View Full Version : Get over it...

Mav-elous Man
12-02-2010, 11:53 PM
This is the type of dumb shit I'm talking about!!! The man fulfilled his contract and had the right to play for whoever he wanted to sign with!!! LeBron owed them nothing!!! I don't want to hear that bullshit about "LOYALTY" when GM's are quick to trade players whenever its convenient for them. As soon as a player is no longer useful, or they see an opportunity to free up some money, they kick them to the curb with no consideration for the players' families and relationships and then say, "YOU CAN'T TAKE IT PERSONAL. THIS IS A BUSINESS." Ok. Fair enough. That is understood because it IS a business and you CAN'T take it personal. Well guess the fuck what!!! That shit works both ways. LeBron felt it would be best to take his talents elsewhere. It was a business decision. You can't take it personal. GET THE FUCK OVER IT AND MOVE THE FUCK ON!!!

12-02-2010, 11:54 PM
Not only that, by doing his decision, he raised millions...MILLIONS for children who are less fortunate...

the ONLY thing he could have changed was telling the Cavs earlier...but then the news might have leaked, and nobody would have watched the Decision, and no money is raised for the kids...

Red Hawk #21
12-02-2010, 11:57 PM
Yo Gutter that sig is comedy haha

12-03-2010, 12:09 AM
Well said.

Been saying it for weeks now.

Suck it Cav douches

12-03-2010, 12:13 AM
Leon can sign wherever he wants. Leon likes Leon.

12-03-2010, 12:18 AM
I loved the few times Lebron would jump up off the bench after one of his teammates had some kinda deep 3 or hard dunk, and hypocritical Cleveland fans behind him would yell at him to "sit his ass down!"

12-03-2010, 12:20 AM
No LeBron is a bitch. He quit on that team. And there aint a thing you can do about it.

Let us proceed.

12-03-2010, 12:23 AM
no lebron is a bitch. He quit on that team. And there aint a thing you can do about it.

Let us proceed.


Mav-elous Man
12-03-2010, 12:24 AM
I just don't understand why people are as upset as they are. I can see being disappointed but this is ridiculous.

Mav-elous Man
12-03-2010, 12:26 AM

So signing with another team when you're a free agent is quitting? If thats the case there are a whole bunch of quitters in the league.

12-03-2010, 12:36 AM
So signing with another team when you're a free agent is quitting? If thats the case there are a whole bunch of quitters in the league.

Take a step back and fully analyze the situation...

Cleveland is a notorious loser in sports. LeBron is their hometown hero and in their eyes...savior. He wins back2back MVPs. Has the best record in the NBA two straight years. I mean its not like the team is lottery bound every year, theyve already reached the Finals and a couple of Conference Finals. He's 25, why not stick it out atleast another 3 years? Your boy Dirk has stuck it out. Malone stuck it out until the twilight of his career. Stockton. MJ endured ass whoopings by the Bad Boys before he won it. Why was Lebron's situation so different and difficult that at that age and with a Top 5 (atleast) team in the league he had to jump ship? He had the right to as an unrestricted FA sure there's no dispute there, but how do you see nothing wrong with the rest of the picture? Very few people would do what LeBron did tbh.

12-03-2010, 12:44 AM
So signing with another team when you're a free agent is quitting? If thats the case there are a whole bunch of quitters in the league.

if you've read any of my numerous posts on this subject, you'd know I agree with your stance

12-03-2010, 12:46 AM
I just don't understand why people are as upset as they are. I can see being disappointed but this is ridiculous.

Seriously, brah? This topic's been beaten to death, but while, yes, a lot of them are disappointed, don't cha think the entire situation could've been handled w/ a LITTLE more discretion?

The guy ripped CLE's heart out on national TV. The majority of sports radio hosts simply assumed that he MUST be re-signing w/ CLE simply 'cause nobody would ever be this cruel to their former team w/o provocation.

Mav-elous Man
12-03-2010, 12:51 AM
Take a step back and fully analyze the situation...

