View Full Version : Does Kobe Cross The Line In New Ad

11-18-2010, 04:36 AM
WTF, haha.


11-18-2010, 04:51 AM

Fuck those guys. It's a video game commercial.

11-18-2010, 05:36 AM
LOL. The governor of California was the freaking Terminator and they get upset about an ad for a video game simulation? The problem is these people can't comprehend the notion of separating fantasy from reality and that the vast majority of us are capable of doing that very well.

Leonard Curse
11-18-2010, 06:02 AM
yeah its not that theyre being lame its more like its way too late to say anything because its been out for so damn long !! the government tries to make war seem really cool so that kids will enlist in the military thats whats the real issue but everyones to dumb to see any thing clearly now days.

11-18-2010, 07:46 AM
the government tries to make war seem really cool so that kids will enlist in the military thats whats the real issue but everyones to dumb to see any thing clearly now days.

Generalize much?

11-18-2010, 08:05 AM
Are you F-in serious?? Lame that people are even talking about this. I guess more free advertising for COD.

11-18-2010, 08:11 AM
yeah its not that theyre being lame its more like its way too late to say anything because its been out for so damn long !! the government tries to make war seem really cool so that kids will enlist in the military thats whats the real issue but everyones to dumb to see any thing clearly now days.

This how I feel about it...:toast I would never die for this country in a million fucking years..Blacks built this fucking country...Slaves even built the House they call the White House...talk about a slap in the face of slave labor...too many social and economic injustices of my brothers that "the white man" don't want to recognize...what I want to see is their offspring get on their knees, work to enact legislation to right the wrongs, teach the this nation's real history to Ivy league and curriculum across the country...have a reverence and fear of using the N-Word ( I use it as a term of endearment - so no hypocrisy here..):lol a reverence like they have of being anti-Semitic, build monuments and libraries to those who died in the struggle ( and not this token Black History month BS that only Blacks celebrate) elevate the status like you do Memorial Day and have a national day off, pay restitution / reparations to the offspring of slaves...( I don't need it so my share can go to other less fortunate) admit the founding fathers were wrong and the constitution originally drafted was shit...remove the racist one-drop rule pertaining to Blacks... Congress issue a world apology and hold world conferences at the UN for all nations for Black Theology...until this happens Fuck a War... I would die only for me and mine...that's it and that's all...

In a nutshell:

11-18-2010, 08:15 AM
Bravo Koolaid_Man. Is that all the logic you could spit out to avoid the fact that you're a giant pussy?

11-18-2010, 08:35 AM
Bravo Koolaid_Man. Is that all the logic you could spit out to avoid the fact that you're a giant pussy?

I take it your Mexican Halberto...real talk...don't know if your middle class or poor...but I will say this...I've never run across a middle class mexican who respects or believes in his heritage. In fact every single one of them I come across what to be white so fucking bad they will sell their soul to the devil to be accepted by the majority...They have no real sense of identity and hate themselves...I take it you fall into this category...We have some blacks like that too and we call them Uncle Tom...( Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas)...at least we excoriate out own when it's called for...

Check it out:

yDn1VuimO24 LtytAfR-2hI


These....My Favorite Ones...:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao

jRNCpD3xhsY EsbZ2C9bH1k

11-18-2010, 08:55 AM
Yes, I think it does. You're not a soldier, they fight and some die for this country.

11-18-2010, 09:03 AM
Yes, I think it does. You're not a soldier, they fight and some die for this country.

Should we stop making war movies too?

11-18-2010, 09:10 AM
I would have to say, yes, Kobe crossed the line here, as usual..

11-18-2010, 09:49 AM
I would have to say, yes, Kobe crossed the line here, as usual..

But Kobe donated his pay to the fuckin kids :cry

11-18-2010, 10:07 AM
This how I feel about it...:toast I would never die for this country in a million fucking years..Blacks built this fucking country...Slaves even built the House they call the White House...talk about a slap in the face of slave labor...too many social and economic injustices of my brothers that "the white man" don't want to recognize...what I want to see is their offspring get on their knees, work to enact legislation to right the wrongs, teach the this nation's real history to Ivy league and curriculum across the country...have a reverence and fear of using the N-Word ( I use it as a term of endearment - so no hypocrisy here..):lol a reverence like they have of being anti-Semitic, build monuments and libraries to those who died in the struggle ( and not this token Black History month BS that only Blacks celebrate) elevate the status like you do Memorial Day and have a national day off, pay restitution / reparations to the offspring of slaves...( I don't need it so my share can go to other less fortunate) admit the founding fathers were wrong and the constitution originally drafted was shit...remove the racist one-drop rule pertaining to Blacks... Congress issue a world apology and hold world conferences at the UN for all nations for Black Theology...until this happens Fuck a War... I would die only for me and mine...that's it and that's all...

