knowledge when he brings certain things up. I've forgotten about him as well as of late because I haven't seen him around on my screen in a while.

11-18-2010, 12:32 AM
Lmao @ Jalen "I guarantee parker will be in a knicks uniform next year" Rose..Guy lets his BS opinions get in the way of fact too often.

Sean Cagney
11-18-2010, 12:32 AM

11-18-2010, 12:33 AM
The reason Greg Anthony is quiet is because he's a college announcer on CBS now.

Nathan Explosion
11-18-2010, 12:35 AM
I usually work Thursday nights, but I hear Webber is bringing it.

11-18-2010, 12:36 AM
as much as i don't want to believe it, boston and lakers are on their own levels right now. they are just so stacked, it's ridiculous. a product of the stern system no doubt but they are on top. for the spurs to get near them, they have to play some stellar defense and prove they have the size to match up against the celtics and lakers.

11-18-2010, 01:31 AM
Here's what ESPN had to say about the spurs on NBA tonight

Legler's partner: "How about the Spurs and the Hornets, two best teams in the NBA?"

Legler: "Spurs...rejuvenated."

End show. Two measly words about the spurs. The way he said it it was almost as though he felt the spurs were making him eat crow. He clearly didn't expect the spurs to be where they are right now.

11-18-2010, 01:36 AM
Actually Legler also was owning Colin on SportsNation today especially on the question if the Spurs were the main challengers to the Lakers in the West T/F; Legler said True and Colin said False (of course). Beadle always behind the Spurs!!!

11-18-2010, 02:39 AM
The reason Greg Anthony is quiet is because he's a college announcer on CBS now.

ahhh shit you're right, definitely rings a bell

Man In Black
11-18-2010, 03:16 AM
Yo TPark. GA is also an announcer on NBA TV during the Season.

And Legler is alright. Sean will tell you that if you work for the 4-letter, that you have to drink the kool-aid and report on what they term, the more entertaining. It matters not if Manu goes behind the back and dunks on the interior of the Bulls. For the 4-letter, it's more important that they show Bean getting favorable calls against Richard Hamilton who got T'd up and ejected for a seriously erroneous call.
Sean was right to bail on the 4-letter. They have an agenda too and it's NOT to promote the Spurs. Well...unless this Divorce thing turns into an avalanche of attention, then for once, the Spurs will get lots and lots of time on the 4-letter. IF not for that, any attention they get from 4-letter is begrudgingly given.

11-18-2010, 03:20 AM
Greg Anthony isn't bad

On the contrary. Yes he is.

When he foolishly predicted that the Nuggets would the NBA title simply because they signed Allen Iverson, I knew this dude was off his rocker. And he wasn't the only one that salivated over that signing.

11-18-2010, 03:30 AM
On the contrary. Yes he is.

When he foolishly predicted that the Nuggets would the NBA title simply because they signed Allen Iverson, I knew this dude was off his rocker. And he wasn't the only one that salivated over that signing.

That's one incident, and most NBA champ predictions are off if you think about it.

I think Greg Anthony is pretty good overall.

11-18-2010, 08:08 AM
Sean will tell you that if you work for the 4-letter, that you have to drink the kool-aid and report on what they term, the more entertaining....They have an agenda too and it's NOT to promote the Spurs. Well...unless this Divorce thing turns into an avalanche of attention, then for once, the Spurs will get lots and lots of time on the 4-letter. IF not for that, any attention they get from 4-letter is begrudgingly given.

SA is a what 30th TV market statistically?

ESPN plays to their advertiser's demographics and their non-promotion of the Spurs reflects that. There's no money in it but it will be interesting if the Tony-Eva divorce gets virile, loud, ugly and demands/commands interests from the public. ESPN will no doubt pick up the gauntlet.

11-18-2010, 08:19 AM
Legler sucks. Webber and Aldridge are the only commentators worth a damn. And of course Brent, but I feelt that the jokes and lightheartedness may be hard to come by for a while for him. Kamla is okay but a bit of an annoying d-bag. His love for Cheryl Miller is really out there.

11-18-2010, 09:13 AM
WTF ?????

Tim Legler is a POS

Oh I see how it works; when the "experts" dont give credits to the Spurs, they suck, but when they say something good, they are great

Same thing with some articles posted here: when there is a positive article about the Spurs, it's a " great read " :lmao

11-18-2010, 09:30 AM
WTF ?????