Cleveland is a notorious loser in sports. LeBron is their hometown hero and in their eyes...savior. He wins back2back MVPs. Has the best record in the NBA two straight years. I mean its not like the team is lottery bound every year, theyve already reached the Finals and a couple of Conference Finals. He's 25, why not stick it out atleast another 3 years? Your boy Dirk has stuck it out. Malone stuck it out until the twilight of his career. Stockton. MJ endured ass whoopings by the Bad Boys before he won it. Why was Lebron's situation so different and difficult that at that age and with a Top 5 (atleast) team in the league he had to jump ship? He had the right to as an unrestricted FA sure there's no dispute there, but how do you see nothing wrong with the rest of the picture? Very few people would do what LeBron did tbh.

IMO none of that overrides the fact that he made the decision he thought was best for him. It was a good run while it lasted but he wanted to move on. KG said it best. If he knew then what he knows now, he wouldn't have waited so long to leave Minnesota and wasted his time. His words, not mine. I find it refreshing that a player at his age is chasing a championship and not the money so much. Winning will bring in the cash. There is no law or rule saying he had to stay in Cleveland. Even Dirk said he wouldn't have left Dallas unless LeBron and D-Wade asked him to come play in Miami. He would have given that some serious thought.

12-03-2010, 12:53 AM
Fuck those cry baby bitches and that motherfucker gilbert grape or w.e the hell his name is

12-03-2010, 02:35 AM
umm he said he wasn't gunna quit til he brought a championship so he's a dirty quitter

Mav-elous Man
12-03-2010, 02:36 AM
Seriously, brah? This topic's been beaten to death, but while, yes, a lot of them are disappointed, don't cha think the entire situation could've been handled w/ a LITTLE more discretion?

The guy ripped CLE's heart out on national TV. The majority of sports radio hosts simply assumed that he MUST be re-signing w/ CLE simply 'cause nobody would ever be this cruel to their former team w/o provocation.

Thats exactly the problem. They assumed. It could have been handled with more discretion but the fans didn't have to overreact the way they did. What he did doesnt deserve the treatment he is getting. He busted his ass for Cleveland and thats the thanx he gets? Fuck em.

12-03-2010, 03:20 AM
So many potential San Antonio Heat members in this thread. I like what i see.

12-03-2010, 04:08 AM
I just don't understand why people are as upset as they are. I can see being disappointed but this is ridiculous.

One, the team of Cleveland is a pretty tortured sports town.

Two, Lebron came in like he was the savior, and didn't win.

Three, he played like crap in the last few games of the Celtics series; the stats don't tell the whole story.

Four, he dragged out his decision on national TV then stuck a dagger in his hometown. (Which is to be expected since he's a bandwagon Yankee fan.)

12-03-2010, 04:09 AM
Thats exactly the problem. They assumed. It could have been handled with more discretion but the fans didn't have to overreact the way they did. What he did doesnt deserve the treatment he is getting. He busted his ass for Cleveland and thats the thanx he gets? Fuck em.

What did he give Cleveland? Certainly not a title.

12-03-2010, 04:10 AM
Oh, and five, he didn't even go to a team where he was the man. He bitched out and deferred to Wade's team.

12-03-2010, 04:28 AM
Thats exactly the problem. They assumed. It could have been handled with more discretion but the fans didn't have to overreact the way they did. What he did doesnt deserve the treatment he is getting. He busted his ass for Cleveland and thats the thanx he gets? Fuck em.

the fans were alot calmer then i expected.

12-03-2010, 04:32 AM
This is the type of dumb shit I'm talking about!!! The man fulfilled his contract and had the right to play for whoever he wanted to sign with!!! LeBron owed them nothing!!! I don't want to hear that bullshit about "LOYALTY" when GM's are quick to trade players whenever its convenient for them. As soon as a player is no longer useful, or they see an opportunity to free up some money, they kick them to the curb with no consideration for the players' families and relationships and then say, "YOU CAN'T TAKE IT PERSONAL. THIS IS A BUSINESS." Ok. Fair enough. That is understood because it IS a business and you CAN'T take it personal. Well guess the fuck what!!! That shit works both ways. LeBron felt it would be best to take his talents elsewhere. It was a business decision. You can't take it personal. GET THE FUCK OVER IT AND MOVE THE FUCK ON!!!


I agree his 'decision' thing was very unsympathetic. It was ridiculous and pretty stupid to do the way he did it and some things he has said over the last couple of months havent helped either, but it amazes me how much shit he still gets and how people are going on and on and on about this.