In a nutshell:

I know you are trolling, and perhaps I should not respond due to that fact, but . . . A few thoughts without getting too deep into this. I have MLK day off, but not memorial day. My ancestors were enslaved by Africans before Africans were enslaved by whites (with this I am not claiming tit for tat but if you want to bring up reparations, then it goes both ways). The entirety of my family tree came over after slavery (this is in response to the reparations comment since I would assume that reparations would be taxpayer funded).

Venti Quattro
11-18-2010, 10:37 AM
But Kobe donated his pay to the fuckin kids :cry

But shooting at people is not for the kids :cry

baseline bum
11-18-2010, 11:10 AM
It would have been more accurate if Kobe did a teamkill when he fired.

11-18-2010, 11:13 AM

11-18-2010, 11:17 AM
yes but only cause he was tubing like a faggot`

11-18-2010, 11:36 AM
oh my fucking god, ESPN is fucking pathetic, once again...Jesus Christ Bayless and company you fucking douche bags.

there is nothing wrong with this add. why is everyone such a vagina?

11-18-2010, 11:54 AM
the friggin media goes out and looks for things to be offended by. It's a commercial for a video game..it's make believe.

11-18-2010, 12:15 PM
This is clearly a generation gap.

These guys are too old and have no fucking clue about youth culture and video gaming.

11-18-2010, 12:20 PM
This is clearly a generation gap.

These guys are too old and have no fucking clue about youth culture and video gaming.

They're like any other retail concern: they're trying to make a dollar and a dime in perilous financial times. Bryant is a lightening rod and has been ever since Colorado. And Media doesn't have to pay him. He's free.

11-18-2010, 12:22 PM
the friggin media goes out and looks for things to be offended by. It's a commercial for a video game..it's make believe.


This is clearly a generation gap.

These guys are too old and have no fucking clue about youth culture and video gaming.

The fact that they spent 5 minutes of air time discussing how "negative" this decision was for Kobe proves this. Why? Because absolutely nothing will happen as a result of this. In fact, I see it the opposite. I think it's a rather cool thing for Kobe to do...we know he doesn't need the money, he did it anyway to promote the gaming industry and it's a pretty cool ad.

If David Stern somehow acts on this, there's a good chance I never watch a single NBA game again, or buy anything from the NBA. I'd rather see a lockout or the league's end than watch the pussification of the NBA grow at an even faster rate. If somehow the rate at which the NBA gets softer and sensitive continues to increase (which would be mind-boggling because it's already becoming ridiculous), it's pretty safe to say professional basketball in the US will appear more like ballet dance than basketball.

The Gemini Method
11-18-2010, 12:25 PM
I don't think Stern would do anything because another Black Ops-themed commercial is all over the Laker broadcast and the NBAtv channel as well...the Jeep one, so I'm sure there is some ferria being shared here.

11-18-2010, 12:27 PM
I don't like Kobe or play video games, but this commercial is clearly mega awesome.


11-18-2010, 12:43 PM
dumbass geezers getting upset at this commercial makes me laugh

The Gemini Method
11-18-2010, 02:14 PM
It would have been more accurate if Kobe did a teamkill when he fired.

Or if he would hog all the frags and ammo...

11-19-2010, 12:32 AM
I take it your Mexican Halberto...real talk...don't know if your middle class or poor...but I will say this...I've never run across a middle class mexican who respects or believes in his heritage. In fact every single one of them I come across what to be white so fucking bad they will sell their soul to the devil to be accepted by the majority...They have no real sense of identity and hate themselves...I take it you fall into this category...We have some blacks like that too and we call them Uncle Tom...( Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas)...at least we excoriate out own when it's called for...

Check it out:

*a bunch of youtube videos from the Boondocks*

1) I'm white, your post was a waste of time.
2) You're still a pussy.
3) Your references to the Boondocks finally made me realize that you're a troll giggling behind some alienware laptop. Man, I still can't understand how people get satisfaction after going through such measures to irritate people.