Tim Legler is a POS

Oh I see how it works; when the "experts" dont give credits to the Spurs, they suck, but when they say something good, they are great

Same thing with some articles posted here: when there is a positive article about the Spurs, it's a " great read " :lmao

All fans of all teams do this...you are just figuring this out? Or did you think Spurs fans are "special"?

Legler reads talking points and on message conventional wisdom.

Mr. Body
11-18-2010, 09:34 AM
Greg Anthony is beyond horrible. Jalen Rose is just simply horrible. Legler is usually pretty damn bad. The whole network's NBA commentary is completely atrocious.

11-18-2010, 09:35 AM
That's one incident, and most NBA champ predictions are off if you think about it.

I think Greg Anthony is pretty good overall.

The guy who predicted Cavs in 7 over the Spurs in 2007 ? :lmao

11-18-2010, 10:37 AM

The guy who predicted Cavs in 7 over the Spurs in 2007 ? :lmao

I had forgotten about that one.

While many of the former players-turned-analysts have wonderful insight that your typical journalist doesn't have, they often find it difficult providing an unbiased viewpoint on players and friends that they played and have immense respect for. Too often they become "prisoner of the moment" and that's understandable. The NBA player fraternity is a small and privledged one.

My take on Legler is this: if you couldn't see how tall or how big he is, to the average viewer you probably wouldn't know that he actually played the sport, you'd never know it with his analysis. He does manage to tell you like it is. If a player or team is good, he says so. If not, he doesn't try and mince words or conjure up excuses.

There are several ex-players-turned-NBA analysts that I find to be pretty solid and unbiased. Legs is one. Kenny Smith, while very politically correct, is another. Reggie Miller is also very thorough. And my man, Bruce Bowen is extremely good. Of course, Barkley is the top of the food chain - he's the best.

11-18-2010, 10:53 AM
I had forgotten about that one.

While many of the former players-turned-analysts have wonderful insight that your typical journalist doesn't have, they often find it difficult providing an unbiased viewpoint on players and friends that they played and have immense respect for. Too often they become "prisoner of the moment" and that's understandable. The NBA player fraternity is a small and privledged one.

My take on Legler is this: if you couldn't see how tall or how big he is, to the average viewer you probably wouldn't know that he actually played the sport, you'd never know it with his analysis. He does manage to tell you like it is. If a player or team is good, he says so. If not, he doesn't try and mince words or conjure up excuses.

There are several ex-players-turned-NBA analysts that I find to be pretty solid and unbiased. Legs is one. Kenny Smith, while very politically correct, is another. Reggie Miller is also very thorough. And my man, Bruce Bowen is extremely good. Of course, Barkley is the top of the food chain - he's the best.


I like C-Webb as well; not the best, but not half-bad

Mark in Austin
11-18-2010, 11:15 AM
Greg Anthony isn't bad

Greg Anthony is a good communicator. But some of the stuff he says is just odd. If you watch him on NBATV with Kenny Smith, there's at least one or two instances each night where Kenny will make a point, Anthony will add to it in a way that doesn't make much sense or takes the discussion in a different direction, and Kenny is just at a loss for words.

Greg Anthony SOUNDS like he knows what he's talking about, but what he actually says can be odd at times.

As far as former players go, I like McHale, Webber, Kenny and Chuck, Steve Smith and Barry best.

I'd put Anthony in the second tier with Dennis Scott, the Millers, etc. There was a Kendall Gill sighting the other night...

11-18-2010, 11:21 AM
Greg Anthony is a good communicator. But some of the stuff he says is just odd. If you watch him on NBATV with Kenny Smith, there's at least one or two instances each night where Kenny will make a point, Anthony will add to it in a way that doesn't make much sense or takes the discussion in a different direction, and Kenny is just at a loss for words.

Greg Anthony SOUNDS like he knows what he's talking about, but what he actually says can be odd at times.

As far as former players go, I like McHale, Webber, Kenny and Chuck, Steve Smith and Barry best.

I'd put Anthony in the second tier with Dennis Scott, the Millers, etc. There was a Kendall Gill sighting the other night...

I listened to Kendall Gill once; he is not bad at all ..... so far.