It also amazes me how cleveland fans were preparing their childish actions for this game. Creating all those childish chants and laughing at him. I mean wtf, seriously? That's just sad.

All the jersey burning and anti lebron tshirts etcetera. This is the guy those fans have been loving for so many years, they have spend their own money on his jersey and now they hate him and burn that same jersey? WTF. Come on, how stupid can you be. And what those fans dont get is that Lebron doesnt care a shit if a couple dipshits are burning his jersey. The fan does, he is just burning his own money and make himself look stupid.

12-03-2010, 05:50 AM
So signing with another team when you're a free agent is quitting? If thats the case there are a whole bunch of quitters in the league.

Not really. This is a very unique situation. Is this the first time in NBA history a first option player left a team as a free agent the same year the team had the best regular season record? It's one thing to leave because you aren't winning or because management can't afford to pay your salary demands but to leave the team with the best record is extremely unusual. The Cavs were so close and that's why most people feel he is a quitter.

12-03-2010, 07:33 AM
Your right, Lebron owes the city or ownership nothing. But don't forget that (some of )these multi-million dollar, ignorant, can barely-read-6th-grade-level athletes are priviliged to play for an NBA sports team. The Cavaliers for all intents and purposes is an employer and they employ athletes. I don't know what economic systems your use too but here in the U.S. bosses, not the employees, have the last word. Now, with that said, I know some NBA owners just throw players to the curb and don't take players into consideration but in my opinion, Lebron could have left the team (which is solely his right) without the circus. Dude wants to leave? Cool. Just give your 2 week notice like most good employees do. Don't eat up T.V. time to say your quitting. You try that with your employer/boss. Tell him you want to get all your fellow employees together in the conference room, him included, bring the punch, cake, cookies and at the very end, tell him, "I quit". See how he reacts.

Lebron made a business decision. I respect it. But it was, is and will always be regarded as a cowardly act. Why the circus?

12-03-2010, 07:36 AM
Fuck LeDouche and his antics.

12-03-2010, 08:47 AM
Fuck LeDouche and his antics.

yes yes yes :toast

12-03-2010, 08:58 AM
It's all about money and winning. Loyalty means squat in the business world. The NBA is a business designed to provide us with entertainment.

12-03-2010, 09:03 AM
It's all about money and winning. Loyalty means squat in the business world. The NBA is a business designed to provide us with entertainment.

True but when you say you won't quit before bringing a championship and then leave before that, you're a quitter

12-03-2010, 09:11 AM
True but when you say you won't quit before bringing a championship and then leave before that, you're a quitter

I missed him saying that... Then again Pat Riley said he would retire when Magic did....

12-03-2010, 12:00 PM
reggie miller(that is who was on the broadcast team right?) was ridiculous last night saying lebron needs to apologize after the game to cleveland for "the decision". fuck that dickhead miller!

12-03-2010, 12:22 PM
Four, he dragged out his decision on national TV then stuck a dagger in his hometown. (Which is to be expected since he's a bandwagon Yankee fan.)

Five, he surrounded himself by underprivileged children from the Cleveland community so he could rip out their little hearts live on national tv.

Six, he managed to refer to his "talents" in an interview for about the thousandth time.

Yeah he made a business decision. Nothing wrong with that. It doesn't change the fact that he's become the biggest d-bag in the NBA.

12-03-2010, 12:23 PM
My only issue with Lebron is he thought and still thinks going to Miami will easily bring them championships. That he and his teammates can skip steps. That there won't be tough times. That they won't have to put in the work and effort like everyone else. There is no such thing as an easy road to a championship. I can't believe Lebron, the other heat players, fans, and the supporters really expected there to be no adversity whatsoever. That they wouldn't have to EARN it like previous championship teams.

12-03-2010, 12:24 PM
The entire lebron situation is just hype for ESPN to skeetskeet over. Wgaf about the entire thing.

12-03-2010, 01:39 PM
It's all about money and winning. Loyalty means squat in the business world. The NBA is a business designed to provide us with entertainment.

No one is saying he's a dick for going to Miami. They're saying he's a dick for the Decision.