11-19-2010, 01:31 AM
I don't even know if Koolaid is actually black, but don't you find it a little fucked up that if a black man is a well-spoken, intelligent person that other black people say he acts "white." I mean how backwards are these people that look down on someone for using correct grammar, or not giving a shit what their, or any other person's, skin color is.

11-19-2010, 01:33 AM
And its hilarious that the crew at ESPN thinks its wrong not only for Kobe to be in this commercial, but for the commercial to exist at all.

"Video games are impossible to play, and make me dizzy to watch!"

11-19-2010, 01:38 AM
Fucking liberals tbh

11-19-2010, 01:39 AM
In all honesty, it sets a bad example, at least IMO..

11-19-2010, 01:40 AM
Fucking liberals tbh

You're kind of stupid tbh

11-19-2010, 02:08 AM
In all honesty, it sets a bad example, at least IMO..

I would be more concerned exposing my kids to your pansy ass than a video game with some killing in it.

11-19-2010, 02:11 AM
I would be more concerned exposing my kids to your pansy ass than a video game with some killing in it.

I don't want your kids to be exposed to me, son..there's a man named Giuseppe that might be able to help you out though..

11-19-2010, 02:17 AM
I don't want your kids to be exposed to me, son..there's a man named Giuseppe that might be able to help you out though..

That is just about the exact sort of pansy ass response I expected from you latching on to the superficialities of my post but ignore the meaningful content. I weep for a world in which bitch-made losers like you are allowed to walk around and say whatever wanders into their tinny little minds.

11-19-2010, 02:34 AM
Wait..where was the "meaningful content" in your post?..

Can you bold it or something, so my tiny little mind can follow?..

11-19-2010, 02:41 AM
That is just about the exact sort of pansy ass response I expected from you latching on to the superficialities of my post but ignore the meaningful content. I weep for a world in which bitch-made losers like you are allowed to walk around and say whatever wanders into their tinny little minds.

lol acting tough on the internet

11-19-2010, 03:01 AM
:madrun Of course he did! What kinda person takes murder lightly?!? :madrun

11-19-2010, 04:37 AM
what i don't get is what is so entertaining about "realistic" military shooters... the quake, half life, unreal series of shooters are a lot more FUN than CoD/battlefield school of camper friendly gameplay. good thing i don't have time to play much anymore.

11-19-2010, 04:47 AM
Exactly. Just get your box of army guys down from the attic and go play in the dirt in the backyard.

11-19-2010, 04:55 AM
Good early mornin' to ya, Gius!

11-19-2010, 05:33 AM
Hey, Altered.

11-19-2010, 07:54 AM
1) I'm white, your post was a waste of time.
2) You're still a pussy.
3) Your references to the Boondocks finally made me realize that you're a troll giggling behind some alienware laptop. Man, I still can't understand how people get satisfaction after going through such measures to irritate people.

:lol of course you're white "Halberto"...:lol just proves my point...I know so many Mexicans like you deny who their heritage and want to be white so bad it becomes their reality...I even know a Mexican who was sad that Cain Velasquez made Brock Lesnar do the Electric Brock-a-loo...:lol it shocked me that he wanted that KKK repping Lesnar to beat his Mexican brother...

:lol...Halberto - Say it loud - I'm Brown and I'm Proud...:lol

and my intent isn't to irrirtate it's to educate...:toast

11-19-2010, 08:11 AM
I don't even know if Koolaid is actually black, but don't you find it a little fucked up that if a black man is a well-spoken, intelligent person that other black people say he acts "white." I mean how backwards are these people that look down on someone for using correct grammar, or not giving a shit what their, or any other person's, skin color is.

and for the record I'm well-spoken, intelligent, educated, and articulate...

your thinking is so elementary. sure most uneducated people whether their black or not think like that... it's not that some are shunned for acting white rather it's that they run from their blackness. It's ok to be accomplished I have no quarrel with that. My issue is with those blacks that act like the White Man is the best thing that happened to them since slice bread. Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell are some negros that will find out the hard way. When their white friends turn on them ( and that day is almost here) they will want the black community to be there to support them and it won't happen. It's similar to people calling on Jesus only when they're in trouble.

While I may not agree with everything that Al Sharpton says and does I do recognize his importance. For all those that speak out against him I don't see anyone else out there willing to take up the mantle and speak on blacks behalf and do the grunt work when it's really needed. Al has the fucking balls to stand-up to the Fox news noise machine and other coward racists like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Klannity. I don't see any other blacks with influence standing up to those Fix News clowns as they appease the so called "real murkans"...oops I meant "real Americans"...:rollin