Denis Scott seems to be a nice dude, but he is just ok so far; however, I think he will improve with experience; Kamla seems to have a crush on him

I agree with your list ( McHale, Webber, Kenny and Chuck, Steve Smith and Barry)

11-18-2010, 11:22 AM
I had forgotten about that one.

While many of the former players-turned-analysts have wonderful insight that your typical journalist doesn't have, they often find it difficult providing an unbiased viewpoint on players and friends that they played and have immense respect for. Too often they become "prisoner of the moment" and that's understandable. The NBA player fraternity is a small and privledged one.

My take on Legler is this: if you couldn't see how tall or how big he is, to the average viewer you probably wouldn't know that he actually played the sport, you'd never know it with his analysis. He does manage to tell you like it is. If a player or team is good, he says so. If not, he doesn't try and mince words or conjure up excuses.

There are several ex-players-turned-NBA analysts that I find to be pretty solid and unbiased. Legs is one. Kenny Smith, while very politically correct, is another. Reggie Miller is also very thorough. And my man, Bruce Bowen is extremely good. Of course, Barkley is the top of the food chain - he's the best.

Bruce sucks as an analyst. He is given easy questions that usually relate to the spurs or one of their current/former rivals, and he still comes off as trying to hard. He needs to loosen up, and ditch the idea that anyone will know him b/c of his bowtie.

11-18-2010, 11:29 AM
Yeah, Tim Legler gives the Spurs sooooo much respect that last season he said they wouldn't even make the playoffs.

Whisky Dog
11-18-2010, 03:18 PM
Tim Legler - he's a coach on the field, knows where to be, knows the game like the back of his hand, whatever other cliche given to white athletes.

11-18-2010, 03:23 PM
And that asshole won the 3 pt contest in San Antonio


11-18-2010, 05:58 PM
I think Jalen Rose is better.


DJ Mbenga
11-18-2010, 06:20 PM
By far the best NBA analyst on any network. When he speaks, he shows that he knows his shit.

He's also one of the few in the limelight to give the Spurs their due respect .

If you're reading this for any reason Tim, you're the fuckin man.

just cause he says he likes the spurs that makes him good?

11-18-2010, 10:13 PM
just cause he says he likes the spurs that makes him good?

Nope, not why.


11-18-2010, 11:21 PM
anthony is better, Rose sucks.

Legler is a closet Celts fan ... but he is ok. But the best?

11-18-2010, 11:26 PM

11-18-2010, 11:28 PM
NVM I don't know why I even said Legler is the best, it was pretty damn stupid.

He's up there IMO, but they're all below Sir Charles.

Man In Black
11-19-2010, 03:26 AM
SA is a what 30th TV market statistically?

ESPN plays to their advertiser's demographics and their non-promotion of the Spurs reflects that. There's no money in it but it will be interesting if the Tony-Eva divorce gets virile, loud, ugly and demands/commands interests from the public. ESPN will no doubt pick up the gauntlet.

This is where they get it wrong. IF this was the NFL, a team like Green Bay-You can say Milwaukee too, gets a lot of play because of their storied history, not because of their market size. With the advent of basketball becoming a world game, the future of the NBA could go the way of boxing. No True American Stars. Think about it. They need to market TEAMS and then stars, not the other way around.

And there is money in it. They want eyes and page views. Each one of those means someone is getting paid.

11-19-2010, 07:28 AM
This is where they get it wrong. IF this was the NFL, a team like Green Bay-You can say Milwaukee too, gets a lot of play because of their storied history, not because of their market size. With the advent of basketball becoming a world game, the future of the NBA could go the way of boxing. No True American Stars. Think about it. They need to market TEAMS and then stars, not the other way around.

And there is money in it. They want eyes and page views. Each one of those means someone is getting paid.

I couldn't agree more. Stern and his short sighted greed driven "superstar marketing" has been less than stellar as stars come and go but teams and team loyalty among fans are lasting. He's still trying to duplicate and catch lightening twice in a a bottle with another MJ. It's a tired cliche'. The game has suffered because of this as well. People forget that Stern had not a clue of NBA referee Tim Donaghy (his watch, his responsibility) and was informed of it by the FBI. He was clueless. Stern's a brilliant marketeer, negotiator, barker and money man but IMO, a lousy commissioner for the game and its integrity. It's an afterthought or damage control for him.. Fortunately the game will survive Stern.