He is, however, a pussy for going to Miami.

12-03-2010, 01:40 PM
No one is saying he's a dick for going to Miami. They're saying he's a dick for the Decision.

He is, however, a pussy for going to Miami.


I bet if he left like every other free agent who left thier team, he'd probably have some cheering like Big Z had.

12-03-2010, 03:48 PM
'The Decision' was the worst idea ever. But it proves how much of a D-bag Bron really is.

Mav-elous Man
12-03-2010, 04:49 PM
What did he give Cleveland? Certainly not a title.

And Cleveland didn't give him shit either. A bunch of garbage surrounding him. Not another good complimentary player. Don't believe me? See last night's game. That team that got ran off the court and showed up flat when their city wanted them to get the win so badly last night, WAS THE SAME DAMN TEAM THAT SHOWED UP (OR SHOULD I SAY DIDN'T SHOW UP) IN THE PLAYOFFS LAST YEAR. People want to blame that on LeBron but he averaged 30ppg in that Boston series. He had no help!!! That team gave up on him. You can't put all of that on LeBron. He has some talent around him now.

Mav-elous Man
12-03-2010, 05:01 PM
No one is saying he's a dick for going to Miami. They're saying he's a dick for the Decision.

He is, however, a pussy for going to Miami.

If you really look at it, it is about him going to Miami. Look at the comments people made and the signs people had. Quitness??? Referencing him going to another team. The whole issue with people calling him a quitter is BECAUSE HE WENT TO ANOTHER TEAM. That has nothing to do with the show itself. If it were REALLY about the show, they wouldn't be burning his jersey and other paraphernalia because he originally announced his decision on national tv. Bottom line is they are mad because he left and not because of some stupid ass tv show. Who really quit was that Cavs team on the floor last night. No effort, no hustle for a city that wanted nothing more than that win last night. Thats who quit and thats who LeBron played with last year. Lets see the fans get mad at them.

12-03-2010, 05:03 PM
And Cleveland didn't give him shit either. A bunch of garbage surrounding him. Not another good complimentary player. Don't believe me? See last night's game. That team that got ran off the court and showed up flat when their city wanted them to get the win so badly last night, WAS THE SAME DAMN TEAM THAT SHOWED UP (OR SHOULD I SAY DIDN'T SHOW UP) IN THE PLAYOFFS LAST YEAR. People want to blame that on LeBron but he averaged 30ppg in that Boston series. He had no help!!! That team gave up on him. You can't put all of that on LeBron. He has some talent around him now.

yah, Lebron is doing much better now. :lmao

That Cavs team last night with Lebron was #1 seed two years in a row. GTFO. Hows MIami doing? GTFO

Mav-elous Man
12-03-2010, 05:06 PM
yah, Lebron is doing much better now. :lmao

That is beside the point. The point is he went where he FELT he had the best chance to win. And he IS doing much better because that team who got their ass kicked last night (the team that quit) is who he would have been stuck with this year. Trust me. He IS better off.

12-03-2010, 05:10 PM
That is beside the point. The point is he went where he FELT he had the best chance to win. And he IS doing much better because that team who got their ass kicked last night (the team that quit) is who he would have been stuck with this year. Trust me. He IS better off.

Dude..dont be a dumbass...you are comparing a CAVS TEAM without Lebron to a MIAMI TEAM with Lebron. Of course, Miami would be better.

What you need to compare is:

Last years Cavs team with Lebron versus this years Miami team with Lebron?

Williams/Parker/Lebron/Hickson/Jamison/Shaq/West/Varejao would shit all over this Miami team.

Mav-elous Man
12-03-2010, 05:15 PM
Dude..dont be a dumbass...you are comparing a CAVS TEAM without Lebron to a MIAMI TEAM with Lebron. Of course, Miami would be better.

What you need to compare is:

Last years Cavs team with Lebron versus this years Miami team with Lebron?

Williams/Parker/Lebron/Hickson/Jamison/Shaq/West/Varejao would shit all over this Miami team.

Don't ignore the facts and question your own dumbassedness. Thats the same team that repeatedly quit in the playoffs. THE SAME TEAM that Boston ran through. I would have took my chances in Miami too. And I don't even like the Heat. Know your facts before you come at me with dumb bullshit.

12-03-2010, 05:16 PM
mav-elous man just sent the machine back to the factory to get fixed

12-03-2010, 05:20 PM
Don't ignore the facts and question your own dumbassedness. Thats the same team that repeatedly quit in the playoffs. THE SAME TEAM that Boston ran through. I would have took my chances in Miami too. And I don't even like the Heat. Know your facts before you come at me with dumb bullshit.

mav-elous man just sent the machine back to the factory to get fixed


Cavs: 2 years in first place
Miami Heat: 12-8 Currently 5th place.

Is that not fact? Dont be a dumbass.

12-03-2010, 05:21 PM
don't ignore the facts and question your own dumbassedness. Thats the same team that lebron repeatedly quit in the playoffs. The same team that boston ran through. I would have took my chances in miami too. And i don't even like the heat. Know your facts before you come at me with dumb bullshit.


12-03-2010, 05:24 PM
Mav-elous still wont answer the question:

Who's better?

2009-2010 Cavs
2010-2011 Heat

Mav-elous Man
12-03-2010, 05:35 PM

Cavs: 2 years in first place
Miami Heat: 12-8 Currently 5th place.

Is that not fact? Dont be a dumbass.

2 years with pretty much the same cast, for the most part. Nothing to show for it but a well whooped ass in the playoffs. 2 years vs 20 games. Don't be a dumb ass.

12-03-2010, 05:35 PM
yah, Lebron is doing much better now. :lmao

That Cavs team last night with Lebron was #1 seed two years in a row. GTFO. Hows MIami doing? GTFO

You expect a team with a completely different makeup to start winning at championship caliber levels right away? They won't win it this year, but we'll see what happens the year after this, the year after that one, and then the year after that.

12-03-2010, 05:39 PM
You expect a team with a completely different makeup to start winning at championship caliber levels right away? They won't win it this year, but we'll see what happens the year after this, the year after that one, and then the year after that.

hmm..."Heat Index". "Win 72 games". "Pre-Season Celebration". "This is gonna be easy". "Will win 8 chmapionships".

So are you saying im the only who thought they were going to be better then 12-8? Come on San Antonio Heat fan...lets get real.

12-03-2010, 05:40 PM
2 years with pretty much the same cast, for the most part. Nothing to show for it but a well whooped ass in the playoffs. 2 years vs 20 games. Don't be a dumb ass.

whats your point again?

12-03-2010, 05:41 PM
whats your point again?

He doesnt have one...he's been copying and pasting the same shit all week.

12-03-2010, 05:58 PM
hmm..."Heat Index". "Win 72 games". "Pre-Season Celebration". "This is gonna be easy". "Will win 8 chmapionships".

So are you saying im the only who thought they were going to be better then 12-8? Come on San Antonio Heat fan...lets get real.

No, no way am I saying that. ESPN however has commercial interests, obviously, as this phenomenon pours out of their assholes daily...they're a bunch of douches. But really, a lot of people thought they were favorites, human nature, sure.

I still think he's better off in the long run, and after this season has started we all know there's not much to expect out of the Heat this year. They may start to mesh at the end of the season and it'll probably be too late for this year, but the next 2 years are different stories. Especially considering that the top 3 teams (at least in my opinion, LA, Spurs, Celts in no particular order) in the league right now standing in Miami's way are pretty damn old. Soon enough, those 3 teams will be on their way out, and Miami will be on the rise, as long as Bosh or 'Bron doesn't do something retarded and leave for somewhere else again.

12-03-2010, 05:59 PM
No, no way am I saying that. ESPN however has commercial interests, obviously, as this phenomenon pours out of their assholes daily...they're a bunch of douches. But really, a lot of people thought they were favorites, human nature, sure.

I still think he's better off in the long run, and after this season has started we all know there's not much to expect out of the Heat this year. They may start to mesh at the end of the season and it'll probably be too late for this year, but the next 2 years are different stories. Especially considering that the top 3 teams (at least in my opinion, LA, Spurs, Celts in no particular order) in the league right now standing in Miami's way are pretty damn old. Soon enough, those 3 teams will be on their way out, and Miami will be on the rise, as long as Bosh or 'Bron doesn't do something retarded and leave for somewhere else again.

Bosh for varejao/hickson. Wade for Willaims/Jamison. :p:

Mav-elous Man
12-03-2010, 06:00 PM
Game 1 vs Boston : 35points 7reb 7ast win

Game 2 vs Boston : 24 points 7reb 4ast lose

Game 3 vs Boston : 38points 8reb 7ast win

Game 4 vs Boston : 22points 9reb 8ast lose

Game 5 vs Boston : 15points 7reb 7ast lose obviously cuz no one else is capable of picking up the slack

Game 6 vs Boston : **elimination game** 27points 19reb 10 ast lose

Series avg : 26.8ppg 9.5rpg 7.2

Oh yeah sounds like a quitter to me!!! Compare that to what the rest of the team did throughout the series...

Here: http://www.nba.com/playoffs2010/eastseries5/

You do the work. I got you this far. FACTS!!!

FACT: 1st place and a second round exit

Here is another fact. EVERY championship team has had more than one player who could get it done on any given night. Last year's Cleveland (as good as it was) didn't have that. This years Miami does. FACT!!! It will take time to gel but he IS better off in Miami. Believe that. Don't be a dumbass.

12-03-2010, 06:04 PM
Here is another fact. EVERY championship team has had more than one player who could get it done on any given night. Last year's Cleveland (as good as it was) didn't have that. This years Miami does. FACT!!! It will take time to gel but he IS better off in Miami. Believe that. Don't be a dumbass.

Here's another Fact. Every championship team has role players that can hit big shots and make big plays when the shit hits the fan. This years Miami does not have that. FACT!! Don't be a dumbass. Unless you think James Jones is the man.

12-03-2010, 06:07 PM
Here's another Fact. Every championship team has role players that can hit big shots and make big plays when the shit hits the fan. This years Miami does not have that. FACT!! Don't be a dumbass. Unless you think James Jones is the man.
Miller is injured, but him, Jones, and Chalmers can all hit some big threes, in conjunction with everything the Miami big 3 can bring. It doesn't look too horrible on paper, but pretty much everything is going against Miami's way right now.

12-03-2010, 06:09 PM
Miller is injured, but him, Jones, and Chalmers can all hit some big threes, in conjunction with everything the Miami big 3 can bring. It doesn't look too horrible on paper, but pretty much everything is going against Miami's way right now.

I'll give you Miller...but thats about it.

Mav-elous Man
12-03-2010, 06:12 PM
Here's another Fact. Every championship team has role players that can hit big shots and make big plays when the shit hits the fan. This years Miami does not have that. FACT!! Don't be a dumbass. Unless you think James Jones is the man.

And Cleveland didn't have that either. I never said he would win it all this year. I still think Boston is the team to beat in the East. I said it would take time to gel. But he IS better off in Miami.

I'm tired of helping you make yourself look stupid.

I'm going to work. Enjoyed the debate. Will check the thread when I get back. For the record, I hate D-Wade. LeBron is alright with me. Fuck the Heat.

12-03-2010, 06:14 PM
I'll give you Miller...but thats about it.
That's interesting because James Jones is a career 40% 3-point shooter. And that stat is not taking into consideration that he is shooting 43.6% this year from beyond the arc.

D-Wade has proved his clutch-ness in this league for years, he can make the big shot. You're argument is weak.

12-03-2010, 06:20 PM
That's interesting because James Jones is a career 40% 3-point shooter. And that stat is not taking into consideration that he is shooting 43.6% this year from beyond the arc.

D-Wade has proved his clutch-ness in this league for years, he can make the big shot. You're argument is weak.

Weak? Your arguement is about James Jones...a player that hasnt done anything to prove that he can make a big play.

As for Wade, we are talking about role players. is that what you think he is now?

Mav-elous Man
12-03-2010, 06:22 PM
if you've read any of my numerous posts on this subject, you'd know I agree with your stance

Sorry I quoted you by mistake.

12-03-2010, 06:44 PM
So many potential San Antonio Heat members in this thread. I like what i see.
Even a spider can see that's funny, and I'm talking about those spiders with 10 eyes on their stomach.

12-03-2010, 06:46 PM
pretty much everything is going against Miami's way right now.

lol using the injury excuse because some role players on miami are injured

12-03-2010, 06:48 PM
Weak? Your arguement is about James Jones...a player that hasnt done anything to prove that he can make a big play.

As for Wade, we are talking about role players. is that what you think he is now?

My argument is not about James Jones, it's about James Jones, Mike Miller IN ADDITION to Wade, Lebron, and Bosh. Having role players than can spread the floor and hit shots from outside are often necessary to win championship, but most teams don't have Lebron, Wade, and Bosh.

You set up the topic as if all teams are equal before considering other role players, which isn't true.

So going back to your post:

Here's another Fact. Every championship team has role players that can hit big shots and make big plays when the shit hits the fan. This years Miami does not have that. FACT!! Don't be a dumbass. Unless you think James Jones is the man.
They don't have too many solid role players compared to other elite teams, but they also have Lebron, Wade, and Bosh. So if you want to consider either Lebron or D-Wade as the man in Miami, then you can also classify either Lebron or Wade and Bosh as role players.

See what I'm getting at?

And be real, how many players does your average team have that can make the big shot and big plays? Manu is pretty much the closer in SA, the Spurs are still doing great. And he can hit big shots in the playoffs.
Are you saying Lebron + Wade aren't enough for providing players that can make the big play? :lmao



Get out of here with that BS. Why don't we put Manu + Kobe on the same team, as well as a couple respectable 3-point shooters like Steve Blake and Kyle Korver, and then state that our team doesn't have the players to make big plays.... more or less, you're arguing a very similar thing.

12-03-2010, 06:49 PM

lol using the injury excuse because some role players on miami are injured

I'm not making excuses nor do I give a shit if the Heat ever turn it around or not.

12-03-2010, 06:51 PM
You expect a team with a completely different makeup to start winning at championship caliber levels right away?
The Celtics managed to.

12-03-2010, 06:52 PM
My argument is not about James Jones, it's about James Jones, Mike Miller IN ADDITION to Wade, Lebron, and Bosh. Having role players than can spread the floor and hit shots from outside are often necessary to win championship, but most teams don't have Lebron, Wade, and Bosh.

You set up the topic as if all teams are equal before considering other role players, which isn't true.

So going back to your post:

They don't have too many solid role players compared to other elite teams, but they also have Lebron, Wade, and Bosh. So if you want to consider either Lebron or D-Wade as the man in Miami, then you can also classify either Lebron or Wade and Bosh as role players.

See what I'm getting at?

And be real, how many players does your average team have that can make the big shot and big plays? Manu is pretty much the closer in SA, the Spurs are still doing great. And he can hit big shots in the playoffs.
Are you saying Lebron + Wade aren't enough for providing players that can make the big play? :lmao



Get out of here with that BS. Why don't we put Manu + Kobe on the same team, as well as a couple respectable 3-point shooters like Steve Blake and Kyle Korver, and then state that our team doesn't have the players to make big plays.... more or less, you're arguing a very similar thing.

fuck...your arguement is giving me a headache.

12-03-2010, 06:53 PM
I'm not making excuses nor do I give a shit if the Heat ever turn it around or not.
classic San Antonio cHeat fan. After 3 pages of relentlessly defending Lebron's "The Decision", overstating how bad Lebron's supporting cast was and how great it is that Lebron finally has a great fuckin supporting cast (:cry), he randomly says "I don't care about the cHeat :cry" when he realizes how funny it looks to see a spurs fan care so much about them.

12-03-2010, 06:58 PM
Alvarez, you do know the difference between role players and the main guys right?

12-03-2010, 07:23 PM
Alvarez, you do know the difference between role players and the main guys right?

Yes, yes I do.

Looks like you didn't read my post.

I'll follow your logic once again: How many role players do the Celtics have that can knock down the big shot? And we're talking role players, so other than the "main guys" of Pierce, Garnett, Rondo, and Allen.

Pretty retarded logic if you ask me.

12-03-2010, 07:28 PM
classic San Antonio cHeat fan. After 3 pages of relentlessly defending Lebron's "The Decision", overstating how bad Lebron's supporting cast was and how great it is that Lebron finally has a great fuckin supporting cast (:cry), he randomly says "I don't care about the cHeat :cry" when he realizes how funny it looks to see a spurs fan care so much about them.
Like I've said, their success or unsuccess does not make a difference to me. Does that mean I can't argue and talk about the subject??? I don't mind discussing the Lakers, the Celtics, or the Magic for that matter, as I've posted a lot about these teams in the past. Do I give a shit if they win it or not? Not really, more so the opposite, I want all of the above to not win it.

It's a fucking NBA forum, sorry I'm not simply saying LOL Spurs LOL Heat or starting 50 threads like the fag lakaluva does daily. You guys want to only post about meaningless, childish shit, go ahead. Sounds fun.

12-03-2010, 07:30 PM
LOL, Frodo troll I see your team is the GSW. By default, and by your own standards, you should not post in the NBA or Spurs forum period.

12-03-2010, 07:31 PM
Like I've said, their success or unsuccess does not make a difference to me. Does that mean I can't argue and talk about the subject???
sure you can, but it's very transparent you have a vested emotional interest in watching the Heat/Lebron do well and are upset at anyone who criticizes Lebron.

12-03-2010, 07:31 PM
Yes, yes I do.

Looks like you didn't read my post.

I'll follow your logic once again: How many role players do the Celtics have that can knock down the big shot? And we're talking role players, so other than the "main guys" of Pierce, Garnett, Rondo, and Allen.

Pretty retarded logic if you ask me.

Big shots and big plays. I'd say last year they had Rasheed Wallace, Big Baby and Nate Robinson. This year you can include Shaq in that.

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs565.snc3/30840_1497529242833_1372171803_1341637_7024584_n.j pg

12-03-2010, 07:31 PM
LOL, Frodo troll I see your team is the GSW. By default, and by your own standards, you should not post in the NBA or Spurs forum period.
Tbh I see your flag is argentinian, you should relocate to the nazi forum.

12-03-2010, 07:33 PM
It's a fucking NBA forum, sorry I'm not simply saying LOL Spurs LOL Heat or starting 50 threads like the fag lakaluva does daily. You guys want to only post about meaningless, childish shit, go ahead. Sounds fun.

sidenote: Why do you guys even tolerate that Lakaluva guy?

It's a Spurs board and he dominates this board with killer efficiency. Has an IP ban ever been discussed among mods?

12-03-2010, 07:35 PM
Tbh I see your flag is argentinian, you should relocate to the nazi forum.

That might be correct according to YOUR standards, but I don't think like you.

12-03-2010, 07:37 PM
sidenote: Why do you guys even tolerate that Lakaluva guy?

It's a Spurs board and he dominates this board with killer efficiency. Has an IP ban ever been discussed among mods?

I'm not really the person to ask.

12-03-2010, 07:42 PM
you San Antonio Heat fans are still being butthurt over Cavs fan being butthurt?

12-03-2010, 07:47 PM
sidenote: Why do you guys even tolerate that Lakaluva guy?

It's a Spurs board and he dominates this board with killer efficiency. Has an IP ban ever been discussed among mods?

Killer efficiency? Luva has to make 10 threads a day to dominate... that's not very efficient. :lol

12-03-2010, 07:52 PM
That might be correct according to YOUR standards
and your government's

12-03-2010, 07:55 PM
Killer efficiency? Luva has to make 10 threads a day to dominate... that's not very efficient. :lol

His childish turret outbursts always bring the replies. Why does everyone feed the troll? This is just from what I've seen. Love the board and how active it is but not here very often.

12-03-2010, 08:00 PM
and your government's

I've hardly lived in Argentina, I've lived essentially my entire life in the States.

But if you're trying to get at me via bashing Argentina's government...LOL, instead I'd join you.

12-03-2010, 08:01 PM
you San Antonio Heat fans are still being butthurt over Cavs fan being butthurt?

how dare you accuse us of butthurtness! :ihit

12-03-2010, 08:04 PM
His childish turret outbursts always bring the replies. Why does everyone feed the troll? This is just from what I've seen. Love the board and how active it is but not here very often.

Eh, it's fun to piss him off. He acts like he's just trolling but he makes sure to keep his distance after a loss, and then he comes back with a vengeance.

The only truly shitty Laker fan is Koolaid.